To Hell With Your Equal Rights

sixes said:
Here is my take on that Angie. I think one of these has to be close to the truth.

- The U.S. does not want motherless children ,therefore we do want them in the worst of harms way during war.

- It is a proven fact that is does more damage to loss a mother than a father between the ages of 1 and 13. Maybe it would screw up our people in the service to have a new generation of people with mother issues.

I could very well be wrong.
To be completely honest, I'm not quite sure what the military's exact reasoning is for this. But let's face it-in general, men are stronger than women, particularly in the upper half of the body. Men also tend to be more emotionally strong than women-may I stress that this is NOT always the case, as I know some very strong willed women, and some very weak men. But I truly believe that physically most women could never compete with a man.
I couldn't find a military site explaining anything, but I did come across this. I'm posting the parts that I find the most interesting.

# The pregnancy problem. Navy ships have had to be recalled from missions because of the pregnancy of female sailors. A male and a female sailor on the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, both married to others, videotaped themselves having sex in a remote part of the ship. There had been thirty-eight pregnancies since the crew went aboard the Eisenhower, fourteen of them after the ship was deployed. Only someone who has never been with troops could not anticipate this result or fail to realize that it will be a major problem forever. The troops in question are very young, at an age when their hormones are, to put it mildly, fiercely insistent.

Effects on morale can be particularly adverse. The presence of women among male troops weakens combat readiness. All-male units in the field experience bonding that enhances unit cohesion and effectiveness. When women are introduced, men stop relating to each other and begin trying to attract the women. Men can quickly become on less-than-friendly terms with a mini-war over a woman. Nor can morale be improved when accusations of harassment are always a threat. An accusation of sexual harassment by the woman, even if unproven, would severally damage the man
angie said:
To be completely honest, I'm not quite sure what the military's exact reasoning is for this. But let's face it-in general, men are stronger than women, particularly in the upper half of the body. Men also tend to be more emotionally strong than women-may I stress that this is NOT always the case, as I know some very strong willed women, and some very weak men. But I truly believe that physically most women could never compete with a man.
I couldn't find a military site explaining anything, but I did come across this. I'm posting the parts that I find the most interesting.

Those are all very good points listed on that link. I was told the females in the service were given drugs to slow any sexual urges. That is bullshit though because alot do come back knocked up.
As for emotionally strong women ,they can pull it off if the so desire but then there would be no drama in thier life. Who wants thats ,eh? :p
sixes said:
I'm getting sick of all these little bra burning dikes on here. You women need to get it through your breeding skulls that men are better than you. This is a mans world and you need to learn your place! You will never be president ,you will never truly have any equal rights ,and you will never be good at sports.

I'm sick of your damn bitching and whinning ,just because a few of you are beaten and battered every few years does not give you a good enough reason to speak up about it. I know alot of you deserve a good beating every now and again. Like if you don't have dinner ready we we come home!

In summary ,I think it is time men take a stand against these radical man haters and start knocking all women up at random. Who is with me?:)
I know you can't be serious about this; yes it is a man's world, most women don't want to be president, and who gives a **** if men are better at sports. I'd like to see you try and beat me sixes; better yet; I know a nice little lesbian bar we can go to that would take care of ya!
atlantic said:
I know you can't be serious about this; yes it is a man's world, most women don't want to be president, and who gives a **** if men are better at sports. I'd like to see you try and beat me sixes; better yet; I know a nice little lesbian bar we can go to that would take care of ya!
Does this lesbian bar happen to be in Boston? If it is, it's less than a 2 hour ride for me. I'd LOVE to see that! :D
I have never understood the urge for women to demonstrate they can do things just as well as men do. Men and Women are completely different and why not glory in those differences? Men, as Ang said are stronger in the upper body, can a woman bulk up looking like a freak and challenge a man, sure but why would she want to? Are women's self worth so fragile we have to compete directly with men to prove we are worth something?

I find women sports hilarious, women want equality so they have a womans basketball team and whatever else, does this equate equality? I don't think so, its no equality as long as you play on different teams. I seem to remember black people NOT feeling equal because they were made to fight in all black groups, all black baseball teams, drink from seperate fountains etc...Could women compete on a mans team, I don't think so unless we're talking about some freakish women and then you always have the training that was hammered into men since they sprang from the womb...never hit a girl. I've known a few women who take advantage of that and feel very free to hit men but would be taken aback if one of them hit back.
Women's basketball, netball, softball, hockey, waterpolo, athletics, even rally driving is huge in Australia. So is touch football, indoor cricket, soccer, surfing, body-boarding, swimming, the list goes on and on.

You might find women's sports amusing, because you like to sit by the pool on a lie-low and do jack-****.

I love women's sports. ****, the golfers are getting the wind up them about the uip-and-comers of the female variety.
angie said:
Does this lesbian bar happen to be in Boston? If it is, it's less than a 2 hour ride for me. I'd LOVE to see that! :D
It's in Provincetown, MA let me know when your ready and we'll drag sixes ass there - lol :)
atlantic said:
It's in Provincetown, MA let me know when your ready and we'll drag sixes ass there - lol :)
Ptown is nearly 4 hours from here. Still doable. Who's gonna spring for Sixes' plane ticket out east?? :p
angie said:
Ptown is nearly 4 hours from here. Still doable. Who's gonna spring for Sixes' plane ticket out east?? :p
I'll go halfs with ya, that would be a trip worth taking - lol! Angie, you are not far from me - are you North or South of Boston?
atlantic said:
I'll go halfs with ya, that would be a trip worth taking - lol! Angie, you are not far from me - are you North or South of Boston?
South. I'm in Manchester CT. I try to go to Boston at least once a year.
Women are from Venus and men are from Mars.

We will never be the same or on the same platform. I don’t think very many people want them to be anyway. But legal rights should be the same across the board. If we maintain our present course they will come together, but not in our life time.
snafu said:
Women are from Venus and men are from Mars.

We will never be the same or on the same platform. I don’t think very many people want them to be anyway. But legal rights should be the same across the board. If we maintain our present course they will come together, but not in our life time.
I seen a comic on TV last night that really summed it up well ,he said..

"Women want to know why we make more cash on hour than them. My answer is this. If I'm on a cruiseship on vacation and the boat goes down ,you and the children go first to the lifeboats. I get to die! **** you and your one dollar less and hour whinning."

"Also all the man hating womanist pointing fingers in my face with the short dike hair! You women never have a damn thing to say when a fireman stroms in your buring house to save your life. Then you want to act like a nice woman! **** You!"

Something like that... he was pretty damn funny.
angie said:
We could make it a real GF gathering. Tizz is in Jersey-so probably a 5-6 hour ride for her....hmmmm......:D
I'd come out to a GF gathering ,I have balls like that,lol! I'll bring my band of tattooed freaks ,and blow all of your ****ing eardrums out~:eek:~