Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


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I'm not feeling good, but thanks Sammi!

well right now...I've just lost all motivation for everything...

I was lucky to have written this before my soul

okay so today is Thursday...14th of April... hah... T_T not funny...

Oh man today was not very great. This will be long

I woke up to find out that it’s that time of the month. *** ****! It makes no sense!

Anyways, I went online for a few minutes and then I got ready. “Faint” played, but my “book thong” (yes its like a bookmark) broke! Omg, it cost 6 bucks! >_<

Then I went downstairs and we had nothing good to eat. I made cinnamon toast, but the toast got cold unnaturally fast, so the butter didn’t melt. T_T then mom came down and I offered her a piece. She said she couldn’t eat it because of her diet! I’m like haha! Lol, but then she told me she was happy to find out she could eat peanut butter…but she cant have bread…so I’m like, eat an apple with it, and she’s like I can’t have apples! WTF, what kind of diet is this!? I don’t think depriving your body of natural things like apples can HELP you…then she told me I’ve been talking to dad too much…pshh… so we were kind of running late, and I hollered at mom to hurry up, when I realized I was supposed to go in early. GREAT!. I can’t do my algebra now. Once I got to school, There wan only 5 minutes left until I had to go to 1st period! Grrr, and EVERYONE was in my way! ********

So in gym, I had to go to life lab, (which I did after school yesterday to make up gym absence)…She told us that we needed to go on the Stairmaster if we went on the EFX last time. ****, I had to go on that yesterday! So I toiled for 30 minutes.

When I entered the history room, the haggis was looking at me with a devilish smirk and her hands in her lap… “Are you the one?” she asked me. I stared at her quizzically. “Are you the one?” She repeated. I was like WTF!? Then I found out she meant was I the one that changed my book. Lmao…that was scary… so we played bingo today. It was so annoying. The haggis told us to push 4 desks in to make a table so we could share chips… and she explained it a million times as if we did not understand how to move desks… T_T so I sat with Kelly and Amanda…and this other girl, but I dun know her. She was annoying though, because she NEVER understofd what the answer was…she’s like “what was it..?” I’m thinking…where are you, woman? It ****** me off.

But Kelly and Amanda were fun, they kept switching cars, but Daisey said that it was bad luck. I kept my own card…mauahaha. We all thought that the Vladimir dude was an assassin, lmao, he looked sooo scary! XDD so we laughed about that a lot… Bianca won twice…grrr… lol other than that though, it was annoying, no body knew the retarded questions.

In Algebra, we took a quiz… I think I did good. Ceramics was okay. At first, I had to wedge. Mr. Matas said we had to get grades, so we were to write our stuff that we made on index cars… once I was done wedging, I continued on my ****** up cylinder…it has like no base…or else I might be able to keep it…because my pulling is getting better!

At lunch, we copied each other’s study guides…and found out that Rena is obsessed with Starbursts. The Kristy was hyper off the cookies she ate! Lmao… English started off with me Kristie and Michelle laughing about something…I forgot…but we were hyper…the we just talked about Romeo and Juliet again… Jessica said if Romeo lived now, he’d be Emo…lol! Omg, I thought we had to memorize our sonnet by tomorrow, but then I remembered that it was moved to Monday! Phew!

Bio was boring. We copied a study guide. The we were left to work on whatever. Me and Jessica worked on memorizing our sonnet! Lmao, and Natalie interrupted us because SHE knew it! Lol I was so tired tho…but it was fun! *^_^* uhhh. So yeah…I went to Spanish…and uh…we took some quizzes…easy… so tired…and I had to go to life lab! Again! And I had art club too! **** **** ****.

So I went to Life lab…omg, I was getting so sick of it! At least I got an EFX and not a stairmaster…because I rushed… I left after 18 minutes (even tho we’re supposed to have 30…) ha ha oh well, I wanted to go to art club. I talked and drew, sorta…just continuing a lil sketch I made last time… relaxing… except for when we were perverts…lmao that was exhilarating. Alex and me left…in fear of missing the late bus! But my dad was there, so we got in the old rust truck, lmao we had to squeeze our butts in thurr!

Yesh so when I got home, I told my dad about mom…and then I went insiode to …eat, omg I was so hungry…I got a yogurt, orange, and a banana…THEN, not but 10 minutes later I went to get an apple and granola bar! Omg I was STILL hungry.

I got this wicked inspiration. I had a rose, because someone gave it to me, but it wilde, and I tore the petals off, and I now I want to pant a picture with the rose petals in it. Something where the rose petals are red, and the rest of the picture is black and white.

My first Idea didn’t work out, so I started a sketch of s different idea. Its pretty cool so far…but it’s a secret! ^_^

Then mom picked me up…Dad was telling her about grandpa… and how much it was costing us to be in the hospital… half a million! *gape* thank TOR we have insurance! o_O…and my dad said he’d be in there for a couple more months if he’s recovering…but he needs a tracheotomy… So I’m really sad about that. Then my mom said her work is getting re done and people are getting laid off…but she thinks she will stay…I hope. She needs that money to pay for the braces I’m getting SOON! Because I’m going to the dentist Saturday!

Anyways…tonight: she told me that she’d have to leave right away to go out to dinner! Yay! I was on my own. So guess what I made for dinner? Pancakes and chicken soup! LOL! It was yummy. I watched fuse for a lil bit then went upstairs…BAH! I forgot my english book! Grrr… I’ll do it during lunch tomorrow.

So I go to take a bath. A nice hot one. It felt good. But inside I felt bad. I had cramps and I felt sad and angry. Frustrated!

Now I’m just typing this…and my *** is sore…**** cramps…and I’m tired… I think I’ll go read and wallow in my self pity…lmao…





New member
Sorry you had such a ****** day.

I had cinnamon toast for breakfast too! Woop! What a coincidence.

I feel sorry for you and kind of disturbed at the same time hearing about your 'monthly lady parts stuff'.. lol. And that sentence just made me look like a tard.

Not fair that you get to play bingo.. lmao. I wish we could play bingo. And I just noticed that you have ALOT of classes in the day, lol. I only have 4 o_0. But then again, they are 84 minutes long each. Some of them can get quite boring, lol.

Well, it's been fun reading. So long for now :)



New member
whoa! that was a coincidence!

lmao, sorry you had to hear that.... its just that mostly girls read this jounral! lmao, sorry! :p

no no! bingo with the haggis is NOT fun! just say no! lol

lol yeah...when I read your journal, I was like..'..whoa, he has like no classes!' lol

So yeah, I have 7 classes, and they're 50 minutes long, each. except for lunch, which is 25. um, but thats not a class! haha!

well thanks....and bye!



New member
woah now I understand...I´m sry you feel bad..

That sux man!

I know what helps...well it helps me lol..

Whne I got the time of the month..I eat aaaaallooots of icecream lol

Idk it just feels better :p

lol your teacher is scary...are you the one? lmao

like matrix or something...

Feel better!




New member
whoa! that was a coincidence!lmao, sorry you had to hear that.... its just that mostly girls read this jounral! lmao, sorry! :p

no no! bingo with the haggis is NOT fun! just say no! lol

lol yeah...when I read your journal, I was like..'..whoa, he has like no classes!' lol

So yeah, I have 7 classes, and they're 50 minutes long, each. except for lunch, which is 25. um, but thats not a class! haha!

well thanks....and bye!
lol, not a problem. I was just bugging you ;)

Wow. You have a short lunch! And I thought my little 40 minute lunch period was bad.. (almost all the other high schools here have at least an hour)



New member
lmao, good advice Sammi! lol, but mom buys crappy, low fat-no-sugar kinds, XP is indeed the haggis' matrix... XD

WHOA! 40 minutes! jeez that alot1...I can't belive some schools have an HOUR..omfg..thats like...unheard of...*is jealous* :D



New member
Hey Crimson, hope all is well, can''t remember when I had 7 classes, scary. but after your summer (our winter) I start back at uni (hopefully if I amnot sent to a loony bin in the meantime) to finish my degree. hehehe, I hated my teachers, except one, and then I used tos tay at his place with his wife and ride his horses for him...

He was kewl...

Know how you feel about tha time, dont wnat to do anything or go anywhere. Chocolate cravings to the max...




New member
lol I've had like 7 classes or more all my life! XD

I'm sure you're fiiiine! besides, Insane esta en moda! (is in style)

lmao, so ge eat some good ole herseys! ^__^ take care!!

I'm like....way too lazy to write an entry on today... I'm channeling all my motivation towards the myspace account i just created! okay, so tomorrow's my dentist appoinent...prolly need some teeth pulled! wish me luck!



New member
i'm sorry that i didn't added a comment lately

i was very busy T_T

an hour Lunch! 0_o OMG!

we only have 20 minutes =_=

**** school!

and i also have 50 min lessons lol :p

too bad to hear about your montly thingy

i just had mine lol

cool idea about that picture with those rose petals

sounds cool ^^

well ttyl





New member
I have 1 hr lunch and on wednesdays 2 ½ hrs lunch :p

and good luck for the dentist...I hate dentits and my mom wants me to become one o_O

**** no! lol



New member
holy ****! 2 hours! WOWOWOWO! *explodes* lmao

thanks everyone for commenting! *is too lazy for personal responses*

I'm being too lazy lately, aren't I!?

well I promise this weekend I'll be un-lazy! :D

I have to go to the dentist NOW so Ill tell you how that went when I come back! bye bye loves



New member
Wellp, just got back.... I found out I actually went to the orthodonist

He just looked at my teeth are relly messed up! duh! lol and I need to have an xray done before they can be pulled. So we scheduled a DENTIST appointment to get an x ray for next wednesday! then I have to go back to the ortho a week from he can tell us whixch teeth have to be pulled. THEN, I hve to go back to the dentist, to actually get them pulled. and then finally back to the ortho to get braces. it will take at least a month! o___O;;

so anyways, yeah...I'm like starving now.... *dies*



New member
Sounds like you're going to have TONS of fun getting your teeth pulled etc.. lol. (that was sarcasm, btw)

Good luck, hope everything goes well :)



New member
ah.. i know what pain you're going through.. lol

i had the same thing..

i hate ortodontists!.. they can only hurt you..

oops.. not the right pepp talk o_0

i mean.. your teeth are going to be just fine :D

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