Victim's Stuff

OK, fixed it.. what do you guys thing now?


Honestly...I liked the 1st version more....but that's just me I think...the border is almost not there anymore...I'd make it bigger and use another color...
OK time to check some art, haven't done so in a while... What is there to say for you Hail? Your stuff looks always so perfect to me thet I don't have anything constructive to add!!! Just lovely!! Everything is just amazing! :)
New one:

Bigger One for a SOTW entry-

Smaller one fore here-

Same thing, just diffrent sizes.
Woooooh it's super! And I like the "Wish I could prove I love you" line isn't that from Utada Hikaru's song Simple and Clean? So sweet....^^
I don't know about yall, but my newest one is my favorite so far.. There is just something about it.. I unno. Maybe I am just crazy..

here the matchin avy:
It looks great...but yeah, the text at the bottom is a bit hard to read...I needed some time to get that there is "Wish", lol...looks good anyway, though...
I love the message, of course...^^
Ava looks good also...
Yeah, when I went it to make the away, i fixed the text alittle, it just takes awhile for Photobucket to changed the images.
I think it looks really good...everything is put together very's on point man...even the font looks nice...good work
Hahaha it's a general issue we all have with fonts I guess huh? Same here! Getting the font right... Even rarer occasion for me mind you!! lol I agree this font is lovely on this sig ;)
Well, by the time I get to the font, I am just like, "I will put a crappy font one and go back and fix it when I have more time." and I never go back and fix it, lol.