Third Chaces..

Shadowed Heart

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2005
Your kitchen floor
So in a nutshell here is what happened:
Last night my boyfriend was acting extremely awkward and annoying, and out of no where...

Convo said:
I AM ELF BOY! says:
Just wondering, do you think if anything went wrong we could remain friends?
Riss says:
Probably why? -_-
I AM ELF BOY! says:
Just curious
Is something wrong? -_-
I AM ELF BOY! says:
Kind of, it isn't big
Riss says:
You should still tell me
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I've been just thinking
Riss says:
Riss says:
You have to be a little more detailed
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I'm not feeling comfortable with how you get jealous all the time when i'm talking to my friends.
Riss says:
Well I guess it is big if it's worth feeling like you need to dump me..
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I'm sorry but it seems like the only way that it'd stop is if I stopped talking to them all together.
Riss says:
I'm trying to stop...
Riss says:
I didn't say anything about it today...
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I'm implying yesterday and how you acted.
Riss says:
How I left like that?
I AM ELF BOY! says:
And how you were acting.
Riss says:
I left because I didn't want to feel jealous
Riss says:
I'm sorry
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I still can't handle it. It seems that I have to stop talking to them so you won't get jealous
Riss says:
I just told you
Riss says:
I'm really trying to stop it.
I AM ELF BOY! says:
Yet you shouldn't have to change
Riss says:
Apparently I do in order to not loose you..
I AM ELF BOY! says:
And I don't want you to have to change though.

<<The yesterday thing was that he added me to a conversation with all his friends (who just happen to all be girls..) and I left the conversation every time some one added me because I didn't want to start fighting with him (I'm the jealous type...)>>

So we talked about changing and stuff and here's where I started crying::

Convo said:
Riss says:
If you think about how much we've been fighting, every time it's been my fault, so please let ME fix it.
I AM ELF BOY! says:
It wasn't always your fault
I AM ELF BOY! says:
It's been mine too
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I don't want us to fight anymore
Riss says:
But if you don't want to be with me I don't want you to stay.
Riss says:
I'm trying not to let us. I've prevented myself from blowing up more than once today.
I AM ELF BOY! says:
it's not good to do that
Riss says:
But what happens if wouldn't have?
Riss says:
I AM ELF BOY! says:
it isn't healthy
Riss says:
Fighting with you all the time isn't healthy
I AM ELF BOY! says:
Well maybe there is only one way to fix that
Riss says:
I don't think so
I AM ELF BOY! says:
Riss says:
Riss says:
Riss says:
Will, if you want to break up with me, just do it, I don't want you to continue to be in a relationship with me if you don't like it. But if you do, I promise I can change and I don't want you to feel bad for it either, it's better for everyone if I do.
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I can't pretend not to feel bad though while you are forcing yourself to keep your emotions in while you remain jealous.
Riss says:
That's the only way for me to not loose you! I don't want to loose you!
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I don't want to lose you either
Riss says:
So let me try!!!
I AM ELF BOY! says:
No because i refuse to let you change Riss. I couldn't stand it
Riss says:
So in other words you still want to dump me.
I AM ELF BOY! says:
Because I don't want you to change
Riss says:
But I want to
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I don't want you to though
Riss says:
If I don't that leaves two alternatives
I AM ELF BOY! says:
Riss says:
1) We continue fighting on my part
2) You dump me.
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I dunno
Riss says:
Just make up your mind Will
Riss says:
I'm not going to try anymore.
Riss says:
It's up to you. I've told you what I want it's your turn.
I AM ELF BOY! says:
And I told you what I want. I don't want you to change. I don't want to have to pretend that i'm alright with you pretending not to be jealous. or anything like that.
Riss says:
So no matter what you want to break up with me.
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I guess that's what it is
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I'm sorry
I AM ELF BOY! says:
This doesn't change how i feel about you though >_<

Yerr so I sound pretty bitchy but I love him, I really do, with all my heart. And this made me feel a little better...

Convo said:
Riss says:
But I don't want you to if you're going to be uncomfortable
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I don't want to lose you though Riss. I think i could get use to it over time. I would rather feel uncomfortable than lose you
Riss says:
Apparently not if you just dumped me..
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I didn't think I dumped you yet >_<
Riss says:
I kinda figured there
Riss says:
<<<<Riss says:
So no matter what you want to break up with me.
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I guess that's what it is>>>>
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I didn't think I did. I was hoping I didn't
Riss says:
I AM ELF BOY! says:
Again I screw things up
Riss says:
I just think it's fair to let you know
Riss says:
I believe in second chances
Riss says:
But not thirds and fourths
I AM ELF BOY! says:
I AM ELF BOY! says:
so i blew it then
Riss says:
Riss says:
You just told me
Riss says:
That you didn't dump me..........
Riss says:
I was just assuming..
I AM ELF BOY! says:
well you still thought that so this is technically my third chance
Riss says:

Convo said:
I AM ELF BOY! says:
still feels like this is my third chance
Riss says:
Riss says:
Consider yourself an exception to my standards...

But I 'spose he never saw because he left. >_<
But he called me this morning around noon-ish...
And he and I are good. I guess. I'm fine, and I guess he is too.

Just wanna know if you think it's acceptable to do this??
Because normally I wouldn't..
Shadowed Heart said:
Just wanna know if you think it's acceptable to do this??
Because normally I wouldn't..

Answered your own question. You said "normally" it wouldn't... which means this time, it is :) And listen to yourself. Don't restrict yourself with so many rules when you're in love, cuz you're gonna find yourself breaking them on your own :)
xD Ja okie. I do love him. :p Although I havn't spoken to him since on the phone yesterday. Lol oh well.

He lives in New Hampshire.
And we've never met.
He turned 16 in November and I am 13 and a half (14 on May 24).
I've been wanting to tell my mom for months (we met early in May '06 when I started a writing competition here).
We started going out in August for 51 days (Yes... I kept track... Because my previous relationship was only 40).
And again in October. October 9.
So we've been going out for over two months now.
Well... Today we were shopping and I told my mom.
Kind of.
She noticed that I had 4 calls from 'Will' last Saturday and she asked who it was.
I told her "This guy I like."
Ok.. Small steps...
She asked if he liked me back and I said "I think he does..."
She smiled and I knew what she was thinking so I lied. "But he moved like a month ago."
So what? Not exactly the truth but at least she knew he didn't live here.
She said "Oh, so you can't exactly get anything going there..."
"Yeah, and he's like Alex's age." I told her. Yeay! Now she knows how old he is. My older brother, Alex, turns 16 in April.
"Oh so when he gets his license he can come see you."
I laughed at that. Fat chance. "Yeah sure.... He turned 16 last month."
And she keeps bringing it up. She asked to see his picture. I said I didn't have one atm but I showed her when we got home. Obviously she wasn't too impress because she just snorted and went back to what she was doing. But I guess I don't care, he may not be the cutest boy, but he is, for sure, the sweetest.
She asked where he moved to, so I told her. Kind of. I told her where he lives. He never moved... he never left from here, because he's never been here in his life. Never further West than New York.
So my mom knows. I asked her not to tell my dad but I already know she's going to.
So I guess that makes it a little easy for me to be with now.
Yeah so... Cool....
That's cool...

and hell yeah...there should be possibilities for third chances if you really love someone
there should be as many as you can afford to bear or are willing to deal with.

and ur both still very young,theres going to be little things coming up now and then. dont restrict urselves.

best of luck for the future!
LP~Shinoda~FM said:
Answered your own question. You said "normally" it wouldn't... which means this time, it is :) And listen to yourself. Don't restrict yourself with so many rules when you're in love, cuz you're gonna find yourself breaking them on your own :)

100% agreed

I PMed him today on his writing site and he wrote back saying that he has been sick and I talked to him for about an hour this afternoon. I miss him terribly again but at least now I know.
I don't like the idea of this. Basically he is 16, you are 13! That's quite a big gap in accedemic years. It's like a long distance thing so that;s even worse in my view.

I'm 15, and surely at the age of 16 he's clearly interested in women! Your only young Riss, so young. I feel your almost wasting your time, I just feel it.

Riss he is 16 and that makes me feel as if he might be just playing a drama with you. However, you said he is not the best looking and he writes. I bet he's good with words :p

I just can't get it out of my head that this won't last. Your arguing over msn n phone. Not face to face... seems so petite.

Your young. Your jelous because of what he is, he is someone you might not obtain again. An older boy, that has said some nice things to you.
Personally I hope it is something special because I think that's is what I think is needed for this to be real.
First of all: BRANDON!!! YEAY!!!!! *hugs* I haven't heard from you in awhile!
Yeah I know. Everybody thinks that.
Although, I am going to meet him in June. If my mom and I save up enough money. It's just that, and I'm working on it. I do agree with you, I'm not sure anymore how long this will last. I do love him it's just been, they way things have been going lately between us. I mean, I haven't had a conversation with him in two and a half weeks now.