Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
You see its what you think is attractive in the opposite ***. So if someone "taller" than you turns you off, say off, if not, then on. if it doesn't matter you type Dc (don't care). Get it now :D


New member
ah ok sorry lol

I'm being very slow today, like at school, first I nearly fell off the bench I was sitting on when I was about to stand up, and then I did totally not get anything my friend was saying haha



New member
Hi sis!

I dont have so mcuh time to read the update lol but I promise I'll do it as soon as I can!

untill then 'll just say hi!

and oh thanx for replying in my journal hon




New member
YEY!!!! you're here :D *hugs* hehe :p OMGZ, teh s'mores!!! I remember those!!!!!!!! good times! yes, I would like one plz :D
*hugs back*....Yes im here..i came back *hands twi s'mores* Brad made a fresh Good ol' times.



New member
haha, fribby's such a nerd :B I love you dood! You ain't got nothin' to apologize for :D

Sammi- *smuggles* no worries, same here.

nS- (what nickname should I call you??) oooh *devours s'more with a flamming passion* :D

Woody-sorry, love, didn't get it. :(


Right now I'm at my friend Alex's house. She made a new account here. She used to be Moosespider, now she's TEATIME! So everyone go say hello to my best buddeh!! :D *advertise*

Today was a good day. One of those days where you wake up and you actually feel like you've gotten enough sleep. Very rare, I know! It felt good. After school, I went over here (ale's house) and ta-da! *shrugs* I'm really freakin' tired :D but happeh.

bye guys *waves*



New member
haha I love the way you add -eh to eveything!! it sounds so much more sexeh XD

ooh I'll go and "welcome her aboard to our geeky family of the almighy LPF"


bu byee hon *waves back and smuggles*



New member
Yesh, cause nerds are awesome!! :D


I guess I'll post what I posted in LJ.

It's really hard to type with bandages on. o_O

I had a sad dream about my mom's miscarriage. Along with a few weird dreams

I got a lot of mail today. Not my DVD's though *grumbles* ¬_¬

one from the bank. I got a lot of intrest for some reason.

one from the Secretary of State

One from LP about the honor roll assembly

another from LP about conferances. Dad prolly won't wanna do that. Meh.

a bank statement.

a thing from Roanoke college. it looks pretty nice, I'll check it out.

another thing from LeadAmerica. It scares me *really big book with big words in it like tuition*

Ugh, I prolly should be glad they invited me to join, but it makes me sick for some reason. I e-mailed dwyer about it. >:\ Now I feel really worried. *sighs* I not sure why.

despite all the important mail she got, Heather is still concerned with getting her DVDs. Screw National leadership conferences, I want my ANIME AND NIN!!! XD

Thanks Sammi dear for the LJ comment :D



New member
:p well thanks, you know, I try XD*waves&squeeze* buh
lmao that ryhmes!!

aawww it's always a pleasure hon! :D

and well I'll say what I posted in your journal:

lmao your funny!

well, I'm sure you'll get the dvd mail soon!

but hey, why the bandage? what happened?


omg! I do that too but not bite 'em that much!

wow, hope it gets better soon o.o!!


there ya go!



New member
aaah! everyone is just leaving me..alone in the darkness of LPF *fake daram tear*

lol jk :p

ok hon, I'll ttyl-eh ;)


and oh Good luck!



New member
Thankseh :p now we're starting to sound Canadian, eh? XD

Update for deh Sundayness.

mood: kinda @_@ *dazed*

song: "Kaze wa Mirai Ni Fuku" some dude.

Well today was nice. I had a very detailed dream about this dude who was like, persecuted. It reminded me of an african american during the slaver period. Anyways, there was like guys out to get him, and he was staying at his friends place, and I think one of his friends was killed, and he made these awesome speeches. I should make a character like him someday.

Anyway, I woke up, finished Alex's Deathnote. I liked it, it's very intricate and planned. ^^ and it has a lot of philisophical material in it

*takes rubber bands out* **** these things.

worked on some h/w


that's about it.

kinda laid back today. Need to finish h/w though

bye bye



New member
*****!! you're so funny XD

Sounds like an awsome day!

but why for the deathnote? o_O

Oooh sounds like a very mysteriuos character!

I would like to read a book about him lol

Take care hon




New member
lmao am I really that funny? o_O I wasn't aware XD

Deathnote is a manga o_O not like....... a real death note XD don't worry

my "a" key is really slippery.

sorry *randomness*

Hehe, yeah, what I wrote about him was very vague, hehe I'm amazed he sounds intersting at all from what I explained lol.

Sooo like... I can't stop eating guys. like, everytime I eat, the hunger grows. It's feaky. SAVE MEEEE *clings onto the nearest person.

I know I said I was working on homework...... but...... we all need breaks right? XB

besides, I need to look up the Kubla Khan peom.



New member
lol my "i" key is lill slippery :p

haha lol ok, that actually feels good to know..kinda lill relieved o.o

lmao I thought you menat that you couldn't stop eating guys and I'm like---> O.O

wow freaky indeed lol

meeeh, sometimes I eat like that too, so ppl have their hunegr days too I guess :p

good luck with the eating and h/w.

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