Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


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Misery: Thanks for stopping by. Why, I love your journal, too! :D fancy that. Take care.

Hybi: Yesh, I had an okay day! ^_^ thanks for stoppin’ in! and yes, I LOVE drawing! :D

Vero: Why that’s very kind of you to stop by! , Take care! *wave*

Sammi: HELLO! Lol Yeah, I hardly have time to go online these days! *weeps*

BUT, I forced myself to update today!

Yay Austin powers!!!!!

Mom;s can be bitchy, have fun! ;) lol, buh bye! *wave*

SS1: WAHAHA! I love making fun of my mom! XD

----April (Mistery, I wanted to put march, too! lol) 6th, 05 @ 10:29 pm--------

OKAY even though I still have a lot of h/w, I’m going to update this ******* journal!!

I have a lot to say. Ahem: First class was gym, as you all know. I went to life lab. They put “Shark Tales” on, but I really didn’t want to see that. Then, towards the end of the class, the lady told up to come up soon because class would end. But something in the movie intrigued me, so I watched, and when I turned back, EVERYONE was off their machines. OMG I felt like a ******!! *blush* lmao *laughs at self*

Next class was History. The Haggis was back, and she was screechy as ever. But luckily, we have a book report due, so we all got to go listen to Mrs. Roys (nice lady) talk about some Holocaust/WWI/WWII books…stuff like that. Alex got her book, but I couldn’t find one. I randomly picked out a book, and on the cover was this old, tall man, wearing a cowboy hat, and holding a boy in his arms, looking off into the storm. LMAO, It was so funny, and Alex told me to get it, so I did, because I had nothing else. Later revelations include that both of them were wearing what looked like a green bra-type thing, and the kid’s name was BONAFICE! XDD. Anyways, I hope it doesn’t suck. I’ll start reading tonight, but might not get far considering what limited time I have left. In algebra, we learned how to factor trinomials (A does not equal 1) Hmmm, okay.

In ceramics I finally got to use the WHEEL! It was kinda tough centering the clay, but I got the hang of it! ^_^ It was really fun tho! :D

Lunch was boring, per usual. Chicken….Mmmm… Oh, when I bought my food, I couldn’t get my frikkin ID out of my wallet, so I had to use cash, how pathetic is that!!?? lmao

****! That reminds me, I need money…

In English, we had a sub! Yay! But she was kinda …bland. So we worked in silence for a while, then Alex came over, and me, her and Michelle worked(talked) for the rest of the period! We talked about…everything… weird things…^.^ I also heard that Leo got raped! XDD

In bio, we counted AMINO ACIDS. XxXXx soooo gay!

I gots h/w to do in dat still…

In Spanish, we watched La Catrina…another snooze fest.

On the bus, I did some h/w…kind of peaceful, for a bus ride…I didn’t have to sit by anyone…

When I got home, I went upstairs to do h/w, but I got really tired while doing my Spanish h/w… *droopy eyes*

Then mom called, and she picked me up. She asked me if I talked to any strangers online. Now of course I didn’t say, “yes, one from every country” or else she’d go berserk, lol, so I said no. and I told her its not Like I’m giving out my address, city, phone number, social security number, last name, blah blah blah… she worries to much. Needless to say I lied, but I’m better off that way. I’m not an idiot. I can take care of myself. Besides, I have a lot of GOOD FRIENDS on the web, and I dunno what I’d do w/o them. J

So then I got home worked a lil, then we went to the health club. Mom was ranting about how she was stressed because of “family problems” Okay, in case she hasn’t noticed, I AM part of the family, I think I deserve to know. I could figure it out from the conversation though. Grandma (in KY) needs money; she has to send some to her. Wow, I don’t think I can handle that *sarcasm* Oh, and did I mention dad’s selling his van? Yeah, we really need the money because of the hospital fees. We have enough cars tho…, so I think we’ll be fine.

ANYWAYS, I ran a mile again, then worked out on the machines. Felt good, but then I was hungry as ****! Didn’t eat til like 8:30! >_< Speaking of which, mom is going on a diet. Diets are bad, I think that if you want to be healthy you should just eat right, and not all this junk food ****. Granted, I eat junk food still, but I’m not the one who wants to go on a diet. Mom wants to, but restricting certain foods from your body isn’t natural, and dad wouldn’t let me go on one, either. BESIDES, I live at TWO different houses! HELLO!? We eat different things there, and they’re not going got change because you are. Why doesn’t she ******* understand that!? Even if I wanted to go on a diet, it WOULDN’T WORK! ***, she’s so dense AND ******* SELFISH!! She doesn’t even care about my interests/wants/needs, unless she benefits from it. SHE DOESN’T LISTEN! She doesn’t even bother to hide her disappointment in me, *sigh* Okay, I’m done ranting … had to get that out of my system.

Well, now I have algebra+ bio h/w, and book to read. Tomorrow’s the awards assembly. Joy. Dad’s supposed to be coming if nothings wrong at the hospital. T_T

So my *** hurts, and I’m gunna go! ^.^ ttyl peeps, luv yas.




New member
Factoring! My worst enemy!

I think I failed or just barely passed all my factoring stuff in math..

Haha, my parents always ask me **** like that too about the internet. Like you, I always lie. It's just easier that way.

Well, glad you unloaded all those angry thoughts and stuff about your mom. It's better to unload somewhere like on here than explode in her face once you get fed up, lol.

Anyways, good luck with your homework. Been fun reading!



New member
HELLO right back at ya! :p schools that looks like **** for kids and teenagers..yes...a torchure place ;)

I´m sry about your mom! man, they can ba annoying sometimes...for me most of the times...*sigh* you nebver know about them...very very strange ppl moms are...yeeeaah..

Hope you feel better!*hugs*

dude?! who is Leo and did he really got raped?!?! O.O freaky!

and yesh about mom asking about internet freinds....*sigh* I know!!

I hear it all the time! Sometimes my mom even stand and sees what I´m writing o_O and ysh you´re right!! there are some good freinds and on internet ya know! one of them are you! :D

Hope to tty soon


_Sammi :p



New member
wow long story :eek:

whehehe :p

well anyway..

about that strange people on the internet thingy

my mom also askes me about that everytime..

she's like: Are you talking to strange people from other countries again?

and i'm like: yes mother but i know them and they are really nice =_=

think she's a little over anxious sometimes

but it's great to hear that you had a fine day:p



New member
Hi Twi!!!Thanx for stopping by at my journal!!

How are u doing?I hope u are fine.

About the internet ppl,I remember when my mother was always telling me not to talk to ppl that I dunno so I told her to give me a break cuz I can talk to any1 I want.

My parents sometimes gets me on my nerves so I understand u.

Well cya,I´m out.



New member
yey, 3001st post. lol

Woody: Indeed, koolies, lol

Misery: Yes, factoring sucks…too many friggin rules!

Yeah, lying is easier in this case. I guess it would be bad if I blew up in her face, but I wouldn’t do that. I have control.

Thanks, and good night!!!

Sammi: School Is indeed torture! Lol Yeah, most of the time my mom severely ****** me off, and I can’t help it. LMAO, Leo is one of my friends and NO he didn’t get raped, its just something Michelle made fun of him for, for some incident that happened, lol. Awww, you’re on of my best friends too! *hugs* Nighty night!

Hybi: lol, well, at least you tell the truth! Lol, my mom would like, forbid me from my internet tho. ⌐⌐ Thanks for stopping by! *hugs* g’night!

Vero: No prob vero! I love your journal! Yeah, I guess we all have the same problem with parents here! Lol thanks hun, good night and take care!

----------------April 7th, 05 @ 11:38 PM-----------------

ARG! I can never have any spare time, can I!?

Well, this morning was the honors assembly, as I have mentioned. Guess what fools, I MISSED GYM FOR IT! Scoooore! I had no idea it was going to be like GRADUATING all over again! Omg, it was so boring! There were like 200-300 kids on honor roll! BUT FIRST, there was a performance from the jazz choir group, and then a 115 minute speech we all suffered through from Mr. Noverini. JUST GIVE OS THE **** PAPER AND GET IT OVER WITH! Anyways, a bunch of my friends were on high honor roll/higher honor roll. Cookies, Rena, Vanessa, Sasha, Kristie, Gina, Eva, and others. Me, Nikhil, and Natalie and the 2 Amanda’s were on highest honor roll 4.75 or higher GPA) So they started with high honor roll. That had the most people. Then Higher, then finally us. I was really nervous when I was a few people away from the stage. Why can’t it be like middle school where we just stood?? We had to tell the lady our name and then shake the principal’s hand as she announced you. I got a certificate, bumper sticker, and a pin. Lmao

When it was over, I stopped Amanda and we exchanged our thoughts of it, then we went our separate ways. I congratulated Sasha GrahamCracker and Eva then called Cookies. Cookies pulled his weird handshake thing on me and gave me a hug the we went to history. I was the only one in there besides the haggis and 3 sophomores. Me= o__O wtf?

One girl I know, Cathy, told me 1st period didn’t get let out yet, so I stood there dumbly as The haggis started ranting to herself about the stupid bell and how it didn’t ring. Lmao I really felt sorry for those sophomores all alone with her! But now I also felt sorry for myself now that I was the only one in the room…. *shrivels* Well people came eventually, so I felt safer, lmao. History sucked, because the haggis was pissy-faced and we now have a book report AND propaganda project due. -___-

Algebra was fine until we got this worksheet which totally confused me. GODDDDD FACTORING! Sigh and we have a TEST tomorrow. I’m hoping for a C.

Then it was ceramics. I told Mr. Matas that Alex thought the guy on the cover of my book (the one I told you about yesterday,) looked like him, and he’s like, ohhh, that’s that guy! “I have a trench coat just like that, and My friend has that hat. I should wear them to school just to freak her out!” lmao! I was on the wheel, but every thing I trew was ****** up. We practiced opening and pulling but everyone’s got ****** up! Lmao, we suck!

Oh well, we’ll get better of time. Oh, Mr. matas was talking about a girl he had in a pervious class who got so mad at her nails, that she just bit them all off right there. So he imitated her, forgetting that there was MASS AMOUNTS OF CLAY ON HIS HANDS! Needless to say he had an early clay-lunch, lmao EW!

Lunch was okay. I was listening to the convo about Vito. Apparently, he ran away, but no body knew where. Then Rena said this one guy told her he went to Virginia or something. Omg, I was startled to hear that, first of all, he ran away, and second, all the way into another state!!!

I feel kind of worried about him. He has a ****** life. I don’t really know the guy, but I always kind of respected him. He sat with us for a couple weeks at lunch. It was when he freaked Rena out with pulling a straw though his pierced ear, popped a balloon and the whole lunchroom went silent, and just made all of us laugh. Not to mention, at one of the assemblies, he came up in front of the whole school and talked about some emotional things. So I hope he’s doing okay.

In English, we talked about sonnets, Shakespeare, vocab and stuff like that. Kind of boring. Then in Bio, Jessica told me she was going to style her hair tomorrow as a Mohawk. FOR A DOLLAR. Wow, she’s a daredevil isn’t she!? Lmao, I can’t wait to see it tho!!! She also wrote her “band name” on my study guide. “Neon Pink Panties” lol

Then me and Eva worked on a gay lab again. When we were done, we talked to Sabeen and Jessica for the rest of the period.

Then Rena, me, and Slater walked downstairs. Slater offered us suckers! Rena declined, but I accepted! My gum was getting stale! Yay!

Spanish was boring. We worked on a worksheet the whole class. I don’t understand how Nikhil works as fast as he does! Omg, he finished in half the time I did! ;o;

The on the bus, one of the fucktards greeted me with a mock-cheerful salutation. I hate them so much. Just keep walking.

When I got home, I talked to my aunt and dad about the honor rolls stuff. I started algebra but fell asleep on my desk again. Lmao…so I went to my bed and laid down. Then my mom came and woke me up! Ahhh! So tired!

So I worked on h/w, listened to music, took a relaxing bath, and ate. Then I talked to Alex, and she agreed to go shopping with me for spring clothes! Whee, I thought maybe if I went with someone else, I wouldn’t have to go with mom! Hopefully she lets me buy my own clothes without hovering over my shoulder! She wouldn’t agree with anything I pick out! Same case with Alex! So we’re gunna try and go together and get BOY’S CLOTHES, lmao! Fun fun fun!

Okay so now I just wrote a sonnet for English, It had to be love-based, and this is the best I could come up with with such limited time!

Sonnet I

Such passion in the eyes of those around me.

And beauty never seems to play a part.

Not tainted nor a curse is what they see,

For them it is a simple as an art.

If love be art then I am surely blind,

I know my sight is blurred by dreams and lies;

Have not an idea of any kind,

Still prone to hostility and my guise

I wonder when my heart will find my eyes,

And the fog that clouds my mind be banished

The edges and lines sharpen to apprise,

Doubt and confusion suddenly vanished

When that time comes I will know myself

To learn to love each other and oneself

Yeah, that’s it. I have to read some of my book. TOMORROW’S FRIDAY! WHOOT!

Guess I’ll see ya guys then! <3

--------feeling, worried and sore---------

---listening to : “With You”------



New member
oooh ok lol, first I was like woah did he really got raped and they are making fun of him?!?! lol

awww lol thankies!! *hugs back*

anyways..sounds liek a filled up day again!

It´s cool that you were on the highest honour! :thumbsup:

I hope your test goes good and yesh it´s always score when you miss gym lol!!

My mom is the same when it comes to shopping..she wants me were all bright and girly colours and I was like black and white! lol so when I pick something she never agrees with me =_= well, good luck to you! :p

btw cool sonnet!I think it´s very cool specielly this part:-

If love be art then I am surely blind,I know my sight is blurred by dreams and lies;

Have not an idea of any kind,

Still prone to hostility and my guise
awsome! :thumbsup:





New member
lol buying clothes with parents is so funny... they're always like, what about this, and you just give them a look and walk off... haha

The on the bus, one of the fucktards greeted me with a mock-cheerful salutation. I hate them so much. Just keep walking.
Do you get bullied? :/ Sorry. You don't have to answer that if you don't want to.

Spanish is the most boring lesson. Ever. :D



New member
Spanish can be boring but sometimes fun too!

like for instance I looove talking spainsh but I hate learning it :p

so ya see...both fun and boring! :thumbsup:

lol Beacks I do the same, my mom is like, oooh how pretty, how about this? and I´m like o_O o....k..... o_O *walks off* lol

Twi, I hope you dont get bullied, I used to and sometimes still do...meeh..who cares...I dont give a **** about ´em....*shrugs*




New member

yeah i also have those problems when i'm shopping with my mom

she's like: ow look at this, how nice *holds up a neon pink t-shirt*

and I'm like: WTF!? mom!!

i usually want black clothes or red lol

wow that sonnet is so beautiful!

when i read it it makes me wanna cry lol

it's really cool!^^



New member
Yeah Samira I kind of get bullied too... but I don't give a **** about them... I know I'm better than them. After a while, you just kind of get thick-skinned and don't care what anybody thinks of you.

Spanish isn't fun! :eek: LOL. I hate it. My teacher is so eeeeevil. She told the boy I like off because he had a lock of hair in front of his eyes, I was like WTF??? hahaha :p



New member
Wow,u had an interesting day Twi:p.

Nice sonnet,u should try to write more often and post something in here;).

I know that ppl who doesn´t speak spanish founds it really boring and hard,I felt the same way when I started to lear english but in the end I started to love it and I really like it cuz it´s my fave language even tho it´s not my mother tongue but yeah the more english I learn the best for me is:).If u need help with Spanish Twi,just tell me and I will give help ya with it;).

I´m about 2 go shopping with a friend of mine,so have fun at shopping 2:D.



New member
wheheheyeah i also have those problems when i'm shopping with my mom

she's like: ow look at this, how nice *holds up a neon pink t-shirt*

and I'm like: WTF!? mom!!

i usually want black clothes or red lol
I know what u mean Hybi!!!!Cuz when I go shopping with my mum,and she sees some clothes she likes and I´m like wtf???That´s awfull :eek:



New member
Sounds like you had an eventful day, lol.

Hope you did good on that test.

Awesome writing, by the way :D You're talented. I can't write anything. Well, anything good that is.. lol

Well, so long!



New member
omfg! COMMENTS! I lvoe them all!

Sammi: lmao! No, we just make fun of each other like that! Yes, Missing gym is a blessing! Lmao, yeah! Mom likes all this flowery, cheerful, bright ****, and I’m like…. Ummm,, no… I dun like it, and then she gets ******! Thanks for liking my sonnet, lol! Haha take care! *hugs*

Backs:(edit!: *****, i MEANT BECKS! lmao, thats funny tho XDD sorry hun!) Naw, I don’t get bullied often. They used to constantly, but I learned to ignore them, and now they mostly leave me alone. But I’m worried for Leo, because they’re always picking on him for “Being gay”. He’s always called names and ****, and interrogated, I wanna just punch their ******* lights out! Spanish CLASS is boring, but I really enjoy learning it. I don’t like the class, because everyone is so retarded. Me and Nikhil are like, awesome at it, and my teacher goes REALLY slow for the rest of the class, and I just don’t get challenged enough, lol.

Sammi (again): lol Yeah, spanish rocks! LOL, why do moms not understand!? Lol

I don’t give a **** what people say either. I just either ignore them , or laugh with them. That shuts them up! ;) !*hug*

Hybi: whehehe! Lmao NEON PINK! *pukes! MY MOM DOES THE SAME THING! I usually like black, grey, red….basically, any dark color… I like silver too, but clothes don’t normally come in that color, lmao!

Aww, I’m flattered, thank you! *hug* take care

Becks(again) lol: Yeah, I do that too….who gives **** what they say?? They just say it so they don’t feel as bad about them selves….pitiful, actually. Wtf!? What’s wrong with your teacher!?!? Lmao! My teacher looses her temper, too. Once she threw an eraser an at someone, and almost hit me! o_O!!

Vero: I like to write! I have a couple threads in the writers corner…they’re not that good tho.. I can post the threads here if you want… anyways, I love spanish, I really would like to learn japanese someday too! Thanks for offering help, I appreciate it and will keep it in mind! ;)

Have fun shopping! Get stuff YOU LIKE! Lmao

Misery: Yes, I did! :D Thanks for the luck! Lololol Thanks for the compliment! I’m sure you could write something awesome! You have a way with words, trust me, you could do it if you wanted to! ;)


---------April 8th, 05 !@ 10 pm---------

Well, today was okay. I really don’t want to talk about ALL of it, because, as you’ll find out, my mind is elsewhere.

Basically, I got to see my counsellor today. In history, the Haggis put a pink slip on my desk. Okay. Now what. T_T I looked at the haggis for a couple minutes anjd finally she said “FINE, yah, go now if you have to!!!” *** I hate her!

So I was really nervous while walking there. I really didn’t know what to expect. There fore, I couldn’t prep myself. I don’t like people probing me. Hopefully he wouldn’t get to personal or I’d have to lie. Well lemme tell you, the guys compliments, a lot! o_O! One thing that ****** me off though, was that he kept assuming I wanted to have a job based on my hobbies. I DON’T WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE AS A STARVING ARTIST!!! Sorry, but I want something more secure than that! I’ll tell him that next time. Well, he was pretty nice though! It wasn’t as bad as I thought.

Once I got home, I read, but fell asleep. I had the most weird dream. It was vivd too. It …was… interesting. It makes me wonder. My ***, I’m so confused over this “subject”… I don’t think I can talk about it, because its too…weird…. I can’t control or explain why I feel the way I do. Now, what happened in the dream is ALL I can thing about! T’s driving me batty!

Auhu! I don’t know what to do!





New member
i don't really know what to say about his entry :p

like misery said it's a little confusing lol

well anyway,

weird dreams huh?

whehe i get them all the time

they very confusing..

well hope you had a fine day

bye! *hugs*



New member
omg Becks! you´re teacher is weird! lol I understand if you hate spanish!!

yeah Twi, we do get thickskinned and dont care..*nodes*

I know what you mean dude cause sometimes I dream about something weird or like something happens and I can´t do anything but think about it. It cabn get pretty annoying sometimes cause as you said Idk what I´m thinking nor do I know what I you cant even write it down!..weird..yep!

well ya know if you want to then you can tell me about your dream if you´re wondering so much about it and if you wanna know what it means then I ca help you understand it..I do that. It odes help yeeaaa...

Pretty weird teacher you have, lol I think he is just weird.

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