Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
You can trust me to MISS you! Unconditionally! I already do! <=O


--------March 17th, 2005------

It’s really late right now, so I’m gunna try and hurry with this. I didn’t use my book today, so I’m going by memory LOL

It was St. patty’s day! A lot of people wore green, but I wore black & white LOL

So yeah, I talked to quite a few people this morning. Then I went to good ol’ gym. We had aerobics day again. That means the dreaded jump-ropes. It wasn’t that bad. I asked Jessica and Lauren if they wanted to practice 3 person jumps. We’re pretty good except for the double dutch thing. Dan R ran up to us and ran right into double dutch and he fell on the floor and ****, lmao it was really retarded. Finally, we left. Tomorrow is weight training. *** I really hope I get a friend in my class next year, but almost all my friends are younger than me, so they have gym 1st semester.

Anyways, in history, we started a new lesson and me and Alex worked on these questions. Meh, we finished in time, so that’s good. Haggis put our Honor’s assembly seating charts up and I have seat number SEVEN! Yay! That’s my fave number, besides 17. ^^

But I didn’t finish my ALGEBRA test in time. We had a sub, and he let us study a bit before the test, so we didn’t have a lot of time. I had about 5 more big problems left. I was soooo worried. I seriously hope Mr. ivory lets us finish them. The sub said that not a lot of people finished. Well, in ceramics, I worked on my jar again. I cut a sharp hole in the side and made it look kinda rusty…if clay can be rusty…lol. Oh, Peter and Tajima were flicking these paper squares across the room at each other. And I was going to be ****** if one hit me. The cool part was when one came racing towards Joe and he merely shifted in his seat while the offending object whizzed past by a couple inches. OMG, it looked so ******* awesome!

Lunch was alright. I got chicken nuggets with pudding. ^^ I grossed Rena out with the pudding by dropping it off the spoon from a suspended height. XDD you should have seen the look on her face! Then, later on, I was struck with a UFO! It was a Mike&Ike that flew from a couple tables away and it hit my head! Lmao, it was so weird, then I gave it to Rena and she went and threw it back at the dude who threw it.

In English, we went to the comp. lab. Me and Alex went on Rum and and read one of our fav. Articles. The I read a calendar on our school website, and guess what I saw!?


lmao! SENIOR TAKEOVER DAY!!!! WATCH OUT, THE OLD PEOPLE’S DAY IS COMING!!!! Run while you still can!!!! XDD

Then, I was going to go to the bio room, but then I saw Natalie and Sabeen and followed them to the CL. Natalie was saying hi to random people lol and we saw Sylvia! X3

Eva was already in the RC. We just matched chromosomes and stuff online and I chatted/worked with Eva, Sabeen, and Natalie. I found out that Natalie is moving next year!!! Omg, I was surprised. I’ll miss her <=3

The I had to go back to the CL. Nikhil and Sara had a hard time with their borders. I did too, but I fixed it ^^

I have to print out my Spanish thingie (right-clicks and adds ‘thingie’ to dictionary) tomorrow, so I might as well go in early and print out my essay along with it.

Me and Nikhil made our way to Art Club, and we saw Alex and Ashley there. Nikky and me left to call our parents. He let me use his cell, yay! While we were calling, Eva came rushing in, grabbed her books, and a few minutes later she came rushing out and she’s like “I really hope I don’t miss the bus!” and I just gaped. I HOPE SO TOO, *** THAT WOULD SUCK! :p

(*stuff pillow under ***** ahhh)

we went back to the art room and started some stuff. I chose to doodle, because I didn’t really have any inspirational ideas. Then, after a while, I decided to embellish my jar with wire. It was soo sweet! I rose the bus home with Alex, and she kept misunderstanding the bus driver. LOL I felt sorry for her. I got home and my aunt ****** me off as usual. She told me that she and dad didn’t get home until 2 that morning. Grandpa was sent to the hospital because of pains. Now they’re checking him out. So dad was fast asleep downstairs. I didn’t wake him. Mom picked me up not after too long. She was ecstatic about seeing Robots this weekend. She’s dragging me along. Sure, it might be a good movie, but I’ve never seen her anticipate a movie such as this so much before.

Later on, me, mom and Tim went to the Bartlett Tavern. It was REALLY crowded, and lotsa people were wearing green and white boas. XDD

On her way out, a lady gave me her boa! I was kinda amused by that! Then we saw our neighbors and I have the boa to their kids! They could use it more than me! Our food took forever to get there, and it was so loud, you couldn’t hear the person talking to you. Now there was like only 45 minutes to finish history and English homework and type up my journal for you guys!! I’m not that tired, but I’m kinda lazy. ^^;

Oh ****! I finished this 2 minutes past the morning! I wanted to finish BEFORE morning. Oh well. ^^ Since I’m not tired, I’ll go get myself some water and type up some surveys ^_^

Goodnight and best wishes to you all!

Listening to: Shinedown

Feeling: My **** is numb and I’m reallly thirsty!

Thinking: I can’t wait to get my *** up!

Chatting: lpp, and SS1

Time: 12:06 AM *yawn* ^O^

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New member
tell more about ur split personality u spoke of in my journal ....

and no i didn't read what u posted here in ur journal



New member
lpp: It's okay! I don't blame you! *scrolls down and gapes*

Uhhh so my split persona is called Xellia. I used to be more mean. I used to close everyone out. I used to be a tad sadistic and I hated talking to people. I was just....crabby all the time. My other side it Twilight. I figured, since Xellia is so black and evil, I'd call my "light" side, Twilight. a twist of Irony, ne? Twilight is who you see here most of the time. I'm a lil outgoing and talkative. I look on the bright side to cheer ppl up! I've been more Twilight lately. But when i'm not on LPF, or with my freinds, Xellia comes out to play.

here's a survey i took, incase you wanna read/fill it out

1. Starting Time: 12:53 AM

2. Full Name: Heather Lynn Neylon

3. Nick Names: Heath, Twilight, Xellia, Boo

4. Age: 15

5. Birthday: October 25th, 1989

6. Place of Birth: Elmhurst Hospital.

7. Star Sign: Scorpio!

8. Eye Colour: Green

9. Hair Colour: Light brown

10. Height: 5'7'' ish

11. Shoe size: 7 guys...I think 9 womens...I know, it makes no sense

12. Location: Itasca/Bartlett IL

13. School: Lake Park

14. Any brothers or sisters? Only child ^^

15. Who do u live with? My mom and Tim in bartlett, and my Aunt, dad, and grandpa used to, in Itasca

~~~The Crush Side~~~

16. Do u have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Nope

17. Would u ever go out with that person if they asked u? who? maybe...gah! =\

18. Have u ever loved someone so much, it made u cry? yeah, i guess

19. Do u have a soul mate? maybe.

~~~Have U Ever~~~

20. Travelled to a place far away? Farthest would be Florida :)

21. Hated yourself? Yeah, alot of the time

22. Hated a friend? Yes.

23. Missed school cuz it was raining? Uhhh o.o nooooo

24. Put a body part on fire for amusement? ....Nooooo =[

25. Been in a car accident? Yeah

26. Been hurt emotionally? pfft, freakin all the time

27. Kept a secret from everyone? yah...o.o

28. Cried during a movie? Totally

29. If so, what movie? Ummm...Big Fish...some others too.

30. Ever thought an animated character was hot? YESS

31. Been sarcastic? all the time ;)


32. Bands and singers: You know mine ;)

33. Toothpaste: Ummm...Crest?

34. Stuffed animal: MY BUNNI FOO FOO! don't laugh at me! >_< lol

35. Hockey Team: Hmmm...ours I guess.

36. Basketball team: idc

37. Pen or pencil? Pen...when writing, that is

38. T-shirt or tank top? Tee

39. White or chocolate milk? white

40. Spring or fall? both ^^

41. Dog or cat? Kitty

42. Shampoo: Aussie

43. Soap: Dove...I don't really know any

44. Colour: Red, black, purple, blue, green

45. Summer or winter? winter. more meaningful.even if there is more pain.

46. Cartoon character: tough choice. Cartoon? Squidward!

47. Drink: Milk ...

48. Food: Chicken!!!

49. Movie: Anything by Tim Burton is genious. Ummm...Aviator, LOTR, Ferris Bueler's day off...old school movies. i have alot of faves!

50. Ice Cream: Vanilla, or depends on how I'l feeling

51. Subject: Art, English, or History

52. Animal: Turtle!

53. Person: My friends and family

~~~Right Now~~~

54. Wearing: black sweats, black tee..and my hoodie

55. white. meh, what do you expect!? LOL

56. Eating: nuttin

57. Drinking: water

58. Thinking: about going to bed


59. Best friend? I have many

60. Who do u email the most? Umm my friends...

61. Are most of ur friends guys or girls? there's a good mix ;)

62. Who have u known the longest? Rena!

63. The loudest: oh *** do i choose. we cal ALL be realllly loud at times!!

64. The shyest: Alex ^-^!

65. The weirdest: prolly all of ussss!

66. Who has seen u cry? alot of my friends, but not everyone

~~~In The Last 24 Hours Have U...~~~

67. Laughed? yeah!

68: Made someone Yep-yep!

69. Bought something? Yeah, lunch!

70. Cut ur hair? Nuh-uh

71. Been kissed? *shakes head*

72. Said I Love U? *thinks* yeah! prolly, considereing my friends are affectionate! But with jessica gone...I'm not so sure LOL

73. Written a letter? Yeah, to MYSELF! LOL

74. Met someone new? nooo TT_TT heheh

75. Watched ur favourite movie? heh, no

76. Talked with somoene u love? yesshhhh

77. Had a serious talk? yeppppp (its hard though, XD)

78. Fought with ur parents? Sort of, but nothing note-worthy

79. Fought with ur friends? Naw!

80. Cried? Nuh-huh

~~~Do U~~~

81. Eat peanuts? sometimes

82. Eat with ur mouth open? sometimes

83. Take walks in the rain? yeah, when I get the chance!

84. Obsess over celebs? not celebs, per say

~~~Word Association (First Thing That Comes To Mind)~~~

85. Rubber: condom....XD

86. Gloves: winter'

87. Rock: GOOD!

88. Wet: dog

89. Hay: WHAT!?

90. Paper: cut

~~~About Guys For Girls To Fill Out~~~

91. Boxers or briefs?

92. Long or short hair?

93. Six pack or muscular arms?

94. Good or bad guy?

95. Hat or no hat?

96. Tan or fair?

97. Funny or not funny?

98. Cute or sexy?

~~~About Girls For Guys To Fill Out~~~

99. Regular underwear or thongs?

100. Painted nails or not?

101. Lacy bra or sports bra?

102. Cute n' mysterious or wild n' crzy?

103. Dark or blonde hair?

104. Good or bad girl?

105. Intelligent or average?

106. Hair up or down?

107. Curly or straight hair?

108. Short or tall?

109. Pants or dress?

110. Shy or out going?

~~~Random Questions~~~

111. When was ur last hospital visit? for myself? a looong time ago! but i've visited it like 2 weeks ago

112. Whos the last person who sent u an email? Brit

113. Have u ever been convicted of a crime? Nopies

114. Which single store would u want to max out ur credit card in? I can't pick!

115. What kind of car do u drive? Nothing yet.

116. Name the person that u r friends with, that lives the farthest away: All mah buds across the world!

117. Are u in a gang or club? yeah! Montage and art club

118. Can u be in love with 2 ppl at the same time? Hmmm I wouldn't know

119. Bedtime? I don't know. whenever.


120. What is ur biggest fear? Me

121. Kids or no kids? too early to think about that! XD

122. Mustard or ketchup? catsup!

123. Newspaper or magazine? depends.

124. Sandals or sneakers? sneakers

125. Hugging or kissing? hugs!


126. Do u believe in love at first sight? No, but i believe in **** at first sight

127. First job? helping my aunt

128. What do u do most often when ur bored? Internet ^^

129. Would u kill someone? Nooo, unless they REALLY drove me over the edge over years and years...

130. Do u like ur handwriting? I can't =P

131. Do u have any bad habits? Yes..ALOT!

132. What was ur favourite toy as a child? mis animales de peluche. (sorry, that just reminded me of a unit in spanish we're doing)

133. Do u think ur life has been good so far? yes and no.

134. Do u feel understood most of the time? lol **** no, but sometimes i feel someone might understand me

135. Do u drink milk? oh **** yeah!

136. Would u rather have a sore throat or upset stomach? sore throat

137. Would u rather be hot or cold? hot

138. Could u be a vegetarian? never

139. Would u ever bungee jump? **** NOO

140. Would u die for a close friend? Yes, of course

141. Do u want ppl to send this back? i don't care

142. When have u cried the most? I don't remember...=\

143. What is the best feeling in the world? I don't know yet

~~~Do U Prefer~~~

144. Short or tall members of the opposite ***? it doesn't matter

145. Sun or moon? moon

146. Left or right? right

147. Having 10 aquantinces or 1 best? 1 best

148. Boys or girls? it depends! ^^

149. Flowers or angels? neither.

150. End time: 1:31 AM




New member
Heya Heather!!!! Ahh so that's your name =P It's so pretty! It feels like I missed out a lot, I didn't check out the journals yesterday or the day before because I didn't have time to at the end of the day! I adore your journal! The entries are so cute and you're so hyperactive, which makes it fun to read ;) I really should do the journal thing because I have a short term memory. I can remember stupid stuff from when I was like 7 years old, but if you asked me what I ate for dinner 3 agos ago, I have no memory of it (Actually I do right now, but you know what I mean lol). Actually if you asked me what I learnt in college today, I really can't remember heh. So it really does all blur together for me!

I have no idea how you manage to wake up like that in the mornings LOL. You have to tell me the secret! Is it because you eat pie? =D I love pie! Bleh lol. I'm so groggy in the morning, anyone who tries to disturb my sleep (a.k.a my little sister who has to wake me up in the morning), they get quite a mouthful and a sorry sight in the morning that definatly ain't pretty ;) My bed is my homeboy lol! My cd player (With Meteora or Hybrid Theory, whichever is in at the time;) ) has to be blasted up loud to "shock" me out of sleep ^.^

It's gonna be **** without Ravynlee here for a week =( I'll miss her, and the hilarious feedback comments ^.^! Of corse we'll keep the Rob lovin going on lol! You better come back Rav...or else... umm or else I don't know lol. Something severe will happen to teh Rob pictures! >=) *Poor guy lol*

I actually forgot it was St. Patricks day and didn't wear anything green either lol ¬.¬ I'm wearing green today though =D I heard Robots was good and I might take my lil sister. Not my mum though lmao.

Wow you have another side to you! A sinister side which we didn't know existed, till today ^.^ I hope to catch a lil Xellia action going on! I have a dark side too, cept I blame it on PMS =) Anyway great quiz! Hope to catch ya later. Have fun take care!

*It says I included too many smilies in the post. I haven't =(*



New member
Awwww, thanks for the compliment! I'm still in shock people actually read these! I'm used to talking to myself! lmao! Actually, I don't like pie! I like lemon merrangue (sp?) and chocolate sometimes, but pie just doesn't fly with me ;) *dork* lol

You really think I'm hyperactive?! I guess I do sound like it online, huh!? Like noW! heheheh well, I'm cheered up now that i'm on lpf! I was in a really ****** mood a half an hour ago! ;)

Yeah, I find it very hard to get up in the morning as well. But surprisingly, It's easier to get up at my mom's house. even after just 4 hours of sleep! o_O *puzzled* LP helps me wake up when they play it! Oh, that reminds me, last night, I had my radio, it was set to go off in 10 minutes, becuase it helps me relax, so I could fall asleep. Well I was almost asleep, but then I heard Lying From You start and I jumped out of bed and boogeyed! lmao, I'm such a freak! XD

I know, I already miss Rav sooo much! ^___^ *sends her love*

LOL You don't want to see Xellia. Like, when I get serious or mad, I'm really fierce and tend to brood over matters. ._.;

lmao, I hate when it tell me too many's like...WHO CAN HAVE TOO MANY SMILEIES!!? XD

Oh, can i add you to my AIM BL? *puppy dog eyes*



New member
I'm going to rush this, so It'll be a lil short.

--------Hola... ._. Mar. 18th, 2005 @ 11:30 pm ----------

The day started like any other. I went online for a few minutes to be insane with a few people. ^_^ Soon enough, I had to go. Tim drove me and when I got there, I went to the computer lab to print some stuff out. Eva was there, so I chatted with her. Then we split ways, and I went to my locker. I went to gym, and we went to the weight room. Meh, no biggie. In history, everything was going smoothly. Except the haggis’s endeavor with the maps…XDDD

Then the fire alarm went off, and the haggis FLEW into the air. ***** it was hilarious! So we went outside and traveled…really far away from the school. Well, Alex was quite hyper…She wanted to go by Ashley but Amanda was by her, so I refused. *explodes* We found Leo and we chatted with him for a while. Then we had to go back inside. Blah! So we had EXTRA homework because of the fire alarm. In algebra, we got 10 minutes to finish the test, YES! So I finished in the nick of time! ;)

Then we talked the rest of the periods, which unnerved me because The Ivory Alchemist (our math teacher) usually gets straight into it. I became the Gatorade Alchemist and Alex was the Chocolate Alchemist! X3

Later in ceramics, I acquired nifty nails, bolts, screws, and metal objects to put in my jar. I got so many compliments and criticisms, it was funny at first, but then it got annoying. Tajima asked me if I saw my psychologist lately! Lmao! Then he saw Mr. Heible’s pot and shut the f up. XDD Oh and the art 2d teacher that Cookies has was talking to us about making a Poo sculpture. And she told us that one year, this guy actually DID make a clay-pp thing, and she said it was VERY realistic, lmao, it was such a funny story!

Anyways, I left my ID in my coat pocket! So I didn’t get lunch. So in lunch…I rested…

In English, I was still tired, and I had my head down. All of a sudden, I hear a “I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE” whispered loudly into my ear! Jesus, that scared the freak out of me! *freak goes running away* Michelle!!! *dies of heart attack!* XDD

So Vader said the highest score on the odyssey test was a LOW B! *gape* anyways, we watched the Odyssey and it was quite humorous at times. XD

In bio, we had to make our own species using genetic phenol and genotypes! I worked with Sabeen and Natalie and Eva worked across from us. It was pretty fun ^_^ In Spanish we took 2 quizzes that I aced ^^

I got my own seat on the bus! Whoot! I came home and almost fell asleep, and I would have too, if it wasn’t for my aunt and her LOUD-*** voice! Mom woke me up to take me home. I was so crabby and we didn’t talk a lot on the way home, per usual.

I was soooo crappy when I got home. I had a headache, I was tired as ****, and COLD Ughghghg…

Later on, we went out to dinner at Villagios! Edgar waited on us for the first time in a while!!! A hug and a peck on the cheek. For me! He was like, amazed at my height! Lol well, he told us that he’s going to Mexico this summer to study art! I told him I was doing ceramics. I should really start painting again. I should make him something before he leaves! Well anyways, me mom and Tim chatted and I ordered something chicken…I forgot the name, Oh *** it was so juicy! Mmmmm! So then I went home and I chatted to my buds! We decided to go see Constantine on Sunday. But tomorrow, I have to go see Robots with my mom and Tim.

*** ****! EVERYONE IS LIKE, THREATING TO LEAVE, I’M SO **** SAD! I’m going to go crazy! Ughhh, I’m seriously depressed over this…. I feel masochistic >_< SNIPER, YOU ******, I WILL MISS THE LIVING **** OUT OF YOU! *squeeze*

----Current Mood: masochistic

Current Music: Rnw@y-----------



New member
Teachers shouldn't give extra homework b/c of fire alarms.. lol thats just wrong.

Fire alarms are the worst though when you're in phys.ed class in shorts and t-shirt when it's -20 degrees celcius out and snowing. That's just not fun at all. :p



New member
Yeah, my friend told me she was in gym and was freezing her azz off! LOL lucky I wasn't her! :p

lol thansk ss1 heheheh *chuckle*

-------- march 20th, 2005 @ 12:09-------------

well anyway, I'm gunna keep this sort cuz I'm a lazy ***!

Today I had some pretty vivid 8cough* dreams...I'm not going to go into unessecary detail! ;P sooo

i woke up fairly late and went online wooo!

Then i waited for my mom and tim to leave so i could eat.

Not a whole lotta interesting things happened ...then My mom dragged me to da movies where we saw Robots. it was pretty good. It had it's fun moments. only bad part was that there were a whole bunch of KIDS there! I hate kids! >_< My mom HAD to pick a row with 3 seats...and I had to sit next to this kid who kept leaning in and out of his chair. then he messed with the armrest in between us the whole time, so i had to shove my **** in the corner of the seat, so I couldn't feel anything... ¬_¬

when i got home, mom and tim went out again so i was happy. but then a couple hours later, they call and pick me up to bring me to Abashiri! I just ate becuase i didn't know whe they'd be back!! *** i just got yakitori and was fine with that ^_^

list of things to do tomorrow:


go to health club,

call grandpa,

do homework,

do laundry,

go to movie with friends

^_^ and of course be here in between taska! ^_~

TAKE CARE, LOVES! *hugs and kisses*



New member
o_O and I thought I was the only one who hates kids, lol.

It's just something about them that ****** me off. Maybe it's the loud obnoxious screaming at the top of their lungs for no reason.. :p



New member
Ughhh! don't even get me started!

I live with an aunt that baby-sits for a living (lmao *rolls eyes* and I can't stand all the children!!! >.<

I'm glad I'm not the onlt one...i thought I was acting heartless, but now there's someone to share my thoughts with! yay! yeah...they're so insufferable! they always have to fidget, talk and run around....

like you said...obnoxious!! Okay, i should blood pressure is rising...lmao



New member
Ughhh! don't even get me started!I live with an aunt that baby-sits for a living (lmao *rolls eyes* and I can't stand all the children!!! >.<

I'm glad I'm not the onlt one...i thought I was acting heartless, but now there's someone to share my thoughts with! yay! yeah...they're so insufferable! they always have to fidget, talk and run around....

like you said...obnoxious!! Okay, i should blood pressure is rising...lmao

Not to mention the nose-picking. That's just not cool. And the drooling. The drooling is horrible.

Makes me angry. Hehe :D



New member
Omg... >_<

But I drool too.... ._.;

I CAN CONTROL IT THO! muahaha! *drooled in histroy book last week*

anyways... :rolleyes:


^, awww, see, lotsa people like kids..i dont understand it! lol



New member
Kids are adorable lol! They do the cutest thing but I wouldn't wanna get stuck with them and look after them all the time. Believe me I would know lol, I have 4 younger siblings >.> They plot conspiracies against me to annoy the **** out of me and **** me off heh. I think after the age of 3, they become bratty =P But before that, they're cute heh.

I watched Constantine! I was a bit confused at the end but overall, it was a good movie I think =D I wanna see robots too heh. It sucks when you sit next to someone who does annoying things like that lol.

Ohhh yeah, of corse you can add me lol =P No need to ask =P My aim is the same as this username *Yeah, I have a horrible memory so I use this id for practically everything*. Add meeee! Hope to catch ya on there =D!

I agree, stop leaving people!!!!! You better not leave either! Or I'll do something harsh... like... umm I don't know. Evil stuff. Like not going shopping for a whole week =O O0o the horror lol. I can't believe Sniper is *poof* just gone =( It sucks! Hopefully if we all persist the mods consistently, they can lift the ban and bring him back lol!

Well carry on adding journal entries. I always read them =D! Take care buh byez! ***



New member
LOL, thanks for the comment, I am jealous now! I couldn't see Constantine. My mom said maybe next time I'm at her house, though.

I wish people would stop leaving, but I'm loosing faith.

--------Hello! ----Mar. 20th, 2005 @ 09:30 pm -------

I was up laaaaaaaaate last night! I was talkin’ to Ryan and Clogz. ^_^ yill like 1 in the morning.

Okay, dudes and dudettes! I had an awesome day!

I was dragged to the store with my mom and Tim so they didn’t have to come back home and go all the way to the theater again. They went to a Chinese furniture store. I stayed out in the car and did my friggin history homework. My teacher is crazy. She wants us to finish the chapter this weekend! >_< psycho haggis!

Anyways, My mom came out and gave me an almond cookie! ^_^ bad part, the alarm went off, lmao! So we left earlier than we thought. We had a few hours to kill, and mom refused to go home. Soooo, we went to Portillo’s and got a hotdog! ^.^

Then we had about 2 hours left. Heheh, so we went to the pet store. I thought the tarantulas were awesome, but ONLY inside the cage! <=O Puppies were cute ^_^

THEN, we had ANOTHER HOUR to kill, so we went to Best Buy cuz I had 70 bucks in gift cards! I got Killswitch Engage and Korn’s greatest hits CDs PLUS, new headphones! YESSSS! Me= SO HAPPY

So I was dropped off 20 minutes before the movie. I waited for Alex and Nikhil and cookies. Nikhil arrived 15 minutes later. He said cookies had to stay home. Darn. So we waited 10 minutes and decided to call Alex’s because the movie was starting. Alex was still at home, so I was ******. She got there 10 minutes later. I was mad, but I couldn’t stay mad long! ^.^; WE COULDN’T SEE CONSTANTINE! Arg! I was sooo mad! ⌐.⌐

So it was either, get a 3 o clock movie, or don’t see one at all. The 3 o clock choices, robots, Are we there yet, and Ring 2. NO one wanted to see Ring . I saw Robots already and Nikhil saw Are We There Yet. SOOO, we were screwed. I decided to see Robots, because I would rather see that again than nothing. But Alex was REALLY skeptical. I dragged her in. We got our concessions and went to theater 3!

I already told you how it was, so I’ll skip that part…heheh

Once we got out, Alex WAS SO HYPER! I was too, but I had to make a call, and she kept clinging to us! ^.^ I made a Darth Vader voice to try and intimidate her. Didn’t work. Speaking of which, I REALLY want to see the 3rd Star Wars movie! It looks SO good! I can’t hold back the laughter when I see Vader, now. Now that we’ve labeled our English teacher as that. Lmao. So anyways, we went to the ice cream shop. I got myself a hot coco and Alex some cookies dough ice cream ^^ I told her about what happened on Fullmetal Alchemist because she missed it. Then My mom came, but she like, totally passed the store and I was like…o.o

Once she picked me up, she told me she would let me dye my hair! OMG I WAS SO HAPPY! Yey! We went straight to Walgeens and picked up some black hair dye, after much discussion. We couldn’t find just lowlights, so we had to get the full one. And my mom was like “ARE YOU SUUUURE, YOU WANT BLACK? WHY!?” lmao, it got annoying after the 30th time though. ⌐⌐

My mom bought too cuz my hair’s so long. So she oput it in, all the while freaking out saying “I know I’m gunna regret this.” Well, when I washed it out, it took FOREVER!

But it looks totally awesome now!!! Omg! <3

Well, I should finish my homework!

I might be on in the morning before I go to the daily grind!


------Current Mood: ecstatic

Current Music: "Soilborn"-Killswitch Engage!-----



New member
Sounds like you had fun :D

Korn Greatest Hits is a good cd :D Hope you enjoy it :p

P.S. I'm gunna take that survey that you posted earlier and post it in my journal, because I'm bored while waiting for The Simpsons to come on, and surveys are fun :D



New member
Sorry I haven't been on in a while people! It's been hectic here at my dad's house. I've had alot of homework, stress, emotional confusion, and bad news. I won't bore you with the details....


This will probably be my only post for the night. Tomorrow I'll probably be on more.

*sigh* anyways. I wish I could read your journals, but I don't have time. I have to finish an essay, do loads of laundry, all after visiting my grandpa in the hopsital, which i must do in a few minutes.

Well, before I go, I'll give you a picture of my hair.


Tell me what you think! ^_~

<3 take care, y'alls

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New member
Looks good :D Black hair suits you.

Hope your grandpa is doing okay! Sounds like you have a stressful evening planned :(

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