Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk


New member
^^ Oh yeah, didn't you know? I'm a cannible XD

Yeah true. Today was the opposite concerning the hunger thing.

Okay guys, I wrote in my LJ. It's just a rant, of my anger and hatred towards today. It's really kind of extreme, and probably doesn't sound like me at all. *shrugs*

[monday @ 8:27pm]

FINALLY I got to type in this ******* journal, I'm suprised my stupid *** clown ***** of a computer let me on. ANNNND the lovely radio blesses me with VERTIGO. how ******* nice *seizure*

I'm ******* angry right now, so leave if you don't want to get caught in the crossfire.

Let's start with my **** of a busdriver. He sits at a stop for like 5 minutes and everyone's like WTF. No explanation. Just stits there with is STUPID little emotionless visage on

when I get to the hangout its 7:50 and alex leaves and I have to help alexis with her h/w.

******* amanda pawinski comes over and tells everyone about her 200 dollar hairstyle. It seems that everyone is her friend. You know what, I'm not going to tell anyone she's a *****, or a *****, or a backstabber, or a ******* liar, or just over all *** wipe inhabiting this *** we call earth. No, they can find out on their own, because I'm not stooping to her level. **** it. I was refreshed to hear alexis say she hates her too. Thank the powers someone has some sense.

So I was the only prepared one at the table for the quiz. Yes, I'm going to praise myself. You're badass heather, oooh yeah, you actually read the questions and took notes on them, so that you would be ready to take a group quiz! WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK? Oh, Dwyer used that same sheet and made us answer the questions? WHAT A SUPRISE! Heather you're a friggin' GENIOUS!

So yeah, we had 10 minutes to spare thanks to me. Ha. I don't care if I sound pompous I deserve to be. at least for that day.

good thing: no h/w.

bad thing: hero-type project coming up.

***** dwyer didn't tell us we could work with people from other periods. Paige and I were planning on working together but maybe once she know that important factor, she will want to work with someone else and I can have nikhil's brain.

Gym sucked. Yeah, we played badmintton, but Villo and the chick were ther today. wtf? so Villo dropped the chick onme, and played one on one. How nice of him. T_T we would have kicked ***, but noooo. But the more I saw him play, the more I thought maybe it was better. He doesn't have to put up with a sucky player like me. I was so out of it today. Lost miserably.

guess what too? SOME HOW I HAVE AN F FOR 5-WEEK PARTICIPATION. WHAT THE ****! I hate that stupid ***** that thinks he knows how to run a class. If I found out it was him that gave me an F, .... well I don't know what I can actually do to him, without endangering my own reputation, but I will hold a grudge at the very least. ******. some crazy **** is gunna go down tomorrow.


Computer apps was alright. Mrs. shirly was too fast again, and lost me, but I think I know what's going on. But she is so ******* confusing. UGHHHH!

Lunch was meh. Rena made me go in the middle line. Then I just randomly laughed at absolutly nothing, even though I felt ******* bad, and then Gina and Brad were staring at me, so that made me laugh harder. Then gina threw part of her muffin at me. >.> I can't help it.

I think Chem was the only GOOD class today. Mr. O is so funny :p

and of course I get to hang out with my gina and alexis.

I impressed Mr. Jones by being prepared. He obviously wasn't. Made me wait for him to get his box. Stupid ***. Then we learned about stocks. we took a pop quiz and I got 65, I thought that was pretty good, but no, Jarnah got a 100. Meh. T_T

Klebosits was being retarded again.

Presentations were alright.

Not much to say about spanish.

Geoometry sucked. I ******* hate Mr. Zizzo! He expects people to know what he's talking about when he says "the past assignments" and then he like, nudges me with his STUPID ******* binder and asks me if I have day one and two in an annoyed tone. Like I remember waht that was off the bat, it was ******* 5 days ago. So then he's like *sigh* show me them tomorrow and THEN I realize what assignment that was and I say wait here it is!


Then he talks about reducing a fraction with pi in it, and I am totally lost, so I go up and ask him if I'm doing it right and he's like "no, honey" in that "you-should-know-better" tone. **** i hate that.

And the fact that he NEVER has a positive thing to say about ANYTHING. it's all gloom and doom for him. *EXPLODES* so it was another one of those days where I was frustrated to the point of tears.

I was so glad when the bell rang.

I had my ID ready for the fucktard busdriver, but there was this old woman, and a kid I didn't recognize, so I <i>reasonably</i> asked if it was bus 133 and she's like "yes. That's what it says on the window"

ooooh that ticked me off. Maybe she's our new busdriver. And as I was walking to the back, I started laughing. It was too good!! Laugh laugh laugh because THERE WAS NOTHING TO LAUGH ABOUT. Yeah, I went temporarily insane but if I didn't laught, I'm afraid of what I would have done. You're probably thinking, "jeez heather, all that anger and insanity because you had a bad day?" YES. It was an extrordinarily bad day! See, I'm not used to NOT understanding something, so I get REALLY frustrated when I don't. It enfuriates me. So from then on out, EVERY little annoyance, you know, the kind that normally go unnoticed? annoyed me to teeth gringing.

When I got home, I felt better temporarily, because I was all me, all alone, aaaand I got my DVDS! But I dont' think it was quite what I expected. Oh well, I won't worry about that now, that will just make me more ****** off. So I got Outlaw Star, Madlax, and the Live Nine Inch Nails DVD. Looks good ^^

Then all I had was geo and chem, both involving math. So I got a headache and then went to sleep halfway through.

Dad woke me up when it was time to eat. I was so ******* cold. No one talked at dinner. silent except for the stupid pinging from the Wheel of Fortune game on TV. You know, aside from the occasional commentary on the food, and "pass me the butter"

To exemplify the extent of my annoyance, the way dad cut the broccoli angered me. stupid I know, but it's just one of those days.

So there you have it

I feel better, after this.



New member
No it sounds like you D: Dude I know you. You don't have to worry about it. I know how it feels to SCREAM and CRY and write BIG ANGRY LETTERS and burn them to ashes :< Come here you RASCAL LOL :B*vicious hug*


Amanda's such a tool. I swear to ***, what does she think she's doing talking to you guys? I don't care that she's not our friend anymore, I have outlawed her from my side of the planet. I'm not gonna let her **** everything up again. If she comes back tommorow morning I'll punch her lights out. Promise. *pinky promise* :>



New member
Naw, I know you know me, Ale.

I mean, I try to be... benevolent here. Hehe

Do me a favour, never call me rascal agian. *shiver*

Hehe, I'd like to see that.

Then maybe we could sell her body on the black market to starving people in other countries



New member
Rascal is a creepy word xDD Right-o.

We should auction her off to those people on the yahoo group for cannibals xDD;;

(don't ask how i know this, btw. and don't go there. it will scar you for life.)



New member
*stands here* sits down* i have freakin sore feet today...ergh...

But i would love to see how your oseophugus handles your stomach acids, i mean, by the end of yourself eating your stomach, you wouldn't have a oseophugus in the end; its called hydrochloric acid sweet valantine.



New member
If you think I'm going to rub your feet you have another thing coming lmao.

Ahh yes yes, make yourself at home *hands you pillows and tea*

Ohhh that's interesting. You just killed the fun though XD

I was going to find out by myself! XD

HCl! I am familiar with this covelant compound :D



New member
my friend learnt never to swallow it. she found out by being dared to swallow a little bit. and jeez, did she have some operations on her throat after that.


New member
Wow sounds like a terrible day you had there, too bad I can't do anything about that...

the way dad cut the broccoli angered me.
ok wow when I'm feeling ****** off that annoys me too, I'm like AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH STOP CHOPPING VEGETABLES LIKE THAT

haha kinda funny when I reflect on that, but when I do feel like that, you don't wanna cross my path lmao

so I kinda know how you feel, well except with the teachers, most of mine are quite nice



New member
lmao exactly


haha, it's funny now, but it wasn't then XD

thank you Fribby :D


Last night I finished Tale of the Body Theif.... wow, so good! Need the next one!!!

well today was alright.

Me and alex read each other's minds when we wanted to dance! that was really.... scary XD

I got a peice of cookie from kim, a valentine and taffy from Lauren, a picture of old people from fran, and lotsa hugs today :D

someone's humming "hypnotize" in here *looks around*





New member
*gasp* that song is

reading minds o.o

yaay oohw btw happy valentines day!

(I forgot haha)


bon apetit!



New member
lol Fribbs.......thanks :D

^_^ You too Sammi

*hugs fribs and sammi and hands them candy hearts*

so here's the rest of my day

Lunch was good. NO CHICKEN! THOSE BASTARDS. I got this huge peice of cake though o_O

Alexis was ranting about how much Valentines day sucks

She was sick too, poor little creature.

In Chem, me and gina were hyper again. Alexis went to the nurse, but wouldn't let her go home. Katie gave me a valentine

Business was boring. Stocks.

Spanish was okay. Me 'n' Nikky presented today. 2 dias mas

Geo was blah. I got a B- on my quiz. Then I got Rena's flower, so I felt speshul hehe. oh, and Joycelyn gave me a valentine.

When I got home, I did the dishes and I got candy and earings from auntie michele.

I did come chemistry and then I went to the store and the to the library. Ugh traffic was horrible! This jackass passed me on the curb when traffic started up agian, and on top of that, his break lights weren't working right.

Anyway, I got Memnoch the Devil, a biograpy of Lord Byron, and a book about the trial of Oscar Wilde *rubs hands*




New member
Hi hi...twi. Looks like someone had a... okay day. NO CHICKEN *jaw drops*...**** At least they served cake...big slices too. Our school serves...stale cookies, and cold coffee... *shudders*. But Wednsday is s'mores day cuz the student council members wanted
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