Tossing Blame

tizz said:
Well, during his trial it was said he was christian and it was echoed in interviews with family during the same time. I stopped paying attention to it because it pissed me off too much so if I am mistaken I apologize.

Anyway... Back to topic.

What are the possibilities if any, to find a peace or end large scale terrorism (it will always exist somewhere and since we only care about ourselves lets just say terrorism in teh western world)
I'm sure his mother remembers sending little Timmy to bible camp and sunday school when he was 6 and tried desparately to drum up some sympathy in the jury, but the fact is he abandoned Christianity long ago!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I'm sure his mother remembers sending little Timmy to bible camp and sunday school when he was 6 and tried desparately to drum up some sympathy in the jury, but the fact is he abandoned Christianity long ago!

Why is it whenever a Christian does something violent they aboned Christianity long ago? When most of the followers of a religion harbor violent thoughts that would make Hitler himself blush, when your religions history is tarnished with acts such as the crusades, inquisitions, etc etc etc, it no longer goes against it's doctrines when one of its followers murders.
Crazywumbat said:
Why is it whenever a Christian does something violent they aboned Christianity long ago? When most of the followers of a religion harbor violent thoughts that would make Hitler himself blush, when your religions history is tarnished with acts such as the crusades, inquisitions, etc etc etc, it no longer goes against it's doctrines when one of its followers murders.
Why don't you tell us, dip-****! The fact is Timothy McVeigh claimed to be agnostic... not my fault, buddy! Now why is it you're so stupid, crazywumbat.. is it because you're crazy or an animal?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I'm sure his mother remembers sending little Timmy to bible camp and sunday school when he was 6 and tried desparately to drum up some sympathy in the jury, but the fact is he abandoned Christianity long ago!

LIke I said I apologize. I was going on what info I saw. I became disgusted with the whole case and stopped following it. Now before this becomes a religious pissing match can we get back to possibilities. Is it possible to create a safe world without war, hate and destruction of entire peoples?
fullauto said:
Solution... you can NEVER contain Islam... You either have to shoot and kill them all, or you have to put the fear of Allah in them that we are going to do so... Either way, we have to stop being such flaming labia!
I've found a target rich environment of liberals and made a post that I think brought tears to the poster complaining about immoral illegal war in Iraq...

First we did not invade Iraq they invaded Kuwait a former protectorant of Great Britain. We had a cease fire in order to save lives on both sides and Saddam chose to not live up to his agreement. He chose knowing it would restart hostilities and all the cruelity that comes with it.

Let me ask you a question was Saddam's invasion into Kuwait illegal and immoral? Were the UN justified to oust him? Had your dad, brother, sister or uncle died or lost a leg in Desert Storm would you still call "finishing the job" immoral and illegal?

Saddam is a Sunni, Kuwait's rulers are Sunni's... If you put that into context Saddam could be equal in America to Jessie Jackson and the Sunni's in Iraq a force to overtake another minority rulled country. The death in Iraq is caused by a minority equal to our Afro American population killing all the white people to get back in power. When Dennis K. with his department of peace and Howard Dean with his anti war agenda were getting traction the ENEMY were killing as many Americans as they could. They did this to get votes from anti war folks like you. The blood of the anti war enemy supporters are on the hands of the anti war. Given that anallogy would you choose to be free and fight the black minority or help the black minority kill your liberators? Pick an enemy and I hope you can get your hand clean and sleep well!

To answer your question for target, I would have told the people of Fallauga to choose if they were for us or against us and if they didn't send the bad guys out I would have turned the entire city into a parking lot to get their attention and the attention of neighboring cities of how to choose sides.

Great soldiers need not die for worthless people not willing to get off their knees.
OK crispytouching post but I was not talking about Quwait or iraq or saddam here. I was talking about terrorism. It has not nationality, it has no religion. It exists world wide and has for members people of every religion and race. Terror is not exclusive to islamic extremists. It is a plague of hate that is taking over the world like a giant swarm of locusts. It is not new it has just gotten bigger and badder (probably do to technology and teh ease of comunication and teh availability of better weapons). It is not a problem exclusive to western industrialized nations nor is it confined to the middle east. (HELLO PEOPLE HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF NORTHERN IRELAND?) It acts to breed fear and hate and even greater and broader acts of terrorism. Retaliation haas done nothing but fan the flames. Giving in is out of the question. You could Nuke em if you could find em or if it was confined to one place but in order to destroy all terrorism you wwould pretty much have to nuke every nation on earth. Right now we are fighting fire with fire and in all the wrong places and so far it has just led to bigger badder attacks. So what next? Would it not be logical to look at teh source of the hate and work from there? Is it possible that if you work to diminish teh hate you can diminish the terror? Sure you could say no, but has anyone ever tried it? Have you got a better idea?
how can we fight the hate that is instilled in them from childhood? all talking would accomplish its letting them find a new thing to hate us for, i would love for this to end right now, and let everyone go back to a peaceful life, but its not going to happen, so pray for peace and prepare for war, its life, learn how it works
Say what?what the **** are you on about?
How the hell can you say that they all hate you!have you met every one of them?
And what the hell do you know of my religion?
Find a verse in the Qu'ran that says''hate them''?
You piss me off? You've shown your true ****in' colours.
Islam does not teach us to hate anyone.
You are just like these terrorists,who have invented new lies and try to blend them into Islam.
You will never know Islam,coz you don't bother learning anything about it.
You are so stuck and full of yourselves.

I don't hate people coz of their religion but I hate someone according to their charactor!And I hate people who invent lies so as to generate hate against a specific group of people.You're one of them on this site!
When you say ''THEY'',this automatically means you are bunching everyone together.

You know damn well what I mean by they!
They, the millions of people who share the same religion as you.
They, the millions of people who wan to kill me because I live in the states.

Find a verse in the Qu'ran that says "hate them".

**** the Qu'ran. Don't put that **** on my plate. Its nothing but a damn book that you keep beside your bed. It does nothing to explain the way Islam is growing in the direction of hate. Stop asking myself and others to find 'where in the Qu'ran does it say that'. It no longer matters what the Qu'ran says. I care not about written words. I care about the actions of Islam.

You can't even so much as admit that Islam has a serious problem. Why not. It does not mean that you denounce Islam, it just means that your being realistic. Islam does have problems, right? You are aware of this, aren't you?
Go ahead, say no, say that Islam doesn't have problems because terrorist are not part of Islam.
Msixty said:
how can we fight the hate that is instilled in them from childhood? all talking would accomplish its letting them find a new thing to hate us for, i would love for this to end right now, and let everyone go back to a peaceful life, but its not going to happen, so pray for peace and prepare for war, its life, learn how it works

And war will lead to what? More terrorism and more war. It is an endless and viscious cycle that is repeated throughout history. So much for lest we forget bullshit eh? And second, we can't fight the hate until we seek to understand and know what it is and what it stems from. When you have a problem you have to get to the root of it in order to fix it, or else it will simply keep coming back.
tizz said:
And war will lead to what? More terrorism and more war. It is an endless and viscious cycle that is repeated throughout history. So much for lest we forget bullshit eh? And second, we can't fight the hate until we seek to understand and know what it is and what it stems from. When you have a problem you have to get to the root of it in order to fix it, or else it will simply keep coming back.

do you not see the problem? you want to stop HATE and that is impossible, there will always be hate to us, why? because you can't make the whole world happy, and the only thing you can do is kill them before they kill you, yes its barbaric, but were animals, and you don't seem to understand that
tizz said:
And war will lead to what? More terrorism and more war. It is an endless and viscious cycle that is repeated throughout history. So much for lest we forget bullshit eh? And second, we can't fight the hate until we seek to understand and know what it is and what it stems from. When you have a problem you have to get to the root of it in order to fix it, or else it will simply keep coming back.

When you have a problem like this, you get to the root, and pull that mother****er out.
Playing these little political peace games is exactly what radical Islam wants.
I don't think we should resort to genocidal acts. Killing inocent women and children is not the answer.
From a certain point of view it is a good thing that Islam has attacked London. What they need to do is **** up and keep attacking our allies so we can build a stronger world wide allegence against terror.
Jhony5 said:
What they need to do is **** up and keep attacking our allies so we can build a stronger world wide allegence against terror.

i agree, but don't say that too loud, AIG and wombat might hear it and go running to tell there master OBL
Heres my biggest issue with Islam today.
In the early '90s America pushed Sadaam and his army out of Kuwait. A peaceful and small country that was essentialy helpless. They would most definately been subject to the same kind of brutal rule that Sadaam hands down. America steped in at pushed them right back. Now, this is what is important to remember, These actions by America alone are what started the modern age jihad against America. Islam saw this as an invasion of Islam despite the good deed done. Bin Laden was one of many Islamic leaders who took offence to Americas presence in the mid-east. Nevermind why we were there, we were not supposed to be there. This act of kindness is what sparked the modern jihad against us. If America just sits back and allows the middle-east to run wild, then the future consequences would be terrible.
Before we know it a handful of these radical countries would be sporting nukes, and then its to late.

Mayby it's because your ****ed up government attacks any country that rises on it's feet again.
You can't deny that america has caused this world so much pain and the poverty you see in most countries,is because you tried to take over the whole world(colonialism) and are still trying.America's thirst for world domination can never be quenched.

Look at all your flaws before pointing your fingers.
The bible ****in' condones slavery.Isn't this evil?

Your ****ing losing it girl.
America is not attempting to 'take over the world'. If that was our aim then we would likely have accomplished this long ago. We are just sick of the inferior muslim nations posing such a severe threat to our well being.
Enough is enough already. We took Iraq over once, to prevent untld atrocities in Kuwait. We left in a timely fashion as a token of good faith. That wasn't enough for the muslim world was it. We were already guilty in their eyes of violating Islam just by our presence.

I am puzzled at how you keep putting America and the bible in harmony. This is the biggest issue with Islam. Everything is based on religion. It runs your lives. I don't see how you have time to eat and sleep with all the senseless praying ya'll do. When America freed Kuwait, a muslim country, Islam slammed our presence in the middle-east and equated it to a 'religious war'.
All you ****ing morons need to get your head out of the clouds before you kill us all. That goes for all religions. Fighting over **** that doesn't even exist in the first place. Its madness.
Fist off... Jihad was declare back in the late 40's when the UN took Palestinian land and gave it to thier arch enemies, the jews...

Second of all... Tizz... I, and the rest of the reality based world understand and appreciate your zeal for peace and harmony, and coombya and all that ****, but at some point you have got to realize that you cannot reason with the unreasonable! And once you get over the shock of dealing with maniacle people who want nothing more than to convert you or kill you and who will STOP AT NOTHING to do so, you have to come to terms with the fact that you may have to get your precious, manecured hands dirty and fight for yourself!

Now the question you have posed many times is, 'How do you know who to fight?' It's easy... Take off the goggles that MSNBC and CNN have installed on you and take a look around... Allow your instincts to tell you who the threat is... We are animals, and as animals we have wonderful instincts to guide us from danger and to point it out when we encounter it... Only problem is, These instincts have been suppressed in 90% of our society by people who believe that 'violence has never solved anything'...

Guess what! That's BS... Violence has solved every major world problem since the dawn of violence itself! It will always be that way, and anyone who thinks that will change anytime soon is delusional!

So once you have established that there is a threat, you look at who the thret is... If you come to any other conclusion than Islam is the threat, you have been immersed to far into the brainwashing process and there is little hope for you... Let the ones who can see pilot the ship!

I will admit that not all Muslims are terrorists, But they are all suspect untill it is proven differently... like this... All dogs have two eyes, but not everything with two eyes is a dog!

I am AMAZED at how brainwashed some people are... They are so brainwashed that they actually think that this problem will be solved diplomatically! It won't happen... How do you negotiate with a person willing to blow himself up just for the honor of killing innocent people?

The strong will always rise to the top... that might explain why most of the people not willing to fight exist at the bottom...
'I am puzzled at how you keep putting America and the bible in harmony.'

Aren't you doing the same thing when you bunch all muslims and terrorists in harmony?