Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
Yesterday sucked. really. I was like, depressed because I don't even know

I when I got home it was just homework... and eating. -_-

went to bed early... I had a dream that I was hiking on a mountain... and then when we got to the top, there was this zoo kinda.. but not really.. it was this big pool of like, muddy water... but it was clay i think... red clay. and there was a bunch off otters i think.. but theylooked more like dogs.. I want one :p

they were so friendly

so then magically we were in this house. I twas alex's I think, but she had a really biiig family ... and the house had like 40 rooms I swear

all the rooms were interconnected, and it was hard to find my way around.

so I was in a room with a few people and this mini plane came in.

It had papers in a little clip beneath it and I took them out and handed them to the people. It said we have to have vaccinations. We were at war with someone. I think it was Japan. (I think that book i've been reading got into my dreams, because in the book, its WWII and the japanese are sending fleas to alaska witht he Black Death virus in them.) so it told us to get like 5 vaccinations, and they're only experiments, but they want to give it a try, if they don't work, we die. it was scary.. I was always looking at the sky...

well, that's all I can remember

today is sucky already.

I'm sad. and annoyed

my arm keeps twitchingARGG *cries of frustration*

I have no life anymore



New member
JAPAN *__* dont feel down!! you shouldn't!

screw all the **** that is keeping you down and look at the positive things that are happening..there must be something positive.

look, even if somone bites your head off, atleast the person has nice teeth ;)

I hope you feel better soon!

*hugs tightly*

<3 ya sis



New member
Phranka- hehe, nope they don't. thanks for stopping by

aww *hugs fribby and sammi*

you guys are awesome, thanks

so yesterday I looked up some natural depression remedies, and some were, ginko baloba, 5htp or something, and St. John's I looked in our vitamin cabinet, and lo and behold, I found some St. John's Wort! lol so I took some, and I guess it works, I don't feel bad, and I feel a little better.

plus I went to bed early! and there's SNOW! hehe

but i was ****** because noneof the roads were cleared and I had to drive to school on ******-*** roads... -_-

yeah so there was this weird and scary and dumb sub in engish... and now i have to.....STUDY FOR MY INSURANCE TEST! o_O ;;;

---edit--- I got a C on my insurance test... but I got the extra credit ( I guessed on all of it) lol

lmao so the rest of the day was funny

Its so funny because EVERYTIme someone asks for a pencil, the person relipies that they have one, but with out an eraser... its like, so weird, 4 times I counted today... does everyone keep a secret set of eraserless pencils?? lmao

then In chemistry, everyone went off the wall becuase we were assigned the hardes essay question... but the HARDEST QUESTION WASN'T EVEN TAHT HARD jesus, all you have to do is write a HAlf a page on the topic :rolleyes: stupid people , me and gina were just like "shut up"

in global cultures, we worked on retarded projects again, and made fun of mrs. einhorn XDD great fun. and this one dude was throwing pencils in the box across the room when mrs. einhorn was right there, but she didn't even notice ***** it was hilarious

In spanish, we got our ofrendas back and me and nikhil decided to throw it out, neither of us wasnted it, when mrs. Klebosists almost had cardiac arrest when she found out we threw it out.. my ***, she was like, yelling at us "why did you do taht? I wanted to keep it!!!" I was liek O___O;; she never effing told us that XD so she made us take it out of the trash and repair it, jesus christ, it was insane " I can't beleive you would even do taht" *laughs and rolls eyes*

In geo, we went over stuff.. i got a 90 on my quiz, and mr. zizzo told me i need to get a 86 or better on the final to keep my A *bites nails*

then I took alex's bus home and my mom picked me up before we could even go to the library! >=o

anyways, picture time!!

washington DC:

WWII memorial




>edit once again< well yesterday I went to study with nikky and alex, and then we went to see Chronicles of Narnia. It was lame in some parts, and pretty good in others. all in all it was okay. It remindedme of alot of literature we read in english class.

then it snowed again,a nd i watched FMA andit was HORRIBLE ugh *** , so many twists in the plot,a nd ARg stupid archer! stupid ed! stupid crimson alchemist!! stupid marta!!!!!!!!!! noooooooo

lol okay done ranting

today i was ****** at life, lol then i took a shower and it was all good in the hood.

then came the stress, AUGGH so much english **** to do!! bye guys

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New member
oohw.. wth anti-depressing pills :eek:

Sno-how!? haha when we gonna have that...

Lol I'm addicted to pencils with eraser on the back ¦D


Dark Angel

New member
Hi Twi!

Chronicles of Narnia? Read the books, but I didn't care for them. Kinda overexagerating...

Whoa, sounds like you had a fun day.

Oh, pics! lol, I can imagine where you were on the second one because we were near there. :p

Well, take care Twi and later! :)



New member
hey thanks guys *hugs and cookies to all*

things are brutally insanely busy right now, I'm afraid I'll be on rarely for a while, if at all. So take care of yourselves without your maid Twi! <3



New member
why thank you fribby ^_^


guess what guys? for honors English I got An A on my take home essay final, and A- on my in class essay final, and I took the scantron part and i think I did pretty good :D :D:D

I'm happy


and ...keyboarding meh *shrug*

now I got the whole weekend to study for driver's ed, chem, and global cultures. :p



New member
OHH!! (talking about that math riddle)

Wow. I can't believe I couldn't figure that out. 545+5=550

er.. yeah, that was almost 2 weeks ago, lol.



New member
ahaha ,okay thanks anyways fibby....

Yeah, true Grey, I already saw it though :rolleyes:

lmao @ ryan, i know, iwas like, 'why am i so retarded?' haha A valiant effort though ^_^

Okay so I haven't updated in a while. two reasons, one, finals, two, drama.

there was this big thing that went down between me and some friends... meh, its alright now I guess, I went through some changes in myself... yeah, lotsa **** like that.

In other Heather news, I been reading and sleeping. lmao such a wonderful life!

Today was the last of the finals, I got A's in all my classes cept keyboarding... -_- don't get me started.. but meh whatever. I performed proverbial lyposuction on my backpack, so to speak, hehe, and it felt great to throw all those unwanted papers out ^_^

My plans for the next few days: relax, get christmas presents, (I can't believe x-mas is in 5 days already!!) and on the 27th I have my road test o_O .

yep, life is good right now.

take care my speshul people!



New member
sweet! i wish my school was out! i still have to goto school untill FRIDAY!!! can u belive that?! its so not fair....anyways, good luck on the driving test, and good luck opening ur gifts...(dont get a papercut on christmas...hurts like **** and u feel bad afterwards)


New member
Oohw.. Hi twi..

Too bad on the finals and the drama..

lol proverbial lyposuction.. I have to do that to my stuff sometimes..

Can't wait for christmas 8o 8D

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