Please do explain...exactly WHICH problem is MRIH part of anyway, Tally(whaker)-suck?This ought to be good
Holy ****, how'd I miss this?
Any explanation runs the risk of being too deep for you. If you don't get any of this then maybe I can throw a pop-up book together for you.
He's a sheeple. There are many varieties of sheeple. There's those who are sheeple through their religious crutches. There are those who are sheeple because they accept that whatever is in the newspapers today is all that's newsworthy. There are those who are sheeple because they still feel that the government works. There's other kinds, too. And there are people who are a mix of various types.
Most of the world's population feels they have an idea of what we're all about. And most of that comes from pre-packaged religious belief systems fed to those poor people in one form or another.
For the longest time people actually believed Colombus was the first to arrive in the Americas. I'm hoping everyone has learned that the Vikings had actually made it here before that. Some of you might have even heard the theories that Irish monks came before the Scandanavians. Anyway, the point is, we don't have a ******* clue about our history. The sheeple accept what they're taught in our Pavlonian school systems and take it as truth.
We can't agree on our origins. We can't figure out why we're here. We don't understand why we are the way we are. But religious sheeple and the scientific sheeple feel that we, in fact, do know the answers. The problem there is they can't back it up 100%. And if you can't do that then you can't put the "fact" stamp on your file folder. What's wrong with admitting we have no idea? That's the first step in the discovery process.
We need to change. And we can. The whole that's-just-the-way-it-is attitude has to go. Sheeple interfere with that the point where most people aren't able to grasp the concept of our ability to achieve on this planet what religion and science both tell us is beyond our control.