The Truth About SD

Without the US everyone one would be at war..believe it or not.
Well I won't believe it.I think there would be peace,coz your answer to every problem is dropping bombs!If that's not war,what is it?

we are in a way peace keepers.

Um did you get knocked over the head ''HON''? Yeah,I guess killin' families and destroying homes is pretty peaceful. This is your ultimate excuse for causing death and mischief on earth.I must admit it's quite smart.

Yes countries hate us but its because you ALL wanna be like us.

what's this supposed to mean?I guess most would like to be rich,but I doubt these ''countries'' want to actually have the arrogant characters most americans tend to have.
I think the real reason why most countries hate america,is coz of the distress you've caused them.So do you believe the palastinians hate you coz they wanna be like you? Why do you think they really hate you?come on,I know you're smart,What's the real answer? come on cuchy cuchy,boo,boo.

We are the like the bouncer at a bar. You cant stand we sit here and watch ur every move but if some threatens to kick ur ass we will be there to puch them aside.

Um according to what's happening right now in the world,who threatened Afghanistan and Iraq?

No where.....And to a minor point you little antics "swing and miss" **** is really ****in annoying and EVERYONE would agree a BIT childish.

Well she may be a bit childish,but there is an element of truth in what she says.The truth hurts doesn't it ''HON'',but I think you need to face up to the fact that your precious country ain't so perfect.And you need to look at the pain you've caused rather than scream,''Why should we get attacked?'' like a little bitch.Look beyond yourself and at the suffering of others,this would make you true heroes in the eyes of many.
Without the US everyone one would be at war..believe it or not.

Well I won't believe it.I think there would be peace,coz your answer to every problem is dropping bombs!If that's not war,what is it?

we are in a way peace keepers.

Um did you get knocked over the head ''HON''? Yeah,I guess killin' families and destroying homes is pretty peaceful. This is your ultimate excuse for causing death and mischief on earth.I must admit it's quite smart.

Yes countries hate us but its because you ALL wanna be like us.

what's this supposed to mean?I guess most would like to be rich,but I doubt these ''countries'' want to actually have the arrogant characters most americans tend to have.
I think the real reason why most countries hate america,is coz of the distress you've caused them.So do you believe the palastinians hate you coz they wanna be like you? Why do you think they really hate you?come on,I know you're smart,What's the real answer? come on cuchy cuchy,boo,boo.

We are the like the bouncer at a bar. You cant stand we sit here and watch ur every move but if some threatens to kick ur ass we will be there to puch them aside.

Um according to what's happening right now in the world,who threatened Afghanistan and Iraq?

No where.....And to a minor point you little antics "swing and miss" **** is really ****in annoying and EVERYONE would agree a BIT childish.

Well she may be a bit childish,but there is an element of truth in what she says.The truth hurts doesn't it ''HON'',but I think you need to face up to the fact that your precious country ain't so perfect.And you need to look at the pain you've caused rather than scream,''Why should we get attacked?'' like a little bitch.Look beyond yourself and at the suffering of others,this would make you true heroes in the eyes of many.

hey thats quite cute how u kept calling me HON...its was a joke. No one said we were perfect but dont get mad at the truth if U CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH.
Remember...this is all opinion, if u dont like mine skat cat.
Gray~Gal said:
hey thats quite cute how u kept calling me HON...its was a joke. No one said we were perfect but dont get mad at the truth if U CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH.
Remember...this is all opinion, if u dont like mine skat cat.

Did you state the ''truth''?I thought it sounded more like an arrogant person's denial!
Well I don't like your opinion but I don't think I'll be ''skat catting'' anywhere hon! :confused:
Spleef, the weather is generally pretty good here, though in the summer in Ontario it's like a ****ing jungle, especially in like...Toronto with the damn smog. In Alberta though, it's a dry heat so it can go up to almost 30 without any REAL discomfort unless you're in your car. c(o: Sweet. Of course, winter can get pretty brutal. -40 with the wind, Jesus ****!

Anyway, I've never been to Quebec but I hear it's a fun place, particularly Montreal. Whereas Toronto has culture and ****, but has a stick up its ass. Anyway.

Gal, since you're clearly too slow to figure this out, let me explain. You see, SD was sick of people belittling her opinions and remarks because of her age, particularly when they used pet names like honey and sweetie, so she decided to annoy them back by doing the same thing--to illustrate how irritating it is, and to show that she thinks THEY are inferior, not herself. Do we understand now? -_-'
-_-'! Tizz, don't make me call you a moron again. It was another technique to illustrate how little I thought of the tiny mind I was addressing. Do we all understand now? Have we ever heard of literary techniques before? Did ANY of us actually complete high school?
Since I had the privlege of knowing SD IRL, I'm going to say something...

Shauna (who IS SD..THE FEMALE!!) is a very complex person, at times. Her and I have had our debates. I refuse to call them arguments because at the end of it all, it was all in good fun and discussion, without any real emotions attached towards it with the intention of hurting another. I have often found myself in comfort because I could say what I wanted, without worrying. Despite how many of you wish to call her close-minded, I find that every time I say something totally opposite of her (which is very often), she simply replied with something intelligent, or "to each his own" (or something similar).

My point is that a lot of you guys are underestimating her and only looking at her faults. She's a very intelligent person who is VERY open to learning new things, despite having already made up her mind in what she believes (and there is NOTHING wrong with that). I admire that she at least has the balls to stick with what she believes, whilst maintaining logical rationale for it. So you guys may disagree with a lot of what she says, but that doesn't make her any more ignorant, Canadian, teenagerish, or typical than anyone else - so don't lable her as such (even if she is Canadian and a teen). She still is her own person, but don't lump her into a category that has a stigma attached to it just because you disagree.

I really respect Shauna, she's an interesting person with many interests. She's a great learner, listener, and is great to have fun with. You rock, SD :)
That you did LOL Don't worry I am on a forum with my best friend of like forever and we go to bat for each other when need be. I can't fault ya there LOL. See now this is what I mean, Jenn isn't on here being an arrogant little piss so I can't bring myself to bust her. The words are what is in question. Oh and attitude