Tweeting BS

Old Salt

New member
Chicago was eliminated as host for 2016 Olympics in the first round of voting.

Guess the two big "O"s (Obama and Oprah) couldn't get the job done.



New member
I'm still ****** about the accident, though. Dammit! If I drive down to Georgia, will you either fix it at cost or turn a blind eye when I use eddo's credit card to pay for the damages? Heh!
Are you sure that said credit card wouldn't be maxed out from shoe shopping all day?



New member
Are you sure that said credit card wouldn't be maxed out from shoe shopping all day?
Good point. I'll bring Hack's card as a back up.

And I think I'll drive my Envoy down the following week and commission you to pimp it out in purples, golds and the Minnesota Vikings logo....courtesy of eddo and Hack, of course.

What do you think? :)



New member
Good point. I'll bring Hack's card as a back up.
And I think I'll drive my Envoy down the following week and commission you to pimp it out in purples, golds and the Minnesota Vikings logo....courtesy of eddo and Hack, of course.

What do you think? :)
good luck with that, I haven't had a credit card since I was 23... I figure if I can't save for something I want then I don't want it that badly.



New member
I just got a call that the weight on a shipment was 37lbs instead of 47lbs. I wonder if I should be worried. What the ****, a quarter of a million is nothing now a days.... :rolleyes:


New member
Ali would be proud of me. I was in line mailing something when a frantic customer was worried about two turkeys she had shipped to herself but couldn't find them. She had put the wrong address on them. The clerk couldn't help her so I told to hold up. I went back to my office, located the birds and made sure they were kept warm. Then I made arrangements for the office to stay open a few hours for her to go pick them up.

Thanksgiving is saved once again!



New member
Ali would be proud of me. I was in line mailing something when a frantic customer was worried about two turkeys she had shipped to her but couldn't find them. She had put the wrong address on them. The clerk couldn't help her so I told to hold up. I went back to my office, located the birds and made sure they were kept warm. Then I made arrangements for the office to stay open a few hours for her to go pick them up.
Thanksgiving is saved once again!
I am VERY proud of you!!!!!! Even though they are destined to be dinner, at least you kept them comfortable in the meantime. ;)


Anna Perenna

New member
Alright.... what are you doing right now???
I'll start..............

Just finished a Sam Adams Oktoberfest Brew, the Indy @ Miami game on the background, and I am listening to Beethoven's No. 9 (Scherzo). No lie.
I'm listening to a wicked mash-up on youtube.

It's awesome:

[ame=]YouTube - The Beatles vs. Nine Inch nails Come Closer Together[/ame]



New member
Exactly what olympic event did Barack Obama compete in, that giving the Olympics to Chicago would have made kids in America want to compete because of Obama?


New member
Exactly what olympic event did Barack Obama compete in, that giving the Olympics to Chicago would have made kids in America want to compete because of Obama?
He's half Kenyan right?


When he loses, Obama blames his mother's race.



New member
Why doesn't he just tell everybody what race he is? He's of the mongrel race but aren't we all?

Old Salt

New member
Why doesn't he just tell everybody what race he is? He's of the mongrel race but aren't we all?
Maybe that's why he doesn't show his birth certificate? Because it says "White" for race?


New member
I took a nice bike ride in the cold cold rain last night. I went about a 100 miles just because. When I came back into town instead of listing to my tunes I decided to play with the CB radio and see if anybody was out there. I went threw all 40 channels crying out for a radio check and throwing out old handles from the past. Low and behold someone I didn't recognize came back and told me what channel everybody was hanging on now a days. Mind you I'm on my bike so I'm a weaky squeaky so it was pretty cool he came back to me. Well he hooks me up with a ghost from the past! I was elated! So they came over last night and hooked me up with some coax cable I needed to to get my base station back on line. I still had my antenna up. So in the middle of the night I climb up and hook her up and I'm on the air again. Well it finds out a bunch of the old ghost are still out there still hunting the airwaves. Mind you again this is before the Internet."Air Pollution" (my buddy) tells me they also play and talk on Skype, so I've just downloaded it and I will be getting another mike (because the one I had craped out) and will be able to bull with them there too. I'm happier than a pig in !


New member
I'm painting nipples and correcting a raging bush...hehehe...take it anyway you like. These tweets are getting kinda boring :p
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