Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

Doesnt bother me mate, I love the UK, didnt say i cared abuot the royal sponge bags.

Well they do practically just fritter our taxes away on gin so who would care.
OTC said:
yes be afraid bitch

Now that doesn't sound very nice, is our style rubbing off on you???

I think someone posted the GF address near a bunch of council houses...
Like maybe Tex or Feotus...

Builder, I much prefer your people from Down Under.
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
I kicked your mom in the jaw and I still have what's up with that?

You should've kicked his sister in the jaw...then he would've been neutered. :)

OTC said:
must not have been my mum because she doesn't like loser americans.

Must have been yours mate.

1.) Most Americans are NOT losers
2.) Idiot brits that call Americans losers are generally in-bred eurotrash ball-juggling pig ****ers.

Any questions?
1.) Most Americans are NOT losers

Yeah, you're not true losers, after all, it's the taking part that counts.

2.) Idiot brits that call Americans losers are generally in-bred eurotrash ball-juggling pig ****ers.

Any questions?

Did you actually think about what you were typing or did you just allow yourself to skitter shite<----whatever the **** that means... out of your fingers as usual?