These Ungrateful ****s!!!

There are only 4 basic needs of life: food, water, air, and shelter.

Air is free, and shelter is stationary, if any of these ****s are caught with ANYTHING but food or water while wandering, they should be shot on sight.

Not to mention, there is ALWAYS cannibalism if one is REALLY hungry.

Survival of the fittest baby !!
Not to mention shoes so you can keep your feet free of infection as you stagger through debree and raw sewage trying to get to safety
Well I have been in NO and not just to get trashed but to sit and talk with the poele there and you know what many said? they said they have no need to waste money on a car they don't need. it is the same in many cities. I know of at least 20 people in seatle that make enough to own a car but don't because they don't need it. It's called living below your means. if more people chose to do that this world wouldbe better off. You are full of **** and don't have a clue one what you are talking about. Not everyone on this planet guages their worth by the crap they own. I am sorry if I give a **** about humanity, I can't help it I have a heart. I can't help it if I have actually taken the time to speak to and LISTEN to the people I have met in this country. Try it sometime, maybe you will learn how to speak from somewhere other than your ass. It is not my job in this life to only think of myself. I am part of the human race and consider every other human as an equal in this ****ed up family of humans. It's who I am and who I hope to remain
Heres the deal
They are gonna be hooked up. They who survive will be moved and GIVEN things to survive. THEY SHOULD HAVE LEFT!!!
DO you stand in the middle of the street when an 18 wheeler is coming at you 65 mph and NOT move because it might go around or you like the concrete there....NO!
YOU MOVE...LEAVE! I do feel sorry for the helpless but damn most of those ppl were able to leave and CHOOSE NOT TOO!
Again, it's so easy to sit there in your comfy little house, talking on the internet and say exactly what you would do in EVERY situation. Be real people.
yeah and your doing the same ****...I dont see you saving the world...all i see is you bitching over a situation you arent DOING SQUAT ABOUT!
Dont get pissed at me cause i dont pity the idiots of this world....
since when does being stupid, and putting your own life at risk qualify someone as being a REAL human?

I am a real human! I try to avoid those situations, but if I find myself in one, I will survive... I may not be comfortable, but I will survive!
Your right Gray gal I am not doing anything. OK YUP you know everyithing don't you. Well if that is what you need to believe, you can have it
no i dont know everything..I dont know why IGNORANCE IS SO ****ING ABUNDENT IN N. ORLEANS. I dont know why you are getting so worked up and jumping down my throat for doing the same **** your doing!
All Im doing is saying why the **** didnt they leave...You are whining cause they need more help cause they didnt leave.
Same ****! Dont get your feathers ruffled over things that we had NO control over....
Next tiem you want to assume that I would do nothing stop and simply ask. I what I CAN do I do! Plain and simple. and R& apearrently UN educated, go screw yourself. I speak only of what I KNOW first hand. I am sorry if that is too much for you to handle.
I make it a habit to stay out of dwellings that are in hurricane and tornado zones as well as those that stand BELOW sea level. Hey Netherlands, are you there???
When the dykes and levies fail EVERYONE gets oceanfront property!
tizz said:
Next tiem you want to assume that I would do nothing stop and simply ask. I what I CAN do I do! Plain and simple. and R& apearrently UN educated, go screw yourself. I speak only of what I KNOW first hand. I am sorry if that is too much for you to handle.

tizz, you talk out of your ass just about as much as kvh or sd!!! :eek: You are just like them, you talk about whatever you see, thus the resident whore marking. Shut the **** up, dumbshit! :D
I am talkinga about something I am passionate about. HUman lives. You are being asn ass. Obviously it doesn't bother me what you or anyone else here thinks of me (see title) so don't even try. Poeple here are acting as if all these lives are expendable simply because they stayed. That's bullshit and it's exactly the reason this world is so ****ed up. Assholes. Compasionate and empathy are essential to wisdom. Sorry you don't understand that.
tizz said:
I am talkinga about something I am passionate about. HUman lives. You are being asn ass. Obviously it doesn't bother me what you or anyone else here thinks of me (see title) so don't even try. Poeple here are acting as if all these lives are expendable simply because they stayed. That's bullshit and it's exactly the reason this world is so ****ed up. Assholes. Compasionate and empathy are essential to wisdom. Sorry you don't understand that.

Oh my tizzy-poo, you are so right!! Never in history has a person been expendable, and nobody has ever been stupid, you have shown me the light. I don't know how I didn't see this before!!! You scathed me, and now I'm wounded and will be unable to fight against your extreme leftist/communist/stupid ideas!! Everybody who is similar to me in any way should just go ahead and kill ourselves to save the rest of the world
Like I care if YOU can read my posts or not. Another dumb **** who never bothered to read my introduction to this place. I DON"T CARE THAT I CANNOT TYPE! OO you really hurt me. I personally feel that ALL humans are important and that should a fellow human be in trouble I will always do what I can to help when I can. My mother raised me right. I refuse to look at people and disregard them simply because of their economic status. Because you are poor you don't count? That's just beautiful. Ya my spelling may suck but at least I have the wisdom to know that people are not defined by how much is in their wallet, where they live, or how much crap they have accumulated in life. There are far more important things in life than spelling and typing (which is why I don't give a **** about either unless it is to be published then I pay someone else to do that for me) You are unable to insult me because frankly your opinion means NOTHING to me. That being said, I would still stop to help YOU if you were in trouble even though you ARE an asshole.
Tizz I have no intention to insult the people who stayed,,,,,, if they were invalids or finacially unable to leave. Personally I would have left even if my wife and I had no place to stay. In a part of the country where there was no storm damage or just minor damage if we had to stay under a bridge or a tree. we could surely find water. This would only be a problem in the desert. my point is we would be together and alive. when you have your family and the will to go on with life youcan start again. The only people we have problems with are the ruthless thugs that are trying to keep help out of the city so they can continue to rape, kill and steal unharassed for as long as possible. People who use a disaster to commit the atrocities like these deserve to be shot on sight. People taking water, food and clothing even air matresses for flotation aren't my idea of thugs. Thugs hijacking vans hauling the elderly, stealing drugs from a childrens hospital,shooting the people who came to help the homeless deserve a hollow point in the gut and no medical help. I am pissed to the max. GIVE ME LONG RANGE RIFLE WITH A GOOD SCOPE PUT ME ON A ROOF TOP AND I WILL PUT THESE ASSHOLES IN HELL. :mad:
You guys have to remember that they get hurricanes all the time. They were used to them. They didn't know exactly were it was going to hit land. When they did know people were trying to leave. And they didn't know the extent of it. They also didn't know that the 100 year old Levey would break. go figure.
Me personally I would not live under sea level. That's just asking for trouble. But look at California. It's the inevitable that there will be a catastrophic disaster there.

As Americans we need to rally together and help. It may be a **** hole but it's our **** hole. If something happened to your city how would you react? It sure is easy to answer that after the fact.

As for the looters people are trying to survive. The place is a total disaster. How are you going to find the owners of the **** their looting?
The shootings as far as I have heard was only two incidents.

Survival of the fitess? yea that's why their looting. Trying to survive. If I was there and my kids needed food and water I would be out looking for it.

Natural catastrophe's can happen just about anywhere.

This is not political. I hate people stomping on Bush. **** it wouldn't matter who the **** was the president.

A little sympathy would be nice. Along with contributions to help those that need it.
I firmly believe in the saying that was comes around goes around.
Thank you Snafu!

As for stealing from the hospitals, I can say that if my child or mother were sick and either could not get there or were not sick enough to be admited (yet deathly ill in my mind which happens when my kid gets a little touch of croup) I could very likely be found stealing meds they needed whether from a pharmacy or a hospital. You tend to do drsastic things in drastic times and rarely think clearly when it happens to you. I WOULD be stealing a car or a bus as one man did (saved 80 people in a stolen school bus and made it to the Astro Dome) And I would be taking anything I thought would make a difference for my loved ones. I know I would loose it easily. Logic only lasts so long when the people you love are dying, or you think they are and you have no idea if or when help might come (remember these poeple have NO idea what is happening or if anyone even knows or cares where they are)
Yeah, I'm sure the METHADONE would help her suffering, and I'm sure the jewelery they stole (bling bling) will do a great bit of good, not to mention the big screen TV's, DVD players, DVD's, CD's, car stereos, cars,guitars, amps, and anything else that isn't food drink or clothing will help them rebuild there lives. Not to mention the raping of women to curb the excess sperm buildup that was tearing them apart for days.... yeah... they deserve to be helped all right.

actually, the mayor of NO (who is IN NO right now) came on this afternoon and was saying (along with a LOT of people IN the city) that the reports of violence were greatly exagerated. Only ONE reporter has witnesssed anything and most reporters have stated that since the first day they have not seen ANY looting other than survival needs. The chiefe of police estimates there may be ten or twenty real criminals to deal with. Even the folks at teh convention center, although scared from rumors, have reported litttle if any violence.