Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
Well, sounds like you had fun today (mostly)

Sounds like you had your hands full o_0 Well, at least you survived :p Plus, you had good food! It's funny because me and my friends were talking about steak today! Yes. I'm serious. We talk about food.

Well, glad you had fun. So long!

P.S. Funny (but disturbing...) pic ^ there, lol



New member
yeshhh, disturbing people is fun! especially little children! >=D!!!

Yeah, it wasn't as bad as i thought, becuase they are cool kids, and made me laugh at times, but it was bad becuase i was not used to it, and i kinda sucked at watching them and i didn''t get to do anything I wanted *comaplain complain*

lmao, trust me, me and my friends talk about weirder stuff tan food! :p but we talk about foor alot too! :D



New member
I don't think your name is lame! It's just that i'm a lazy *** and don't like typing long names :D ;; So becks it is!! ^__^
Hehe, yay ^_^

Your rainbow piccy is gorgeous... I loff rainbows!



New member
woah that was a busy day dude!!

hehe it was fun to read it! :p

omg I love kids, they can be annoying but they are so funny at times :p

btw do you play piano?



New member
Heh I missed you too!!!! *Hugz* You bet I'll be here everyday ;) Haha the first thing I saw when I scrolled down to look at your journal was the Micheal Jackson pic. I was like *shocked face =O* It's hilarious though LOL! slightly disturbing though heh =P

You joined the gym?? Ahh good on you ;) I should definatly do that lol. I've been eating too much junky food over the easter break, my poor body =( At least you completed the full mile lol, I don't like running, but walking fast is my speciality <3! I get it from shopping ^.^

Aww are you ok now from your sickness thing? Was it just a 24 hour kinda thingy? I hate those >.< As the doctor prescribes, an apple a day keeps the umm... germs away? I can't remember =D but then it goes... But if the doctor is cute, screw the fruit ;) Cept doctors are never cute >.< Cold hands lol. Scary!

Haha how can "THEY" not like chester in the crawling video?!!? He was cute in it =D Haha, it sounds like you had an hyperactive day though but you survived it =P I personally think kids get annoying when they hit ages 8/9/10/11ish =D



New member
Hybi: I did have a busy day! ^_^ Thanks for stopping by!

Becks: ^_^ I loff them too, its been a while since I saw one, so I was happy! ^_^ thanks for reading!

Samira: heheh, busy indeed! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it! lol, I hate watching kids too >>;; and no, I don't play piano! lmao, we had to learn 2 short songs in music last year, tho. ^^thanks for reading!!! :D

Jen:lmao, yay! *claps* another disturbed person!! Yeah, i signed up, its quite nice....ahh feel the birn, lmao. and actually I was only sick for like, an hour! ^_^ "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!" I hate doctors too. Not yet have I seen a hot one *sigh* they're all oooold. ._. and YES YES YES, the cold hands are the worst!!! and the *dread* stethescope!! *whimper*

lol, yeah i was like *gasp* shut yo mouth! lmao, I didn't really say it, but I was in an inconspicious way! ;)

thanks for stopping by!! ^_^



New member
--------April 3rd, 05 @ 10:56 pm------------

*yawn* Okay, I’m pretty tired, so I’ll make this quick.

I didn’t wake up until the afternoon. Can you blame me? I stayed up until 4 am! ^^;; Well, despite my late sleeping, I only got 9 hours of sleep. Anyways, I had some ****** up dreams. I mean, this time, they were REALLY ****** up. I forgot most of them now….

Okay, Mom and Tim went on a bike-ride (motorcycle) and I just went online. I had some fun chats and I was in a pretty good mood ^_^ Alex made a community on GJ for us ^^.

Then the phone rang. It was Chris.

The pone rang again. It was Chris…. T_T

The phone rang again… (Doesn’t anybody call when my parents are home!?) it twas Sarah.

Then the pone rang AGAIN! I was annoyed, but when I answered it, it was Tuesdee!

I haven’t heard from her in a while!!! ^_^

So anyways, I took a scorching shower. It felt so good!

Then I picked up my room a lil bit, omg I was so ****** at all the things misplaced by those girls. All day long I told myself that I should go do h/w, but I STILL haven’t completed it! Omg, and I don’t have my backpack either(left it at dad’s house)! I left that, my calc, and my planner there. I don’t even know my assignments now .__. I don’t think I had to do much tho…

Good thing is, I have my book here, because I took them out before I left last time.

So I was like starving for hours. Mom is so random with food. One day we could eat at 6, the next at 8:30. I hate that, because I’m either not hungry, or starving. Anyways, I had pork, peas, and a salad. Nothing really important said at dinner. I really think my step dad knows me better than my mom does…

Dad called. I asked him how grandpa was doing; he said not that good. He’s on a ventilator now, and still has pneumonia.

Okay so I’ve just been ******** around on my computer til now. I REALLY should go now ^^;; My time online will drastically decrease from this point on. Oh well u_u.

Gotta go now…besides, my *** hurtz! Ta ta for now!!

-------listening to: "Pray"- Every Little Thing--------

----------------mood: lazyyyy and unwilling-----------

Latest avy-------- ;)

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New member
I hate talking on the phone :( It's funny cuz I talk quite a bit in person, lol.

My parents are pretty random with the supper times too, though not quite as random as yours, lol.

Well, hope you're grandpa gets better. So long!



New member
heey i'm back again..

just awake.

sounds you had a fine day..

my mom's also very random with supper.. but jet not as random as yours :p lol

hope your grandpa get better...

and have a nice day.. on school :rolleyes:

i gotta go now




New member
lol nice paperclip avatar... that thing is so annoying.

sounds like you spent all day on the phone! ^_^ I never get called... well... a friend called me up a few days ago, but that doesn't happen very often.

hope your grandpa gets better soon.



New member
I know the phone can get annoying! I hate talking on thje phone..sometimes I just dont pick it up lol cause I know that it must be one of my mom´s freinds asking how everything is...every single day!! so I just let the answering machine pick up the phone sometimes :p

Hope your grandpa feels better!

lol my mom is pretty random too!

and oo btw I love the ava!! :D

ttyl hon

*hugs* :p




New member
Haha yeah the avatar is so cute!

At least you get people calling you up =D I hardly ever get phone calls from my friends because we see each other so much >.<

I'm gonna head off to bed now lol. Night byeeeeee ***

*Gah, I've still got so much hw to do as well! =( I'm in deep ****=(*



New member
OMG! *squee* SO many comments! I FEEL, like, RICH or something Muahahah!

Misery: I do too, It’s so…lame. You can’t even see the person! Lmao, I guess its better than TELEGRAPHS tho! XD Thanks for the sentiments and the comment! Oh and thanks for all the sentiments towards my grandpa, it means a lot everyone! ^_^

Hybi: Heyyy! Thanks for stopping by! Ummm heheh I did have an okay day ^^

Thanks for aaring about my grandpa  bye bye, take care!

Becks: lmao, thanks! I laughed so hard when I saw it cuz I wan to DESTROY it sometimes! =P

Lol, I never get called either. I just had to answer the phone cuz no one else was hooome :D I call my friend once a week. That’s about it =P

Thanks for caring about my grandpa, it means a lot.

SS1: lmao, yep! Thanks for stopping by!

Sammi( :D ): LOL, yeah, I want to unplug my phone sometimes! =P

Thanks for the sentiments *hugs back* Yesh, I particularly love that avy =D

Take care hun!

Jen: LOL, they weren’t calling for ME tho! Lol! I just had to answer the phone! :p

*crosses fingers for you* hope you get to craft some sort of EXCUSE! ;0 night hun, take care!


------Monday!! >_<, April 4th @ 10-ish PM -------

let’s start off at last night/morning. I Left the comp at 11. GOOD JOB HEATHER, BUT I watched TV and drew a picture and colored it with oil pastels for about 2 hours, so I didn’t SLEEP til 1. :p ! 5 hours of sleeeep. I wasn’t that tired this morning. Lmao, I watched Venture Bros., Home Movies, and the Oblongs, good stuff! I woke up with relative ease and went online for like 5 minutes >.>;;

Then, I shoved all my **** into this ******-*** backpack and went downstairs. I had myself a bowl of Raisin Bran and while I was eating (just looking at the flakes and raisins), I heard some grunting noises followed by some thuds. I didn’t think much of it so I continued to concentrate on my bran-cereal. THEN, I hear a smack right next to me, and I look up to see mom, struggling with something, half falling down, holding onto the counter. LMAO, she was trying to get her ******* SHOE on, XDDD

So then we were off to school. I got there fairly early. I saw Nikhil, then Michelle then Cookies. Gosh, they all look different! Alex has no glasses anymore, and Amanda …doesn’t look tan! Lmao. It was good to see everyone. Then I was whisked away to gym. I didn’t have my gym suit, so I had to sit out. Oh…darn. ;)

But I do have to make up my missed points after school…. -_- I watched people run and jump rope! Lmao what fun! I was so effing bored.

Then it was history. unfortunately we had h/w. Text Summary…meh, only 10 points.

Then…we…switched…seat. No.”i.wish.i.was.a.****”.attitude.

It sucks! I can’t do anything fun anymore! PLUS, I actually have to LISTEN TO HER! Gawd *ears bleed* Anyways…just WWI…and maps…booooring.

In algebra, me and alex were SO hyper. Then we learned how to factor polynomials. Then we were hyper again!! We talked about how we DEPLORED our elementary-school-lunches. We ranted and raved for a good 6 minutes :p Oh plus, alex told michelle I **** lice. Wtf, lmao. Michelle: (in her head) what ****** nutcases!!


So In ceramics, I became a wheel thrower. But I don’t get to start until Tuesday.

I basically made my ***** of clay…that’s it.

Lunch was REALLY boring. I ate. Wow, then I kinda just zoned for 10 minutes.

English was okay I guess. We learned a lil. Nothing too brain-shattering. I’m still unconvinced that Shakespeare is the greatest writer of all time. :rolleyes:

Biology was okay. We took an ACT, I thought it was tough. *shrug*

Then we worked on out study guides for a couple minutes.

Spanish was alright. We basically talked again. Started a new chapter about family gatherings. Lmao, that one picture had all these fat people on there…it was funny …you had to be there. Uhhh…Oh, I was frustrated with myself, because whenever I said something I would thrust my hand out towards the teacher. I don’t know why.. maybe to get her attention, it maybe works, but I gotta stop doing it! >_<

So then me and Nikhil chatted on the way to the bus. I hate the bus…

Some people were fighting with water bottles and screaming. Did I mention I hate the bus? So I just cranked the tunes on my radio. “Faint” came on, and I think I busted my eardrums on that one XD. Then “blind” by Korn yey! Then “Walking Dead” so it’s all gooood! So I went straight to wrok on h/w cuz I had SO much of it!

Then dad and I went to Portillo’s. Yum. When we got back, he had to go to the hospital. So I finished up my Algebra h/w and came online! WAHAHAH. I read ppl’s journals, now I’m updating mine! It’s late now. ^^;; I should get some sleep. ^_^

*laundry dryer rings*

THAT’S MAH CUE TO LEAVE! Bye bye peeps!*hugs*

Listening to: Interpol (sp)!!!!! "Evil" OMG I HAD THIS SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD ALLLLLLLL DAY!

mood: accomplished ^^

no avy today *lazy* ^^;;



New member
Sounds like you had a decent day at school. Teachers can be ****** :( lol

Your teacher spits?! Ew.. good luck w/ that, lol

It's been fun reading your journal :D I like your entries :)

Well, so long for now!

P.S. Shakespeare is boring :)



New member
a normal day on school? lol

sounds you had a fine day..

do you like to draw? :)

because i love it lol :p

**** gotta go to school

i had the first hour off ^^




New member
woah long day dude!

yesh yesh I´m back after a day o_O :p

I´m always onlien and now I was´nt so I missed LPF mucho mucho!!

guess what? I ssaw Austin poers in goldmember again today! :p

anyways listening to ppl you dont like can be really annoying...for instance right now my mom is talking continoulsy of shuuting down the computer and helping in her the kitchen =_=

**** asian cultures!

g2g so ttyl



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