Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk

luckly, it is practically impossible for me to get them so meh!!!

my 'red neck' ones live in wales and are actually imbred, seriously, my unlce phil marryed my aunt berny. o_O!! and my cousin just married my other cousin and once my family tried to set me up with one of my cousins!!!!111!!!! also if they see a person from another race there heads like implode, i am the main cause of many deaths in my family!

yeah, i know what you mean, well mine dont live in caravans but theylive in house which theyve build without permisson on ppls land so they are always on the verge of getting thrown out! she maried an old guy? no offense but why?

yeah, they are, you should see my family. my aunt may doenst even acknolegde me! atleat you family dont have flags saying 'keep wales white'. hahaha
so rednecks are really that bad?...

I always thought that was just made up by tv and stuff..
atleat you family dont have flags saying 'keep wales white'. hahaha
That's not funny... That's horrible
But who knows, maybe they do -_- *is clueless about them.
I dunno why, it's a mystery. Maybe she likes the wrinkles

Jeezy: Yeah, a lot of it's made up, like, they stereotypes and such. there's a lot of weirdness that does go on though. It's really messed up.