time traveling

you only say that cuase i insulted you, proving that you are discreditable riffraff that will disgrace an individual or whole because of your inadequate dignity of yourself.

i should confer and render you defunct, but the our mileage is what prevents from interaction

and i have not heard MRIH saying that i have smoked too many pairs of crusty gym socks, only that he has never heard of someone claiming to come from the future, and if he did, he would stay the **** away, unlike your self Hugh G. Rekshun

but im sure that by the time you have read this sentence, your feeble little mind will have a nerve recking headache and have to finish the second paragragh the following day.
all right MRIH, it was in another forum,


the original thing about the forum is to talk about anime (yes i watch anime) the topic was about world war 3, something that im sure will happen soon
but theres another section to talk about anything, i figure this individual was just joking, but i thought he was an idiot for it,
Yep, a definate fruitcake is in our midst, folks. Hey, Loko-Koko, try the photon torpedoes on your next conquest to erradicate the Klingon empire you ****ing whack job.
fruitcake, never, loko-koko, i guess you dont know japanese, its actually kokoro senshi, and im learning it so dont type a story ok

Hugh G. Rekshun, is that all you have, petty insults
you are as demeaning as the bird that hit my window

go read a book, and dont think...ever, you will only hurt yourself
The guys an idiot....

Anyway, time dialation and gravity are linked in a peculiar way. 1st we know by the General Theory of Relativity (GR) that clocks move slower the deeper into a gravity well they descend.

However consider the converse in this "thought experiment": Phreakwars invents a time dialation machine that bends time and makes clocks in its center move slower than outside. Now someone unloads a bunch of free moving particles like gamma rays or even houseflies. The houseflies buzz about the room with the time dialation machine in it in a random fashion. While they fly in and out of the "time chamber" the will spend a considerable more amount of time inside the device as outside by an observer either inside or outside the box. So at any given time there will be more flies in the chamber than out of the chamber. This would constitute an "attraction" of the flies or particles.

Also imagine taking a stick, like a broom handle, and moving through the air vertically where half of the stick is in the device and the other half is out. The half that is in the device would have a natural "drag" and as you pulled it away, it would pull against the half that was out of device. Now imagine that you let it go... What would happen? Imagine now that the stick was a container of free moving particles, half of which where in the device and half were out? Soon the particles would "condense" into one side of the container, causing the container to move towards the device.

It is even easier to imagine if you consider that Phreakwar's time dialation device gradiatently warped time from slower to faster the further away from the center things are situated.

I have been smoking some really killer herb today, guys... I gotta veg on some sci-fi for a while...
ok, well, i agree that the guy is an idiot, and understand what you were saying up to a point, although, i would have to research it later
you know, i would kill idiots like you, Hugh G. Rekshun, but if i had of done that, there would be no physical comedy in the world
kokorosenshi said:
ok, well, i agree that the guy is an idiot, and understand what you were saying up to a point, although, i would have to research it later

What you seem to be missing is that your as big an idiot if not bigger...
i was talking about the reply that Mohammed Rots In Hell put, and if you thougth it was the about the reply that Hugh put in, your dumber than the **** my dog makes in the backyard on a hot summer day, which is equivalent to Hugh's intelligence
kokorosenshi said:
i was talking about the reply that Mohammed Rots In Hell put, and if you thougth it was the about the reply that Hugh put in, your dumber than the **** my dog makes in the backyard on a hot summer day, which is equivalent to Hugh's intelligence

Whose name does it say Idiot under?

AND again, when is your Mother going to pay us for the babysitting.
your question must of been a typo, im guessing you meant, "whose name does it say under, idiot? (its ok, i mis-put/rearrange words too)

in that case

obviously, you are dumber than my dogs **** on a hot summer day
have you ever thought that Hugh and I were typing at the same time, but since his reply was shorter and mine longer, his would appear first

and if you have read the what MRIH wrote, you would of known that my reply was related to his because i said that i agreeded that the guy is an idiot and understand what MRIH was saying,

and MRIH said, "they guys an idiot", not "you are an idiot", which would mean that he was talking about the other guy in another forum, not me, he also explained something, you (if you have read) would know that i was talking to him, not Hugh

ofcourse, you would have to admit that you didnt read it cuase if you did and thought i was replying to Hugh, then you are more pathetic then the maggot in front of your house eating the grass

but as seeing that you wouldnt understand what i just wrote, allow me to make it short

your stupid

you must of gotten those rep points by agreeing with the other idiots (other idiots being those that only make fun of instead of debating what the topic starter is piss off at)

geez, even that maggot has more pride,
kokorosenshi said:
your question must of been a typo, im guessing you meant, "whose name does it say under, idiot? (its ok, i mis-put/rearrange words too)

in that case

obviously, you are dumber than my dogs **** on a hot summer day
have you ever thought that Hugh and I were typing at the same time, but since his reply was shorter and mine longer, his would appear first

and if you have read the what MRIH wrote, you would of known that my reply was related to his because i said that i agreeded that the guy is an idiot and understand what MRIH was saying,

and MRIH said, "they guys an idiot", not "you are an idiot", which would mean that he was talking about the other guy in another forum, not me, he also explained something, you (if you have read) would know that i was talking to him, not Hugh

ofcourse, you would have to admit that you didnt read it cuase if you did and thought i was replying to Hugh, then you are more pathetic then the maggot in front of your house eating the grass

but as seeing that you wouldnt understand what i just wrote, allow me to make it short

your stupid

you must of gotten those rep points by agreeing with the other idiots (other idiots being those that only make fun of instead of debating what the topic starter is piss off at)

geez, even that maggot has more pride,
Hey, he's got LethalFind figured out right from the start. That earn's him an early release and a big WELCOME to GF... give this redneck some rep.
Visited the forum...are you sure the dudes full name is not Lukey Skywalkey.

Reminds me of SD the thread starter does.

Sorry can't help with the time travel stuff..interesting post though.:(
phreakwars said:
Hey, he's got LethalFind figured out right from the start. That earn's him an early release and a big WELCOME to GF... give this redneck some rep.

Simply amazing.

She's not that hard to see through, but this description of letch is spot-on. ;)
There is also one main point and draw back in time travel. The time paradox, Einstein was the first to basically state that time travel is possible, but highly unwise.
An example:
Say you build a time machine to say go back in time and kill Hitler before he became the genocidal nut job the world knows today.
So you build the time machine, go back in time and kill Hitler, thus removing him and most probably preventing WW2 from happening, sound good to me.
However on returning to your present you would find history unchanged, why? Because by going back in time and removing the reason why you went back in time in the first place, the events leading up to you going back in time would not have happened in the first place. Thus Hitler, WW2 etc would have happened just as history states.
This brings up the paradox. You would then come to the understanding that you have failed and go back in time and once again try and change history. But once you return to your present you would find history once again was unchanged. You would then try again and again. The only way to break the paradox would be to go back in time and kill yourself before you tried to change the time line, thus removing yourself from the timeline and preventing the paradox.
This is the main problem with time travel. Quantum physics says its possible. However doing so could really **** things up, example you go back in time and damage the time line, upon returning to your present, a present where you are not supposed to exist, one of two things happens. You either just vanish, because you were not supposed to be there in the first place, or worse your presence in a time line where you are not supposed to be, causes the very fabric of time to shatter, thus destroying the entire universe.
Ah me...

time travel is not possible, what are you lot on???!!
I know 100% is isnt, but that aside for the benefit of empty people, if it were then people would have come back and told you it were possible...Face it, you cannot reverse anything...
Mariama said:
Ah me...

time travel is not possible, what are you lot on???!!
I know 100% is isnt, but that aside for the benefit of empty people, if it were then people would have come back and told you it were possible...Face it, you cannot reverse anything...

You're assuming that the future has already happened.

It hasn't. :cool:
yes it has...It's all done with...And still doesnt change the fact that time travel is impossible, because they would have come back and told you so..