Today's Thoughts on God


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Let's make this quick and simple and throw it to you: tonight I was watching TV and it gave me a thought about God. All my personal opinions aside, I have a simple question. (And I do ask it in innocence, even though it sounds sarcastic.)

If you believe in a being, an entity if you will, that is so powerful that it created/manages/generally lords over the entire universe...why does it have a gender? If this thing is SO outrageously supreme, don't you think it's a wee bit ridiculous to tie it to earthly things with something as trivial as a gender? Do you really believe that this God is a physical THING with a gender and...bits and all? Or am I the only one who believes that if God actually existed, it would have to be--HAVE to be--a presence of pure energy?

Woops, little opinion nipped in there ;) Of course you all know how I feel about this "God," but that doesn't mean I'm not interested to know. What's the justification here?

I guess that wasn't so quick, was it? c(o;
I believe God has NO gender...Yet Jesus does but the Lord himself does not.
So i believe that its just easier for people in general to refer to GOD as HIM because back in the day...(like my dating back thingy here?) it was known for the man to be the "head of the house hold or bread maker" so when it says man was created in the image of GOD they assume...MALE...
Now my son was created in the image of my husband but now looks his mama and...who did the "real creating" its like a combo thing to me..hard to reall explain especially not sounding silly
So you're saying people do it because it's convenient and because anything in power is automatically male? I can't believe women put up with this ****.
Silver_dragon87 said:
So you're saying people do it because it's convenient and because anything in power is automatically male? I can't believe women put up with this ****.
Like referring to boats as feminine, I can't believe men put up with that!
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
"For God created MAN in the image of himself"
That kinda sums it up, huh?

It does...yet as the Bible often does, it contradicts itself once again
Galatians 3:38
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Should we take this to mean that in fact sex does not matter?
Wow, what I'm about to say is waaaaaaay off subject. It would be pointless to start a new thread about it though.

How do you all just love those little politically correct Jesus figures and pictures you see in the stores? You know the ones that have a black Jesus, or a white Jesus with rosey red checks. Lol. That's something that I've been wondering about for a long time.
I have no real opinion on that. But the absolute LAMEST thing I have heard was that some girl told me Jesus was FEMALE because women are superior so he couldn't possibly be a guy.
Okay, Waaay off subject.

What do you guys think about the politically correct Jesus figures and pictures you see in the stores? You know the ones where he is a black guy or a white guy with rosey red checks. Lol
cynthiaa89 said:
Okay, Waaay off subject.

What do you guys think about the politically correct Jesus figures and pictures you see in the stores? You know the ones where he is a black guy or a white guy with rosey red checks. Lol

I did answer your question. I just thought I would throw another piece of useless BS trivia there. :p
Why do "women" always need to make a stink when they aren't included? Goddamn, I hate it when feminists bitch about everything. Then I remember why I am sexist against my own sex. They're all bitches, and have one malfunction or another that they will choke to death to scream to the world.
What is there to put up with?
Just observations from a casual observer.
Ruse said:
Why do "women" always need to make a stink when they aren't included? Goddamn, I hate it when feminists bitch about everything. Then I remember why I am sexist against my own sex. They're all bitches, and have one malfunction or another that they will choke to death to scream to the world.
What is there to put up with?
Just observations from a casual observer.

Because JUST IN CASE you didn't notice, women have just started getting rights over the last two centuries (I don't have many complaints about life nowadays) and I think alot of that can be attributed to the Christian Church. That is what she is griping about.
I'm not saying that I don't do those things, but I hate them with a passion and try to stay away from feminism as far as possible.
Feminism is like a disease. One girl is pissed because she can't vote, another realizes she wants to be reponisble for the choosing of a world leader, and another hates the prefix on 'woman': 'wo'.
The Christian Church is right when they refer to 'God' as man. Woman is too much drama. If I wanted drama in my religion, I'd be an Islamic.
Let's just clear this up before it gets out of hand: I can see how what I said could be interpreted as feminism, but that wasn't what I intended. All I'm saying is that it's ridiculous to attribute something as petty as gender to a supreme being if you're going to believe in one in the first place.

However, on the topic of feminism, I'm not an activist, but I certainly have some of the mentality. We've been denied our rights for far too long and it continues to this day. Not every woman who doesn't make a lot of money is the victim of discrimination, not every guy eyeing you is a pig, not all men are stupid, our votes and rights are EQUAL--no more for either gender and no less, that's all I'm asking for. If you're going to have a male leader one year, you should have a female one the next year. Why? Because it's FAIR, that's why.

Obviously, though, if there's one thing the world's not, that's fair.

Anyway, it was just a general question, and my statement about women putting up with this was general as well--I simply find it amazing that so many women can follow this religion even though their rights are being trampled in every way from the priesthood of the "head sect" to the holy writings to the entity itself. Was there a daughter of God? Not that I know of. How ODD.

(Again, just observing, not getting riled up ;) )
cynthiaa89 said:
Wow, what I'm about to say is waaaaaaay off subject. It would be pointless to start a new thread about it though.

How do you all just love those little politically correct Jesus figures and pictures you see in the stores? You know the ones that have a black Jesus, or a white Jesus with rosey red checks. Lol. That's something that I've been wondering about for a long time.

hmm I think we should have followed the islamic historical example....try finding a pic of mohammed(peace be upon myself)..good luck.

christiandom should stop with these p.c graven images period(.)
That wasn't the point. I don't believe in God, and neither does SD. She was merely making a point on the gender roles in the Christian religion. Nothing more.
angie said:
That wasn't the point. I don't believe in God, and neither does SD. She was merely making a point on the gender roles in the Christian religion. Nothing more.

Wow, I didn't know you didn't believe in God either Angie. Are ya atheist or just not a God lover?
angie said:
It does...yet as the Bible often does, it contradicts itself once again
Galatians 3:38

Should we take this to mean that in fact sex does not matter?

Boy, when you decontextualize you really go all out!

This verse refers to how God views arbetrary social conventions and mores, not gender roles assignments in the after life.

There is neither slave nor free (God views them as equals, man makes distinctions and bases how they are treated on those distinctions), male nor female (God views them as moral equals although their functions are different, man views the functions as distictions that allow for different treatment), etc...

If you insist on quoting scripture to us as a point of skeptical analysis, please be more careful and use relevant citations. For once in my life I'd like to actually work at rebutting you skeptics, rather than just doing the usual pointing out the obvious misreading and laughing.
cynthiaa89 said:
Wow, what I'm about to say is waaaaaaay off subject. It would be pointless to start a new thread about it though.

How do you all just love those little politically correct Jesus figures and pictures you see in the stores? You know the ones that have a black Jesus, or a white Jesus with rosey red checks. Lol. That's something that I've been wondering about for a long time.

I have a Jesus nightlight.

I looooove my Jesus nightlight.

It's from the dollar store and it cost 99 cents. It's cream colored plastic. Sometimes I put a red-orange flame lightbulb in it, and he then kinda glows like he's on fire.

I loved it so much I bought 4 of them, and gave them all away. I then found another store and bought another bunch of them.

Over the years I've probably given away 12 of them. They make GREAT gifts. Everyone loves them. Not long ago one of the recipients told me that their favorite thing in the world was their Jesus NightLight.

Then I discovered the Jesus candles. Tall glass encased candles, for - what? - 99 cents! They sure came in handy for the 2003 blackout.

The way the Christian religion is merchandized is the funniest ****ing thing in the world.