US Marshalls Ordered To Cease & Desist Racketeering For Illegitimate Taxation By IRS

  • Thread starter
  • Start date wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 02:37:24 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>26 USC.

> There is no law requiring the payment of taxes to the US Treasury.
> The US Constitution says NO APPORTIONED TAX.
> Apportioned tax of Americans is illegal.
> It's very clear in the Constitution.

And every single court it has come before has ruled such arguments

You can deny 26 USC all you want, it's still the law that the Brown's
are guilty of violating. wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 23:06:37 -0400, <>
> wrote:
>>On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 02:37:24 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>>26 USC.

>>There is no law requiring the payment of taxes to the US Treasury.
>>The US Constitution says NO APPORTIONED TAX.
>>Apportioned tax of Americans is illegal.
>>It's very clear in the Constitution.

> "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from
> whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and
> without regard to any census or enumeration."
> Constitution of The United States of America, 16th Amendment
> Apportioned means assigned by a plan.
> ap wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 22:26:40 -0400, <>
> wrote:
>>On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 22:03:55 -0400, <>
>>>On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:56:19 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
>>>>"corporations are legal psychopaths"
>>>Corporations (like Lockheed) were purchased by Rothschild with money stolen

>>>from the US Treasury.

>>>They ONLY money Rothschild has is the money they 'borrowed' <stole> against
>>>the US tax payers. US tax payers can't pay the amount of money which
>>>Rothschild stole in order to fabricate wealth for themselves.
>>>The whole Federal Reserve system is an illegal racket -- a sham.
>>>Legally, everything Rothschild owns belongs to the people of the USA.

>>This is WHY Rothschild and the Bank of England (Federal Reserve) are so
>>concerned that the USA remain afloat -- with out the US citizens and the US
>>Treasury, Rothschild's fabricating money out of thin air game finished.
>>Rothschild will do what ever possible to protect the USA slaves from being
>>No US Treasury, no banking system and no more wealth for Rothschild.
>>No wonder Rothschild is afraid China or Russia will toast the US. If that
>>happens, Rothschild is finished.
>>And considering Rothschild is Nazi Central, good riddance.
>>Save the world with one EM pulse.

> The only way the rest of the world can rid themselves of Nazis, torture
> camps and death squads, is to make sure the US government, run by
> Rothschild, under the sham of a sovereign nation, is annihilated.
> All foreign political analysts agree, the US government has gotta go.
> Hell, all Americans agree too.
> And there's only one way to do it.

Bearden? Please.
On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 04:02:48 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:

>And every single court it has come before has ruled such arguments

June 9, 2006

1040 Checkmate?

DOJ Dismisses Felony Tax Prosecution
-- With Prejudice -- After PRA Defense Raised

Evidence OMB Complicit In Income Tax Fraud

DOJ & IRS Petitioned To Explain

On May 12, 2006 in Peoria, Illinois, the attorney for the U.S. Department of
Justice (DOJ) begged the court to dismiss all charges against IRS victim
Robert Lawrence in federal District Court.

The motion for dismissal came on the heels of a surprise tactic by
On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 04:05:47 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:

>Now read the relevant (first) definition"
>"to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according
>to some rule of proportional distribution"

Not in the Constitution.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 04:09:07 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:

>Bearden? Please.

He's the only electromagnetic weaponry expert the US government has, and
he's a, um, er, doesn't know much. He thinks Israel saved the USA from EM
attack. The only thing which saved the US from EM attack is the good will
of those who HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY. <the US does not>

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 22:03:55 -0400,
<> wrote:

>On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:56:19 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
>>"corporations are legal psychopaths"

>Corporations (like Lockheed) were purchased by Rothschild with money stolen
>from the US Treasury.
>They ONLY money Rothschild has is the money they 'borrowed' <stole> against
>the US tax payers. US tax payers can't pay the amount of money which
>Rothschild stole in order to fabricate wealth for themselves.
>The whole Federal Reserve system is an illegal racket -- a sham.
>Legally, everything Rothschild owns belongs to the people of the USA.

However, there is the other side of the story.
And that is, busy people have gone from this .....

to this ......

In just 100 years.

Tonight I am just going to study about the possibility that we live on
an isolated planet in the midst of a populated, evolving, and highly
organized inter-planetary, inter-galactic, and multi-dimensional
Universe society.





Sir Gilligan Horry (ret) (active) (ret) (active) (ret) (active)
_ _ _ _ _ _
Universe Big Bang Fragment Speck Remnant.
"Earth Care Day" (Yahoo!) Champion Proponent.
Latest Photo Evidence and Proof Investigator...
Love and Dark and Light and other Pretty Colors.
Unauthorized 57 Different Species Investigating Space Jester.
Chief Executive CEO Intelligence Data Engineer of
"100 reasons why some folks hang out in AAR and AAV"
( alt.alien.research, alt.alien.visitors )
On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 19:36:11 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

>However, there is the other side of the story.


_Oblivion_, T. E. Bearden, page 202-203

Smile pretty, you're on candid camera!

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 06:44:56 -0400,
<> wrote:

>On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 19:36:11 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
>>However, there is the other side of the story.

>_Oblivion_, T. E. Bearden, page 202-203
>Smile pretty, you're on candid camera!

I saw two other documentaries on TV the other day.

Penn and Teller's Bullsh t.
"Big Brother".
(about surveillance and The Patriot Act)

Camera Surveillance Research.
3D face scanning, eye scanning, and the surveillance technologies in
production for the future.

Bonus report is about a phone conversation tonight about brainless
mind controlled cults and upset Horry.

LOL :)





Sir Gilligan Horry (ret) (active) (ret) (active) (ret) (active)
_ _ _ _ _ _
Universe Big Bang Fragment Speck Remnant.
"Earth Care Day" (Yahoo!) Champion Proponent.
Latest Photo Evidence and Proof Investigator...
Love and Dark and Light and other Pretty Colors.
Unauthorized 57 Different Species Investigating Space Jester.
Chief Executive CEO Intelligence Data Engineer of
"100 reasons why some folks hang out in AAR and AAV"
( alt.alien.research, alt.alien.visitors )
I don't know anything about the tax issue, but these missing funds are a
major criminal issue for our government. We need to pin down the people
responsible for these missing monies and put them in jail for natural life.

> Independent Audit Report - Department of Defense
> Re: $1.1 Trillion Missing from DOD
> February 26, 2002
> Testimony of the Inspector General - Department of Housing & Urban
> Development
> Re: $59 Billion Missing from HUD
> March 22, 2000
> Discrepancies in America's accounts hide a black hole
> By Daniel Gros, Financial Times
> June 15, 2006
> Road to Ruin
> by Eric Sprott, Sprott Asset Management
> Regarding the $11 Trillion Deficit in the US Government in FY 2004
> January 2005
> U.S.'s Missing $Trillions Make Mainstream At Last
> Scoop Media's version of the Chronicle Story with more links added
> May 26, 2003
> Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits
> by Catherine Austin Fitts
> A case study of two teams each with competing visions for America.
> April 2006
> Estimate $3.3 Trillion Missing From U.S. Treasury
> by Buddy Grizzard
> An excellent overview integrating coverage by key investigative
> journalists August 2002
> Where is the Collateral? and So, Where is the Collateral?
> A two-part series by Chris Sanders of Sanders Research Associates in
> London These articles connect the dots between the missing money, the
> Where is the Money? litigation, questionable HUD deals, and the impact on
> the investment community
> October 2003 and July 2004
> US "Could be going bankrupt"
> by Edmund Conway, Economics Editor
> UK Telegraph
> July 2006
> Web site documenting the missing money -- includes petition, FAQs, Who's
> Who ... also available in Spanish
> The Great "Incompetency" Heist
> by Catherine Austin Fitts, Scoop Media
> May 17, 2006
> US Government "Misplaces" Trillions of Dollars
> Anxiety Culture Bulletin News
> September 3, 2003
> US's Missing Trillions Make Mainstream At Last
> Scoop Media
> May 26, 2003
> The Solari Solution: A Responsible Way to Fund America's State and Local
> Government Deficits
> Scoop Media
> May 2003
> On the Money Trail
> MetroActive
> September 5, 2002
> Questions for a Congressman
> Scoop Media
> July 4, 2002
> The Myth of the Rule of Law
> Sanders Research Associates
> November 2001
> Testimony of the HUD Inspector General
> House Government Reform
> May 2000
> Auditor Quits with NASA Finances in Chaos
> By Arindam Nag and Deborah Zabarenko
> May 15, 2004
> The War on Waste
> CBS News
> Citing "cooked books" at DoD, Rumsfeld on the missing $2.3 trillion, ...
> January 29, 2002
> Military Stashes Covert Millions
> St. Petersburg Times
> September 28, 2003
> 'High Risk' Finance at the Federal Level
> Insight on the News
> August 21, 2003
> Congressman Kucinich on NPR's 'Morning Edition'
> NPR, June 28, 2003
> Pentagon Fights for (Its) Freedom
> CBS News
> May 19, 2003
> Color Codes The Deja Vu View Back to Abnormal
> San Francisco Chronicle
> May 25, 2003
> So Much for the Peace Dividend
> The Guardian
> May 22, 2003
> Military waste under fire $1 trillion missing
> San Francisco Chronicle
> May 18, 2003
> HUD's Financial Woes Continue
> Insight, April 18, 2003
> HBO The Sopranos: "Watching Too Much Television" (Scamming the Feds)
> Sopranos Episode 46
> Brian lays out a way to use bogus real estate deals to con money out of
> the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development...
> November 1, 2002
> US Treasury Web Site Reveals $ Half-Trillion Deficit
> NY Post
> May 14, 2002
> Government Fails Fiscal Fitness Test
> Insight on the News
> April 29, 2002
> From Insight Magazine's investigative journalist Kelly O'Meara:
> Treasury Checks and Unbalances
> April 14, 2004
> The 2003 financial statements mark the seventh year in a row that the
> federal government could not audit, let alone balance, its books...
> Is the US Going for Broke?
> July 14, 2003
> 'High Risk' Finance at the Federal Level August 21, 2003
> The US Government reports that its financial management systems are
> seriously unreliable...
> HUD's Financial Woes Continue
> April 18, 2003
> Government Fails Fiscal Fitness Test
> April 29, 2002
> This article cites both the $1.1 Trillion and the $59 Billion...
> All That Glitters Is Not Gold
> March 2002
> What Does It Take to Lose a Contract?
> March 2002
> Cuomo leaves HUD in Shambles
> March 2001
> Inside HUD's Financial Fiasco
> June 2001
> A Financial Fiasco is in the Making
> July 2001
> Rumsfeld Inherits Financial Mess
> September 2001
> Total Lack of Trust
> September 2001
> Wasted Riches
> October 2001
> Bureaucrats Circle Their Wagons
> December 2001
> Why is $59 Billion Missing from HUD?
> November 2000
> US Code:
> The Chief Officers Act of 1990
> HUD Reform Act of 1989
> Government Management Reform Act of 1994
> Executive Branch:
> Department of Treasury
> Department of Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
> HUD Office of Inspector General
> DOD Office of Inspector General
> DOD News Articles
> Reforming Financial Management System Can Save Big
> American Forces Press, Department of Defense, April 3, 2002
> Remarks as Delivered by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld,
> The Pentagon, September 10, 2001
> Zakheim Seeks To Corral, Reconcile 'Lost' Spending
> American Forces Press, Department of Defense, February 20, 2002
> Testimony before the House Budget Committee on the FY 2002 Defense Budget
> As Given by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Comptroller Dov
> Zakheim, Cannon House Office Building, American Forces Press, Department
> of Defense, July 11, 2001
> Congress:
> House Committee on Government Reform,
> Government Management, Finance & Accountability Subcommittee
> Wikipedia on House Committee on Government Reform
> Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
> Senate Government Affairs Thompson Report
> -- Government at the Brink, Vol. 1
> -- Government at the Brink, Vol. 2
> House Appropriations
> Senate Appropriations
> Congressional Audit, Evaluation and Investigation:
> General Accountability Office (GAO)
> Where is the Money? Litigation
> Ervin & Associates and the US Government shut down Hamilton Securities
> after it developed software for citizens to learn about HUD spending by
> place, seized the software, bankrupted the company, and never produced any
> evidence of wrongdoing ... see
> CPA IG Finds Halliburton Mismanaged Government Property in Iraq
> Committee on Government Reform: Minority Office, July 2004
> Tennessee's Get Our Money Back Campaign -- 2002
> Includes: The Story of the Missing Money; A State by State Breakdown of
> What the Missing Money is Costing You and Your Family; Questions to
> Congressman Van Hilleary (R-Tenn.) on Actions a Congressman Could Take to
> Get Our Money Back
> 1. Lockheed Martin
> Software That Steals: Mortgage Market Unanswered Questions - Hitting On
> HUD August 2002
> 2. AMS
> Federal Lawsuit Adds to AMS Woes Company Also Faces Trouble in Ohio,
> Vermont Washington Technology
> July 2001
> A Taxing Dilemma by John Berlau
> Insight Magazine
> April 2001
> IRS Boss Snagged a Clinton Waiver by John Berlau
> Insight Magazine
> May 2001
> News Alert: Eizenstat Explains Why He Gave Waiver to IRS Commissioner by
> John Berlau
> Insight Magazine
> May 2001
> How Can Rossotti Reform the IRS?
> Insight Magazine
> May 2001
> News Alert: Grassley Questions Rossotti's Ties to AMS by John Berlau
> Insight Magazine
> May 2001
> Rossotti Hires Raise Red Flags
> Insight Magazine
> September 20001
> 3. DynCorp
> CSC DynCorp & the Economics of Lawlessness
> Scoop Media
> April 2003
> 4. Harvard
> The Harvard Datadump -- An Update
> 5. Enron
> The Real Deal about Enron -- An Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts by
> Daniel Armstrong
> Scoop Media
> February 2003
> 6. The Carlyle Group
> Carlyle's Way -- Making a mint inside "the iron triangle" of defense,
> government and industry by Dan Briody
> Red Herring
> January 8, 2002
> Iraq Audit Can't Find Billions
> Boston Globe, October 2004
> US Probes $100 Million Missing in Iraq
> MSNBC, May 2005
> So, Mr. Bremer, Where Did All the Money Go?
> The Guardian, July 2005
> Billions Wasted in Iraq
> CBS News, February 2006
> Iraq's Missing Billions (video)
> Journeyman Pictures, March 2006
> Halliburton Watch: US Mismanaged $8.8 Billion in Iraqi Funds, August 2004
> CPA IG Finds Halliburton Mismanaged Government Property in Iraq
> Committee on Government Reform: Minority Office, July 2004
> Iraq Revenue Watch: Reports & Briefings
> Open Society Institute, December 2004
> The Not So Strange Case of Phillip Merrill
> Joe Quinn, Signs of the Times, June 2006
> Balancing Our Bank Book: The Missing $9 Billion and More (Windows Media
> Audio; PDF Transcript )
> Rep. Cynthia McKinney, June 2006
> Gold Anti-Trust Action (GATA)
> LeMetropole Cafe
> All That Glitters Is Not Gold by Kelly O'Meara, March 2002
> Is a Silver Scandal on the Horizon? by Kelly O'Meara, March 2004
> From Kelly O'Meara ~ "Treasury Checks and Unbalances" April 2004
> Robert E. Rubin, 1997, Unauditable
> "We believe that the publication of these audited statements is an
> important step in providing American citizens with more information about
> the operations of their government."
> Robert E. Rubin, 1998, Unauditable
> "We believe that the publication of this financial report is an important
> step in providing the AMerican public with useful information about their
> government's assets, liabilities and operations."
> Lawrence H. Summers, 1999, Unauditable
> "We are committed to producing and reporting financial information that
> meets the highest standards of integrity and to provide to the American
> people the accountability and professionalism they expect from their
> government."
> Paul H. O'Neill, 2000, Unauditable
> "I am committed to producing and reporting financial information that
> meets the highest standards of integrity and to provide the American
> people the accountability and professionalism that they expect from the
> government."
> Paul H. O'Neill, 2001, Unauditable
> "I believe that the American people deserve the highest standards of
> accountability and professionalism from their government, and I will not
> rest until we achieve them."
> John W. Snow, 2002, Unauditable
> "I intend to continue the commitment to producing and reporting financial
> information that meets the highest standards of integrity and to provide
> the American people the accountability and professionalism that they
> expect from their government."
> Copyright @1996-2006 Solari Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use.
"" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 23:06:37 -0400, <>
> wrote:
>>On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 02:37:24 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>>26 USC.

>>There is no law requiring the payment of taxes to the US Treasury.
>>The US Constitution says NO APPORTIONED TAX.
>>Apportioned tax of Americans is illegal.
>>It's very clear in the Constitution.

> "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from
> whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States,
> and
> without regard to any census or enumeration."
> Constitution of The United States of America, 16th Amendment
> Apportioned means assigned by a plan.
> ap
On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 02:12:34 GMT, "_invertebrate_"
<> wrote:

>You misunderstood.

Nope. Show us all the law which makes apportioned federal income tax

Also show us the law which gives a private person the right to print US

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 02:12:34 GMT, "_invertebrate_"
<> wrote:

>But so is income tax

Nope. There's no law making income tax legal.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 21:42:51 -0400,
<> wrote:


[snip irrelevant bullshit]

If I buy you a couple of bottles of tequila, can we repeat our night
on the beach, 'Lexa?

Go on, admit it...


Lits Slut#10
Usenet Ruiner #3
Top Asshole On The Net #2
Most Hated Usenetizen of all time #2
Hammer of Thor - August 2005
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, Trainer of Steve 'BowTurd' Young
Brainwashed Follower of Art Deco #1 wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 02:12:34 GMT, "_invertebrate_"
> <> wrote:
>>You misunderstood.

> Nope. Show us all the law which makes apportioned federal income tax
> mandatory.

You've been shown it already. That you chooser to pretend it doesn't
exist is irrelevant.

> Also show us the law which gives a private person the right to print US
> money.

A private person doesn't.
On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 16:19:41 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:

>You've been shown it already.

You can set up 10,000 IRSs with billions of pages of IRS code, and none of
legal without a law which makes the taxation of the people of the USA legal.

Where's the law?

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 16:19:41 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:

>You've been shown it already.

You can set up 10,000 IRSs with billions of pages of IRS code, and none of
legal without a law which makes the taxation of the people of the USA legal.

Where's the law?

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 12:26:45 -0400, <>

>On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 16:19:41 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>You've been shown it already.

>You can set up 10,000 IRSs with billions of pages of IRS code, and none of
>legal without a law which makes the taxation of the people of the USA legal.
>Where's the law?

Furthermore, where's the law which gives Rothschild's London-based bank the
right to print and own all the US dollars?

That's quite a racket Rothschild has going -- print all the money for the
USA and then steal it from the US Treasury and Pentagon, give the debt to
the USA and the money to themselves. Rothschild get to declare themselves
rich. All they needed was a patsy government to take control of their money

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 12:26:45 -0400, <>

>On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 16:19:41 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>You've been shown it already.

>You can set up 10,000 IRSs with billions of pages of IRS code, and none of
>legal without a law which makes the taxation of the people of the USA legal.
>Where's the law?

Furthermore, where's the law which gives Rothschild's London-based bank the
right to print and own all the US dollars?

That's quite a racket Rothschild has going -- print all the money for the
USA and then steal it from the US Treasury and Pentagon, give the debt to
the USA (to pay back in taxes) and the money to themselves. Rothschild get
to declare themselves rich, the USA gets the debt All Rothschild needed was
a patsy government to take control of their money printing and then install
an illegal taxing scheme, which gives the US dollar credibility.

What a racket!

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 13:00:25 -0400, <>

>On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 12:26:45 -0400, <>
>>On Sat, 23 Jun 2007 16:19:41 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>>You've been shown it already.

>>You can set up 10,000 IRSs with billions of pages of IRS code, and none of
>>legal without a law which makes the taxation of the people of the USA legal.
>>Where's the law?

>Furthermore, where's the law which gives Rothschild's London-based bank the
>right to print and own all the US dollars?
>That's quite a racket Rothschild has going -- print all the money for the
>USA and then steal it from the US Treasury and Pentagon, give the debt to
>the USA (to pay back in taxes) and the money to themselves. Rothschild get
>to declare themselves rich, the USA gets the debt All Rothschild needed was
>a patsy government to take control of their money printing and then install
>an illegal taxing scheme, which gives the US dollar credibility.
>What a racket!

Whoa! Watson! That's all mafia-style racketeering!

Yes, Sherlock, indeed it is. Except this time the Rothschild racketeers
printed WAY too many US dollars -- more than the US citizens can pay back
in a hundred life-times.

Oopsie, Watson, that be no good.

Yeppers, Sherlock. Not good at all. You see, Sherlock, the US businesses
(dupes in the money game) off-shored all of their jobs to other countries,
so the US citizens aren't making enough money to pay the Rothschild-created
US debt.

Uh, er, Watson! That still be no good.

Ya, Sherlock, not good at all. Everyone got on the gravy train, that is --
US-based businesses. Too many people wanted to play the Rothschild money
game and get rich quick. That's what capitalism is all about. No matter
what happens, there's an opportunity to strike it rich.

But, Watson, they're all depending on the American tax payers to keep this
whole she-bang afloat.

Yes, Sher, that's right. And they're depending on controlling energy to
have something to sell to someone -- anywhere, in order to keep in business.

Um, Watson? You mean Rothschild killed the golden goose?

Ya, Sher -- something like that. Rothschild couldn't control other people's
greed. They wanted their trillions of dollars too. So all that Rothschild
has left is to hope he can sell gasoline to other countries in order to keep
his financial empire afloat because the American tax payers can no longer
keep it afloat.

Oh, Watson. So where's Rothschild gonna get gas?

Well, Sher, he hoped to steal it from other countries and then sell it back
to them.

Um, Watson. That's the SAME racket.

Yeppers, Sher. It's elementary. The oldest con game in the world. Steal
someone else's stuff and then sell it back to them. That's capitalism fer


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