Valentines Day


New member
About Valentine´s Day I only have to say this:

Valentine´s Day is great for ppl who are engaged and they like to celebrate their love or whatever,so since I´m single for me Valentine´s Day is a stupid day which sucks.

Btw,this pic is for all those engaged couples,enjoy the Valentine´s Day:


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New member
Lets start a club. We can make jackets and have protests. Why should we suffer? :p Especially sucks for me though, since I broke up with my now ex-girlfriend not to long ago.

OHH I want too join!!!



New member
I broke up with my now ex-gf on friday, after I bought her v-day presents...I ******* hate v-day. I'll join the club...*jumps in line*


New member
^^^ im with u

u know what i did to a friend?

my friend yvette sent a song "wind beneath my wings" to my other friend brendon saying its from lauren, another friend. ^_^



New member
lol --- sounds like fun. I guess I will be sending my hotmama a card shortly.. or she might beat me up.. hahaha


New member
it makes me sick this day

Yes.... today i've horse back riding and I think all the girls will ask....did you received a valentinecard or whatever what...omg...thats so annoying

I'm glad that this day will over Lol

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