Those damn Liberals


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Joe gets up at 6:00 AM to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full
of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water
quality standards.

He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His
medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their
safety and that they would work as advertised.

All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employer's medical
plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid
medical insurance, that Joe now gets too.

He prepares his morning breakfast-bacon and eggs today. Joe's bacon is safe
to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing

Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo. His bottle is
properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents
because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his
body and how?many chemicals it?contained.

Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is
cleaner because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries
from polluting our air.

He walks to the subway station for his government-subsidized ride to work;
it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see,
some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives
everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.

Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medical
benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union
members fought and died for these working standards.

Joe's employer pays these standards because Joe's employer doesn't want his
employeesto call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed
he'll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal
didn't think he should lose his home because of his temporary misfortune.

It's noon time. Joe needs to make a Bank Deposit so he can pay some bills.
Joe's deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted
to protect Joe's money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking
system before the depression.

Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market
federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that Joe and the
government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over
his life-time.

Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm
home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dad's; his car is
among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety

He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the
house financed by Farmers Home Administration (FHA) because bankers didn't
want to make rural loans.

The house didn't have electricity until some big government liberal stuck
his nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those
rural Republicans would still be sitting in the dark)

He is happy to see his dad, who is now retired. His dad lives on Social
Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take
care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.

After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home. He
turns on a radio talk show. The host keeps saying that liberals are bad and
conservatives are good. (He doesn't tell Joe that his beloved Republicans
have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his
Joe agrees. "We don't need those big government liberals ruining our lives;
after all, I'm a self made man who believes everyone should take care of
themselves, just like I have."

I definatly think liberals belong incharge, but with a government shuffle every now and then to keep em honest and on budget. But yah, a government is ment to help you and the conservatives sure as hell aren't going to do that.
There is a place in our government for all types... We need both conservatives and liberals... But Liberalism has recently gotten out of control... eventually, people will start voting conservative... and then the conservatives will get out of control... it's a vicious ****ing cycle!
Dammit!! THe right and left have taken mainstream issues to extremes forgetting that they are there for a job, not to fight eachother. If they could shake hands and talk and not just vote party lines we might actually get somewhere. Screw both of em. I say make being either on eillegal and go for teh middle ground!!!!!!!!!

Vote Nader! ;)
But Liberalism has recently gotten out of control... eventually, people will start voting conservative... and then the conservatives will get out of control... it's a vicious ****ing cycle!
Couldn't have said it better.

It seems now adays that one party has the majority and runs the country while the other party just sits and bitches. Eventually people get tired of the ruling party and the votes swing the other way. One would think these politicians would figure out that instead of just complaining about everything the other party is doing, they might achieve their goals faster if they actually did something! The Republicans complained when Clinton was in power, and the Dems are doing it now that Bush is in power.

And getting back to the original post... Joe realizes that he enjoys all of these priveliges because the country is being run by capitalists and not socialist liberals.
... Joe realizes that almost every single thing he used that day was a product of the industrial revolution, and therefore wouldn't have come to be without capitalism and an absence of liberals.

If this country was pure socialism we wouldn't be anywhere near where we are today, look at Russia, Cuba, China, Britian etc. and then tell me whether socialism (or liberalism) really works out so well in the long run. What we need is a conservative, capitalistic government in power (always) with a strong liberal, socialistic minority to keep the capitalists from running amok. A balance between the two is best, with the country leaning towards conservativism. If the US goes socialist dammit I'm applying for the Canadian citizenship I'm eligible for and moving there because I'd prefer to live in a country that already is socialist and doesn't really matter (let's face facts here, it's just true, Canada is not a major player on the world stage, and I think most Canadians like that) than live in the US as it goes straight down the toilet.
we need both parties, the liberals to be tree hugging ****s that keep us all green (aka, the heart of America) and the conservatives to be the crazy ****s with guns that stomp on any and all threats (aka, the 'trigger finger' of America) guess whitch one i am :D
phreakwars said:
Joe gets up at 6:00 AM to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full
of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water
quality standards.
Joe really gets up at 9:30 and he doesn't care because his company can't fire him and he free loads off of "the man" because some liberal thinks Joe can't negotiate and needs "big brother" to ruin the economy so Joe can sleep in.

Also, Joe can't take a shower or water his grass, because some liberal has decided that a drout may hit the area sometime in the summer of 2012.

He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His
medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their
safety and that they would work as advertised.
Joes medications actually work because some conservative makes money by deliverying a viable product to the community and can only make a profit by repeat business. When the product fails or becomes non-safe the conservative looses market share.

Also, Joes medications now cost $1000.00 per pill, because some liberal has tacked on so many non-essential regulations to the pharmaceudical industry that the costs have sky-rocketted over the past 20 years.

All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employer's medical
plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid
medical insurance, that Joe now gets too.
True, but Joe can longer afford his taxes and HMO fees because the very same liberal has socialized health care to point of bankruptcy!

He prepares his morning breakfast-bacon and eggs today. Joe's bacon is safe
to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing
Actually, Joe's bacon cost so much, because of the heavy regulatory burden, that Joe only get's to eat bacon once per month, the rest of the time he eats left-over spam, moldy bread and other poor quality food because some liberal has put too many squeezes on the economy.

Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo. His bottle is
properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents
because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his
body and how?many chemicals it?contained.
However, Joe really can't read the label because some narcisitic liberal decided when Joe was in the third grade and couldn't read that it was more important to his self-esteem to go ahead and pass him rather than hold him back and teach him to read.

The same liberal also decided that children didn't need to read anyway and that it was more important to teach joe that islam is good and Christianity is bad.

Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is
cleaner because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries
from polluting our air.
Joe actually breathes clean air because God and nature clean the air for him... If Joe had learned anything school if it weren't for that liberal that deprived him of his education, he would know that man-made airborne toxins are less than naturally occuring airborne toxins.

He walks to the subway station for his government-subsidized ride to work;
it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see,
some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives
everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
Of course, Joe now has to do this because the taxes he pays to operate the subsidies keep him from being able to afford his own transportation.

Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medical
benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union
members fought and died for these working standards.
Joe begins his work day and realizes that too mach of his hard earned money is going to taxes that make his life so "Grand" he knows he can't be fired so he slacks off all day, and his company makes fewer widgets that day and less profits, the company is now teatering on bankruptcy and Joe is in serious danger of being layed off all because some liberal has tied the hands of Joe's employer to make the business more profitable.

Joe's employer pays these standards because Joe's employer doesn't want his
employeesto call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed
he'll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal
didn't think he should lose his home because of his temporary misfortune.
This is the final straw in poor Joe's tenure at the company. The comp[any has been paying higher wages and seeing less profits so they are forced to lay poor ole Joe off! Thank you liberals, thinks Joe has he takes the grafiti inscribed government subsidized ride home.

It's noon time. Joe needs to make a Bank Deposit so he can pay some bills.
Joe's deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted
to protect Joe's money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking
system before the depression.
Yes! Joe can now safely deposit his final paycheck of 1500$ after earning $2500 because 1000$ went to pay the liberal that made Joe's life so great. Joe thinks about all the money he pays in higher taxes, insurance, consumables and other higher costs caused by some liberal and realizes that the safely insured account that has 1600$ in it would probably have over 150,000$ in it if the government hadn't put such a heavy burden on Joe's life and economy!

Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market
federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that Joe and the
government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over
his life-time.
Yes, the same liberal that thought teaching Joe that islam is peaceful was more important than learning to read, came up with a great plan to solve Joe's illiteracy. The plan was to throw more money at Joe to get an education! Thank goodness the liberal did, because Joe is now unemployed and only has 1600$ in the bank. I hope the liberal thought ahead to create a welfare system for the victims of liberalism!

Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm
home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dad's; his car is
among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety
Joe is home permantly from work, the "safe" car is still at the dealership because the car costs over 30,000 dollars to buy! The car is so expensive because the same the union that bankrupted Joes company has caused the cost to GM, Ford and Daimler Chrysler to put these huge price-tags on automobiles. Of course, GM is having harder and harder tiomes selling these over-priced vehicles and are seeing the worse economic times in the history of their company!

He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the
house financed by Farmers Home Administration (FHA) because bankers didn't
want to make rural loans.
Joe is lucky indeed! He will probably have to move back in to this home... that by the way is still not paid for after 3 generations because the family can't make ends meet and have taken 2nd and third mortgages out over the past 30 years.

The house didn't have electricity until some big government liberal stuck
his nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those
rural Republicans would still be sitting in the dark)
Yes the house was forced to have electricity installed even though Joe's great grandmother didn't want it because she was scared of it, but they forced it on her anyway. Don't forget the installation fees, KWH and other costs that run about 300$ per month and they can hardly afford it, because some liberal keeps regulationg our economy into the dirt!

He is happy to see his dad, who is now retired. His dad lives on Social
Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take
care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.
Joe's dad is actually not happy because Joe's dad's pension is now defunct because his company went bankrupt paying union forced pensions, liberal regulations, and taxes. Joe's dad's SS income is about 600$ per month and Joes realizes at that moment that Joe's dad paid into SS about 3 times more than he will ever receive out of it, and wonders why?????? And then he wonders why is SS going broke. But what Joe doesn't realize because of his lack of education (thank you liberals) is that there is no Social Security fund, Social Security goes right into the general fund and has been for the past 50 years! Thanks to a liberal repblican named Dwight David Eisenhower.

After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home. He
turns on a radio talk show. The host keeps saying that liberals are bad and
conservatives are good. (He doesn't tell Joe that his beloved Republicans
have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his
Joe agrees. "We don't need those big government liberals ruining our lives;
after all, I'm a self made man who believes everyone should take care of
themselves, just like I have."
Joe is not so dumb after all!

Sounds like Joe needs a wake-up call or two.

The right-wing (they're Liberals in Australia) are cutting Joe no slack now that they control both the upper and lower house in the senate, paving the way for IR reforms that will see Joe on bread and water shortly.

Joe might commiserate about the advantages he's lost, but as long as he can put beer in the fridge, and food on the table, Joe will survive. Or rather, subsist.

Those rad leftys didn't let Joe down. He let them down, by not gettin' off his fat old arse and voting for them
. :)

Now, the end of the story:

Although Joe is only 32, he stubs his toe and gets Post Traumatic Stress Thingy...his wife has chronic fatigue syndrome and their little darlings have ADHD and bipolar/conduct disorder. It's the schools fault those "special" kids are social outcasts and can't spell c-a-t.

Joe + family are ENTITLED to help! But it is hard, very hard to get in the Nazis Bush era. Finally they persevere. SSI + SSI for wife + social workers for retard kids + food stamps.

Now Joe + family FINALLY got is DUE to them. Thank God that evil Bush didn't take away their rights!!!

Joe + family have a bright future in store for them. After all, it is owed to them.
Joe really gets up at 9:30 and he doesn't care because his company can't fire him and he free loads off of "the man" because some liberal thinks Joe can't negotiate and needs "big brother" to ruin the economy so Joe can sleep in.

No, that actually doesn't happen very often. People who do that get fired. Yeah, our economic slump is because of everyone not going to work, not because of any other events...

Also, Joe can't take a shower or water his grass, because some liberal has decided that a drout may hit the area sometime in the summer of 2012.

Now that is a conservative thing. Liberals don't profit from that. CONservatives sell low flow toilets when new regulations set in.

Joes medications actually work because some conservative makes money by deliverying a viable product to the community and can only make a profit by repeat business. When the product fails or becomes non-safe the conservative looses market share.
No. Have you seen the meat industry? There is **** on the meat at McDonalds! Is that the fault of Mickey D's? No, it isn't. It is the fault of rightists like Bush who think that as long as there aren't HUGE amounts of deaths and poisenings, we will be fine. No, the medicines wouldn't be held to any sort of standard if not for liberals.

Also, Joes medications now cost $1000.00 per pill, because some liberal has tacked on so many non-essential regulations to the pharmaceudical industry that the costs have sky-rocketted over the past 20 years.

Yeah, like making sure that they are safety tested before being put out on the market. Conservatives would let them choose whatever drug they wanted, like ritalin for a cold, if they could. No responsibility if they choose wrong, right?

True, but Joe can longer afford his taxes and HMO fees because the very same liberal has socialized health care to point of bankruptcy!

I don't know much about this one, so I won't counter it.

Actually, Joe's bacon cost so much, because of the heavy regulatory burden, that Joe only get's to eat bacon once per month, the rest of the time he eats left-over spam, moldy bread and other poor quality food because some liberal has put too many squeezes on the economy.

Again, look at the meat thing. And read this book...Bushwacked

However, Joe really can't read the label because some narcisitic liberal decided when Joe was in the third grade and couldn't read that it was more important to his self-esteem to go ahead and pass him rather than hold him back and teach him to read.

No, conservative thing again. Move more dumbasses up, they graduate and work as grunts in meat factories without knowing what **** looks like.

And liberals are FOR education. Where did you get your statement from anyway?

The same liberal also decided that children didn't need to read anyway and that it was more important to teach joe that islam is good and Christianity is bad.

I don't really care about Islam and learned about how ****ed up Christianity is all by myself. School is actually for Christianity, from what I have seen. Seriously, what the **** are you talking about?

Joe actually breathes clean air because God and nature clean the air for him... If Joe had learned anything school if it weren't for that liberal that deprived him of his education, he would know that man-made airborne toxins are less than naturally occuring airborne toxins.

I would like proof on that one. And if it is true, there are more man-made toxins actually affecting Joe than natural ones.

Of course, Joe now has to do this because the taxes he pays to operate the subsidies keep him from being able to afford his own transportation.
Won't refute, don't know much about it.

Joe begins his work day and realizes that too mach of his hard earned money is going to taxes that make his life so "Grand" he knows he can't be fired so he slacks off all day, and his company makes fewer widgets that day and less profits, the company is now teatering on bankruptcy and Joe is in serious danger of being layed off all because some liberal has tied the hands of Joe's employer to make the business more profitable.

They would fire his ass if he didn't go to work. Plain and simple.

This is the final straw in poor Joe's tenure at the company. The company has been paying higher wages and seeing less profits so they are forced to lay poor ole Joe off! Thank you liberals, thinks Joe has he takes the grafiti inscribed government subsidized ride home.

So like so many dumbass conservatives, he blames the liberals for his lazyness...smoooooooth...

Yes! Joe can now safely deposit his final paycheck of 1500$ after earning $2500 because 1000$ went to pay the liberal that made Joe's life so great. Joe thinks about all the money he pays in higher taxes, insurance, consumables and other higher costs caused by some liberal and realizes that the safely insured account that has 1600$ in it would probably have over 150,000$ in it if the government hadn't put such a heavy burden on Joe's life and economy!

And liberals also have to pay the same taxes. Boo hoo...

Yes, the same liberal that thought teaching Joe that islam is peaceful was more important than learning to read, came up with a great plan to solve Joe's illiteracy. The plan was to throw more money at Joe to get an education! Thank goodness the liberal did, because Joe is now unemployed and only has 1600$ in the bank. I hope the liberal thought ahead to create a welfare system for the victims of liberalism!

Again, conservatives fault that he is illiterate.

Joe is home permantly from work, the "safe" car is still at the dealership because the car costs over 30,000 dollars to buy! The car is so expensive because the same the union that bankrupted Joes company has caused the cost to GM, Ford and Daimler Chrysler to put these huge price-tags on automobiles. Of course, GM is having harder and harder tiomes selling these over-priced vehicles and are seeing the worse economic times in the history of their company!

Because conservatives made the buyers illiterate. Are they both screwing the companies up?

Joe is lucky indeed! He will probably have to move back in to this home... that by the way is still not paid for after 3 generations because the family can't make ends meet and have taken 2nd and third mortgages out over the past 30 years.

Because conservatives made him illiterate so he had a crappy job. AND THEN the liberals get blamed for it! WTF?

Yes the house was forced to have electricity installed even though Joe's great grandmother didn't want it because she was scared of it, but they forced it on her anyway. Don't forget the installation fees, KWH and other costs that run about 300$ per month and they can hardly afford it, because some liberal keeps regulationg our economy into the dirt!

There is a simple solution there...DON'T USE ELECTRICITY, THEN, YOU DUMBASS ILLITERATE HICK!!!

Joe's dad is actually not happy because Joe's dad's pension is now defunct because his company went bankrupt paying union forced pensions, liberal regulations, and taxes. Joe's dad's SS income is about 600$ per month and Joes realizes at that moment that Joe's dad paid into SS about 3 times more than he will ever receive out of it, and wonders why?????? And then he wonders why is SS going broke. But what Joe doesn't realize because of his lack of education (thank you liberals) is that there is no Social Security fund, Social Security goes right into the general fund and has been for the past 50 years! Thanks to a liberal repblican named Dwight David Eisenhower.

So Bush can steal SS money from under our noses...without having to get into a non existant SS fund...makes you feel special, doesn't it?

Joe is not so dumb after all!

jokersarewild said:
No, that actually doesn't happen very often.
Oh, yeah "not very often"... that makes it ok!
People who do that get fired.
True, and thanks for noticing... they DO get fired in the conservative "right to work" states like Texas!

Now that is a conservative thing. Liberals don't profit from that. CONservatives sell low flow toilets when new regulations set in.
No, it is a liberal tree-hugger thing... Surely your not so stupid to think that all the environmentalists are conservative do you? Well, judging by your post, maybe you are!

No. Have you seen the meat industry?
Hey dipshit, I was talking about the pharmaceudical industry! I worked in this industry for a long time, there are very stringent regulations put on the industry by the government, and there are many self regulations not required by the government. They are all expensive as hell, and are the SOLE reason your meds cost so damn much! Many if the government regulations do nothing to help the quality of the product, but damn sure do something to the cost. Joker, you obviously don't know what your talking about.

There is **** on the meat at McDonalds!
There's **** in Joker's brain... what's your point? Stop eating at McDonald's you moron!

Yeah, like making sure that they are safety tested before being put out on the market. Conservatives would let them choose whatever drug they wanted, like ritalin for a cold, if they could. No responsibility if they choose wrong, right?
Let who choose? Doctors, pharmacists or the patients themselves... Aren't the liberals for legalization of marijuana, and other drugs? What exactly is wrong with the right to choose for yourself, after all isn't that a liberal thing?

I don't know much about this one, so I won't counter it.
You didn't know much about the other's either and that didn't stop you!

Again, look at the meat thing. And read this book...Bushwacked
Don't eat meat, dipshit!

No, conservative thing again. Move more dumbasses up, they graduate and work as grunts in meat factories without knowing what **** looks like.
WRONG The conservative slant on educations is to keep everyone in held back until they master the subject. The conservatives would like to take it a step further and segregate the slower student from the smarter ones so the smarter ones (who actually show aptitude in certain areas) can advance quicker, while mastering the subject matter. The liberals think this would be too traumatic on the dumber kids and the dumber ones would loose self confidence (the narcisism that the liberals have injected into our educational sysytem).

And liberals are FOR education. Where did you get your statement from anyway?
Yes, liberals love education, because schools are a very effective place to spread thier propoganda! (conservatives love education for the same reason, but I'm dogging liberals right now).

I don't really care about Islam and learned about how ****ed up Christianity is all by myself.
You don't care about anything important.

School is actually for Christianity, from what I have seen.
What have you seen? and when you saw it, were you on acid?

Seriously, what the **** are you talking about?
My nine year old, came home from school asking me "why do we(christians) persecute muslims?" This question could only have come from some stupid propoganda about "evil" christians persecuting "innocent" muslims. **** you and all other propogandists!

I would like proof on that one. And if it is true, there are more man-made toxins actually affecting Joe than natural ones.
Look it up, moron! Start with a book on volcanoes.

They would fire his ass if he didn't go to work. Plain and simple.
As they should... but I'm talking about the legions of incompetent slackers that are immune to expulsion based on their race, gender, creed, participation in a union, etc, etc. I have seen it first hand over the 20 + years that I have been in the work force. To deny it, is to deny reality!

And liberals also have to pay the same taxes. Boo hoo...
Yes, but they wanted to in the first place! It's like forcing your whole neighborhood to go fishing! The fishermen of the neighborhood don't mind! but the ones who don't fish will probably balk.

Again, conservatives fault that he is illiterate.
You stepped into the **** again, moron. The liberals have ruined education in this country! It's not just the liberals, it's really the narcisism that was fostered by some liberals... not all liberals buy off on the narcisistic bullshit... but there are no conservatives who believe in it!

Because conservatives made the buyers illiterate. Are they both screwing the companies up?
No the liberal philosophy has made are educational system produce illiterates... if you weren't so uneducated yourself, you'd know this.

There is a simple solution there...DON'T USE ELECTRICITY, THEN, YOU DUMBASS ILLITERATE HICK!!!...
If you don't like the US meat industry, then don't eat it... I'm sick of your liberal double-standards!

So Bush can steal SS money from under our noses...without having to get into a non existant SS fund...makes you feel special, doesn't it?
YOU ILLITERATE HICK!!!! I even gave you this one (if you could read) it was a Republican who pushed the legislation to incorporate the SS fund into the general fund... I'm not passing you, until you give us his name on the test!

The limit of what you learned in your schooling tenure?
Oh, yeah "not very often"... that makes it ok!

Never said that it was OK, but you make a valid point.

True, and thanks for noticing... they DO get fired in the conservative "right to work" states like Texas!

And in Cali they get fired to. But wait, we aren't a right to work state. WHAAAAAAAAT?

And I think the whole right to work thing is bullshit, because without the grunts, the higher ups stop making money without doing illegal ****...which would be done anyway.

No, it is a liberal tree-hugger thing... Surely your not so stupid to think that all the environmentalists are conservative do you? Well, judging by your post, maybe you are!

Of course not. But I haven't seen any liberals that would do that. And a conservative would go for it if there were profit in it. So don't go acting like conservatives are against all regulations of this type.

Hey dipshit, I was talking about the pharmaceudical industry! I worked in this industry for a long time, there are very stringent regulations put on the industry by the government, and there are many self regulations not required by the government. They are all expensive as hell, and are the SOLE reason your meds cost so damn much! Many if the government regulations do nothing to help the quality of the product, but damn sure do something to the cost. Joker, you obviously don't know what your talking about.
I do. But what if the government missed something that the liberals caught? And name one regulation (show your work) that is worthless that liberals enacted.

There's **** in Joker's brain... what's your point? Stop eating at McDonald's you moron!

I don't...EVER...

Let who choose? Doctors, pharmacists or the patients themselves... Aren't the liberals for legalization of marijuana, and other drugs? What exactly is wrong with the right to choose for yourself, after all isn't that a liberal thing?[QUOTE/]

OK, MRIH. Take Nyquil to cure your lung cancer and tell me how that works out for you. And it was the patients who choose.

You didn't know much about the other's either and that didn't stop you!
ha ha...ha ha...ha how ****ing pathetic.

Don't eat meat, dipshit!
I don't eat much, if any.

WRONG The conservative slant on educations is to keep everyone in held back until they master the subject. The conservatives would like to take it a step further and segregate the slower student from the smarter ones so the smarter ones (who actually show aptitude in certain areas) can advance quicker, while mastering the subject matter. The liberals think this would be too traumatic on the dumber kids and the dumber ones would loose self confidence (the narcisism that the liberals have injected into our educational sysytem).

Yes, liberals love education, because schools are a very effective place to spread thier propoganda! (conservatives love education for the same reason, but I'm dogging liberals right now).

You don't care about anything important.

What have you seen? and when you saw it, were you on acid?

My nine year old, came home from school asking me "why do we(christians) persecute muslims?" This question could only have come from some stupid propoganda about "evil" christians persecuting "innocent" muslims. **** you and all other propogandists!

Look it up, moron! Start with a book on volcanoes.

As they should... but I'm talking about the legions of incompetent slackers that are immune to expulsion based on their race, gender, creed, participation in a union, etc, etc. I have seen it first hand over the 20 + years that I have been in the work force. To deny it, is to deny reality!

Yes, but they wanted to in the first place! It's like forcing your whole neighborhood to go fishing! The fishermen of the neighborhood don't mind! but the ones who don't fish will probably balk.

You stepped into the **** again, moron. The liberals have ruined education in this country! It's not just the liberals, it's really the narcisism that was fostered by some liberals... not all liberals buy off on the narcisistic bullshit... but there are no conservatives who believe in it!

No the liberal philosophy has made are educational system produce illiterates... if you weren't so uneducated yourself, you'd know this.

If you don't like the US meat industry, then don't eat it... I'm sick of your liberal double-standards!

YOU ILLITERATE HICK!!!! I even gave you this one (if you could read) it was a Republican who pushed the legislation to incorporate the SS fund into the general fund... I'm not passing you, until you give us his name on the test!

The limit of what you learned in your schooling tenure?

Let me just put it this way. It depends on what liberal you talk to and what beliefs that liberal holds. Some think you should move the smart kids up, some don't.
Your stupidity speaks for itself, so I won't comment on any except for this doozy...

OK, MRIH. Take Nyquil to cure your lung cancer and tell me how that works out for you. And it was the patients who choose.
1) Who takes Nyquil for lung cancer?
2) Is it my right to take Nyquil for lung cancer?
3) I don't have lung cancer.
4) If I did, who's to stop me from taking Nyquil for it anyway?
5) The patients choose. Well I hope so, choice in health care is a basic freedom.
OK so our medications costs are not at all affected by all these dumb ass adverts and Pharmesutical reps bringing al kinds of **** into the offices just to be seen (they have expense accounts just ot bribe their way in). It couldn't possibly be because the pharmesuticals can make billions by creating a society where there is a pill for every natural phase of life or by having bush give the school systems the authority to madate psychiatric drugs to our kids and allow the parents no say in it.

Our kids are not being at all helped by this no child left behind bullshit. All that is happening is that our kids are wasting entire school years learning to take one test, not so they pass and move on but so they pass and school continue to recieve the big bux. Hell all fourth grade is anymore in this country is preparation for a standardized test. One test, if a kids fails they are ****ed. Ya that makes sense. NOT!!!!!

It is not entireley the fault of wither the right or the left but rather both combined. They all have their heads so far up their asses that they are doing **** just to spite eachother with no regard as to the bennefit to the people. Mostly theses **** ups are looking only to pad their wallets, or make the pther side look bad. We the people no longer matter.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
1) Who takes Nyquil for lung cancer?
2) Is it my right to take Nyquil for lung cancer?
3) I don't have lung cancer.
4) If I did, who's to stop me from taking Nyquil for it anyway?
5) The patients choose. Well I hope so, choice in health care is a basic freedom.

Ha ha, funny stuff.