Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

The Feotus

New member
why dont you just shut the **** up and go jack off in the corner while u think about you mother
Well, I would say your mother is a more inticing option but I suppose you might get a bit jellous now wouldn't you hillbilly?


The Feotus

New member
Oh dear did I make a joke about your dead mother? Oh I'm so sorry for your loss hillbilly, I truely am. Tell me, did she go quietly or kicking and ******' screaming?


New member
Oh really,What did you read? You obviously have been reading something different.
True Islam is a beautiful thing; however, the rioters are not true islamics but rather they are pro-terrorist.

P.S. It's good to exchange messages with you again :p



New member
LOL I see that an in-bred American moderator has modified my first ever post. What's wrong "yankee"? Does the truth hurt? You could not think of a witty retort to defend against my sheer ignorance that you had to resort to modifying posts?

Pfft, if any of you ***-fearing, f;ag wavers had any substance to your character and actual weight to your backward and obviously flawed arguments then perhaps you might have scared me off. As it is, i see that you are in fact a bunch of wretched cowards

"Hey Hank, this thar Limey's got some good points yee haw! Lets modify his post so that we don't have to come up with an actual argument to defend our obvious weaknesses and downfalls."

Brittan is a cofused british muslim-terrorist idiot who needs to seek therapy... and possibly the business end of a loaded shotgun. :p
What if I am Muslim? What would you think then? I bet you are such a weak willed coward that you instantly stop making such racist and backwards remarks.

Lucky for you I am not a Muslim (don'y worry boys, looks like i won't be trying to bomb you or take your oil). And isn't it funny that one of your two ideal "solutions" for dealing with those who stand up against American lip-flappers is to shoot them.

You Americans, so borish and dull. Feotus, I appreciate the support. Its good to see that no one else is takings these in-bred hicks seriously as any kind of threat or logical force.



New member
You know if every country in the world just ignored each other then this place would be a utopia.

Is that a brainless enough statement for this forum or do you want me to dumb it down a little.



New member
You know if every country in the world just ignored each other then this place would be a utopia.

Is that a brainless enough statement for this forum or do you want me to dumb it down a little.

Dumb it down a little.

You can't be too cautious.

Dumbarse. ;)



New member
Can't be too cautious about what?

That my friend was irony but oh thats right you don't get humour like that over there do you.

Its all about doodies and stuff isn't it?



New member
Can't be too cautious about what?

That my friend was irony but oh thats right you don't get humour like that over there do you.

Its all about doodies and stuff isn't it?
You wanna start ****, be prepared to finish it.

Oh, and where am I from? Doodies? WTF is that ****? You dumbfuck?



New member
Well i see that my second ever post remained un-altered. Good. Because for every alteration you make to any of our posts just serves to highlight what we have been saying all along.

You claim to be the "Best **** Debate Forum" yet when an actual debate DOES crop up you edit posts to fit your own arguments. I've heard numerous accounts of this happening. Usually to Brits and other non-Americans.

Prove me wrong GF, prove me wrong.


I thought i may take a stab at the orginal post regarding the so called "Useless Muslim Scumbags".

My view on the matter is fairly simple. Killing people does not solve anything. Never has done, never will. If someone killed your own family because they protested for what they believed was a just cause, then what would you do? Imagine yourself in the mindset of these Extremeists for a moment. Would you sit back and think "hey, they killed my Brother and best mate, I think I will just go and have a cup of tea and reflect upon what happened..."


"They killed my brother and best mate! They must pay in blood!"

End result? Well put it this way, you are going to have a lot of ****** of Muslims from every sect. Extremist or not, Islam as a whole would probably take this kind of action as declaration of war or genocide against their religion.

Put down your weapons boys. Prove that you are better than this extremist scum. They need to use bombs and beheadings. We shouldnt have to.



New member
Yes but thats because you don't have one.
I can call one, if that is what you want.

You never answered my question. You assumed I was from "doodies"??

Where is this mythical place I'm supposedly from? ******.



New member
**** it.

I can't really be arsed with any of this **** so will someone just retract all my posts or something.

Builder you won...........i think. Anyway i'm off for a quick spliff.

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