"Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain"?

fullauto said:
I tend to think that 'don't take my name in vain' as meaning

1. Don't claim credit for something I have done or
2. Don't attribute things to me that I have not done....

I don't think it has anything to do with cussing...

Well your right but most times i've heard people make reference to taking the lords name in vain it is in reference to terms like "jesus christ" and "god dammit". Or my favorite, Jesus ****ing christ.
Jhony5 said:
Well your right but most times i've heard people make reference to taking the lords name in vain it is in reference to terms like "jesus christ" and "god dammit". Or my favorite, Jesus ****ing christ.

Those people are called sheeple... sheep + people = sheeple

try to avoid those people... They tend to be the first version of man and won't make it past the next checkpoint....
fullauto said:
Those people are called sheeple... sheep + people = sheeple

try to avoid those people... They tend to be the first version of man and won't make it past the next checkpoint....

I do try to avoid them. But as most ardent religious folks they have a knack for steping on my toes.

I doubt the woman would feel empowered, more like embarrassed by her own faus pas. If she did feel empowered than it doesn't matter how you deal with her because she has issues. All you do by stooping to the level of a shmuck is become one yourself.

As for religious folk, I have found that the best way to be left alone in teh long run, is to respctfully explain to them that although I am a very spiritual person I am not christian but respect everyone's right to believe as they will. On occasion this will turn into a philosophical discussion, but I am not worried as I am strong in my convictions and enjoy that challenge in order to strengthen them more. If a person cannot accept that I respect them regardless of our differences, **** em' why bother any further?
tizz said:

I doubt the woman would feel empowered, more like embarrassed by her own faus pas. If she did feel empowered than it doesn't matter how you deal with her because she has issues. All you do by stooping to the level of a shmuck is become one yourself.

As for religious folk, I have found that the best way to be left alone in teh long run, is to respctfully explain to them that although I am a very spiritual person I am not christian but respect everyone's right to believe as they will. On occasion this will turn into a philosophical discussion, but I am not worried as I am strong in my convictions and enjoy that challenge in order to strengthen them more. If a person cannot accept that I respect them regardless of our differences, **** em' why bother any further?

I agree with the **** 'em part but thats about it. Maybe your a better person than I. Maybe your just a door mat for assholes.
Nah I just don't allow assholes to invade my thoughts. Not worth it! They may think thay are walking on me but who cares what an asshole thinks anyway?
tizz said:
Nah I just don't allow assholes to invade my thoughts. Not worth it! They may think thay are walking on me but who cares what an asshole thinks anyway?

O.K. then lets do a hypothetical. Your standing outside on your break smoking and some bitch walks up to you and says " put that out right now. I don't want to inhale your ****ing smoke". Do you put it out and apologize? Do you tell her to mind her own business? What?
Well I apologize if I blew smoke in her face, but as long as I am in a designated smoking area I remind her that there are a lot of other places to stand and although I will do my best to keep my smoke out of her face it is up to her not to stand where I am smoking. If she doesn't want to leave then that's her problem. I do smoke and I totally agree that it is shite and totally respect anyone who doesn't want to have to unwillingly smell the **** or end up with the smoke on their clothes.
tizz said:
Well I apologize if I blew smoke in her face, but as long as I am in a designated smoking area I remind her that there are a lot of other places to stand and although I will do my best to keep my smoke out of her face it is up to her not to stand where I am smoking. If she doesn't want to leave then that's her problem. I do smoke and I totally agree that it is shite and totally respect anyone who doesn't want to have to unwillingly smell the **** or end up with the smoke on their clothes.

You are a better person that I.

Back to the OP.

Do you think just saying goddamn should be considered offensive or is it just an expression? And if someone is offened by this should they feel they have the right to bother you?
Personally I think peopole should let it be unless it is directed at them for the sake of pissing them off (kind of like what you did to that coworker ;) ) I can understand someone thinking it wrong but as times change so does language and eventually most street slang and looser terms make it into the general vocabulary and you just have to deal. Hell when I was a kid I got reemed for saying hell and sucks, Now my four year old says sucks and it doesn't even phase me (probably because I say it all the time) Even **** isn't nearly as shocking as it was. So god dammit isn't so bad, but still I wouldn't go around saying it in a house of worship or anything (at least not loud enough for people to hear it)
Vash the Stampede said:
No, this commandment does NOT just mean "don't cuss". It seems to me that most of the theocrats and evangelists break the third commandment several times each day. They will use and abuse the name of the Lord for their own self-serving political and financial profit.

Then again, they pull the same bullshit with the American flag and 9/11 too, so it comes as little surprise.

Actually you can..but it will forgiven..but you can't curse the holy ghost(don't ask me why :confused: )...I can't remember the verse number, but I think Jesus said it..you'll have to use an online bible keyword search.
Yeah, it's just a statement. Although it can be offensive to some people, some people do not care either way. Personally, I watch when I say it, but if I know I'm around someone that is going to be offended I just don't say it outta respect not just because I don't say it at all.
my father always told me a boy thinks with his hands a man with his head. He made the landing at normandy was in five major battles was awarded the bronze star. ;)

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