Trifling Forum Ho's

eisanbt said:
I've said it before and by gum I'll say it again: If you look down an outhouse, expect to find ****.

Man or woman, there are plenty to to be dismissed as idiots. If you have a problem with these folk than work on your radar and remove the dipwads form your life. i've recently been tossed into a group of mostly "Normal" folk, average dipwads running about, the odd one could be good people but is too corrupted by the others for that to make much a difference. Patriarchical BS is something I'm not used to, I took for granted that I was able to long ago weed out the scum from my personal life.

If you are one of the unfortunate many who are in thier world (assuming your not one yourself) than get the hell out if they're bothering you, its your choice.

Excuse the overly serious tone of this post. Seriously, if you saw a marine bitch about seeing toomuch green, you'd give em a good slappin

I was going to ask him what all this meant.. But then I changed my mind.. I couldn't understand any of this let alone a rebuttle..
KathyA said:
I was going to ask him what all this meant.. But then I changed my mind.. I couldn't understand any of this let alone a rebuttle..
I think it's best to just smile and nod, all while backing away slowly.
Thats exactly what I was thinking when I read that post, that AND where do I get the time back I wasted reading it !!

Check out this NEW picture I have found of MM on the internet...if you look back over her posts she has claimed to weigh only 90lbs...she jumped out of her skin when I called her a cow, which was hilarious because I was referring to the common sense of a cow, not the size...

She is the one on the left...
KathyA said:
I could really care less about all the bullshit involving who loves who this week, and who ****ed who last week..As long as its not me that is being discussed... I like to keep that **** kinda to myself..

Not me. I'm up to hearing the latest gossip any time on yahoo. :D
Snafu said:
but I do like to flirt. So do the girls most of the time. I love eye candy and we have a great batch of good looking women here. You can’t fault me for finding some of you attractive. However I would like to understand women better. {QUOTE]

Sanfu, how is between 8-10 pm tonight? I will help you understand us! One way or another.. LMAO!! :D

And I ****ed up the quote, sorry.. :(
snafu said:
Anytime for your babe!
So do you think you can expalin women in one night? I got 49 years of tuff training so far.:D

Yeah, I definately think its something that can be accomplished.. Hell, your one of the few that actually want to learn!
KathyA said:
Yeah, I definately think its something that can be accomplished.. Hell, your one of the few that actually want to learn!
I think Outlaw could benifit with this lesson too. Maybe he should sit in. :D
Phantom said:
I won't be if you invite me to your motel meeting next month. I am invited, aren't I? November 3rd-5th, right?

LMAO!! Ummmm no your not invited..
snafu said:
"It may be good to be THE MOD, but it is great to be the MOB."

Just to comment on snafu's comment in your signature, Phantom.

Your mob might take me in a ****ing rush, snaffy, but not before I take you with me.

Nope, NO photography of any kind allowed.. but I will send you a post card, upon my return!
RoyalOrleans said:
Just to comment on snafu's comment in your signature, Phantom.

Your mob might take me in a ****ing rush, snaffy, but not before I take you with me.


Your pretty self think its all about you, when it had NOTHING to do with you in the first place...but here you are, in the middle of it...