Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk

YES i love vash! <3
She is cool. :)

Um, thanks xD.
Sometimes, I get inspired to write in great detail the experience I had. Usually for insignificant things.

Thank you jeezy :} I did.

Ich! Sorry to hear about your nasty dentist!

lmao I didn't know I was that funny sygy, but I'm glad I entertain you <3

It felt like it at first...
thanks :}

Well, I did have an okay time. Some parts were exceedingly boring, and others were quite fun.
No big fish though, guys. :<
I don't feel like talking about it much, my apologies. :\

And also, I must apologise in advance. I am starting school tomorrow, and have been all sorts of busy lately. Trying to cram a bunch of stuff in before today ends. Still have half a book to read. Cripes.
I have to be in gym class by 6:30. that's AM guys. And I'm carpooling with alex, which means I have to wake up at 5:15ish. it's gunna SUCK.

I went to nikhil's bonfire last night, and it was the first time I got togeter with people my age for some weeks and talked. We talked for hours. Wow. at 2 am we went home. Me and alex, however, decided to stay up all night. All nighter. Yes. I'm still going strong, almost 24 hours now. I MUST finish this book before I take a nap.

Anyway, I posted because I figured it's going to be one of the last posts for a while. I bet school will have me whipped by the end of the week. I won't be on much, so sorry if I don't reply to messages! (my computer is like, always on, but I'm not necessarily there, especially lately.)

Anyway, I hope you all are doing well, and I regret to say that I won't see you guys all too much in the near future. Take care everyone!

*much love*

>.< my heart is breaking, i want twi failing her school so hat she can be here 24/7!! how dare you be so selfish Twi, only joking, i completely understand! i too will be doing the same thing when school starts!

glad you had fun at the bonfire and waking up that early is icky!!
I love you sygy!!! *hugs*

I came on here to change my profile to "1 live LP concert"

Wow. That was one of the greatest days of my life.
The Revolution stage was nice. Madina Lake were nice and they had some good songs. Me and my friends almost got pulled into the mosh. We pushed the dudes that fell back in. Haha. Condom balloons were flying everywhere.
What I was really anticipating was MSI, and so was everyone else. -_-; But we got pretty close up. God damn they rock. So ****ing funny, energetic, and entertaining. My friend emily was scared lol. My friend Joanna got some pretty good pictures. All I had was a crappy disposable.
I went crazy during shut me up. Jimmy took his pants off during "Straight to Video" Wooo woo. :p
He made fun of the goths, haha.

Then we went to the main stage. Julien K and chaz were pretty good. Then it was PLACEBOOOOO omg love. Our seats were pretty far away, like, the back row of the last section before the lawn. So we couldn't see them actually on stage very well. But they were awesome and they didn't have a whole lot of fans there, so I wish we could have been up front to smother them with love. Well, me and alex anyway, emily and joanna were playing tic tac toe. HIM was alright. I enjoyed TBS.
We totally left during the MCR concert and got shirts and something to eat. The shirts were sparce by then, so we had to settle with larges for everything, and I was dissapointed my shirt didn't have the band names on the back. Oh well, its a PR shirt, AWESOME. It's the red one with the flag.
All I wanted was a ****ing pretzel. I went to three different stands and each said to go to a different stand. One of them was "closed" pfft. The last one, I SAW the pretzels, and I'm like "can i have a pretzel please" and the lady's like "sorry, we don't have anymore" i'm like wait wait, i CAN'T be hallucinating "what about those" and she's like oh!
So we go to the bathroom and there's NAILS sticking out of the ceiling towards the floor. at the time it was the most hilarious thing and me and joanna were laughing our asses off. Maybe the hours of pot smoke got to us. But I'm sure we looked drunk/high.
So we wait some more, and everyone's leaving after MCR. and I was worried they didn't want to see LP.
So we wait for like a half an hour in total extreme ANTICIPATION. my god it was horrible.

But dude, when they came on....
lights, sounds, it was all real, it's not off a cd anymore, were were there in the SAME theater as LINKIN PARK ...4 years it's been now...almost...since I've wanted to do this; see them. ****, so much energy. Started off with Wake, Giving in, No more sorrow, some old songs. Chester said we were really loud. That induced more screaming. Mike and chaz played run away slowly... and then shadow of the day. The whole place rocked with crawling and faint. At 10:45 the lights went down, and there was no word from lp, and we were all screaming and chanting and emily said we should go, but we waited. And a couple minutes later, chester said "I take it this means you want ****ing MORE???" and we went wilde. Chester said we were vibrating his brain!
My boot was falling off, my lungs and throat were abused, but I was still jumping and singing. Holy ****ing ****, it was the best thing i've ever experienced. I'm glad they didn't end with TLTYGA cause that would have been emo. His voice echoed so surrealistic during that song, god it was amazing.
They ended with Bleed it out, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. They were so ****ing hard core. Wow -w-w-w-w.
We finally had to leave and my feet were screaming, and my arm and hell, my whole body was sore. and we had to find where dad was parked to pick us up. We talked and ate wendy's and when I got home I crashed... and Now i'm awake. How can I go back to a normal life of cleaning and homework after that?


So that was my concert experience. We'll see what it's like trying to get out of bed or to speak....
Hmmm interesting. my shoulder and neck and calf mussels are sore, but my throat seems to be okay.

good luck to the rest of you on the LPFA

I need to go back to reality now. :'O
I realllyyy hope you experience it someday! Truly moving....

So I have some pictures that look like ****. Stupid whore camera. But at least maybe I can share something with you.

The Revolution Stage: MSI
Can't see them well, but oh well. That was my POV.




Sadly, no pics of jimmy pantless... maybe jo has some...

Mainstage: Placebo




Mainstage: TBS

Outside: bathroom lol

Okay, this is when we were acting high and such. it's not very flattering. lol

an adorable pic of my friends

I texted the board "where in the world is carmen sandiego? and it showed up lol

Mainstage: LINKIN PARK (ironically, these are the worst pictures



Thank you! It was less dramatic then I thought it would be. But here's a funny story. On the way to rehearsal (which is directly before the ceremony) I was stuck behind a funeral procession, so I was a whole half an hour late! The row captain seated me next to wakana and nicole. Everyone around me had 5.0 sashes. I found that curious, but didn't it. (5.o sashes are like bling you wear with your gown to show you've gotten a gpa of 5.0 or higher. All during school, the 5.o students had like, banquets and stuff. I wasn't invited because I had a 4.9769. WTF. That was only after 7 semesters though. I finished 8 semesters and earned a 5.0, so needless to say, i was bitter) So RIGHT before the ceremony, nikhil comments, "why are you sitting in the 5.0 section" and I start freaking out, cause if i get called up there with the group of 5.o's and I don't have the sash, I'm going to look like an idiot. So I take my cursed high heels off and run to find mr. levine. He tells me he seated me in the right place, and even shows me the section chart. I tell him I have a 4.9 something and will have a 5.o after the last semester. He says, "oh, well then you should have a sash" and so we run into the teachers room and gives me one. I run out screaming "JUSTICE." and that's how I graduated. xDDDDD Well, not really, it was a whole hour of waiting for people to graduate and then I got a pretty medal when I was on stage.

Plus I got lots of flowers :D

So I'm hoping to catch up with people. I know fribby has graduated, how did that go? Who else has graduated? :D
WAHHH! I'm getting excited! In the last 24 hours, when I thought there was no hope at all, I scheduled two interviews! One is for Best Buy in Schaumburg on thursday, and the other is an insurance office in Pallos hills (how the **** did I get THAT interview???)
I'm really kind of nervous, because my first ever job interview is at an insurance firm. I'm not sure they know I can work only two months, because they said they are going to train me to be a manager and stuff. o___O; Umm, we'll see tomorrow I guess, right? I mean, it's not the end-all-be-all of things. I can say no (if they even hire me) Pallos Hills is a long drive... I've never even heard of Pallos Hills, but the pay might be better than best buy, and the experience might help me out for a college job. *sigh*
I guess I'll just be myself. and look fancy xD
But I'm excited becauuuuuuse:
If I get a job, I have an excuse to miss a few days of our vacation. Why? because our vacation was scheduled DURING LOLLAPALOOOOOOOZAAAAA! *rips out hair*
I'd be able to go august 1st, and I'd love that (Radiohead rocks) but what I REALLY want is NINE INCH NAILS. Like, so bad.
I'm excited because if I get either of these jobs, I'll have money, and an excuse to "unfortunately miss the first couple days of vacation because i have to work" but not really cause I want to go to lolla!


Wow. Sorry about that.