Tossing Blame


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
OK so I have been floating around a few forums lately and I have come across an interesting phenomenon. Of course many are talking about the London bombings and with that comes rehashed talks about 9-11. Now the biggest thing I have seen in these conversations is debate over who is to blame. Many have been quick to blame current world leaders for the rise in terrorism. Others have said it is because we are too liberall and too lax in our imigration laws. Still others place blame squarely on religion. Personally I wish there were more people talking about solutions rather than blame, but it seems no one is willing to give thought to solution until blame can be placed (silly humans). Anyway, I suppose I would like to get some comments here on who you place blame on and if you feel current world leaders play a signifigant role or should they just take all the blame. Even more I would love to hear what people believe are possible solutions especially solutions that don't require mass nuclear weapons or death of thousands. Let's think out of the box on that one.
Solution... you can NEVER contain Islam... You either have to shoot and kill them all, or you have to put the fear of Allah in them that we are going to do so... Either way, we have to stop being such flaming labia!
OK so it is islam. And the first sign of a christian bombing anything we should kill them too? Wait wasn't timothy mcviegh a christian? Damn I am glad I am not religious but it is going get lonely around here once everyone has been blown off the earth. Just me, cher and teh ****roaches
tizz said:
OK so it is islam. And the first sign of a christian bombing anything we should kill them too? Wait wasn't timothy mcviegh a christian? Damn I am glad I am not religious but it is going get lonely around here once everyone has been blown off the earth. Just me, cher and teh ****roaches

Your right... he is a Xtian... correction, was a Xtian... WE KILLED HIM! That's what we do to our terrorists here! We KILL THEM... Problem solved... And besides, Christian Terrorism is minute or non existant from time to time... and the few cases we do get of it... we kill them... I don't see UBL being charged by a jury of his peers... do you?

quit comparing apples to oranges
I am simply saying that to generalize an entire people is just ignorant and will only serve to continue to fan the flames as well as increase the numbers of folks so pissed at the western world they want to see us hurt. There are possible solution or at least possible ways to cut down on western hatred, but nobody wants to talk about it because it involves our capitolist mindset and our desires to pamper our spoiled selves with crap we don't need. Instead of hating them because they hate us, why not get down to the nitty gritty of why they hate us and try to change that at leasta bit. You would think that if we showed we were able to make a compramise that many of the extremists followers would loose reason for hating us. I thiink it is time to put our id's in check.
tizz said:
I am simply saying that to generalize an entire people is just ignorant and will only serve to continue to fan the flames as well as increase the numbers of folks so pissed at the western world they want to see us hurt. There are possible solution or at least possible ways to cut down on western hatred, but nobody wants to talk about it because it involves our capitolist mindset and our desires to pamper our spoiled selves with crap we don't need. Instead of hating them because they hate us, why not get down to the nitty gritty of why they hate us and try to change that at leasta bit. You would think that if we showed we were able to make a compramise that many of the extremists followers would loose reason for hating us. I thiink it is time to put our id's in check.

How do you comprimise with a fanatic? I will email it to Rumsfeld... I'm sure he would love to know!
tizz said:
OK so it is islam. And the first sign of a christian bombing anything we should kill them too? Wait wasn't timothy mcviegh a christian? Damn I am glad I am not religious but it is going get lonely around here once everyone has been blown off the earth. Just me, cher and teh ****roaches

Please, please do not go there. Christians do terrible things sometimes. Tim McViegh was a Xtian, yes. BUT. BUT, There is NO , absolutely NO organized Xtian faction of any kind whatsoever, nor has there been in a very, very, very, very, very, very, very ,very, very long, long, long, long, long time.

Not only that, but, There is NO other organized, recognized religion of any kind whatsoever that in any way whatsoever emulates or even slightly matches the level of violence contained within the Islamic religion.

You are shortsighting this whole topic. Again, you fail to understand (or admit) that Islam has internal issues that are imbeded into the religion itself.
Instead of hating them because they hate us..........
tizz said:
I am simply saying that to generalize an entire people is just ignorant and will only serve to continue to fan the flames as well as increase the numbers of folks so pissed at the western world they want to see us hurt. There are possible solution or at least possible ways to cut down on western hatred, but nobody wants to talk about it because it involves our capitolist mindset and our desires to pamper our spoiled selves with crap we don't need. Instead of hating them because they hate us, why not get down to the nitty gritty of why they hate us and try to change that at leasta bit. You would think that if we showed we were able to make a compramise that many of the extremists followers would loose reason for hating us. I thiink it is time to put our id's in check.

Please understand this, honey.

They already hate YOU. They will always hate YOU.

Their religion, when properly executed, teaches them to hate YOU.

There is absolutely nothing you can do to change it. You can beg and pleed and ask them nicely, but they will stab you in the heart as soon as it is presented to them.

Meet thier demands, they demand more. Give them money to help their economy, they will buy weapons to kill YOU with.
I don't agree with the islamic religion and I also believe it definately has some inherent issues, but I still do not blame the entirety of it's people or consider teh entire religion to be evil. For one I don't know everythig about it and secondly what I do know about it is not entirely wrong or hateful. It is all about the interpretation and the man that it's dominant teachings came from.
tizz said:
I don't agree with the islamic religion and I also believe it definately has some inherent issues, but I still do not blame the entirety of it's people or consider teh entire religion to be evil. For one I don't know everythig about it and secondly what I do know about it is not entirely wrong or hateful. It is all about the interpretation and the man that it's dominant teachings came from.

Read the Qu'ran... just read it... If you can tell me that Islam is not evil after that, I will convert to Islam... and I'm a satanist, to that would be a REAL stretch...
tizz said:
I don't agree with the islamic religion and I also believe it definately has some inherent issues, but I still do not blame the entirety of it's people or consider teh entire religion to be evil. For one I don't know everythig about it and secondly what I do know about it is not entirely wrong or hateful. It is all about the interpretation and the man that it's dominant teachings came from.

......what I do know about it is, it is not entirely wrong or hateful.

Hitler was not entirely hateful. He had a family he seemed pretty nice to. John Wayne Gacy wasn't entirely wrong, he was good with kids.

I'm just being a smartass, really.

I think your still not addressing my point.

Much of Islam is responsible for allowing violence to be so prevailent in their society. As a whole, they simply haven't done much at all to stamp out radical Islam. Quite the opposite really.

Take AIG as an example. She has condemed the attacks in London, but then sights examples of why it is happening and whose fault it 'really ' is. This is the major fault that is displayed by so much of Islam, and why Islam as a whole, qualifies to have actions levyed upon them with prejudicial measures.
fullauto said:
Read the Qu'ran... just read it... If you can tell me that Islam is not evil after that, I will convert to Islam... and I'm a satanist, to that would be a REAL stretch...

**** the Qu'ran.

It is just words.

Set aside the distraction placed in front of you. Pay no attention to the words. Mind the actions of Islam. List them, on a chart. Step back and take a real world mental picture of what Islam has accomplished for mankind as a whole. Where is the charity?

Where is the love?

Where are the good deeds that Islam has extended to the free world? The free world? Wait, thats right, they hate the 'freeworld'.
That is why the only thing extended to the rest of the world is religious desention and hateful actions.
I am no supporter of religion of any kind. However I will say that most modern religions have a "positive and negative list".
Do that, put the positives and negatives of Islam on paper and get back to me on that. Let me know the great things they've used their 'billions' of oil dollars for. Why is it that these Islamic countries who control the most important of all resources, oil, have a dirt poor per-capita poulation and hand alomost nothing down to their own people. Not only do they do nothing for the rest of the world, they do nothing for their own little violent bloodsoaked world.
Jhony5 said:
Please, please do not go there. Christians do terrible things sometimes. Tim McViegh was a Xtian, yes. BUT. BUT, There is NO , absolutely NO organized Xtian faction of any kind whatsoever, nor has there been in a very, very, very, very, very, very, very ,very, very long, long, long, long, long time.
Tomothy McVeigh was NOT a Christian. Why are you making this **** up? Are you simply assuming because he's white and american he's Christian? We all know what "ASSUME" means, right?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Tomothy McVeigh was NOT a Christian. Why are you making this **** up? Are you simply assuming because he's white and american he's Christian? We all know what "ASSUME" means, right?

It was stated during the trial that he was a christian and also claimed by family and friends
Jhony5 said:
Hitler was not entirely hateful. He had a family he seemed pretty nice to. John Wayne Gacy wasn't entirely wrong, he was good with kids.

I'm just being a smartass, really.

I think your still not addressing my point.

Much of Islam is responsible for allowing violence to be so prevailent in their society. As a whole, they simply haven't done much at all to stamp out radical Islam. Quite the opposite really.

Take AIG as an example. She has condemed the attacks in London, but then sights examples of why it is happening and whose fault it 'really ' is. This is the major fault that is displayed by so much of Islam, and why Islam as a whole, qualifies to have actions levyed upon them with prejudicial measures.

I stated in another thread about using special forces, here it is the same. If someone had been able to get to hitler and his head speakers (propaganda makers) and kill them, who would direct his people what to think? If we stop hating them as a whole, perhaps they will stop hating us more than those who turn on the religion. Hate breeds hate whether it is action or reaction.
So how about some solutions or are we too hung up on the blame game and retaliation to even contemplate a way to stop all this shite?
Jhony5 said:
Please understand this, honey.

They already hate YOU. They will always hate YOU.

Their religion, when properly executed, teaches them to hate YOU.

There is absolutely nothing you can do to change it. You can beg and pleed and ask them nicely, but they will stab you in the heart as soon as it is presented to them.

Meet thier demands, they demand more. Give them money to help their economy, they will buy weapons to kill YOU with.

Say what?what the **** are you on about?
How the hell can you say that they all hate you!have you met every one of them?
And what the hell do you know of my religion?
Find a verse in the Qu'ran that says''hate them''?
You piss me off? You've shown your true ****in' colours.
Islam does not teach us to hate anyone.
You are just like these terrorists,who have invented new lies and try to blend them into Islam.
You will never know Islam,coz you don't bother learning anything about it.
You are so stuck and full of yourselves.

I don't hate people coz of their religion but I hate someone according to their charactor!And I hate people who invent lies so as to generate hate against a specific group of people.You're one of them on this site!
When you say ''THEY'',this automatically means you are bunching everyone together.
'Do that, put the positives and negatives of Islam on paper and get back to me on that. Let me know the great things they've used their 'billions' of oil dollars for. Why is it that these Islamic countries who control the most important of all resources, oil, have a dirt poor per-capita poulation and hand alomost nothing down to their own people. Not only do they do nothing for the rest of the world, they do nothing for their own little violent bloodsoaked world.'

Mayby it's because your ****ed up government attacks any country that rises on it's feet again.
You can't deny that america has caused this world so much pain and the poverty you see in most countries,is because you tried to take over the whole world(colonialism) and are still trying.America's thirst for world domination can never be quenched.

Look at all your flaws before pointing your fingers.
The bible ****in' condones slavery.Isn't this evil?
Well, during his trial it was said he was christian and it was echoed in interviews with family during the same time. I stopped paying attention to it because it pissed me off too much so if I am mistaken I apologize.

Anyway... Back to topic.

What are the possibilities if any, to find a peace or end large scale terrorism (it will always exist somewhere and since we only care about ourselves lets just say terrorism in teh western world)