To Hell With Your Equal Rights


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2005
I'm getting sick of all these little bra burning dikes on here. You women need to get it through your breeding skulls that men are better than you. This is a mans world and you need to learn your place! You will never be president ,you will never truly have any equal rights ,and you will never be good at sports.

I'm sick of your damn bitching and whinning ,just because a few of you are beaten and battered every few years does not give you a good enough reason to speak up about it. I know alot of you deserve a good beating every now and again. Like if you don't have dinner ready we we come home!

In summary ,I think it is time men take a stand against these radical man haters and start knocking all women up at random. Who is with me? :)
Skaterdude409 said:
Women dont have to go to war. nough said

I have to agree with the spirit of this comment, women will never truly be equal until or responsibilities are the same as men. We can't expect all the good things like pay for jobs etc. to be equal but then expect to be exempt from going to war...I used to love it in Texas when a woman would commit a crime and find herself on death row and then people would start to cry about putting to death a woman...what the **** if the crime had been committed by a man there wouldn't be any question, makes no rational sense to me.

Another example is this sick bitch here in Florida having sex with one of her students...if she had been a man they would have drawn and quartered him by now, instead they have dropped the charges against her.

I don't think women really want things to be completely equal, they just want all the perks and not the extra responsibilities...
Lethalfind said:
I don't think women really want things to be completely equal, they just want all the perks and not the extra responsibilities...
Like not writing the subject matter on the threads they start?
I doubt if the boy suffered any harm from screwing the taecher. Society's overreaction might disturb him.
Skaterdude409 said:
woman cant be on the front lines in a combat unit. Its law
Women are also not allowed to join the Special Forces-Army Rangers, Navy SEALS, etc.
A few years back I was in a unique position to see how men live...I was married to someone from the UK who was waiting for his work permit.
I was the only bread winner...all day at work I had people clamoring for my attention, demanding something from me, when I finally got home I was spent. All I wanted was to sit in my recliner (I kid you not) and unwind and have a decent meal, it didn't have to be gourmet, just something edible, was that really too much to ask? I didn't want to have any heart felt conversation, nothing that would require too much thought on my part. I would arrive home, my daughter would be in the same thing she slept in, not had a bath all day, she was young enough she had to be assisted in this, there would be NO FOOD prepared or something that I wouldn't even feed the ****in stray in the neighborhood and he would be clamoring at me for something, like lets go somewhere and do something...At that very moment I wouldn't have left the house if it was on fire...Of course once I was rested enough to speak I had to hear how bad his ****in day was, how when he mowed the lawn he got bitten by ants etc. I got so annoyed when he said that, I told him he evidently wasn't moving fast enough and if he thought I was going to be the bread winner AND mow the ****in lawn he was sadly mistaken...Its like staying at home robbed him of his common sense. When we went to bed crazy me wanted to have sex, I couldn't even get that. That really pissed me off, if it weren't for the money I was bringing home his ass would have been back in cold, damp England and I couldn't even get laid...

Another difference between men and women is how we communicate, my experience taught me maybe its not all about we are built different, maybe part of it is what men have to go through during the day. Why do women assume that their way of communicating (some might call it hyperverbal) is THE best way. I have been around plenty of women who don't communicate, THEY BEAT A DEAD HORSE and insist you do the same or your not communicating well...what the **** ever...If marriage is about compromise then why is it that it all has to be the womans way, why not have a quiet moment instead of the constant going on that woman do all the time...Yes I am a woman but I was brought up around women who would make you want to give up your woman card...I have gone in the opposite direction in some ways. There are times that no matter how bad something feels, the very last thing I want to do is talk about it, trash the subject out etc. I have had conversations with my female friends on the topic of sex...just how happy do you expect your spouse to be if you HATE having friend told me she thought her husbands penis was the most rediculous thing she had ever seen in her life...I asked her how she would feel if he said that about her genitalia...would she ever have sex with him again?? I love it when I hear stories of how women use sex as a reward or a weapon, she gets all in a tiff and won't put out...what the **** is that about? How do women expect to have a loving relationship with someone they treat like a child?
angie said:
Women are also not allowed to join the Special Forces-Army Rangers, Navy SEALS, etc.
thats true. the only time they see combat is if there supply convoy is attacked or the base is attacked
Lethalfind said:
A few years back I was in a unique position to see how men live...I was married to someone from the UK who was waiting for his work permit.
I was the only bread winner...all day at work I had people clamoring for my attention, demanding something from me, when I finally got home I was spent. All I wanted was to sit in my recliner (I kid you not) and unwind and have a decent meal, it didn't have to be gourmet, just something edible, was that really too much to ask? I didn't want to have any heart felt conversation, nothing that would require too much thought on my part. I would arrive home, my daughter would be in the same thing she slept in, not had a bath all day, she was young enough she had to be assisted in this, there would be NO FOOD prepared or something that I wouldn't even feed the ****in stray in the neighborhood and he would be clamoring at me for something, like lets go somewhere and do something...At that very moment I wouldn't have left the house if it was on fire...Of course once I was rested enough to speak I had to hear how bad his ****in day was, how when he mowed the lawn he got bitten by ants etc. I got so annoyed when he said that, I told him he evidently wasn't moving fast enough and if he thought I was going to be the bread winner AND mow the ****in lawn he was sadly mistaken...Its like staying at home robbed him of his common sense. When we went to bed crazy me wanted to have sex, I couldn't even get that. That really pissed me off, if it weren't for the money I was bringing home his ass would have been back in cold, damp England and I couldn't even get laid...

Another difference between men and women is how we communicate, my experience taught me maybe its not all about we are built different, maybe part of it is what men have to go through during the day. Why do women assume that their way of communicating (some might call it hyperverbal) is THE best way. I have been around plenty of women who don't communicate, THEY BEAT A DEAD HORSE and insist you do the same or your not communicating well...what the **** ever...If marriage is about compromise then why is it that it all has to be the womans way, why not have a quiet moment instead of the constant going on that woman do all the time...Yes I am a woman but I was brought up around women who would make you want to give up your woman card...I have gone in the opposite direction in some ways. There are times that no matter how bad something feels, the very last thing I want to do is talk about it, trash the subject out etc. I have had conversations with my female friends on the topic of sex...just how happy do you expect your spouse to be if you HATE having friend told me she thought her husbands penis was the most rediculous thing she had ever seen in her life...I asked her how she would feel if he said that about her genitalia...would she ever have sex with him again?? I love it when I hear stories of how women use sex as a reward or a weapon, she gets all in a tiff and won't put out...what the **** is that about? How do women expect to have a loving relationship with someone they treat like a child?

We tend to be unbearable creatures at times, yes. Half the time I can't stand myself when I start acting "womanly". I get on my own nerves. I don't like the whole manipulation by withholding sex. It's very childish. Besides, men aren't the only ones who like to get laid.
The thing that irritates me the most (and I find myself doing this on occasion) is when women are all pissy at their man about something-yet they haven't told him. HOW is it going to get fixed-he's not a mind reader, and if you don't want to talk about it, then there's no sense in getting mad about it.
Or the classic translation problem..."When I said apples, you should've known I meant oranges!!!. What's wrong with you?!"
Madame President the U.S. has been hit by 12 nukes and we need a yes or no answer on what to do? What is it?...............................

Lethalfind said:
A few years back I was in a unique position to see how men live...I was married to someone from the UK who was waiting for his work permit.
I was the only bread winner...all day at work I had people clamoring for my attention, demanding something from me, when I finally got home I was spent. All I wanted was to sit in my recliner (I kid you not) and unwind and have a decent meal, it didn't have to be gourmet, just something edible, was that really too much to ask? I didn't want to have any heart felt conversation, nothing that would require too much thought on my part. I would arrive home, my daughter would be in the same thing she slept in, not had a bath all day, she was young enough she had to be assisted in this, there would be NO FOOD prepared or something that I wouldn't even feed the ****in stray in the neighborhood and he would be clamoring at me for something, like lets go somewhere and do something...At that very moment I wouldn't have left the house if it was on fire...Of course once I was rested enough to speak I had to hear how bad his ****in day was, how when he mowed the lawn he got bitten by ants etc. I got so annoyed when he said that, I told him he evidently wasn't moving fast enough and if he thought I was going to be the bread winner AND mow the ****in lawn he was sadly mistaken...Its like staying at home robbed him of his common sense. When we went to bed crazy me wanted to have sex, I couldn't even get that. That really pissed me off, if it weren't for the money I was bringing home his ass would have been back in cold, damp England and I couldn't even get laid...

Another difference between men and women is how we communicate, my experience taught me maybe its not all about we are built different, maybe part of it is what men have to go through during the day. Why do women assume that their way of communicating (some might call it hyperverbal) is THE best way. I have been around plenty of women who don't communicate, THEY BEAT A DEAD HORSE and insist you do the same or your not communicating well...what the **** ever...If marriage is about compromise then why is it that it all has to be the womans way, why not have a quiet moment instead of the constant going on that woman do all the time...Yes I am a woman but I was brought up around women who would make you want to give up your woman card...I have gone in the opposite direction in some ways. There are times that no matter how bad something feels, the very last thing I want to do is talk about it, trash the subject out etc. I have had conversations with my female friends on the topic of sex...just how happy do you expect your spouse to be if you HATE having friend told me she thought her husbands penis was the most rediculous thing she had ever seen in her life...I asked her how she would feel if he said that about her genitalia...would she ever have sex with him again?? I love it when I hear stories of how women use sex as a reward or a weapon, she gets all in a tiff and won't put out...what the **** is that about? How do women expect to have a loving relationship with someone they treat like a child?

angie said:
Women are also not allowed to join the Special Forces-Army Rangers, Navy SEALS, etc.

Here is my take on that Angie. I think one of these has to be close to the truth.

- The U.S. does not want motherless children ,therefore we do want them in the worst of harms way during war.

- It is a proven fact that is does more damage to loss a mother than a father between the ages of 1 and 13. Maybe it would screw up our people in the service to have a new generation of people with mother issues.

I could very well be wrong.
sixes said:
Here is my take on that Angie. I think one of these has to be close to the truth.

- The U.S. does not want motherless children ,therefore we do want them in the worst of harms way during war.

- It is a proven fact that is does more damage to loss a mother than a father between the ages of 1 and 13. Maybe it would screw up our people in the service to have a new generation of people with mother issues.

I could very well be wrong.

They cant quite keep up with male soldiers either and are not emotionaly equiped to deal with the horrors of warfare