Trifling Forum Ho's

RoyalOrleans said:
Just to comment on snafu's comment in your signature, Phantom.

Your mob might take me in a ****ing rush, snaffy, but not before I take you with me.


You know I like you and am not directing any hostility towards you. I think you're a great MOD. I don't see you abusing your powers. But....

The MOB is a response to MOD abuse. Even when a MOD has been proven to be an idiot we have no recourse. They don't even acknowledge there shortcomings. Why? I guess it's because "its nice to be a MOD". The MOB is simply doing what some MODS do on a daily bases. GF members are defenseless and don't have the tools to defend themselves as a MOD dose. MODS even allow other MODS to run a muck (MODS don't **** with other MODS prey). But the MOB wants respect. The MOB is NOT a MOD play toy. And if that's the case, which is obvious, the MOB will react accordingly.
We aim to fight back the only way we can. In numbers!

The MOB is GF!;)
snafu said:
You know I like you and am not directing any hostility towards you. I think you're a great MOD. I don't see you abusing your powers. But....

The MOB is a response to MOD abuse. Even when a MOD has been proven to be an idiot we have no recourse. They don't even acknowledge there shortcomings. Why? I guess it's because "its nice to be a MOD". The MOB is simply doing what some MODS do on a daily bases. GF members are defenseless and don't have the tools to defend themselves as a MOD dose. MODS even allow other MODS to run a muck (MODS don't **** with other MODS prey). But the MOB wants respect. The MOB is NOT a MOD play toy. And if that's the case, which is obvious, the MOB will react accordingly.
We aim to fight back the only way we can. In numbers!

The MOB is GF!;)

Preach on, Brother! The MOB shall not be denied. Vive la revolution!

RO: That isn't an exact quote. I touched it up a bit lol
What's the story, snatchfood?

Nobody ****ed with your IM functions. Nobody ****ed with your posts. Nobody edited your shouts. Just your sig, and I'll do it again, too.:p
Proving once again that your a sad, pathetic little man who has his knickers in a knot because nameless, faceless people on the net can't stand you...
You are nothing if not predictable...
I know your name is Leisel Findlay. I've seen your pic. Reminds me of my Grandmother, God rest her soul.

Charlie Brown is Snafu, and I've seen a dozen of his pics.

Did you try and make a point there?
builder said:
I know your name is Leisel Findlay. I've seen your pic. Reminds me of my Grandmother, God rest her soul.

Charlie Brown is Snafu, and I've seen a dozen of his pics.

Did you try and make a point there?

Your close but not exactly my name, you would never be able to find me with that...

So your saying that it really does hurt your wittle feelings...

You evidently can't read or you would have seen my point, men as insecure as yourself have to ignore the obvious to get up in the morning.
I'm really enjoying this. Haven't seen the place hopping like this for a while now.

Your point was?
builder said:
What's the story, snatchfood?

Nobody ****ed with your IM functions. Nobody ****ed with your posts. Nobody edited your shouts. Just your sig, and I'll do it again, too.:p

Yes nobody messed with my IM functions and as I stated in one of my posts, I am willing to be boxed for being an idiot. Boy I feel stupid. But I admit my ****ups.
This is just a revolution to gain respect from the MODS. I figured you would **** with my sig and posts. But in numbers, your gonna be one busy um bray editing The MOB!;)
I think he is affraid and too insecure to let people read what we say about him, he thinks people might read it and believe it so he has to change it over and over again.
KathyA said:
I was going to ask him what all this meant.. But then I changed my mind.. I couldn't understand any of this let alone a rebuttle..

The jist of it was that people who complain about the opposite sex are responsible for allowing themselves to be surrounded by idiots. In most cases this means that they too are part of the ugly face that has come to represent them as a group.

Its the law of attraction; dumb woman attract dumb men and vica versa.
snafu said:
You know I like you and am not directing any hostility towards you. I think you're a great MOD. I don't see you abusing your powers. But....

The MOB is a response to MOD abuse. Even when a MOD has been proven to be an idiot we have no recourse. They don't even acknowledge there shortcomings. Why? I guess it's because "its nice to be a MOD". The MOB is simply doing what some MODS do on a daily bases. GF members are defenseless and don't have the tools to defend themselves as a MOD dose. MODS even allow other MODS to run a muck (MODS don't **** with other MODS prey). But the MOB wants respect. The MOB is NOT a MOD play toy. And if that's the case, which is obvious, the MOB will react accordingly.
We aim to fight back the only way we can. In numbers!

The MOB is GF!;)

Solidarity forever!
Solidarity forever!
Solidarity forever!
For the union makes us strong

When the union's inspiration
through the workers' blood shall run,
There can be no power greater
anywhere beneath the sun.
Yet what force on earth is weaker
than the feeble strength of one?
But the union makes us strong.

They have taken untold millions
that they never toiled to earn,
But without our brain and muscle
not a single wheel can turn.
We can break their haughty power;
gain our freedom when we learn
That the Union makes us strong.

In our hands is placed a power
greater than their hoarded gold;
Greater than the might of armies,
magnified a thousand-fold.
We can bring to birth a new world
from the ashes of the old
For the Union makes us strong.

:D :D :D
snafu said:
You know I like you and am not directing any hostility towards you. I think you're a great MOD. I don't see you abusing your powers. But....

The MOB is a response to MOD abuse. Even when a MOD has been proven to be an idiot we have no recourse. They don't even acknowledge there shortcomings. Why? I guess it's because "its nice to be a MOD". The MOB is simply doing what some MODS do on a daily bases. GF members are defenseless and don't have the tools to defend themselves as a MOD dose. MODS even allow other MODS to run a muck (MODS don't **** with other MODS prey). But the MOB wants respect. The MOB is NOT a MOD play toy. And if that's the case, which is obvious, the MOB will react accordingly.
We aim to fight back the only way we can. In numbers!

The MOB is GF!;)

You sound like Cindy Sheehan.
snafu said:
This is just a revolution to gain respect from the MODS. I figured you would **** with my sig and posts. But in numbers, your gonna be one busy um bray editing The MOB!;)

Well, we're all on pins and needles waiting in obeyence for your next trick.
You got arse-raped by some marauding black bear, perhaps?

RO will carve you a niche, or tear you a new one. I can't tell which.