time traveling


New member
You know what really ****** me off, bullshitters that say, "i just came back from the future", then they explain it saying that they used blackholes by manipulating two of them, or using plutonium with a blackhole to give them enough kinetic energy to go fast enough to travel through time.

Honestly, how stupid do you think i am, i might the type of guy that gets hit by parked cars every once in a while, but do you expect me to believe that you actually have gone through time.

Look, if you go as fast as the speed of light, you would die in what appears to us....5 years but to you it would seem 100 years or something, not to mention that the infections and bacteria you have will "fly" off you and hit us, but not to worry, they die on contact, and while you are in light mode, if you even touch something ANYTHING, your finger or what ever you used to touch, will be completely destroyed becuase what you touch is not going as fast as you are. there fore, you didnt go through time, you died faster

no, lets say you made everyone else fast but you,

1. nothing can touch you or you will die, imagine you standing still, and a truck moving fast.

2. i doubt it that you can make every one fast and you slow

Now, say you "somehow" did make every one fast and you slow, that would make you go through time, but, seeing as you are retarded, you forget to get food in your safe place, now you die from starvation, or say you went out to get some, read 1.

Now, lets say that you got everthing ready, now your in the future, its a wasteland isn't it, quite wonderful isn't it, how do you think you are going back through time, hmm, lets see...

go fast, die quick

make everything go fast, go foward through time again.

Lets say that you manipulated two black holes

1. it will kill you before you even have done that

2. the forces of the black holes will cancel, maybe you should of stayed awake in physics class dumbass

3. if one was stronger, it will suck up the other one, who knows what will happen to the other one

Lets say that you used plutonium to blow up a black hole

that make it wider, suck everthing in it, and possibly kill us, real smart genious

and thats what ****** me off



New member
well, ok, then i guess you guys are geniouses and say that going back through time is possible, explain to me how?

and while your at it, explain to me how to go foward, if you cant, then you, my good sir, is a fool



New member
well, ok, then i guess you guys are geniouses and say that going back through time is possible, explain to me how?and while your at it, explain to me how to go foward, if you cant, then you, my good sir, is a fool
You watch too much Star Trek, Arturo, and I agree with everyone else... your an idiot..




New member
This seriously makes no sense. I have never heared someone say "I just got back from the future" than continue to explain how they did it.




New member
This seriously makes no sense. I have never heared someone say "I just got back from the future" than continue to explain how they did it.
If someone told me that I would smile, acted like I cared and then slowly walked away. :cool:



New member
well, this isnt the only forum in the net, there are other forums, the one i was on yesterday had a guy saying that he just came back from the future and saying that there was a war in 2016, he explained how, and some disagreed and explain why, and phreakwars, i dont watch star trek, the most sci fi ive watch would be stargate and ghost hunters, and jokersarewild, if you havent slept in physics, then you would know what im talking about, and if you've been to other forums, talked with people, done research, then you would at some point hear some idiot saying, "i just came back from the future", and still, there has not been one person that has said that it is possible, and theoreticly, by Einstein's equation E=mc^2, time traveling and going at the speed of light is im possible

and i ask of you, prove me wrong so that i can be correct next time i talk about time traveling



New member
OK, if you want an actual opinion, I say it IS possible to travel into the future, but it will NEVER happen because the human body is to fragile to withstand the speed needed.

And if ...and this is a BIG IF... it were possible for a vessel to be constructed that would allow you to travel into the future, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to go back. you simply CAN NOT alter history.

Now since we can not alter history, would you at least then explain to all of us on this site, why you chose to introduce yourself into our community by using a very stupid topic ??





New member
They had something on the History channel about space travel by folding space and then entering a hole or something. This would also give you time travel in therory. A bunch of bullshit I think.


New member
Well, just so that i wont get the whole site after me, understand that i do not wish to insult any one, execpt for the idiot that says, "i just back from the future"

well phreakwars, what i got from your reply is that you agree going back through time is impossible, and you have not said that i am wrong, and why i decided to choose to introduce my self into the community with "such a stupid topic" well, time travel is something that science really wants to know, and this site says

"Off Topic Forum Had a bad day? Someone **** you off? Get out your frustrations here."

so, i did, someone ****** me off by saying "i just got back from the future" expecting that someone would actually belive them, and got my frustrations out here.

and dont say that i do everything a website, or the internet tells me to do, that was just a suggestion to me, and i decided to write what ****** me off

and phreakwars, your right, you cant alter time history

I personally have never met anyone that claimed he just got back from the future. If I did, I would stay way the **** back from the crazy ******!

Time travel is impossible (at least in the Orwellean sense) because:

1) The Azimov paradox. I go back in time and assassinate my mother before she gets pregnant, So how do I assassinate her?

2) The law of conservation of matter and energy. I go back in time 3 minutes and say hello to myself 3 minutes prior to going back 3 minutes in the past... Now there are two of me at 3 minutes prior time travelling, effectively doubling my mass in that time frame.

3) The law of conservation of momentum. I travel back in time (or forward), where will I be? Will I be in the same place I travelled from? If I am then the earth has moved, the stars are no longer in the same place. Since all motion is relative to its frame of reference... then there is no frame of reference to be in, I simply wouldn't exist.



New member
and yet, i have only received a response, that i was hoping to get, from phreakwars, snafu, and mohammed rots in **** (either proving time traveling is possible or not, and proving me wrong with an explanation). the others have only insulted me, calling me an idiot, stupid, or retarded, but have failed in explaining why, honestly, if your going to insult someone becuase you think that what they say is stupid, why wont you oppose them instead of just an insulting them, this is the "supposible" best DEBATE forum, and not, "boo hoo hoo, i dont understand, im going to make fun of them", like the little ***** you are.

at least there are two of them saying that time travel is impossible (from my understanding) and one giving me info, those guys, i respect, even if they do say im an idiot, as for the others, i say your scared little ******* insulting a person with out an explanation becuase you dont want to be embarrased, pick up your ***** and be a man, or sit your *** down and shut up like the ***** you always will be.

and no one has ever asked, where have i heard that someone said "i just came back from the future"

so much as a debate forum, ive had more insults then someone for or against me, that is what a debate is, either for or againts someone, and explaining why

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