Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
sounds like a lead on woman...

*pulls pants down*

oh wait, im not a guy..

wait! i can always marry you ! then probe you! or more than that lol.

marry me.



New member
how weird..I read your last update and forgot to comment o_O ...?_?!

anyways well, I hope you feel mucho better after what happened. You can tell, you know. You wont "bother" us *shakes head*


lol I always say pitza for some weird reason that idk about :p

ttyl hon

*hugs and smooches*

love ya =*



New member
Agree - hope things get better for you/start looking up/just plain stop sucking major *** for you. :D

School sounds highly entertaining. A 3 day weekend? Lucky gal, but *meh* I'd just "waste" it on here anyway so there goes that theory, but have fun anyway. Y'all look after yourself (go gym junkie!) and TTYL,

*squeeze hugs of the most savagely sweet kind* awww...

<3 Rav :D

The Red Bull feind!



New member
Aww you guys make me feel better <3

Woody-rofl, this is getting questionable XDDD Of course I'll marry you XD

Sammi- Yeah I know I can rant to you guys, but I already ranted to myself in my LJ as a private entry, that way it's only my problem and I can safely rant and feel better afterwards. It's usually only temporary anyway. Love you sis <3

Fribby- Thank you, love ^_^ lol sometimes I think I am :p

Rav-Why thank you, hon, I appreciate your condolences. ^_^ lol I know, just look at what I'm spending Saturday on? lol , you guessed it, lpf XD *gives mind-melting, "eargasmic" hugs* :)


Well today I just took it easy. Nothing too taxing upon my soul. Lot's of weird dreams though o_O ;;

I feel better, and I was mostly blankly calm today. I won't be content though, until I get answers, so Meh *shrugs* it could be a while. at least I'm not feeling "emo" anymore XD

Well, bye guys! I have to go pick up dinner! I love you *big hugs*



New member
heya twi!!!*waves* weird dreams? how weird?

glad ur feeling a bit better>.< and have a nice dinner sweetie <3<3<3<3

*huggles twi a magic happy hug*

love you



New member
lol sometimes I feel bad about it too but sometimes you've just gotta let it all out, you know

me had a weird dream too o_O

glad to know you feel mucho bettero :D

hope you feel even better

bueno apetito XD

asta la bye bye-o

love you



New member
Keza-weird as in my geometry teacher shipping me to outerspace, then going to a greek family's house and not knowing how to use their phone o_O ;;;

lol *magical hugs also XD* <3 ya

Woody- lmao I wan't to be the groom... WAIT we can BOTH be grooms and have a GAY marriage :D :D lmao umm lets have it at .... umm I don't know, where's a good place?? and of course we have to invite everyone on LPF XD

Sis sammi- Yeah I know

Thanks love ^_^ <3 you too :)

Matteh- sorry about your suck *** dreams, o.o It's not that mine are good either, they're just weird lmao. Thanks ^_^ <3


long story short, me and alex had a sleepover and I feel 50 times better ^_^

<3 to everybody



New member
Lol fine, but after this I gotta pee and go read XDD

Well, she basically IMed me and asked if she could come over. at first I was reluctant because I hadn't seen her in a while, and second because of well, how i was feeling.

So I said yeah and then we were kinda bored. lol we played with legos and played a pokemon video game jsut to see who would kick the other's *** rofl I felt like such a kid XDD it was funny. So then we watched tv, listened to music, etc etc. an hour before Fullmetal Alchemist, Cartoon Network basically stopped working. so we were like o_O NOOO *******!! so yeah =_= we missed the 11 o'clock airing. but then it came on at 11:30 T_T lol so we decided to tape it because we were too tired. we ate popcorn, she drew, i read and then we slept. well not like right away XDD we talked about ... things XD. shhhhhhhhh I'm such a weirdo XD

sooo when we woke up (at like 11 am :D ) we watched FmA and then she had to go home.

So then I took a desperatly needed shower and now here I am! I have alot of English h/w to work on, buuuuuuuut I HAVE TOMORROW OFF :p

its Football sunday. Dad's goin' nuts lol (Bears (chicago) VS. Panthers (i don't know XDD) sooo yeah. I was going to say something but I forgot.




New member
Woody- lmao I wan't to be the groom... WAIT we can BOTH be grooms and have a GAY marriage :D :D lmao umm lets have it at .... umm I don't know, where's a good place?? and of course we have to invite everyone on LPF XD
It's not legalized here. wait ... no it isnt. if so my gay ex-maths teacher would be married by now...


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