Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
I know I have this big sketch book but never touched it since last year XD

I wanna use it but I'm to sucky to sketch so I never used it :p



New member
Thanks Shaun and Fi ^^

Thanks for stopping by.. um, may I call you Rosie? ^^;;

Well I guess I'll update. We got our treadmill this morning. The delivery guys Showed up at like 9:30 and rung the doorbell. I was laying in bed. After lik 5 minutes, they rung the bell again, and I was like "no one answered the door yet????" so I got up and went to mom's room, but she came out, and I was like "There's someone at the door o_O" so yeah.

Then I got up and got ready. My mouth hurt because I put rubberbands in last night. They weren't the right rubber bands either, so my mouth hurt extra bad >.< but I think that moved my teeth enough for me to lie and say I had my rubber bands in all the time lol. Which I of course didn't. I drove to the ortho. I wasn't really sad or anything, but when I spoke to the orthodontist and the girl helper, I sounded really sad o_O it was weird. so that kind of made me sad. I think it's because the helper girl was really nice when I met her and now she's kind of flippant and uncaring. :( I dunno, I used to like her.

They did something different when they tightened them today, so it really hurts! >.>


Well I had to get my back pack from dad's house before I went home. I was ****** because I thought I missed a turn, but I really didn't, so I turned around for nothing. Then I missed the OTHER turn, and I basically wasted like 10 minutes UGH.

Nothing much happened. I had breakfast and watched Spongebob. Now I'm going to go do homework.



New member
Hey Twi you had such a rough start for the morning I would hate to wake up at 9:30 o_O

I'm usually up that time cause I stay up all night and sleep after school then go to work and do the same thing over XD

but ouch tightening teeth that gotta hurt man >.<



New member
aw thanks guys, it wan't so bad :cool:

This was me yesterday:

I just bought some more Nine Inch Nails stuff. yeahhhh It's ******* my already twisted mind up more, and I love it.

that's my only comfort right now anyway.

I ordered chinese by myself and i was proud. I liked the delivery guy.

Frickin huge amound of food, looked like I didn't even touch it, but It felt like I ate too much.

I went on the treadmill.

When I got off I was sickly pale and usually I'm tomato red. I almost threw up, and then I had to go mouth-wash the vomit taste out of the acid-attacked throat.

Chopin's music makes me feel like I'm in a different time. It also reminds me of FmA.

I still feel slightly faint.

I'm in a self-hating mood. but it's slowly fading into apathy. I'm sick of worrying about things. but I get distracted entirely too much. Why can't I work hard, like other people. I'm digging my own grave.

Yeah. Feelings like that come once and a while.

Today it was rather subdued.

I spent 9/10ths of my day reading 1984. I got 100 pages down. It's funny how It takes like 7hours to read 100 pages (with marginalia and highlighting) and it takes 3 hours to read 100 pages of Anne Rice books. Which are slightly larger pages.

yeah, it's not like I had anything better to do with my life.

I ran on the treadmil for thirty minutes today and now I can barely walk.

that's how out of shape I am o_O ;;; I like the feeling though. muahah.

well off to read some more and eat my noodles before bed

tomorrow's school.

I'm slightly releived.

then tuesday's the SOX game ^^



New member
lol reminds me of my bad shape :p

tried and jogged for like 15 minutes, started feeling like a hippo attempting polevault lmao

and 1984, hm, haven't read that one. it's by George Orwell though, right?

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