...US Home Prices Experience Steepest Drop in 21 years

"Harry Hope" <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
> From The Associated Press, 3/25/08:

> US Home Prices Drop 11.4 Pct in January
> NEW YORK (AP) --
> A widely watched index of U.S. home prices fell 11.4 percent in
> January, its steepest drop since data for the indicator was first
> collected in 1987.


Wow , a measely 11 % drop after 5 years of values doubling and tripling in
a bubble market.
On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:31:03 -0500, "Obama's Mama's A White Cracker" <White
Cracker@Obama's Hood> wrote:

>"Harry Hope" <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
>> From The Associated Press, 3/25/08:

>> US Home Prices Drop 11.4 Pct in January
>> NEW YORK (AP) --
>> A widely watched index of U.S. home prices fell 11.4 percent in
>> January, its steepest drop since data for the indicator was first
>> collected in 1987.

>Wow , a measely 11 % drop after 5 years of values doubling and tripling in
>a bubble market.

FYI, you incredible imbecile, that's an 11.4% drop in ONE MONTH, and
represents the worst drop in real property value in the history of this

Do the math, you incredible imbecile, and that figures to an annual loss of

IOW, you incredible imbecile, a McMansion worth $500,000 at the beginning of
the year would be worth only $316,000 at the end of the year, were such
drops to continue apace.

Now, you incredible imbecile, are you feeling the pain?

Probably not. The market for double wides rarely moves all that much.

Simple Arithmetic: It's not just for breakfast anymore...

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:31:03 -0500, "Obama's Mama's A White Cracker"
<White Cracker@Obama's Hood> wrote:

>"Harry Hope" <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
>> From The Associated Press, 3/25/08:

>> US Home Prices Drop 11.4 Pct in January
>> NEW YORK (AP) --
>> A widely watched index of U.S. home prices fell 11.4 percent in
>> January, its steepest drop since data for the indicator was first
>> collected in 1987.

>Wow , a measely 11 % drop after 5 years of values doubling and tripling in
>a bubble market.

Numbnuts, it's not an 11% drop in 5 years. It's a drop in January.

I know of many people now who have purchased homes at 60% of the
listed value from 3 months ago.
"Obama's Mama's A White Cracker" <White Cracker@Obama's Hood> wrote in
message news:iNqdnYSO-aM7kXTanZ2dnUVZ_iydnZ2d@comcast.com...
>> A widely watched index of U.S. home prices fell 11.4 percent in
>> January, its steepest drop since data for the indicator was first
>> collected in 1987.

> ================
> Wow , a measely 11 % drop after 5 years of values doubling and tripling
> in
> a bubble market.

That's just one month, dipshit.