time traveling

Hugh G. Rekshun

New member
Just get back to your Fox News, McDonald's, and Budweiser.
It appears that you belong to the camp which believes that we have it all figured out. Stop being part of the problem.
Please do explain...exactly WHICH problem is MRIH part of anyway, Tally(whaker)-suck?

This ought to be good :)



New member
The guys an idiot....
Anyway, time dialation and gravity are linked in a peculiar way. 1st we know by the General Theory of Relativity (GR) that clocks move slower the deeper into a gravity well they descend.

However consider the converse in this "thought experiment": Phreakwars invents a time dialation machine that bends time and makes clocks in its center move slower than outside. Now someone unloads a bunch of free moving particles like gamma rays or even houseflies. The houseflies buzz about the room with the time dialation machine in it in a random fashion. While they fly in and out of the "time chamber" the will spend a considerable more amount of time inside the device as outside by an observer either inside or outside the box. So at any given time there will be more flies in the chamber than out of the chamber. This would constitute an "attraction" of the flies or particles.

Also imagine taking a stick, like a broom handle, and moving through the air vertically where half of the stick is in the device and the other half is out. The half that is in the device would have a natural "drag" and as you pulled it away, it would pull against the half that was out of device. Now imagine that you let it go... What would happen? Imagine now that the stick was a container of free moving particles, half of which where in the device and half were out? Soon the particles would "condense" into one side of the container, causing the container to move towards the device.

It is even easier to imagine if you consider that Phreakwar's time dialation device gradiatently warped time from slower to faster the further away from the center things are situated.

I have been smoking some really killer herb today, guys... I gotta veg on some sci-fi for a while...
That was ******* beautiful...!

I read something on how possible travelling into the future was...it had something to do with what you just said...

Jonny and Jimmy are twins. Jonny goes on a space flight where the ship goes 90% the speed of light. Jimmy stays home and does what he would normally do.

50 years later, Jonny get's back from his space trip having only aged about a month or so( maybe less), and Jimmy is now 70.

So travelling into the future is possible, but you cannot come back.



New member
In fact, being mathematically inclined would be a detriment in ones ability to believe this bullshit!

Cheeseman's Emotional Energy Theory, which holds that if you can concentrate enough emotional energy on a particular moment in time you can alter the past and create a new future.
^^What about that, MRIH?

JK...it's from "Happy Accidents".


Hugh G. Rekshun

New member
Cheeseman's Emotional Energy Theory, which holds that if you can concentrate enough emotional energy on a particular moment in time you can alter the past and create a new future..
I think you are referring to Chuck E. Cheeseman's theory that if enough kids are playing in the ball pit simultaneously then the proportion of alcohol consumed by their respective parental units will double by the day's end:p



New member
I think you are referring to Chuck E. Cheeseman's theory that if enough kids are playing in the ball pit simultaneously then the proportion of alcohol consumed by their respective parental units will double by the day's end:p
No, you screwed it up.

The formula is as follows: B/C P=O, Where B=*****, C=Children, P=Number of Parents per child, and O=Ounces of Alchol.

That one has been proven, though. :)



New member
Ah me...
time travel is not possible, what are you lot on???!!

I know 100% is isnt, but that aside for the benefit of empty people, if it were then people would have come back and told you it were possible...Face it, you cannot reverse anything...
Quantum physics says it is possible however highly unlikely to happen because of the causality loop etc. Both Einstein and more recently Steven Hawking says it is possible, but the dangers in doing so far outweigh the positive benefits and the only way you could alter the pass is to exist outside of time and space, thus making yourself immune to the events of history.



New member
Quantum Physics is wrong my friend, you cannot go forward back or any other way you might want to try! You have a life to lead, LEAD IT, do not for one second believe you can travel back to change it, forward to sneek a look at it!!

Forget this silly idea and stop relying on the nonsense of quacks..



New member
well, as little as i know about physics, i doubt it that time travel is possible, and i mean traveling between distance times (say point A to point B are about 10 years apart) instantly. some thing about conservation of mass and energy would prevent time travel cause you would take mass from the present time and then shove it some where else, and mass and energy and not be added or subtracted, but, i dunno


New member
Quantum Physics is wrong my friend, you cannot go forward back or any other way you might want to try! You have a life to lead, LEAD IT, do not for one second believe you can travel back to change it, forward to sneek a look at it!!
Forget this silly idea and stop relying on the nonsense of quacks..
Are you stupid, quantum physics states you can. But if you bothered to read past the fist ******* line, you would see that is also states the reasons why it should be left the **** alone.



New member
Please do explain...exactly WHICH problem is MRIH part of anyway, Tally(whaker)-suck?This ought to be good :)
Holy ****, how'd I miss this?

Any explanation runs the risk of being too deep for you. If you don't get any of this then maybe I can throw a pop-up book together for you.

He's a sheeple. There are many varieties of sheeple. There's those who are sheeple through their religious crutches. There are those who are sheeple because they accept that whatever is in the newspapers today is all that's newsworthy. There are those who are sheeple because they still feel that the government works. There's other kinds, too. And there are people who are a mix of various types.

Most of the world's population feels they have an idea of what we're all about. And most of that comes from pre-packaged religious belief systems fed to those poor people in one form or another.

For the longest time people actually believed Colombus was the first to arrive in the Americas. I'm hoping everyone has learned that the Vikings had actually made it here before that. Some of you might have even heard the theories that Irish monks came before the Scandanavians. Anyway, the point is, we don't have a ******* clue about our history. The sheeple accept what they're taught in our Pavlonian school systems and take it as truth.

We can't agree on our origins. We can't figure out why we're here. We don't understand why we are the way we are. But religious sheeple and the scientific sheeple feel that we, in fact, do know the answers. The problem there is they can't back it up 100%. And if you can't do that then you can't put the "fact" stamp on your file folder. What's wrong with admitting we have no idea? That's the first step in the discovery process.

We need to change. And we can. The whole that's-just-the-way-it-is attitude has to go. Sheeple interfere with that progress...to the point where most people aren't able to grasp the concept of our ability to achieve on this planet what religion and science both tell us is beyond our control.



New member
Are you stupid' date=' quantum physics states you can. But if you bothered to read past the fist ******* line, you would see that is also states the reasons why it should be left the **** alone.[/quote']
Wait until she hits the multiple-universe theory.


New member
Holy ****, how'd I miss this?
Any explanation runs the risk of being too deep for you. If you don't get any of this then maybe I can throw a pop-up book together for you.

He's a sheeple. There are many varieties of sheeple. There's those who are sheeple through their religious crutches. There are those who are sheeple because they accept that whatever is in the newspapers today is all that's newsworthy. There are those who are sheeple because they still feel that the government works. There's other kinds, too. And there are people who are a mix of various types.

Most of the world's population feels they have an idea of what we're all about. And most of that comes from pre-packaged religious belief systems fed to those poor people in one form or another.

For the longest time people actually believed Colombus was the first to arrive in the Americas. I'm hoping everyone has learned that the Vikings had actually made it here before that. Some of you might have even heard the theories that Irish monks came before the Scandanavians. Anyway, the point is, we don't have a ******* clue about our history. The sheeple accept what they're taught in our Pavlonian school systems and take it as truth.

We can't agree on our origins. We can't figure out why we're here. We don't understand why we are the way we are. But religious sheeple and the scientific sheeple feel that we, in fact, do know the answers. The problem there is they can't back it up 100%. And if you can't do that then you can't put the "fact" stamp on your file folder. What's wrong with admitting we have no idea? That's the first step in the discovery process.

We need to change. And we can. The whole that's-just-the-way-it-is attitude has to go. Sheeple interfere with that progress...to the point where most people aren't able to grasp the concept of our ability to achieve on this planet what religion and science both tell us is beyond our control.
I guess that makes you a sheeple too. Lets see you back yourself up 100%. you didn't come up with your ideas by yourself. education is taught. right or wrong. Yes a lot of facts that were taught become dis-proved.

I call Columbus day " rape and pillage day" myself.

You follow who you believe and I and others will follow what ideals they believe.



New member
Wait until she hits the multiple-universe theory.
But I agree with the multiple-universe theory. Quantum physics has proven that our universe has a gravity leak, which is bleeding into another universe next to ours. It also states that for every possible outcome there are numerous outcomes expressed in countless universes, down the smallest detail, it also states that our universe is not the first, but a copy of the first, which is in turn a copy of the itself.

Now try and make sense of that lol.

Quantum physics = brain rape.



New member
Well describe this "gravity leak", and how the **** could it factor into time travel?

The magnetic fields that encompass our bit of dirt are mathematically predictable invisible beasts. Where is the leak? And what is the signifigance of this proposed leak? Our gravitational leverage extends about as far as Mercury.



New member
Well describe this "gravity leak", and how the **** could it factor into time travel?
The magnetic fields that encompass our bit of dirt are mathematically predictable invisible beasts. Where is the leak? And what is the signifigance of this proposed leak? Our gravitational leverage extends about as far as Mercury.
Your avatar is smiling at me, builder!

How did he get them so pearly white?

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