time traveling


New member
yes it has...It's all done with...And still doesnt change the fact that time travel is impossible, because they would have come back and told you so..


New member
yes it has...It's all done with...And still doesnt change the fact that time travel is impossible, because they would have come back and told you so..
You negate the possibility of time travel, but believe the future has already happened?

You don't see an anomoly there? How can you know that our future has already happened, if you haven't been there, or met someone who has been there?



New member
because Allah knows all...He knows where you are going, what you have done, and me and everyone else...

But the point is, no one has come and told you anyway therefore making it impossible to time travel



New member
because Allah knows all...He knows where you are going, what you have done, and me and everyone else...
But the point is, no one has come and told you anyway therefore making it impossible to time travel
Still talking in circles here Mariama. Allah knows all, and has told you in the Qu'oran (sp?) about your future. But nobody has come back to prove this prophecy? You don't see the hypocrisy entrenched within that statement?



New member
Mariama, i dont want to insult you, and forgive me if you get offended, and i really and truly sorry, but...

there are different gods, super beings, and spiritual leaders that alot of people belive in, so how do you know that Allah is the true and ultimate one, and have you seen Allah, im sure that just like every religion with a ***, etc. etc. (lets call them X) will tell you, X loves you, X cares about your life, X made you, X is your father etc. etc.

and you (like my family and if when i was young) would not ask a question and say, really, i love X too.

religion is based on something, its called "Maslows hierachy of needs" its some pyramid, hitler used that, jesus used that, alot of people use that to manipulate some one into their doing, and if you think about it, it really wont make alot of logical sense, but im more affiliated with the judeo-christian religion, mainly on catholic side, my parents are still catholic and im atheist cuase i refuse let some one control me and tell me what i am to do with my life, and as Allah , you said,

because Allah knows all...He knows where you are going, what you have done, and me and everyone else...
geez, that sounds like something my mom used to tell me (before i ignored her) about ***, yet i have never seen or spoke to him on a personal basis, and im sure you havent spoken to Allah either, and if i am correct, if you speak to X, you are praying, if X speaks to you, your a nut-job

i hope i havent offended you, and if you insult me, i understand and cannot blame you,

and phreakwars, as for you, thanks, i wasnt expecting that, more like more people wanting to make fun of me, im actually an educated ghetto mexican from texas just trying to go from rags to riches as smartly as possible with out using get rich quick schemes, but thanks and everyone that didnt insult me and thats all they put, as for what mariana and builder have said,

again, i dont want to offend anyone

if you stayed awake in physics class, you would figure out that while you are in the present, you have seen the future, and it has become your past, its weird, i cant make it simplier, and i cant remember the exact paragraph my physics teacher has said

and remember, no one makes your decisions, and picks out your path in life but you, if you let someone control you, you will only become there *****

also, if your going to insult me, prove me wrong and back it up with info instead of just using petty insults, nothing hurts more than proven wrong and look like a fool, and its better that way, think about it



New member
your question must of been a typo, im guessing you meant, "whose name does it say under, idiot? (its ok, i mis-put/rearrange words too)
in that case

obviously, you are dumber than my dogs **** on a hot summer day

have you ever thought that Hugh and I were typing at the same time, but since his reply was shorter and mine longer, his would appear first

and if you have read the what MRIH wrote, you would of known that my reply was related to his because i said that i agreeded that the guy is an idiot and understand what MRIH was saying,

and MRIH said, "they guys an idiot", not "you are an idiot", which would mean that he was talking about the other guy in another forum, not me, he also explained something, you (if you have read) would know that i was talking to him, not Hugh

ofcourse, you would have to admit that you didnt read it cuase if you did and thought i was replying to Hugh, then you are more pathetic then the maggot in front of your house eating the grass

but as seeing that you wouldnt understand what i just wrote, allow me to make it short

your stupid

you must of gotten those rep points by agreeing with the other idiots (other idiots being those that only make fun of instead of debating what the topic starter is **** off at)

geez, even that maggot has more pride,
I have to admit that there are things on here I don't read past the first sentence...your **** is just too stupid...your honestly ****** off that someone says they just got back from the future??? AND I'm the idiot??



New member

No you haven't offended me...I'm not a stupid person, a stupid person is the type that claim they believe in something but also say others are right..This is not belief, this is hypocrisy...

Islam is the way and it doesn't not matter how one may insult me, laugh at me etc, I know whats right...

And again no-one has been here to tell you, "I came from the future" this alone is proof enough that time travel is NOT possible..



New member
thanks mariama, i glad i didnt offend you, i respect other people and their beliefs, and dont think of them as idiots, alot of people need something to believe in, and thats something i cannot argue against, but, mariama, if you read one of my previous replies, you would of knows that it wasnt in this site, it was in another site, and when someone says that they have been to the future, and really means it, it ****** me off cuase they should of said it to some one that can make better use of the intel instead of a forum where no one will belive...of course, no one will belive some has gone to the future and back

as for lethalfind, you should read the whole thing, reading just the first line can make you an idiot, you could of missed some information that would either strongly agree or disagree with someone, so please, read the whole thing next time



New member
thanks mariama, i glad i didnt offend you, i respect other people and their beliefs, and dont think of them as idiots, alot of people need something to believe in, and thats something i cannot argue against, but, mariama, if you read one of my previous replies, you would of knows that it wasnt in this site, it was in another site, and when someone says that they have been to the future, and really means it, it ****** me off cuase they should of said it to some one that can make better use of the intel instead of a forum where no one will belive...of course, no one will belive some has gone to the future and back
as for lethalfind, you should read the whole thing, reading just the first line can make you an idiot, you could of missed some information that would either strongly agree or disagree with someone, so please, read the whole thing next time
LOL, I'm an idiot because I choose NOT to waste my time on idiots...RIGHT, you keep telling yourself that.



New member
LOL, I'm an idiot because I choose NOT to waste my time on idiots...RIGHT, you keep telling yourself that.
No, your an idiot because any subject that would require you to use your mind and ponder over something, scares you and makes you attack the topic starter and accuse them of being preposterous..




New member
LOL, I'm an idiot because I choose NOT to waste my time on idiots...RIGHT, you keep telling yourself that.
If your not wasting your time, then why are you posting on a thread you think is a waste?

Two words: Attention *****



New member
The guys an idiot....
Anyway, time dialation and gravity are linked in a peculiar way. 1st we know by the General Theory of Relativity (GR) that clocks move slower the deeper into a gravity well they descend.

However consider the converse in this "thought experiment": Phreakwars invents a time dialation machine that bends time and makes clocks in its center move slower than outside. Now someone unloads a bunch of free moving particles like gamma rays or even houseflies. The houseflies buzz about the room with the time dialation machine in it in a random fashion. While they fly in and out of the "time chamber" the will spend a considerable more amount of time inside the device as outside by an observer either inside or outside the box. So at any given time there will be more flies in the chamber than out of the chamber. This would constitute an "attraction" of the flies or particles.

Also imagine taking a stick, like a broom handle, and moving through the air vertically where half of the stick is in the device and the other half is out. The half that is in the device would have a natural "drag" and as you pulled it away, it would pull against the half that was out of device. Now imagine that you let it go... What would happen? Imagine now that the stick was a container of free moving particles, half of which where in the device and half were out? Soon the particles would "condense" into one side of the container, causing the container to move towards the device.

It is even easier to imagine if you consider that Phreakwar's time dialation device gradiatently warped time from slower to faster the further away from the center things are situated.

I have been smoking some really killer herb today, guys... I gotta veg on some sci-fi for a while...

takes a hit farout man! I think I got that! takes another What were we talking about man?



New member
In fact, being mathematically inclined would be a detriment in ones ability to believe this bullshit!
Just get back to your Fox News, McDonald's, and Budweiser.

It appears that you belong to the camp which believes that we have it all figured out. Stop being part of the problem.

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