VA shooting


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
What pisses me off?

well, there is the little fact that a Chinese nationalist on a student visa can come into my country, arm himself, and then proceed to kill 32 Americans, that pisses me off, but not half as much as the fact that NOBODY KICKED HIS ASS!!!! HOW THE **** DO YOU LET A GUY WALK UP TO THE FIVE PEOPLE NEXT TO YOU AND KILL THEM, AND WORSE, NOT DO ANYTHING WHEN HE REACHES YOU!!???!?!?!!!!!

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE ****ING KIDDING ME!!! he 'executed' 30 people and nobody did anything? how the **** do you not even lift a finger to defend your own life, not to mention the lives of your friends!!!!!
Msixty said:
What pisses me off?

well, there is the little fact that a Chinese nationalist on a student visa can come into my country, arm himself, and then proceed to kill 32 Americans, that pisses me off, but not half as much as the fact that NOBODY KICKED HIS ASS!!!! HOW THE **** DO YOU LET A GUY WALK UP TO THE FIVE PEOPLE NEXT TO YOU AND KILL THEM, AND WORSE, NOT DO ANYTHING WHEN HE REACHES YOU!!???!?!?!!!!!

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE ****ING KIDDING ME!!! he 'executed' 30 people and nobody did anything? how the **** do you not even lift a finger to defend your own life, not to mention the lives of your friends!!!!!

Good ****ing point. Everybody scatters to be picked off later. Two or three jump him from behind and it's over. And this brings me back over and over to my mantra "ARM THE ****ING SCHOOL!!!!" Have armed teachers, principals, bus drivers, the custodian and the ****ing lunch lady if that's what it takes. I wished some ****ing hoodlum pulled out a piece and caped his ass. It would show the value of being armed.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Gun bill gets shot down by panel
HB 1572, which would have allowed handguns on college campuses, died in subcommittee.

By Greg Esposito

A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.

House Bill 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.

The bill was proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behalf of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not comment on the bill's defeat other than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly session.

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

Del. Dave Nutter, R-Christiansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part of the subcommittee that discussed the bill.

Most universities in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or campus security upon entering campus. The legislation was designed to prohibit public universities from making "rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit ... from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun."

The legislation allowed for exceptions for participants in athletic events, storage of guns in residence halls and military training programs.

Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a concealed handgun permit. Some gun owners questioned the university's authority, while the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on campus.

In June, Tech's governing board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and prohibiting visitors from bringing them into campus facilities.
Dudes - I recognise that you've probably had years and years of NRA propoganda shoved down your throats since birth, but let's look at this rationally.

More guns would've stopped this shooting spree?

More guns means more gun deaths. That's a simple equation. I'm sure there's a state in the US, or some statistic about an obscure European country where this isn't true, but in 99% of cases, in the real world - more guns means more gun deaths.

Would it have been better to have several people pulling guns to shoot the guy? How many would've died in the crossfire? What if people heard shooting but were confused about who started it? Then you've got "innocent" people shooting each other. Then the police come in and shoot everyone with a gun. You've just made a really bad situation far, far worse.

Then every day on campus when a student has a relationship breakup, a bad exam result, or just a lousy day...quick and easy access to a firearm is going to help the situation??

Sorry...I love guns, I love hunting, completely understand everyone else who does. But over here in Australia I am proud and happy that we've tightened up our gun laws to avoid the sort of carnage that happens year-in, year-out in the US. You have a massive problem there, but appear unable or unwilling to see it.

This is never better expressed than when you have a gun massacre like this one...and people call for more guns!!!
snafu said:
Good ****ing point. Everybody scatters to be picked off later. Two or three jump him from behind and it's over. And this brings me back over and over to my mantra "ARM THE ****ING SCHOOL!!!!" Have armed teachers, principals, bus drivers, the custodian and the ****ing lunch lady if that's what it takes. I wished some ****ing hoodlum pulled out a piece and caped his ass. It would show the value of being armed.
I agree. Schools are just too wide open for this kind of **** to happen. Now the news is also reporting that the Taliban may be infiltrating the schools disguised as bus drivers -WTF OVER!
cybacaT said:
Dudes - I recognise that you've probably had years and years of NRA propoganda shoved down your throats since birth, but let's look at this rationally.

More guns would've stopped this shooting spree?

More guns means more gun deaths. That's a simple equation. I'm sure there's a state in the US, or some statistic about an obscure European country where this isn't true, but in 99% of cases, in the real world - more guns means more gun deaths.

Would it have been better to have several people pulling guns to shoot the guy? How many would've died in the crossfire? What if people heard shooting but were confused about who started it? Then you've got "innocent" people shooting each other. Then the police come in and shoot everyone with a gun. You've just made a really bad situation far, far worse.

Then every day on campus when a student has a relationship breakup, a bad exam result, or just a lousy day...quick and easy access to a firearm is going to help the situation??

Sorry...I love guns, I love hunting, completely understand everyone else who does. But over here in Australia I am proud and happy that we've tightened up our gun laws to avoid the sort of carnage that happens year-in, year-out in the US. You have a massive problem there, but appear unable or unwilling to see it.

This is never better expressed than when you have a gun massacre like this one...and people call for more guns!!!
With all due respect, you wouldn't feel that way if your child were killed in that massacre. I also believe that the students shouldn't be carrying the guns, but there should be some kind of ARMED security in place.

I also feel that classes should have been cancelled after the first incident. Period.
Msixty said:
What pisses me off?

well, there is the little fact that a Chinese nationalist on a student visa can come into my country, arm himself, and then proceed to kill 32 Americans, that pisses me off,
He was from South Korea, and he wasn't here on a student visa. He came here as a child with his parents. He was just a nutjob.

Msixty said:

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE ****ING KIDDING ME!!! he 'executed' 30 people and nobody did anything? how the **** do you not even lift a finger to defend your own life, not to mention the lives of your friends!!!!!

I'm sure it was over pretty quickly. I agree that someone could have tried to do something, but unarmed person versus gun wielding person is a little intimidating to most. That, combined with the 'every man for himself' attitude that most people have, usually equals 'run!'
ToriAllen said:
He was from South Korea, and he wasn't here on a student visa. He came here as a child with his parents. He was just a nutjob.

I'm sure it was over pretty quickly. I agree that someone could have tried to do something, but unarmed person versus gun wielding person is a little intimidating to most. That, combined with the 'every man for himself' attitude that most people have, usually equals 'run!'

Tori he was walking around for 20 minutes. He had to reload a few times.
cybacaT said:
More guns would've stopped this shooting spree?

In the right hands it would've only taken one more gun to stop the deaths you dumb ass.

cybacaT said:
More guns means more gun deaths. That's a simple equation. I'm sure there's a state in the US, or some statistic about an obscure European country where this isn't true, but in 99% of cases, in the real world - more guns means more gun deaths.

That’s’ one of the biggest ****ing fallacies I have ever heard. First it won’t mean there will be more guns. Dude! They’re already here. Where the **** do you think he got his? And you don’t have to carry one if you don’t want to. The idea is the perpetrator won’t know whose packing.
Second how in the hell is taking the right of non criminals to protect themselves, gonna create more deaths? What an asinine thing to say. Gun control laws don’t work. Haven’t you been watching?
If I wanted to go on a rampage I wouldn’t need a ****ing gun.
snafu said:
Tori he was walking around for 20 minutes. He had to reload a few times.

Yeas, in fact, he reloaded inside a classroom right in front of the students.
Ok kids, I'll give you all a quick survival tip since you seem to not know ****, when the top half of the gun gets stuck in the rear position, bullet's won't come out of the front anymore, so then you can put that 20 pound math book to work and smash the Asian kids head in. Or, you can cower in a corner while he reloads and let him kill you, that works too, given that you were probably too stupid and weak to be worth anything to society in the first place. Gotta give it up to Darwin, he really had it right with that 'natural selection' thing.
ToriAllen said:
He was from South Korea, and he wasn't here on a student visa. He came here as a child with his parents. He was just a nutjob.

Well, i was going on EARLY reports, and i still haven't seen much else since yesterday. If you have more info please post it.

ToriAllen said:
I agree that someone could have tried to do something, but unarmed person versus gun wielding person is a little intimidating to most. That, combined with the 'every man for himself' attitude that most people have, usually equals 'run!'

Then they really deserved what they got, fight or flight, you can't outrun a bullet, so you better fight if you want to live, and 'intimidating' isn't the right word, 'chicken ****' 'stupid' those are a couple of the words that you should have used.
cybacaT said:
Dudes - I recognise that you've probably had years and years of NRA propoganda shoved down your throats since birth, but let's look at this rationally.

More guns would've stopped this shooting spree?

More guns means more gun deaths. That's a simple equation. I'm sure there's a state in the US, or some statistic about an obscure European country where this isn't true, but in 99% of cases, in the real world - more guns means more gun deaths.

Would it have been better to have several people pulling guns to shoot the guy? How many would've died in the crossfire? What if people heard shooting but were confused about who started it? Then you've got "innocent" people shooting each other. Then the police come in and shoot everyone with a gun. You've just made a really bad situation far, far worse.

Then every day on campus when a student has a relationship breakup, a bad exam result, or just a lousy day...quick and easy access to a firearm is going to help the situation??

Sorry...I love guns, I love hunting, completely understand everyone else who does. But over here in Australia I am proud and happy that we've tightened up our gun laws to avoid the sort of carnage that happens year-in, year-out in the US. You have a massive problem there, but appear unable or unwilling to see it.

This is never better expressed than when you have a gun massacre like this one...and people call for more guns!!!

NRA propaganda? I have never in my 17 years on this planet seen a NRA commercial on TV, had an NRA leader come to any school i attended, or had any form of NRA meeting in my town. On the other hand, you just can't get away from the damn anti-gun activist propaganda. Also, more guns means more gun violence? California has the strictest gun laws in America, and Alaska has some of the most lenient, but California has many times more gun related crimes than Alaska, explain that, how is it that you never hear about the Alaskan that picked up the hunting rifle or the bear pistol and gunned down the whole school? Brittan outlawed guns, and their gun related crime skyrocketed, why? because the guns are all illegal, and there is no private citizen with a gun that can deter the crime from taking place.

You need to stop and think about all of this before you go off telling us how to run our nation, we just might know more about what we are doing than you.
I don't really think guns and laws are the problem. I think nutjobs like this kid are the problem. Sure, the guns were very effective, but if you're absolutely nuckin futz enough to go on a spree, chances are you'll find another way. Perhaps he would've flooded the ventilation systems with carbon monoxide or something. I dunno.
But yeah, we'll all point our fingers at guns because it's convenient.

I have to go pick up my paycheck now but I'll continue this post later.
OK, there were allot of 'arm the school' comments (including my own) but we all know that's not realistic, so I have for you a real world solution....

Give all faculty members that are in constant contact with students, such as teachers and the principal and vice principal, tasers, this will drastically improve school safety, a student with a gun will be met with a trained adult with a taser in every classroom they enter, a student that is in a fight and has a knife can be subdued instantly without endangering a faculty member that may have tried to break up the fight with their bare hands, all around, it's a good idea.

Below are two examples of a taser. X26_1.jpg
cybacaT said:
More guns would've stopped this shooting spree?

More guns means more gun deaths. That's a simple equation. I'm sure there's a state in the US, or some statistic about an obscure European country where this isn't true, but in 99% of cases, in the real world - more guns means more gun deaths.

This is never better expressed than when you have a gun massacre like this one...and people call for more guns!!!

Msixty said:
Yep, in fact, i don't think we have a waiting period on guns either, the day i get my $1200 check from the military academy for staying drug free for a year I'm gonna go out and get myself a 30/06 rifle. But low and behold the state that requires 4 weeks between handgun purchases had a guy buy two handguns and go on a killing spree.

The nation with some of the strictest gun laws (Britain) has major gun related crime. The state within the USA with the strictest gun laws (California) has major gun related crime. And the school with the strict gun laws (VA Tech) had the worse mass school shooting in our nations history. But the nation with the over all most lax gun laws (Switzerland) bet you thought i was gonna say America huh? anyway, the swiss have next to nothing in the way of gun related crime. The state in the USA with some of the most lenient gun laws (Alaska) has VERY little gun related crime. And the the most gun-oriented school in America (West point) has in the range of zero gun related crimes. Am i the only one that sees a pattern here?

M60... Didn't he say don't use obscure references??? Geez... You're so thickheaded... Who knows what Britain, California, Alaska, VT, and West Point are? That's just ridiculous... haha...

Can't beat your facts though, huh? Thanks for another well thought out post.