Tired Ranting about Mental Dicipline


Donald Rumsfeld briefed the President this morning. He told Bush that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq. To everyone's amazement, all of the color ran from Bush's face, then he fake-collapsed onto his desk, head in hands, visibly fakeing being shaken, almost whimpering.
Finally, he composed himself and asked Rumsfeld, "Just exactly how
many is a brazillion?"
GF Admin said:
Ok all done with you. You have exhausted your abilities so Make a relevant point now.

Actually, I was done with you when you opened you mouth. But you couldn't take a small dic joke huh? Something to hide?:rolleyes:
GF Admin said:
Not at all, just tired of watching you go in a circle. However if you want to switch to a more sorted topic and discuss things of a phallic nature, you can call me (703) 585-2000

You can't tell me I'm not that cute or smart and then expect me to call you. Rule #40 of "Talking to Women for Dummies" Taking out my trash is more interesting than you are.
GF Admin said:
My Official Opinion on Individuals That needlessly take Psychotropic Drugs:

So you cut and pasted? You think you brought new information those of went to school for this didn't already know? You and Lethal will make a great couple.

I see no difference in the take a pill fix your world mentality and the individual that smokes crack. All of them are hiding from themselves and the realities of life and deserve to be shot in the head like a sick cow.

Thank you for standing my your orginal statement. At least you have half a brain. I don't respect your opinion anymore, but I respect not back tracking. I also believe arrogant *****s who know nothing about nothing should be shot like sick cattle. Let's see who goes first, shall we?

THE END now **** off

You can't debate so you tell us to **** off? That's maturity. Debating with you is over. Debating period? Not so much. Have fun in your lonely 1 cell, 1 way mirror. You'll never be wrong debating with yourself.
GF Admin said:
You are a **** stick and nothing else and since you have proven you have no ability to debate or make a point the only thing left is to ignore you and insult you for the worthless, lying, pointless jizz stain that you are.

Right back at you asshat. You are nothing but an arrogant fool who can't see from your own asshole. Ignoring you would be too easy though, and I never do things the easy way. Insult you? Your not worth the time. I like my meat chewy with flavor and you are a plain bowl of jello, waiting to be poured out with the kitty litter.
GF Admin said:
And yet you continue with the mindless postings that are your trade mark, do you have anything relevant to post in this thread?

DHR should be over to take your son from you; before he has to watch you suck another trucker
GF Admin said:
Make a relevant point concerning the topic of this thread or shut the **** up.

I challenge you to the same big boy. Besides shooting people like cows. Make a relovent point.

And the fact that I'm a woman and you have no power over me is making your dic shrink back in your body isn't? I love that about idiots like you.
GF Admin said:
Just in case you forgot what the topic is.

I know what the topic is asshat. I challenge you to post something that isn't assinine like shooting people like cattle and cutting and pasting something from Wikipidia. We already have one of those idiots, we don't need more.
GF Admin said:
Back on topic

Call your sponser dipshit, your off the wagon.

Back on topic, eh?

Psychology has it's place in society as a tool to help people who need it. Much like diabetics, heart patients and liver transplants. Psychology is needed. Yes, like many tools it gets over used. But that doesn't mean you throw the whole tool box away just because the hammer doesn't fit the screw. I will never believe that people have the power to "fix themselves". Be it therapy, religion, medicine, meditation, those are also tools to help us with our problems. But all of those tools are over used as well.

Yet this is where I differ from most people. No one can "just suck it up" without help. Everyone needs at least one of the previous tools if not a combination of them. It's a fallacy to start depending on one over another. Heart patients are never criticized for taking blood pressure medicine. Because people have an understanding about heart problems. Yet those same people criticize people who take a drug to make their mind work. Baffles me every time.
GF Admin said:
Any prescription or usage of the up and coming drugs should be restricted and used as a last resort, in the case of children still developing they should rarely if ever be used.

And when have you seen my advocate medication as the first choice? And you are assuming(wrongly) that it was my first resort. Assumptions make you look like an ass. And I wouldn't make that assumption about anyone, because most people self medicate for many years before seeking help. And show me where I have EVER advocated medicating children? Just because I believe certain conditions exsist, doesn't mean I feel medication is the first line of defense.

But again assumptions and all:rolleyes: .
I noticed the other morning as I was having breakfast(a cup of coffee, a glass of prune juice, two eggs over easy, a waffle, two 500mg oxys, one 1000 mg prozac, and a couple sampler packets that my doctor gave me for some other pills i have never heard of but the big drug companies are pushing lately, that I am truely getting over my depression and I owe it all to the marvels of modern medicine. Oh look. How cute, one of the cats is shitting in the microwave and frisky is still napping by the front door, he is such a melow cat since I gave him half of one of my perks, he's been in the same spot for two weeks now and he does'nt even swat at all those flys buzzing around his head. Come to think of it he has'nt eaten anything for a while either.......Oh hello, how are you today? :)
GF Admin said:
If there is something defective with the mind of an individual, is that really something we want to assist in reproducing, aid it along, encourage it, wont that eventually lead to that trait becoming dominate in the species? Then what? Everyone will have to take a pill?


I don't believe that taking a medication assists in reproducing the condition, encourages it, or that trait becoming dominate in the species. Humans have suffered from depression for millions of years, it's only recently that we have help for it.

Professional people can grasp this. Judgemental control people can not. Has the usage of insulin made us a population of diabetics? No. It's just improved the quality of life for those diabetics. Medication for mental disease is in the same catagory. And Hippacrates could even agree with that.
Humans have suffered from depression for millions of years, it's only recently that we have help for it.

Some how we managed to survive as a species without all the wonder pills up to this point, but now it seems that they are not only widely accepted as a prudent way to deal with lifes many stresses but paramount to the existence of the human lab rat. I'll stick with the hand I was dealt, thank you, those pharma****s can buy their beach front property with someone elses dime.
GF Admin said:
Would you agree that there are more people with mental issues now then ever before, statistically speaking and so on etc…

Would you not logically link society’s tolerance of such things and the acceptance and expansion of the “Prozac nation“ mentality to the explosion of people with mental illness, do these people not breed? Would you simmer down and look at the cause and effect with an open mind, and after doing that project 20,30,40,50…100 years down the road.

No, I don't agree that there are more mental issue now. They are more diagnosed, which does lead to over diagnoses. However, it's not the same as being more. It's just that more people died from their issues, and didn't talk about it as we do now. This is the age of technology where you can learn about something at the tip of finger. However, that doesn't make the condition happen more, it means knowledge is easier accessible. I'm not "simmered" up. I'm looking at it from a very objective perspective. But not having the knowledge 200 years ago didn't mean the condition didn't exsist. Projecting into the future? I foresee better research of the medicines, better knowledge by the doctors and better patient advocacy. Education is what helps a condition, not ignoring the problem. And you didn't answer my question. Do you really believe we have more diabetics because of synthetic insulin? It's the same process.