Posted by Ctrl:That is a completely sweeping generalization and completely untrue. Nothing but an excuse in some cases. For many, its just a stimuli they adopted.
Adopted? For what cause? Does it get them less jail? Does it make the kids feel better? No. It is a sweeping TRUISM. You disregard the overwhelming, and I am in the deep decimal points of the 99%, of pedophiles who acknowledge that they were themselves victimized at some point? On what authority do you divine the ability to do so? What is your source? **** that. Stating a thing isn't true doesn't make it so. Yes I spoke in absolutes, which is normally just a silly thing to do, but in this case justifiable only because of the overwhelming nature of the majority for whom it is true. I have never heard of one who didn't, and my best friend is in the business of counsiling them during incarceration. She isn't big on excuses. You don't want me to bring HER here. She isn't nice.
I never said that. In the case of ancient Greece, it was a social issue.
you said...
Ya, I don't think its possible to teach or learn sexual preference. It either gets your **** hard, or it doesn't.
Either it is environmental (learned behavior) or you are simply born liking it or not liking it (genetically predisposed) or both. If you say both, then the genetic animal MUST pre-exist... ergo all Greece was predisposed to it. I don't know how you can argue both sides.
I think the problem here is your trying to find a singular cause for homosexuality.
I said from the beginning that I believe that there IS a genetic predisposition, but that the vast majority in this society are NOT predisposed.
Ummm...ermmm...if they're in the closet, then I'm not privy to their dirty little secret. Thus making your question mute.
Moot. I said out of the closet.
So to draw parallels between the two concerning social behaviors influencing homosexual behavior, is asinine. Ancient Greece society allowed for pedophilia to remain socially acceptable, which tips the scales.
The "fear" would be that overbearing tollerance leads to that result again in THIS society... and I am not talking about society... which people don't seem to get... I am arguing AGAINST genetics, by pointing out that this behavior, once accepted, continues to multiply, which debunks the idea of genetic predisposition. It is not assinine to point to evidence to the contrary of your opinion.
Genetics do not determine sexual preference. That does not mean that if your gay, it is a learned response due to your social environment. Genetics determine your hair color, your eye color etc. Genetics do not always give you your sense of humor or any other behavioral traits.
Allow me to clarify, as I'm getting the impression you believe that people must think either X or Y.
Ok... at least I understand a little better now... I am glad you brought up x and y... because there is nothing in our genetic coding that determines, prior to conception, whether or not we are going to have a boy or a girl. Our *** is determined by that Y chromosome during our incubation within the first month. Sometimes the wrong hormones go the wrong way. You get a girl with an influx of boy hormones, a boy with an influx of girl hormones. I FULLY believe that genetic homosexuals exist, and again... for those people I feel empathy, because that has to be difficult to understand within yourself.
A cause? Its not like catching a cold. You can't catch gayness. You either get off on **** and *****, or you do not. Sure, theres plenty of people that were molested by their Uncle nasty and eventually this caused homosexual emulation. Possibly even preference. Like a learned response mechanism. But to generalize as to a "cause" for the majority of gays is irresponsible.
There is a "cause" for everything. You want to not accept that philosophy and call anything you dont understand the genesis of chaos, that is your gig. I don't want to get derailed with chaos theory, but whatever that "magic" anomoly in your brain that triggers whether or not you like guys or girls has a cause, and it is irresponsible NOT to try and figure it out.
First, most Greek homosexuality depicted is between a older dominant male and a submissive adolescent male.
By hollywood maybe. Try google. The soldiers were off at war ******* eachother in group orgies. The children were generally reserved for officials and the wealthy. Slavery had a much different twist. Everybody was ******* everybody. Young boys were just the top prize, and women? ******* women was boring. That is why Sparta fell. They stopped making babies, because they were off ******* eachother and dying in war without repopulating the lost. That, I can demonstrate.
The fact that the rate of homosexual activity varies among cultures does not prove that genes do not have a role. In societies where homosexuality is not repressed, as it is in cultures influenced by Abrahamic religions, there will be more homosexuality. No one argues that point. Genes only predispose individuals toward certain behaviors.
So your argument is that because it will be unlikely for me to disprove that all of Greece was genetically predisposed to buggery, it is the likely scenario? Come on, you are a smart guy. Do the math. Accept that social primmers decide FOR you whether or not your **** gets hard for a dude. How many hard *** ************* in prison do you think jacked off to peewee herman before becoming **** pirates in prison? **** your logic. Be real.