Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
omg you hate algebra?! Without algebra I wouldn't know anything in math. I usually make up my own algebra sums and slove them. Like after 1 hr I'm like "AND X IS EQUAL TO 0,1225893 ...NEGATIVE!!!!" lmao XD

eeek! mornings suck dont they?

Take care hon

Love ya sis =*

edit: lmao! I love your ava! it kicks *** :D



New member
Lol Fribbs, me too, but for some reason I wanted to see the affects it would have on me :p muahah I'm so weird. Haha, wow, I didn't even have time to brush my teeth >.>;;

Hehe Sammi. Yes. I hate Algebra with a passion. It's the only subject I suck in at school. Grr. wow, you make up equations when you're bored o_O that's scarey! for me anyways :p lmao

thanks, and take care guys... meh, I'll update later tonight...



New member
yeah im confused...just wanted to say heya...*waves to twi* you have no idea how bored i am>.< *HUGS* hope ur ok, and in a fabby mood <3<3<3


New member
aww guys I feel loved XD *gives Gumball, Fi, keza, sammi and woody a big squeezy suffocating hug* :D

I'm so affectionate right now XD

I'm not sure what's so scarey :p prolly my insanity again. SORRY EVERYONE sometimes I can't contain myself *blush*

*dances* see what love does??? IT MAKES PEOPLE HAPPY XDd wow I'm so hyper now

ANYWAY time for something to read worth your time....

[JANUARY 11th yo]

Today was ummm, assfuckingly simple.


Chem was the only fun class (except the knowledge of a 17-year old dude with cancer, ;_; ) but me and Gina had a competition of balencing chemical equations, alexis coulnd't spell flourine, and katie had a waterbottle with a balloon named Katie Jr which alexis wanted to pop, but katie would blame me if she did. cfc, great times.

Umm, seriously almost fell asleep in Business

Played a retarded game in spanish, though the team I was on actually won that time.

Got an A on the geo test, but I could have easily gotten an A+. Mr. Zizzo was being..... umm... how shall I put this, suspicious again. Hehe.

So the fun didn't happen until later, when I went to get my license * yesss, I can spell it now*

I drove me and dad to the licensing place in Schaumburg, and at first, we didn' t see the building, we went right passed, and saw the sign on a building that said they moved and then an arrow, so we went over in that direction and we still couldn't find it. I was so frustrated. So as we were leaving, dad's like, 'pull into there again' so I did, and we saw the building in the corner :p stupid us. Hehe, so then when I got in, there was this big imposing black police guy and he gestured for me to come over, and he was kind of looking indifferently at my forms, I was like, holding my breath, and then he asked if I had my social security card, and I said yeah, and started looking for the little devil, and I couldn't find it. Oooh man, I called dad over and he went to the car to to look, so the police man gave me a number and I sat there nervously until dad came back, witttth the card. Phew.

So then when they called my number, this guy, whose name was Wendel (hehehe) talked to me. He actually had a personality. He told me to thank my mom because I was this close *pinches fingers* to taking the spot check date road test o_O ;;

So he filled some information out and sent me to the cranky old cashier ladies. They sent me to the update center and then that lady sent me to the picture waiting area. So I waited, then they took my picture. I got to sign this little digital thing, which sucked, because I never used one before, lol. So I waited once that was done, and then they guy called me up again, and made me sign the machine again (it was even worse than last time. I have a terrible signiture, my first name is huge, and then my last name is really squished and the N looks like an M. *rolls eyes at self*) and I said 'ummm, I did this already' and he said 'oh umm yeah sorry, we have to do it again.' so I did. what fun. So then a few minutes later, I got my license.

Then me and dad had chinese and the rest is history :D

Wow, it's REALLY weird when the iPod shuffle thing plays "The Suffering" and then "Hello" lmao talk about shifiting gears. No strectched and lame pun intended.

*sigh* I'm sooo tired, and there's a million and one things I have to and want to do. I have no idea what the **** my plans are beyone this minute.

OOOH SEE? I'm living on the edge, I never planned this sentance. W00t.

I need some ... grape juice, and maybe a nice seagul to kill and harvest the enammel in their beaks. Wow, I almost put an apostrophe in harvest.

I love you, good night.



New member


thats what me and my friends keep on saying when we are in science

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