Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
lol I know that feeling, gettin ****** off at someone you know, for doing something random, but you have no idea why you're ****** off...


New member
Well I think you already are watching it

right at this moment

How was the movie cause I have no interest in it

but I heard it was a good movie



New member
'Cause I was crying so much!

lol If i watched futurama it would totally ruin my angsty mood

XD what movie Shaun, cause I already told you about walk the line lmao



New member
hey hey bored and putting off my english homework so just came by so say heya...and keza <3s u^^ lol..random but meh...<3333 *ice cream love*


New member
I'm glad you feel better now.


*gives ya some icecream*

now sit there and enjoy it **** it ><




New member
*big sweaty hugs to keza and sammi*

lol sorry guys, just got back from gym *sprays you with perfume*

So this morning I woke up feeling reallly nauseous (sp?)

I went in early and worked on chemistry

then I went and hung out for a while, feeling sick

then nikhil came and I realized I needed my book, and after that I was really hyper and yelling all over the place.

Gina didn't like my language.

So, I'm afraid I can't eat your ice-cream sammi, I don't feel good >.< but you're a sweety for asking.

English was boring.

Gym was ghey, we were teh suck at Spastic ball....


lmao there's this girl who just farted and was laughing like a maniac

it was the funniest thing, you had to see it! *tries not to laugh out loud in class*

that was the first time I've seen someone fart out loud and admit it! and a girl even!! omg XDDD



New member
omg that's gross XD

and gross things are usually funny =_=

haha I guess I gave you the prefect name--->Twinklebunny..

you know hyper and all...

are bunnies hyper? o.0

no they're not, they just eat and **** all day =_='

anyways, hope that girl doesn't fart again XD




New member
wow a sweaty hugs..ermm thankies to the twily hahaha

how is the twily on the fine...ermm day/night w.e it is for u lol>.< night for me...but it really depends on whan u read this

anywho enough babbling *huggles u TIGHTLY* <3 u



New member
awww *huggles everybody* i love you all

Yesterday was good.

I have my period though, ughhhhh

on the bus, these two kids (one was Joe, whom I hate) were fighting. lmao it was the funniest thing the kid pimp slapped Joe. it was REALLY loud XDDDD

This morning Me and Paige worked our ***** off in 15 minutes finishing our HUGE *** project. we had like 2 minutes until class started and my arms were litterally shaking!!! wow, but we finished with liek 30 seconds to spare, we rand to the english room and DWYER WASN'T THERE. ugh. lol so yeah....

right now, Laney is hair-spraying Bakers hair. its really cool lol and random.



New member
Be Cool wasnt too badnot quite what i expected, but it was good nonetheless
be cool was not all that great but you should do what you want and not what everyone else says be your self :p DarkRed :thumbsup:



New member
o_O hello there :p

welcome.. I guesssss :p

whoa, where did you quote that from?

I guesss... thank you lol

Well tomorrow I have to go to a party for a 90 year old family friend. and sunday I might see V for Vendetta with my friends. it seems like forever since I've hung out with them

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