Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk

ahh cool haha

yeah I hear sweden is pretty great. home of fantastic metal m'dear :p dunno if you like that
very leftist country, kinda opposite to the US I guess lol

dutch people are apparently the tallest in the world, but very nice. their language is like a weird mix of english and german and everyone seems to be very fluent in english. all set there :p

yeah I think about that sort of stuff too...although I've only moved once in my life. dunno where I'd like to live though

and the dutch are generally quite sexy as well! LOL, my aunt was telling me that when she was with the cousin in sweden that the cars will automatically stop for you to cross the road if you have a child! WITHOUT THERE BEING AN ACTUAL RED LIGHT! amazing

great gradumacation pics! u look radient despite being hungry and sweaty!
yeah swedes are nice.

I wish it were here also that they'd all stop but they don't. some do though. especially if you're walking a baby lol
Hello twilightcrimson7 it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?

Well then!
I've been away for a very long time. I'm sorry, but I've been really busy! :D
Quick recap: graduation parties (mine + others), lincoln park zoo, working at a food stand for 10 hours on the 4th of July, getting roomate/dorm info from college (my first seminar class will be "Climate Change, Art, and Activism" I'm super excited!), picnic in Palatine with a bunch of anime cosplayers (*nerd* :B), having my cousin and aunt and gramma come by from Ohio... and going downtown to take pictures :O... and a bunch of other crazy stuff.

And Lolla is coming up soon, plus 2 vacations! Ummm so I'll try to come on, but if not, you know what's happening to me xD
Why hello there! ^^
Remember moi? If not.. HOW DARE YOU!!!
Although, tee hee I think you do :p
Anywho, haven't been much on LJ and neither have you =/
and OMG I saw your graduation pics!! *tear eyed* CONGRATULATIONS! nawww~ :'(
Take care love <3333333