The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
What have the workers ever done for us? No much, except delivered for their despotic bosses a hell on earth when paradise was an option.

Somebody just had to build -

The Pyramids - a monument to monumental madness.

The Great Wall of China - keeping out the rabbits?

The great Gulags & Concentration Camps - holiday retreats?

The torture chambers, jails and loony bins - diversification?

The great armaments factories and bomb installations.

Nuclear installations - for peace and clean air?

No matter which way you cut it, the workers (mostly criminals) of the world have always been ready to do just about anything for a buck, a rouble, a pound or a yen. They have always derided things of any quality or taste. Walk into a workers gathering and listen for any words longer than one syllable, but don't hold your breath. The working class suburbs of Balmain, Mortdale, Paddington, etc during the 40's & 50's were just ****roach, rat and worker infested slums that were never improved by an iota by any worker who lived in them. Their cultural aspirations were on the same par as their neighbours, the rats and the ****roaches. They were, and still are, by inclination and definition, just a rabble of slum scum.

"The Workers" have always been greedy, vulgar, insular, xenophobic and crass. The drawings by Vincent Van Gogh and other artists simply show a fantasy beyond any semblance of reality. They don't show the ugliness inside. There is nothing singularly 'noble' about the 'worker'. They will side with anyone who will pay them. They should be used in laboratories instead of rats for 3 good reasons:

1. There are more workers than rats.
2. You can get emotionally attached to a rat.
3. There are some things that a rat just won't do.

The workers have always gone out of their way to slime and to dud their employers. The 19th century houseowner with servants was a lucky sod indeed, if he could manage to find half of his staff who would rip him off the least amount. Servants were always notorious thieves and liars. The only cure for the thieving of a worker was to replace him with a more honest, diligent, loyal and attractive creature - a machine. That is why technology has been so eagerly sought after - not because people naturally loved the machine, but simply the machine is less likely to leave one destitute, which is practically guaranteed by the 'Noble Worker" .

Workers are by nature greedy, selfish, nasty, rude, arrogant and totally soulless - otherwise they're about as lovable as a large typhoid colony. Most popular songs avoid any reference to 'the worker' because they have nothing about them worth praising. Only similarly degenerate members of society have bothered to laud 'The Workers' because they were just as poisonous a species - "The Folk Singers" - totally crazed political zealots, more fanatical that the Muslims. No song about workers has ever been worth playing, except for maybe

"The working class can kiss my arse, I've got the poet's job at last".

The only worthwhile thing built by the workers and for the workers are the Soviet and the Chinese gulags and death camps. The singular saving grace of the Nazis was that they knew the true worth of "The Worker" and the correct ethical treatment of them and their 'rights'. Let the worthless rabble rot where they lie and exercise their cheap and moronic 'rights'. Need more dope? Plant a worker. Or, to put it more artistically "Up The Workers!" - SIDEWAYS!
Look down your nose at me like that and you get a working class ass whippin, pal.

No matter which way you cut it, the workers (mostly criminals) of the world have always been ready to do just about anything for a buck,

A sweeping generalization of good people whom are as diverse, perhaps more so then your average white collar pencil pusher.

Their cultural aspirations were on the same par as their neighbours, the rats and the ****roaches. They were, and still are, by inclination and definition, just a rabble of slum scum.

OK I'm calling you out here on this. STOP IT WITH THE ACT for just a few minutes. Who is this "their" ..."they"..."them" you are speaking of? Answer this question without your fake ass snobby intellectual wanna be novelist bullshit. If its possible for you to speak like a god dam normal person as opposed to this faux monotone Shakespearian ****.

Workers are by nature greedy, selfish, nasty, rude, arrogant and totally soulless
Enron scandal ring any bells you son of a bitch?

Ken Lay perhaps you holier then thou ****eater? "Workers" might be down for their own interest, but at least they don't **** every god dam person who trusted them out of the entirety of their savings.

The workers have always gone out of their way to slime and to dud their employers.
Kinda like when the well manicured employers I busted my ass for, for eight years, that dropped my insurance to save themselves a ****ing buck?

I didn't like you and your fake ass literary style of E speak from day one. You might have impressed some of the other members of this forum initially with your seemingly witty banter. But not me ****er. I saw your fraudulent ass coming a mile away bro. You painted an ugly portrait of the working class to validate your own superiority complex.

Act like a real man. Type and speak like a man you sissy bitch. Knock it off with the encoded quasi-poetic style of ranting. Your as transparent as it gets, bud. I see's through ya like wet tissue. Think your better then me because I don't stand upon a pedestal for a living? Think your better then me because I create something from nothing with only the power of my hands and the sweat of my brow?

Your every bit as much of a loser as I first thought you to be. Phreak had you pegged you fake mother****er when he asked the true origin of your rants. If your going to continue to debate on this forum, straighten up, climb down from your pedestal, and communicate with us eye to eye.:mad: :mad: :mad:
Jhony5 said:
Type and speak like a man you sissy bitch. Knock it off with the encoded quasi-poetic style of ranting..... If your going to continue to debate on this forum, straighten up, climb down from your pedestal, and communicate with us eye to eye.:mad: :mad: :mad:

Language is a tool, don't shout at people for not hammering with the handle.

As for a quick reply: The minds of the masses have always been subject to what is often considered the "Simpler" joys of life. The general desires of folk reflect this, as you pointed out in a less than fair manor.

I would argue first that any joys you deem simple or more reminiscent of rodents would be a quick dismissal of your ability to accept difference, relish all that life has to offer as well as discrediting your ability to free your mind from the influence of tradition (Much as a Nobles would absent mindedly attend opera which didn't interest them in the slightest, this 'culture' of the rich has too often found itself relishing what time would show us to be mediocre and forgettable). I may enjoy a fine dinner in a fine suit with some good Merlot more than most dirty Punks, but I will never be able to experience the fun of skanking around a room while listening to bad Punk music as they do. Shouldn

1. Yes the working man will demand a buck for his labor. As long as this is a capitalist society, said buck will be needed to put food on the table and pay the bills.

2. What have the working class done? Hmmm.....The food you eat, the car you drive, the house you live in, the computer that's in front of you.....They sure as hell weren't produced and put together by some shareholder who might occasionally sit behind a desk between golfing at the country club and sipping margaritas.
Jhony5 wrote:
Act like a real man. Type and speak like a man you sissy bitch. Knock it off with the encoded quasi-poetic style of ranting. Your as transparent as it gets, bud. I see's through ya like wet tissue. Think your better then me because I don't stand upon a pedestal for a living? Think your better then me because I create something from nothing with only the power of my hands and the sweat of my brow?
Gee, you've really got a way with words - both of them. But why so vague & subtle and airy fairy? You're allowed to actually say what you really think, you know - or am I asking too much? Just can't wait to hear your version of "The Great Workers' Manifesto" - or are you a bit busy with the "Workers' Culture?" (comic strips) Cheers!
Komrade Vostok Hazard wrote:
What have the working class done? Hmmm.....The food you eat, the car you drive, the house you live in, the computer that's in front of you.....They sure as hell weren't produced and put together by some shareholder who might occasionally sit behind a desk between golfing at the country club and sipping margaritas
Indeed they were not. They were put together with mechanical slaves - machines and computers - the real 'workers' - not the criminal malingerers that look for any way to get a freebie at any opportunity. The machines also have a better code of ethics too. They do what's right. Cheers!
eisanbt wrote:
]Language is a tool, don't shout at people for not hammering with the handle.
Nice point, Eis. I really enjoy your work and especially the ability to to go beyond two syllables.Frank exchange of views & all that.
I may enjoy a fine dinner in a fine suit with some good Merlot more than most dirty Punks, but I will never be able to experience the fun of skanking around a room while listening to bad Punk music as they do. Shouldn
Posted by Flatearther:
No one even suggested that the working rabble have to be liked, any more than other groups have to be tolerated. But to suggest that the 'working class' have some sort of moral imperative is to anthropomorphise our ****roaches when they may not deserve such accolades. Cheers!
Take your head out of your ass bro, and clear up your thesis. What is it that you deserve? Must you be liked because you went to college and you wouldn't dare get your hands dirty as a means of income?

not the criminal malingerers that look for any way to get a freebie at any opportunity.
Heres where your oddball elitist opinion fails miserably. Review the outstanding number of white collar CEO's that get sent to prison for ripping off the little guy. What is it you mean by labeling the working class as "criminals". Answer this straight and spare us your fake ass rabble.
Gee, you've really got a way with words - both of them. But why so vague & subtle and airy fairy?
Ironically that's about the third time I've seen you use that snappy comeback. Again you try to place those you deem unworthy in their proper slotting. Your speech is reminiscent of faggotry. Ya sissy drum banging fag. I think you and your witch doctor wife spend to much time meditating in your hut.

You're allowed to actually say what you really think, you know - or am I asking too much?
Its fine that you say what you think, despite the fact that it makes you out to be a holier then thou elitist. My issue with you is your delivery. I think your fraudulent. You want to slam on me for being real with ya, fine. I find your deranged intellectual manner of delivery to be transparent and fake as fake is fake, faker!

You don't participate in any existing threads, which sheds light upon where you derive your rantings from. Why wouldn't one whom is so opinionated, not feel the urge to participate in other discussions, as opposed to spamming this board with rehearsed pre-written elitist topics. You haven't the ability to debate that which is not already scripted. Thats why your retorts are flat and unbecoming of such a well polished opening statement.

I think you have this **** down in front of you, pages of it. When its time to respond suddenly you haven't the witty report to manifest a response that jives with your opening rant. Why is this?

Posted by Eisenbt:
Language is a tool, don't shout at people for not hammering with the handle
If language is a tool then this mother****ers using a screwdriver. I don't like him, haven't since day one. He can't be real with us. Instead he poises himself with much great effort, high above those he deems as inferior. I refuse to extend respect to him until he enters discussions that weren't started by him. Walk out of your comfort zone you cowardly man, and scrap with the safety net removed.
Flatearther said:
What have the workers ever done for us?

The question should be, "What haven't the workers done for us?"

Flatearther said:
No much, except delivered for their despotic bosses a hell on earth when paradise was an option.

You usually get what you really want. It's the delivery and interpretation that lets down the deal, and usually the ****-up comes from the design team. Not the plebs.

Flatearther said:
Somebody just had to build -

The Pyramids - a monument to monumental madness.

Slave labour, mostly. It's not like they had a choice.

Flatearther said:
The Great Wall of China - keeping out the rabbits?

I thought it was the Mongol hordes, and neighbouring marauders. I could be mistaken. Once again, people were press-ganged into this occupation. Would you give your all on a project you were being whipped into achieving?

Flatearther said:
The great Gulags & Concentration Camps - holiday retreats?

Wartime. A dedicated army with materials can achieve heaps in a short time.

Flatearther said:
The torture chambers, jails and loony bins - diversification?

Or forward thinking? Who really knows?

Flatearther said:
The great armaments factories and bomb installations.

Patriotism is a strong tool now. Stronger back then.

Flatearther said:
Nuclear installations - for peace and clean air?

And DU for the armour-piercing ammo has to come from somewhere.

Flatearther said:
No matter which way you cut it, the workers (mostly criminals) of the world have always been ready to do just about anything for a buck, a rouble, a pound or a yen.

I'm glad someone else gets off their arse to work for a quid. Why should it just be me?

Flatearther said:
They have always derided things of any quality or taste.

I gotta laugh at this one. Some tradies are now earning more than some doctors. Check the quality of their SUV's and their boats and their rifles and their fishing tackle..... the signs of a man comfortable in his element. And we got the most wicked tools these days. Bloody gas nail guns that drive on command. I love em. :D

Flatearther said:
Walk into a workers gathering and listen for any words longer than one syllable, but don't hold your breath.

A painter, tiler, chippie, and a roustabout get together today, and talk about Osama, Kylie Webb, Shrubber ****, and, of course, work.

Flatearther said:
The working class suburbs of Balmain, Mortdale, Paddington, etc during the 40's & 50's were just ****roach, rat and worker infested slums that were never improved by an iota by any worker who lived in them.

Construction tradies make enough to live high in the hills, or right on the beach. Depends how much work you wanna do.

Flatearther said:
Their cultural aspirations were on the same par as their neighbours, the rats and the ****roaches.

Heheheh. You need to get out more, old fella.

Flatearther said:
They were, and still are, by inclination and definition, just a rabble of slum scum.

Aaaah, you're talking about people who are greatly in demand for hand skills. Perhaps you are referring specifically to unskilled workers?

Flatearther said:
"The Workers" have always been greedy, vulgar, insular, xenophobic and crass.

I think today, the class you refer to only work when they are signing welfare forms, and chopping pounds into ounces.

Flatearther said:
The drawings by Vincent Van Gogh

That the guy who cut his own ear off?

Flatearther said:
and other artists simply show a fantasy beyond any semblance of reality.

I prefer harsh reality.

Flatearther said:
They don't show the ugliness inside.

As if I'd wanna see it.

Flatearther said:
There is nothing singularly 'noble' about the 'worker'.

There is nothing at all noble about the grasping, cheating, lying, conniving, lower-middle class wankers, who assume superiority through parentage, even though they are as thick as two short planks.

Flatearther said:
They will side with anyone who will pay them.

Not so. That's about as broad a brush as you could possibly swing.

Flatearther said:
They should be used in laboratories instead of rats for 3 good reasons:

1. There are more workers than rats.
2. You can get emotionally attached to a rat.
3. There are some things that a rat just won't do.

The rat will also die in four years.

Flatearther said:
The workers have always gone out of their way to slime and to dud their employers.

Sound travels. You gotta be sneaky with that ****. It is far better to vent at the appropriate time, like when you feel the urge. Honesty, compadre. Try it.

Flatearther said:
The 19th century houseowner with servants was a lucky sod indeed, if he could manage to find half of his staff who would rip him off the least amount.

While he/she use these people as virtual slave labour?

Flatearther said:
Servants were always notorious thieves and liars.

Yet you describe loyal servants a few sentences down here. Are these people not to be trusted one iota? Sorta makes having them around at all worthwhile, old chap. Whot?

Flatearther said:
The only cure for the thieving of a worker was to replace him with a more honest, diligent, loyal and attractive creature - a machine.

Oh, here it is. But it's a machine. Hmmmm.

Flatearther said:
That is why technology has been so eagerly sought after - not because people naturally loved the machine, but simply the machine is less likely to leave one destitute, which is practically guaranteed by the 'Noble Worker"

If it was "practicaly guaranteed", there would be no reference to any noble worker.

Flatearther said:
Workers are by nature greedy, selfish, nasty, rude, arrogant and totally soulless

Struggling middle-class wannabes are, by nature, greedy self-interested, overtly controlling, arrogant, piteously shallow, yet indefinably cunning.

Flatearther said:
- otherwise they're about as lovable as a large typhoid colony.

And as popular as a lawyer at a fish weigh-in.

Flatearther said:
Most popular songs avoid any reference to 'the worker' because they have nothing about them worth praising.

So why the lengthy thread header?

Flatearther said:
Only similarly degenerate members of society have bothered to laud 'The Workers' because they were just as poisonous a species - "The Folk Singers" - totally crazed political zealots,

Not familiar with them.

Flatearther said:
more fanatical that the Muslims.

There are still plenty of non-fanatical Muslims.

Flatearther said:
No song about workers has ever been worth playing, except for maybe

"The working class can kiss my arse, I've got the poet's job at last".

Jimmy Barnes ring any bells? Working Class Man?

Flatearther said:
The only worthwhile thing built by the workers and for the workers are the Soviet and the Chinese gulags and death camps.

And the roads you drive your worker-built pushbike/car on. Not to mention all the **** they built your house out of, and put together.

Flatearther said:
The singular saving grace of the Nazis was that they knew the true worth of "The Worker" and the correct ethical treatment of them and their 'rights'.

Cheap shot.

Flatearther said:
Let the worthless rabble rot where they lie and exercise their cheap and moronic 'rights'.

Let the meek inherit the Earth, and use those weapons to reap some vengeance. :p

Flatearther said:
Need more dope? Plant a worker.

You're really showing your age now.

Flatearther said:
Or, to put it more artistically "Up The Workers!" - SIDEWAYS!

Typical lazy ****ing upwardly mobile twerp.

What if the worker in question wanted it in the wheelbarrow position?

Have you no compassion? :rolleyes:
Firstly, let’s not again fall into a pattern of narrow analysis concerning delights and capabilities. You make it sound as though the great majority of working class people are blood thirsty monsters, which I believe would be hard to prove given the amount of us who do not commit acts of torture and murder on a daily or life-longly bases. :)

There have been areas throughout history where one might perceive the masses to suffer from some uncontrollable urge to kill (The Reign of Terror comes to mind). However if you look at the environment which was surrounding the people you will see that it has almost always been one of poverty, disease, and general unpleasantness. Whenever this is the case, people as a whole become more savage and less logical. This acquired (Not inborn) lack of logical ability turns man into beast with very few exceptions, only a higher level of mental perseverance allows somebody to remain quintessentially them self , a person of reason, when exposed to a harsh reality and forced to struggle for survival, have you ever read ‘Lord of The Flies’? We see this problem greatly diminished in essentially every society throughout history, as well as today, where the overall standard of living and education has been at an acceptably stable and sustainable level for those living with it. If you examine countries with a large and established 'middle class' versus those with polarized wealth you’ll see this principal in action.

Concerning the creation of global wonders, might I first point out your referencing them as great achievements originally and than denouncing them as fences and the like. There certainly is something to interpret here, which is the cultural, intellectual, and artistic value of such things. The Pyramids being the result of great engineering and tremendous labour one might see them as one of the crown jewels of humanity. Conversely, you may see them as glorified graveyards (Graveyards themselves might be seen as something wonderful). This sir is the world of artistic interpretation. If you call out most anything as definite in art and you’d be marked as an arrogant fool by most.

Finally, as you pointed out your distain for corrupt leaders and supposed nobility, you only further the argument that class has little to do with virtue and intellect (Wither it be working class or high class such as Nobles). I would say that this lowers your statement about the working 'class' as being lesser in this way to absolute rubbish since you yourself admit that those in high places are just as capable of demonstrating their stupidity as the rednecks. Class has nothing to do with human ignorance, selfishness or corruptibility. As a 'class' you may find more examples of these undesirable things but you will also find that as a class they are far greater in numbers thereby making the practice of counting irrelevant and unfair.

If it was your intention instead to demonstrate that there are many people who are idiots and that you consider some to be more respectable in whatever way than we've again run into the argument of elitism. However I believe that we've seen that classism and elitism do not go hand in hand. Class isn't a reflection of human ability so much as human wealth and one's ability to apprehend said wealth, perhaps you should have changed your argument to "Idiots are idiots, why should we self-titled greater people tolerate them?"
Flatearther said:
Komrade Vostok Hazard wrote: Indeed they were not. They were put together with mechanical slaves - machines and computers - the real 'workers' - not the criminal malingerers that look for any way to get a freebie at any opportunity. The machines also have a better code of ethics too. They do what's right. Cheers!

And who put your machines together?

And who repairs these machines when they're broken?
Komrade Vostok Hazard wrote:
]And who put your machines together?
Educated engineers and technicians who can actually spell 'work'. That's apart from the machines that are designes and assembled by computer driven production lines without any brickheaded worker with his hand out, ready to sabotage at any opportunity.
And who repairs these machines when they're broken?
Sober, highly trained and skilled technicians and engineers who know a life beyong booze & TV. Cheers!
Jhony5 wrote:
Take your head out of your ass bro, and clear up your thesis. What is it that you deserve? Must you be liked because you went to college and you wouldn't dare get your hands dirty as a means of income?
Aaaaahhhhhhh put yer friggin shirt back on, brickhead, you've obviously suffered from your 'charisma bypass' because they've removed the one thing that could just put a cherry back up on your miserable cake. It's called a 'sense of humour' - you're too dumb to see your chain's been yanked all along. Here in Oz, this same thread gets all the mugs like Builder calling out "Ah, grow up and get serious for a change." Any guy who's that precious about what he does for a living deserves all he gets, miserable sod. Besides, money's got nothing to do with it. It's all about class & style. A gorilla in a tuxedo is still a damned gorilla. For your info, I'm not your "bro' or anybody else's. That's just cheap criminal slang and I choose my companions on merit. Not everyone wants to talk about George Bush.
Heres where your oddball elitist opinion fails miserably. Review the outstanding number of white collar CEO's that get sent to prison for ripping off the little guy. What is it you mean by labeling the working class as "criminals". Answer this straight and spare us your fake ass rabble.
Jesus, why don't you make it easier for me? To start with, I have equal contempt for the criminal CEO's as I do for the criminal 'workers'. They're both in the shithead class.The only ******* I feel sorry for is the pathetic bank robber - why? Because he's just jamming up people's lives over PETTY CASH!. Your Enron bosses are the real Highwaymen. As for the crims among the workers - check your own history - the glaring example would just have to be the stevedoring industry. The miracle on the docks, before they put in machines and computers, was to find a worker who wasn't in on some sort of scam. Tell me this is untrue. Tell me that every dock worker clocked on & off & went home to a cosy wife with empty pockets? Do you know why I know this? I'll tell you why I know this. I started life as an apprentice boilermaker and worked ****atoo Island and the only reason the ships stayed intact, was they wouldn't fit into a scumbag worker's bag, let alone his locker. The telephone companies of the 50's & 60's were awash with the workers' rorts & scams in EVERY department. This is not fairytale bullshit. This is evidence, moron. For someone like you to be so thin skinned about it leads to a pretty obvious conclusion - how clean are your own hands? The guy who blows the whistle on shifty workers - what happens to him? Do they suddenly apologise and repent? No, the blower ends up in his own pet food. Give me a break! As for not being able to write longer stuff in reply, check out the length of this particular one and note that it's done as I write. That's just for this particular forum. There are others and I'm too polite to make a competition out of it. If that's too intellectual for you, then give yourself a blowjob - C4 usually does it. Cheers!
builder wrote:
]The question should be, "What haven't the workers done for us?"
Well, delivered an uncorrupt set of unions or a creditable political party for starters. How much time have I got?
Slave labour, mostly. It's not like they had a choice.
Different social & historical system. You know as much about it as I do - nothing.
I thought it was the Mongol hordes, and neighbouring marauders. I could be mistaken. Once again, people were press-ganged into this occupation. Would you give your all on a project you were being whipped into achieving?
There were always more workers than bosses - they outnumbered them. They did nothing but allowed themselves to be shoved around - for money. How ethical does it get?
I gotta laugh at this one. Some tradies are now earning more than some doctors. Check the quality of their SUV's and their boats and their rifles and their fishing tackle..... the signs of a man comfortable in his element. And we got the most wicked tools these days. Bloody gas nail guns that drive on command. I love em.
And truly nailed my point. All they care about is their material possessions & cheap creature comforts - Barbarians aspiring to be Philistines for the most part, with the same ethics as Packer & Murdoch, but without the training or the style. The big fat 4WD and the tasteless widescreen TV's, gadgets gadgets gadgets - just as well they're not subjected to the torture of having to read a book or discuss something important. In Port Lincoln the tuna fishermen have the McMansions on the hill, but they're still the classic gorilla in a dinner suit.They stay gorillas.
Aaaah, you're talking about people who are greatly in demand for hand skills. Perhaps you are referring specifically to unskilled workers?
No - what I'm saying is that terms like 'workers' and 'bosses' and 'anarchists' went that way - with the 18th century - along with your alleged 'ideas'. Strange how much barking you can bring on when you dangle the stupid "Working class" sausage in the air. How cheap can the laughs get? Just as well no one wants to discuss anything really important? Cheers!
Posted by Flatearter:
you're too dumb to see your chain's been yanked all along.
Say what ya mean, and mean what ya say. You continue to make these sweeping, yet ambiguous statements about all sorts of matters, yet somehow you try to remain neutral to it while saying some very upsetting things.
For your info, I'm not your "bro' or anybody else's. That's just cheap criminal slang and I choose my companions on merit.
"Cheap criminal slang" Thats cute. Believe me when I say, its not a term of endearment in this case.

In the end the fact remains. Humanity itself is subject to shifty behavior and advantageous crimes of opportunity. This transcends social lines. From the lowly migrant worker, to the head brass of billion dollar corporations.

A gorilla in a tuxedo is still a damned gorilla.
I may be a "gorilla" in your purview, however I do not wear a "tuxedo" of any sorts. Torn Levis and Nike's will do just fine for me. My budget allows for fancier dress, however I am a part of a culture that does not seek the appearance of a socialite.

Often the first person that will extend help to you when your in need, say for instance if you needed a jump start for your car or maybe someone to help you fend of an attack. The 'social class' that would be most likely to come to your aid would be the .........."slum scum...****roachs...working class criminals".

My truck battery died as I had left my lights on while shopping about 2 months ago. So I lifted my hood, readied my jumper cables, and awaited a kind soul to take 2 minutes to help a stranger. I saw the various people make eye contact with me and quickly shift there focus away from me. I even asked a well dressed older gentleman who was driving a Lincoln town car if he could jump me. His answer? "I'm sorry I'm on a hurry". Not to much later a sultry fella with torn pants, long hair, and a tattooed body pulled up in a truck that was comprised of more rust then paint. He hopped out and asked "need a hand bud". "why yes I do" I said. What a nice guy. A ****roach. A slum scum. A working class criminal he was.
This whole damn topic makes me think of that movie


If all the labor was gone, who would the ***** engineers find to put together the ****ing robots that are so superior to us all ??

You know, die setters, press loaders,etc...

I'd love to see a robot set a huge die into a press... even funnier would be to watch management try and do it...

Who would they get to produce the products they sell to the other white collar ****s ??

I'd LOVE to see it.:D
Flatearther said:
1. There are more workers than rats.
2. You can get emotionally attached to a rat.
3. There are some things that a rat just won't do.

Being particularly susceptible to seemingly innocuous pronouncements that, when examined wholeheartedly, reveal sentiments within sentiments, that's when I broke out in a chuckle.
RoyalOrleans said:
Being particularly susceptible to seemingly innocuous pronouncements that, when examined wholeheartedly, reveal sentiments within sentiments, that's when I broke out in a chuckle.
Thanx, RO - it's actually an old recycled lawyer gag - like, what's the diff between a lawyer & a mosquito? A: One is a blood sucking parasite, the other is an insect. Cheers!