Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
Awe, cheer up! Things will get better, especially for such a nice person like you :)

Don't worry, I'm sure everything will work out.



New member
aww Twi

*hugs you tightly*

c´mon dont worry about it so much...

everything will be alright now.

Sometimes shopping can suck! well, this was those kinda times.¨

It was not your fault that you could´nt find her...

things happen.

and if you would dissapear, I could´nt see you again and I would HATE that!

cause you are a really cool person and a great freind!

so dont say that again!


feel better hon



New member
Awww, thanks for the support on that you guys... you really did make me feel better. I always can count on you :) I feel better about it now. My mom told me she was sorry...even though I don't really forgiver her for that....I don't forgive myself either, but me and alex forgive each other, so thats enough...

anyways, on with the PRESENT! :p

---------Yo yo mah mofos on the sho sho...with the ho hos <.< >.> <.< >.> ----

------Mon. Apr. 18th, 2005 @ 08:52 pm -----------

Okay so today was the beggining of another WONDERFUL week!


This morning and lst night mom hardly spoke to me. I'm glad I'm at my dad's house for a while.

I had to finish my dbq and algebra homework >>

so I toiled until gym started. We had to run outside,"around the curb" I was like wtf is a curb, i see no curb...

so then when we came back, mrs patzner wanted us to run again, becuase we didn't run all the way around the curb. o.o she sadi the poeple who didn't.. I honestly don't know If I did or not...then I figured I probably didn't, but by that time, it was too late to do anything...oh well.

Then we were in the weight room. bo-ring

In history....we had to suffer through another Haggis Lecture...this time on the ever so popular irreletive topic of a Czar's genetic makeup. T_T

Haggises should NOT wear skirts.

In algebra, me and alex seriously crammed, andnthen took the test, which neither of us finished.

Ceramics was okay. I got on the wheel and we talked about stoof. Alex was upset she didn;t get tickets to a weezer concery. I don't like weezer ha ha :p Then Daisey told us how when she was in Mexic, they hung her stuffed animal, lmao...okay its not that funny, but they way she told us was hilarious. then we just listened to our spontanious and regulated complaints about our pottery skills. Kasia had a great bowl going, but then it collapsed! o.o

Now I have to get 2bowls done by friday........ ^^;;;

Luch was boring as usual... Jessica wanst there...heheh I memorized my sonnet...then In english I preformed it! whoo, I sucked! \m/!!

Bio was okay. peaceful... I took notes, but towards the end, I went to a lab with Eva and Natalie, and hardly got any work done, lmao... needless to say I had fun. ^_^; But I managaged to finish.

Spanish was the same old same

me and nikhil used the crappy and corny spanish book pictures to diss each other...ahh good times

me: *Points at woman looking utterly shocked at a fish* that's your momma!

Nikhil: *points at a man that looked liek he was talking to his soup (kind of like a wtf expression) That's you when you're older!

etc. etc.! lmao

then we had to was I out of it... I was like... in a daze...

I did some h/w then went online

then dad cooked an awesome dinner! Chicken with cauliflower and pasta! then we were both fantasizing about different chocolate desserts...we had like, chocolate convulsions...*****, so he went out and bought a chocolate cake! XDDD

now I'm all overdosed on caffiene and sugar! =_+

wahahaha! I bid you adieu! *bow*


Current Mood: bouncy

Current Music: something...lmao i dunoo!



New member
Awww, thanks for the support on that you guys... you really did make me feel better. I always can count on you :) I feel better about it now. My mom told me she was sorry...even though I don't really forgiver her for that....I don't forgive myself either, but me and alex forgive each other, so thats enough...anyways, on with the PRESENT! :p

---------Yo yo mah mofos on the sho sho...with the ho hos <.< >.> <.< >.> ----

------Mon. Apr. 18th, 2005 @ 08:52 pm -----------

Okay so today was the beggining of another WONDERFUL week!


This morning and lst night mom hardly spoke to me. I'm glad I'm at my dad's house for a while.

I had to finish my dbq and algebra homework >>

so I toiled until gym started. We had to run outside,"around the curb" I was like wtf is a curb, i see no curb...

so then when we came back, mrs patzner wanted us to run again, becuase we didn't run all the way around the curb. o.o she sadi the poeple who didn't.. I honestly don't know If I did or not...then I figured I probably didn't, but by that time, it was too late to do anything...oh well.

Then we were in the weight room. bo-ring

In history....we had to suffer through another Haggis Lecture...this time on the ever so popular irreletive topic of a Czar's genetic makeup. T_T

Haggises should NOT wear skirts.

In algebra, me and alex seriously crammed, andnthen took the test, which neither of us finished.

Ceramics was okay. I got on the wheel and we talked about stoof. Alex was upset she didn;t get tickets to a weezer concery. I don't like weezer ha ha :p Then Daisey told us how when she was in Mexic, they hung her stuffed animal, lmao...okay its not that funny, but they way she told us was hilarious. then we just listened to our spontanious and regulated complaints about our pottery skills. Kasia had a great bowl going, but then it collapsed! o.o

Now I have to get 2bowls done by friday........ ^^;;;

Luch was boring as usual... Jessica wanst there...heheh I memorized my sonnet...then In english I preformed it! whoo, I sucked! \m/!!

Bio was okay. peaceful... I took notes, but towards the end, I went to a lab with Eva and Natalie, and hardly got any work done, lmao... needless to say I had fun. ^_^; But I managaged to finish.

Spanish was the same old same

me and nikhil used the crappy and corny spanish book pictures to diss each other...ahh good times

me: *Points at woman looking utterly shocked at a fish* that's your momma!

Nikhil: *points at a man that looked liek he was talking to his soup (kind of like a wtf expression) That's you when you're older!

etc. etc.! lmao

then we had to was I out of it... I was like... in a daze...

I did some h/w then went online

then dad cooked an awesome dinner! Chicken with cauliflower and pasta! then we were both fantasizing about different chocolate desserts...we had like, chocolate convulsions...*****, so he went out and bought a chocolate cake! XDDD

now I'm all overdosed on caffiene and sugar! =_+

wahahaha! I bid you adieu! *bow*


Current Mood: bouncy

Current Music: something...lmao i dunoo!
sounds like you had fun twi..

haha yesh indeed you did huh



New member
yesh you had a fun day!

Whenever I read your journal I´m like

*read* *reads* *reads* hahahahahaha *reads* *reads* *reads* hahahahahaha :p

well ttyl hon





New member
lmao me n my friends usually do that "its you'' thing with documentarys n stuff at school....its really funny because they always point at some weird person but there is always a weirder person that comes along


New member
Heeeey Twi *waves* ^^

long time no talk lol

so you had a funny day :D

that's great!

you were overdosed on caffiene and sugar?

woh then i would be very very hyper...0_o

i would be like: 0_o 0_o 0_o *bursts out laughing*

or something :rolleyes:

well ttyl *hugs*

byebye! ^^



New member
HELLLLOOOO Rav! Nice to see you again! I missed you so much! :D !I'm glad you're back! *hugs* stayyyy! *puppy dog eyes* either that, or I'll chain you to lpf :D *innocent*
You can chain me up, that's all good *laughs evilly* I'm a little peverse... never know, I might enjoy it *rolls eyes sarcastically*

Honestly, you don't need to do that. I missed you too. I'm glad ppl noticed I was gone (is 'glad' the right word I'm looking for? Not sure) but I'm even more glad to be back. Havin' wonderful ppl around such as yourself make me glad to be back... (That's 4 glad's in one paragraph. I really need to study my theasaurus a little closer, I think! Hehehe) Regardless, now things have settled again for the most part I look forward to choking all our journals with pages upon pages of flowing diatribes that go on for seemingly hours and say very little at all... kinda like what I'm doing now! Hehehe... ah, admit it, you love it. I can talk/type underwater with a mouthful of marbles... in fact, I still have more to say here than I do to RL ppl, now how scary is that? *insert creepy music here*

Glad (?!?) to see you again TC7, look forward to out long conversations real soon! Hehehe... *wistful sigh*

Oh and before I forget;


Take care, all the best til later,




New member
hi agian Twi... sorry i dont come here much....... Azem distracts me... lol.. ne waiz.. whats poppin.....

you must have like a really really really busy life.. do you think you do... i think you do.. then agian.. im crazy... so.. how is life treating ya



New member
Sorry for not replying!

Sounds like you had a decent day, since I think you only updated once while I was gone, lol.

Algebra is ******. So is running.. we don't have to run in our gym class, lol. We do WORSE stuff like play pool and go bowling.. lol.

We don't have classes like ceramics at our school. (Not that I'd take it anyways.) We have like no good classes here.

Well, sorry for such a short reply. I have alot to catch up on, lol.

So, so long :)



New member
YAYAYAYA PEAOPLE PEAOPLE! I'm like so hyper off your comments now! WHEEEE *runs around to room and hugs each person*

I missed you all! Sorry I wasn't here, like, at ALL! o_O

**** homwork/SLEEPING uncontrollably/sluggish/ get the picture.

when I WAS able to go online, I had no time to like, post here and ****.

ahhh, well, let us commence the replies... (cuz I want to! :D )

lpp: thanks for stopping by hun, and keeping me company while I was away from lpf! :D don't forget about monday!! ;D

Sammi: Once you get me going, I can't help but raaaaant! =P *hugs* missed ya! hope you're doing okay...


Hybi: *grabs your arm and twirls you around* :D caffiene is funnnnnnn


Rav: lmao... we're allllll perverse! *laughs insanely* *hides chains in closet* shhhhhhhh

gdon't be mad....get glad! ;D I'm such a dork! hahaha I love your subtle little diatribes....xD they're so fun and make me laugh! GLAD to see you again toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Krista: hey! ^___^ glad you stopped by! (AHHH RAV, YOU HAVE INFECTED ME WITH THE GLAD DISEASE)

lol I have no life other than the normal menial shcedule my life so blandly follows! heheh I'm crazy too. :) Craze-ish. Craziful. Crazily crazy. whooo take care

Misery: YO HO AND A BOTTLE OF RUM, Misery. lamo, I'm sooo hyper right now!

anyways.............POOL and BOWLING are NOT worse than RUNNING. are you MAD?!?lol

Our school is eccentric like that... they have like a zillion different classes and you're like...which ******* classes should I take!?! lol I have much to catch up on too... take care! *wave*

Jammer: hey hey hey Jammer! nice to see ya! ;) take care!

Sammi: hello! (again) wahahaha, I'm finally here!

*wipes seweat off brow* phew... I just had to comment on like...20 journals XD

Its been fun...but also 3 hours! =O

NOW IMA UPDATE!! I'm going to try to remember all the way back to Misery... but I won't have the most excrutiating detail... :D ;;


*sigh*... I don't remember... but I fell asleep while doing h/w....


I fell asleep again...again! I GET sleep....but it feels like I can never sleep long enough... I FEEL sleep-deprived...but I'm not! it ****** me off.... so I had to go get x-rays from my dentist. My teeth are so ****** up! Oh ma jesus...wel... I really don't know why I'm so shocked... I knew this! XD.

I just hope they don't have to pull more than 4. Next week I actually have to get them pulled I think...


I fell asleep again...what a shocker! I'm sure you're all gaping in wonderment at that unexpected declairation.

I had a dream. It was pleasant...while I was in it....(((( I was a play director... (was reading R+J before I fell asleep) and I had to set up some cots and pillows on the floor...then i had to go to the bathroom, in our school...which was also a radio station....and while I was washing my hands, a class of biology students came in to wash thier hands becuase they were dissecting sharks...) *gasps for breath* (omits part of it) ITS A SECREEET!)))

but once I woke up, I was plagued with thoughts...

How could I dream something so nice, and in reality, it will never happen!? oh the pain... It kills you inside...

I dare not speak of it though... Jesus christ I sound like Shakespeare. anyway... I was so engaged in my thoughs, my dinner got cold...and I went to reheat it...but I realized I lost my apetite anyway.

I also read the whole Romeo and Juliet... I was getting sick of waiting....

Then I went online.....whooo,

I went to sleep at midnight! I had a sore throat! uggies!


OMFG my aunt woke me up at SEVEN TWENTY!

my BUS was arriving about then!

When I finally made it downstairs, it was like 7:30...and dad and me left at 7:40!

I didn't get there until 7:50... I was ******. I had algebra h/w to do! *weeps*

Michelle gave me this freak copy of a magazine...lmao, which nikhil refused to touch... *cough******cough*

lmao lmao

well I told Gina about the dream I had of her walking up to a stranger and just make out with him...and I'm like GINA! WTFFFFF!?

It was freakin' WEIRD! and she's like, why do you dream me as a ****!? lol

so then it was time to go to ****.

I exxagerate, but alas!

It was only life lab... it was ******* annoying tho, becuase we had to control our <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='heart rates'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">heart rates</a>... for 2 minutes, it had to be over 145, and for the following 2 minutes it had to be below, I can't control my heart...surprisingly, it was harder to get it below 120...becuase when I tried to slow down, to get my hrat rate down, it told me to go faster, but then my heartrate would go it was really frustrating... -_-

In history, we needed our STUDY GUIDES for review this time! greaaaaaaaaaaat. I left that in my BOOK which I left in my LOCKER becuase today was a REVIEW day. stoopid haggis. she let me get it tho.

I had it all filled out tho... I think only one of my questions was wrong... i got 3 extra credit points tho. *shrug*

Monday's the test.

Algebra was ...more or less fine. I mean...we learned... doesn't get more basic than that.

In ceramics, I amazingly centered the clay, opened it (unevenly, I might add -_-''), and formed a bowl. OIn ONE period! whoo, I'm good! NOT REALLY. It was really uneven...and it sucked! It's better than my origional tho, lol!

I stayed throwugh part of lunch to make sure it didn't suck AS bad as it did.

At lunch, Sasha printed out this picture of a hot guy, and Kristy's like "Its my boyfriend" lol so we all tried to think up a name for him! lmao, me and Kristy thought he looked like a "Dave" or "David"

In English, we practically ANSWERED every question on the test before we took it...lmoathen we watched the retarded movie... it was a lil funny...but not THAT funny. *bears a grudge* lol

then in bio, we turned in our posters. then we worked on study guides... I worked with my new lab partner, Jessica ( :D lol) and I gave her the answers becuase she missed like 3 days of school and didbn't have any of it done...pity comes soft for me < :) <---I'm not that innocent looking... I just... bah, screw that face! lol

Jessica should seriously get into psychology... she's like... smarter than she thinks she is. She told me how like, everyone was touching thier face while Romeo and Juliet were making out on the movie... I didn't notice if I was...she said she'd look next time! I thought that was interesting tho... she said Marco was practically in a daze! XDD She also said Joe was "Just like, scratching his face ans stuff... he probably was trying to think of something funny to say" I thought that was a good observation... becuase it does seem like he tried too hard to be funny... I mean...sometimes, he is, but not ALL the time...and it's obvious that its his intention, and It gets annoying at times.

and she always makes this monotonous laugh...almost mechanic... "he.. he ..he.." know what I mean? and I told her and she said she made it to paranoy (sp) people. like, she makes it so you don't know if she really thinks youre funny or just like ';you're lame' lol

anyways, I just thing she be good at psychology. o_O

it's the beggining of the year... I was scared of bio, becuase I knew like, nooo one, but now its like alot of my friends are in there, and I just feel really comfortable in that class :)

Spanish ****** me off latly...I don't even want to talk about it... grr

On the bus, I took a battery out of my flashlight and put it in my CD player, and listened to LIT! whoo.

I got off at my stop and I was headbangin but I didn't care who looked; I love "Faint" ^______^

I came home and I daringly picked up a baby....Nikolas I think his name was...and he was like *puts hand over nose and eyes* and he was all smilely... lmao it was so cute!

XDD some days I hate babies, some days I love 'm. XDD I depends on my mood! XD

I had a huge-*** cup of fruit and my aunt was like wtf! dont eat it all

oh well, I did.



so then went online and have been eating/internet-ing ALL DAY! :D !


Edit: OMG, I wrote THAT much!?

tty peeps tomorrow! Gotta ****!



New member
lol, I was just kidding about the comment about worse activities ;)

Nice update for Tuesday, lmao. I can't believe I remembered all the **** that I did when I was looking back.

Dreams suck, no matter what. That's the way I look at it. If it's a bad dream, it sticks with you for a long time and brings your whole mood down. If it's a good dream, then it usually isn't going to happen, and when you realize it, it ****** you off. No good can come from dreams. NONE!! lol

Good luck with getting your teeth pulled. That's gotta suck.

Well, so long for now :) It's been fun reading.



New member
teeth pulled...noo..I hate it..and I´m never ever gonna do it! if anyone tries to come near my teeth I´m them! lol

I HATE dentists! :rolleyes:

Dreams can be weird lol, I know what dreams mean and stuff and I´m like the "dream doctor" in another forum and they tell me about soooo weird dreams lol I´m like WTF?!?! :p

anyways Babies can be really cute I know but sometimes I feel like well..I hate them :p It depends on my mood. I love babies with cool eyes!

and you reeeaaaaalllllllyyy love fruit dont you?!?! mom forces me to´eat fruit sometimes lol cause well I hate most of the fruits, hihi

well ttyl hon




New member

when i was reading: sick of waiting.... i was listening to Wake up from lost prophets and they said sick of waiting at the same time i read that lol

teeth pulled? ow boy good luck on that,, poor you :(

heey i love fruit too^^

sammi i can't believe that you don't like it :p



New member
lol well I like it...for ex: I like strawberries, rose apple, grapes and some other "juicy" fruits lol but I HATE apple....yuck! :p
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