Wanna See How Iran or China Will Kick Our Butts?

Gunner wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:23:46 -0700, "stuart.grey@comcast.net"
> <stuart.grey@comcast.net> wrote:
>>Gunner wrote:
>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:34:12 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>He's alive and well in NW Pakistan. He was never the target of the
>>>>American invasion.
>>>So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
>>>since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.
>>>American invasion of what country? Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
>>>invasion. Who claimed he was?

>>He may be alive, but people who've been the target of B-52 carpet
>>bombing tend to be changed people. It may be that he's missing a few
>>chunks of flesh or has gone whited haired and gibbering and is not ...
>>good photogenic propaganda material any more.

> There is indeed that too. And since he is/was dependant on
> dialysis

That's a rumor, not a fact.
On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 22:10:28 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Gunner wrote:
>> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:23:46 -0700, "stuart.grey@comcast.net"
>> <stuart.grey@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:34:12 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>He's alive and well in NW Pakistan. He was never the target of the
>>>>>American invasion.
>>>>So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
>>>>since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.
>>>>American invasion of what country? Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
>>>>invasion. Who claimed he was?
>>>He may be alive, but people who've been the target of B-52 carpet
>>>bombing tend to be changed people. It may be that he's missing a few
>>>chunks of flesh or has gone whited haired and gibbering and is not ...
>>>good photogenic propaganda material any more.

>> There is indeed that too. And since he is/was dependant on
>> dialysis

>That's a rumor, not a fact.

According to Abdel Bari Atwan, an Arab journalist who spent some time
with Bin Laden in about 1996 in the Afghan mountains, there was no way
Bin Laden had any kidney problem or needed dialysis. He said that Bin
Laden couldn't have lived in such primitive or isolated surroundings
if he needed dialysis. He also said that Bin Laden always seemed fit
and healthy, e.g. used to ride up to 40km on his horse everyday.
In article <4jgd039ipvs2csfa6rh4hkec2kshapjo7r@4ax.com>,
EFill4Zaggin@hotmail.com mumbled
> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 16:19:48 GMT, Tankfixer <paul.carrier@us.army.m>
> wrote:
> >In article <9tnc03d2005peidoe193h4b3pbvjkqo1qu@4ax.com>,
> >EFill4Zaggin@hotmail.com mumbled
> >> On Sat, 24 Mar 2007 21:12:16 -0700, "stuart.grey@comcast.net"
> >> <stuart.grey@comcast.net> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Tankfixer wrote:
> >> >> In article <6q-dnVbdPrF-wZjbnZ2dnUVZ_qemnZ2d@comcast.com>,
> >> >> stuart.grey@comcast.net mumbled
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>> We could bomb them back to the mud hut age.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Don't you mean bomb them up to the mud hut age ?
> >> >
> >> >I was shocked to see some of the Iraq War rubble on television. The
> >> >buildings literally were nothing more than mud huts. Even a famous
> >> >historical mosque was nothing more than a hovel of painted mud.
> >> >
> >> >I'm sure that not all of Iraq is like that. On the other hand, mud huts
> >> >are not very common in the United States.
> >> >
> >> >Yes, the mud hut age may be a step up for them. Seems modern Arabs
> >> >regard their mud hut age as their days of glory.
> >>
> >> The UN sanctions meant that Iraq hadn't managed to rebuild much of its
> >> infrastructure since being battered in the first Gulf War.

> >
> >Then what was Saddam spending some $30 billion on ?
> >Oh wait, more palaces.
> >
> >Prior to the UN sanctions Iraq wasn't being bothered to renew its
> >infrastructure.
> >They spent the 1980's trying to kill Iranians instead. Who's fault was
> >that ?

> The purpose of my post was not to debate who caused the decline in the
> infrastructure, it was just to point out that the sanctions were a
> significant reason as to why Iraq's infrastructure was never rebuilt
> after the first gulf war.

Nothing in the sanctions prevented Iraq from rebuilding her
The only thing that prevented it was her own governments refusal to use
the money derived from oil sales to help the people.
Insctead they build palaces and covert weapons programs.

Usenetsaurus n. an early pedantic internet mammal, who survived on a
diet of static text and
cascading "threads."
In article <1174846859.321540.204030@l75g2000hse.googlegroups.com>,
too_many_tools@yahoo.com mumbled
> On Mar 25, 10:21 am, Tankfixer <paul.carr...@us.army.m> wrote:
> > In article <1174793290.921832.212...@n59g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>,
> > too_many_to...@yahoo.com mumbled
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Mar 24, 8:56 pm, Tankfixer <paul.carr...@us.army.m> wrote:
> > > > In article <1174745884.273386.310...@n59g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>,
> > > > too_many_to...@yahoo.com mumbled

> >
> > > > > So much for the Republicans and a strong America...they just want
> > > > > money to line their coffins.....

> >
> > > > And what party had to line the Iraq bill with pork projects to get
> > > > people to vote for it ?

> >
> > > > --
> > > > Usenetsaurus n. an early pedantic internet mammal, who survived on a
> > > > diet of static text and
> > > > cascading "threads."

> >
> > > > And what party had to line the Iraq bill with pork projects to get
> > > > people to vote for it ?

> >
> > > The Republicans of course....and the public records show it as so.

> >
> > Bald faced lie.
> > And you know it.
> > The DNC had to line this bill with pork to bribe congressmen to vote for
> > it.
> >
> > But I know you will deney that fact, your handlers will hand you a new
> > script and off you will totter.
> >
> > --
> > Usenetsaurus n. an early pedantic internet mammal, who survived on a
> > diet of static text and
> > cascading "threads."- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -

> >
> > > > And what party had to line the Iraq bill with pork projects to get
> > > > people to vote for it ?

> >
> > > The Republicans of course....and the public records show it as so.

> >
> > Bald faced lie.
> > And you know it.
> > The DNC had to line this bill with pork to bribe congressmen to vote for
> > it.
> >
> > But I know you will deney that fact, your handlers will hand you a new
> > script and off you will totter.
> >

> You are the liar.
> It is a matter of public record.
> I am assuming that you can read....is that a unwise assumption when
> one is considering a Republican?

You are a typical leftist, elietist bigot I see.

> When you compare the bill still in Congress with what the Republicans
> have done in the past, it is relatively free of pork....the meat that
> Republicans like.

We are not talking about the past, the new congress came to power
promising that is over, not to be repeated under thier watch.
Did you miss that ?

The bill in congress is laden with pork to entice people to hold thier
nose and vote for something they find distastful.

> LOL...I suppose that would concern a Republican since without the pork
> that you have been using to buy votes the Republican Party will lose
> even MORE seats come 2008.
> By the way....how are the Republicans planning on paying for the debt
> that THEY have run up....making license plates in prison?

Why not confiscate all income ofer $45,000 a year ?
From everyone ?
Does that suit your leftist whims ?

> Laugh...laugh....laugh....

News flash, folks are laughing at you, not with you.

Usenetsaurus n. an early pedantic internet mammal, who survived on a
diet of static text and
cascading "threads."
On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 22:10:28 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Gunner wrote:
>> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:23:46 -0700, "stuart.grey@comcast.net"
>> <stuart.grey@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:34:12 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>He's alive and well in NW Pakistan. He was never the target of the
>>>>>American invasion.
>>>>So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
>>>>since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.
>>>>American invasion of what country? Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
>>>>invasion. Who claimed he was?
>>>He may be alive, but people who've been the target of B-52 carpet
>>>bombing tend to be changed people. It may be that he's missing a few
>>>chunks of flesh or has gone whited haired and gibbering and is not ...
>>>good photogenic propaganda material any more.

>> There is indeed that too. And since he is/was dependant on
>> dialysis

>That's a rumor, not a fact.

Not when its testified to by his driver, his body guards and his second
in commands


Political Correctness

A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal minority and
rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media,
which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible
to pick up a turd by the clean end.
On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 23:16:36 +0100, EFill4Zaggin
<EFill4Zaggin@hotmail.com> wrote:

>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 22:10:28 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Gunner wrote:
>>> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:23:46 -0700, "stuart.grey@comcast.net"
>>> <stuart.grey@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:34:12 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>He's alive and well in NW Pakistan. He was never the target of the
>>>>>>American invasion.
>>>>>So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
>>>>>since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.
>>>>>American invasion of what country? Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
>>>>>invasion. Who claimed he was?
>>>>He may be alive, but people who've been the target of B-52 carpet
>>>>bombing tend to be changed people. It may be that he's missing a few
>>>>chunks of flesh or has gone whited haired and gibbering and is not ...
>>>>good photogenic propaganda material any more.
>>> There is indeed that too. And since he is/was dependant on
>>> dialysis

>>That's a rumor, not a fact.

>According to Abdel Bari Atwan, an Arab journalist who spent some time
>with Bin Laden in about 1996 in the Afghan mountains, there was no way
>Bin Laden had any kidney problem or needed dialysis. He said that Bin
>Laden couldn't have lived in such primitive or isolated surroundings
>if he needed dialysis. He also said that Bin Laden always seemed fit
>and healthy, e.g. used to ride up to 40km on his horse everyday.

So whats Abdel say about bin Laden these days?



Political Correctness

A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal minority and
rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media,
which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible
to pick up a turd by the clean end.
On Mar 25, 12:23 pm, "Too_Many_Tools" <too_many_to...@yahoo.com>
> On Mar 25, 12:13 pm, Gunner <gun...@lightspeed.net> wrote:
> > On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:29:18 +0100, EFill4Zaggin

> > <EFill4Zag...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> > >>So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
> > >>since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.

> > >The process with which OBL releases a video tape is not risk-free from
> > >his perspective. He must use a kind of supply chain to get the video
> > >from his place to the TV station, and were one of the carriers
> > >arrested, they could trace the chain back to OBL.

> > Bullshit. Thats absolutely lame. They can simply stick the ****er in
> > the mail. Pakistan does have mail service.

> > >I agree there is substantial doubt as to whether he is still alive.
> > >The only video tape we've seen of him since December 2001 is the one
> > >he did just before the 2004 election - and the OBL in that tape looked
> > >slightly different to the one we'd seen before. His nose, for example,
> > >seemed quite a lot thinner.

> > Or a stand in. Such is not uncommon in the ME.

> > >On balance though I'd think I'd say he's probably still alive.

> > I hold the opposite view.

> > >>American invasion of what country? Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
> > >>invasion. Who claimed he was?

> > >Well, there is a heap of evidence to say that the U.S didn't try their
> > >hardest to catch OBL e.g. very few U.S troops at the battle of Tora
> > >Bora; they outsourced the job to local warlords who botched it.

> > Who better to go into cave fighting than the locals who's next of kin
> > dont vote in US elections?

> > Cave fighting is like close quarters urban warfare..house to
> > house..nasty bloody man eating work. Better to have the locals die.

> > Gunner

> > Political Correctness

> > A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal minority and
> > rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media,
> > which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible
> > to pick up a turd by the clean end.

> > >Well, there is a heap of evidence to say that the U.S didn't try their
> > >hardest to catch OBL e.g. very few U.S troops at the battle of Tora
> > >Bora; they outsourced the job to local warlords who botched it.

> > Who better to go into cave fighting than the locals who's next of kin
> > dont vote in US elections?

> > Cave fighting is like close quarters urban warfare..house to
> > house..nasty bloody man eating work. Better to have the locals die.

> > Gunner

> Yeah I guess when you are a coward with money it pays to have someone
> else do your fighting for you...
> And yet Osama Bin Forgotten is still alive.....
> Another Bush failure....that Republicans make excuses for.
> TMT- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Strange....the last OFFICIAL reports I recall reading stated that
Osama Bin Forgotten is considered to be alive and well.

So what credible sources do you have showing his death?

I'm waiting....

On Mar 25, 12:27 pm, Vandar <vanda...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Gunner wrote:
> > On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:34:12 GMT, Vandar <vanda...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> >>He's alive and well in NW Pakistan. He was never the target of the
> >>American invasion.

> > So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
> > since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.

> He's made numerous appearnaces since Tora Bora.
> Here's but one:http://english.aljazeera.net/English/archive/archive?ArchiveId=7403
> > American invasion of what country?

> Afghanistan.
> > Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
> > invasion. Who claimed he was?

> Nearly everyone.

> > Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
> > invasion. Who claimed he was?

> Nearly everyone.

Try President Bush....do all Republicans suffer from amnesia?

On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 19:33:59 GMT, Gunner <gunner@lightspeed.net>

>>>Iran ALREADY has been sending proxy troops to Iraq to kill our troops.
>>>We have captured enough of them to have a good guess on the numbers.

>>Whatever Iran is doing now in Iraq - and the extent of their
>>involvement is open to debate - it will be NOTHING compared to what
>>they do in retaliation to a U.S attack.

>so what are they going to do..send masses of troops across the border
>into Iraq?
>How long did us take to roll over the Iraqi Army again? 100 hours?
>We (the US) do very well when we have massed targets to cream. Think
>Hiway of Death.
>We have problems with the minnows swimming in the schools of innocent
>Iran would do what again..that wouldnt result in the mass deaths and
>destruction of most of their troops and equipment?
>Keep in mind..our doctrine still teaches how to destroy invading Soviet
>hordes in vast numbers. And we do that sort of thing very very well

- When Bush 41 invaded Iraq in 1991 the leftwing whackos confidently
predicted "stacks and stacks of body bags within days of the
invasion!" and "The enemy will fight to the death!"

- When Bush 43 invaded Afghanistan in 2002 the leftwing whackos
confidently predicted "stacks and stacks of body bags within days of
the invasion." and "The enemy will fight to the death!"

- When Bush 43 invaded Iraq in 2003 the leftwing whackos confidently
predicted "stacks and stacks of body bags within days of the
invasion." and "The enemy will fight to the death!"

Frankly their predictions aren't all that hot. They don't understand
that the nature of war has changed over the past 30 years and the kind
of brutal frontal assaults and body waves of half trained peasants
these 3rd world countries use simply don't work anymore. Just as an
example of how war has changed snf how sophisticated the US has
become, we send LAWYERS out with the invasion forces to handle
civilian property damage claims. A Marine squad shoots up your
chicken house because there's a sniper hiding in there, you go to the
JAG the next day and file a claim.
I'm on a journey in search of myself.
If I get back first, let me know that I'm
looking for myself and don't let me leave.
"Too_Many_Tools" <too_many_tools@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Anybody want to lose a carrier or two?


> If you can read, you will see that the US Navy has NO defense against
> this.

You assume we need one.

Perhaps you'll explain how Iran can defend against the Stealth Bombers and
Stealth Fighters that will go in FIRST and take out these missle launch
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 00:49:25 GMT, Gunner <gunner@lightspeed.net>

>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 23:16:36 +0100, EFill4Zaggin
><EFill4Zaggin@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 22:10:28 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:23:46 -0700, "stuart.grey@comcast.net"
>>>> <stuart.grey@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:34:12 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>He's alive and well in NW Pakistan. He was never the target of the
>>>>>>>American invasion.
>>>>>>So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
>>>>>>since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.
>>>>>>American invasion of what country? Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
>>>>>>invasion. Who claimed he was?
>>>>>He may be alive, but people who've been the target of B-52 carpet
>>>>>bombing tend to be changed people. It may be that he's missing a few
>>>>>chunks of flesh or has gone whited haired and gibbering and is not ...
>>>>>good photogenic propaganda material any more.
>>>> There is indeed that too. And since he is/was dependant on
>>>> dialysis
>>>That's a rumor, not a fact.

>>According to Abdel Bari Atwan, an Arab journalist who spent some time
>>with Bin Laden in about 1996 in the Afghan mountains, there was no way
>>Bin Laden had any kidney problem or needed dialysis. He said that Bin
>>Laden couldn't have lived in such primitive or isolated surroundings
>>if he needed dialysis. He also said that Bin Laden always seemed fit
>>and healthy, e.g. used to ride up to 40km on his horse everyday.

>So whats Abdel say about bin Laden these days?

He believes he's still alive, probably in Pakistan.
In article <9GUNh.13085$un.7506@trnddc03>, Patriot Games at
Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com says...
> "Too_Many_Tools" <too_many_tools@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1174688265.380348.24810@l75g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
> > Anybody want to lose a carrier or two?

> Nope.
> > If you can read, you will see that the US Navy has NO defense against
> > this.

> You assume we need one.
> Perhaps you'll explain how Iran can defend against the Stealth Bombers and
> Stealth Fighters that will go in FIRST and take out these missle launch
> sites????

Not to mention the cruise missiles.

But if you think a carrier is invincible, you better think again.
In News MPG.2071f85f356ca297989e23@netnews.mchsi.com,, Desmond and Molly
Jones at dmj@spamspamspamspam.org, typed this:

> In article <9GUNh.13085$un.7506@trnddc03>, Patriot Games at
> Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com says...
>> "Too_Many_Tools" <too_many_tools@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:1174688265.380348.24810@l75g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>>> Anybody want to lose a carrier or two?

>> Nope.
>>> If you can read, you will see that the US Navy has NO defense
>>> against this.

>> You assume we need one.
>> Perhaps you'll explain how Iran can defend against the Stealth
>> Bombers and Stealth Fighters that will go in FIRST and take out
>> these missle launch sites????

> Not to mention the cruise missiles.
> But if you think a carrier is invincible, you better think again.

They're not invincible by any means, but they are damned hard to sink. I
served aboard the U.S.S. Independence and the U.S.S. Eisenhower. When they
set Condition Zebra, you have a whole bunch of steel to breach to sink one.
He's right though, they're not going to send in a Carrier Group first, and
I'll tell you like they told us our first day on the ship, in combat, a
carrier's only function is to get one good airstrike into the air, anything
after that is gravy. With Iran, whose Navy is limited, if that, the
Carrier wouldn't even really need to enter the Pursian Gulf at all.
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 22:48:34 +0100, EFill4Zaggin
<EFill4Zaggin@hotmail.com> wrote:

>On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 00:49:25 GMT, Gunner <gunner@lightspeed.net>
>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 23:16:36 +0100, EFill4Zaggin
>><EFill4Zaggin@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 22:10:28 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:23:46 -0700, "stuart.grey@comcast.net"
>>>>> <stuart.grey@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>>>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:34:12 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>He's alive and well in NW Pakistan. He was never the target of the
>>>>>>>>American invasion.
>>>>>>>So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
>>>>>>>since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.
>>>>>>>American invasion of what country? Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
>>>>>>>invasion. Who claimed he was?
>>>>>>He may be alive, but people who've been the target of B-52 carpet
>>>>>>bombing tend to be changed people. It may be that he's missing a few
>>>>>>chunks of flesh or has gone whited haired and gibbering and is not ...
>>>>>>good photogenic propaganda material any more.
>>>>> There is indeed that too. And since he is/was dependant on
>>>>> dialysis
>>>>That's a rumor, not a fact.
>>>According to Abdel Bari Atwan, an Arab journalist who spent some time
>>>with Bin Laden in about 1996 in the Afghan mountains, there was no way
>>>Bin Laden had any kidney problem or needed dialysis. He said that Bin
>>>Laden couldn't have lived in such primitive or isolated surroundings
>>>if he needed dialysis. He also said that Bin Laden always seemed fit
>>>and healthy, e.g. used to ride up to 40km on his horse everyday.

>>So whats Abdel say about bin Laden these days?

>He believes he's still alive, probably in Pakistan.

So why is he keeping such a low profile?


The aim of untold millions is to be free to do exactly as they choose
and for someone else to pay when things go wrong.

In the past few decades, a peculiar and distinctive psychology
has emerged in England. Gone are the civility, sturdy independence,
and admirable stoicism that carried the English through the war years
.. It has been replaced by a constant whine of excuses, complaints,
and special pleading. The collapse of the British character has been
as swift and complete as the collapse of British power.

Theodore Dalrymple,
"Desmond and Molly Jones" <dmj@spamspamspamspam.org> wrote in message
> In article <9GUNh.13085$un.7506@trnddc03>, Patriot Games at
> Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com says...
>> "Too_Many_Tools" <too_many_tools@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:1174688265.380348.24810@l75g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>> > Anybody want to lose a carrier or two?

>> Nope.
>> > If you can read, you will see that the US Navy has NO defense against
>> > this.

>> You assume we need one.
>> Perhaps you'll explain how Iran can defend against the Stealth Bombers
>> and
>> Stealth Fighters that will go in FIRST and take out these missle launch
>> sites????

> Not to mention the cruise missiles.
> But if you think a carrier is invincible, you better think again.

Nothing is invincible.

But there is an entire battle group there to protect each Carrier....
"Andrealphus" <NOTAREALEMAIL_2@FAM.NET> wrote in message
> In News MPG.2071f85f356ca297989e23@netnews.mchsi.com,, Desmond and Molly
> Jones at dmj@spamspamspamspam.org, typed this:
>> In article <9GUNh.13085$un.7506@trnddc03>, Patriot Games at
>> Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com says...
>>> "Too_Many_Tools" <too_many_tools@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>> news:1174688265.380348.24810@l75g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>>>> Anybody want to lose a carrier or two?
>>> Nope.
>>>> If you can read, you will see that the US Navy has NO defense
>>>> against this.
>>> You assume we need one.
>>> Perhaps you'll explain how Iran can defend against the Stealth
>>> Bombers and Stealth Fighters that will go in FIRST and take out
>>> these missle launch sites????

>> Not to mention the cruise missiles.
>> But if you think a carrier is invincible, you better think again.

> They're not invincible by any means, but they are damned hard to sink. I
> served aboard the U.S.S. Independence and the U.S.S. Eisenhower. When
> they set Condition Zebra, you have a whole bunch of steel to breach to
> sink one. He's right though, they're not going to send in a Carrier Group
> first, and I'll tell you like they told us our first day on the ship, in
> combat, a carrier's only function is to get one good airstrike into the
> air, anything after that is gravy. With Iran, whose Navy is limited, if
> that, the Carrier wouldn't even really need to enter the Pursian Gulf at
> all.

We have F117s in theatre now.

We can bring Stealth Bombers over in a few hours, refeuling in the air both

We have THREE fully armed, fully supplied, fully gung-ho Carrier Battle
Groups in the Persian Gulf already...

And we NOW have a some very irritated Brits and their SAS who would like
some Iranian ass for dinner...

This isn't take long and it could start literally any day.
Gunner wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 23:16:36 +0100, EFill4Zaggin
> <EFill4Zaggin@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 22:10:28 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:23:46 -0700, "stuart.grey@comcast.net"
>>>><stuart.grey@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:34:12 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>He's alive and well in NW Pakistan. He was never the target of the
>>>>>>>American invasion.
>>>>>>So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
>>>>>>since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.
>>>>>>American invasion of what country? Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
>>>>>>invasion. Who claimed he was?
>>>>>He may be alive, but people who've been the target of B-52 carpet
>>>>>bombing tend to be changed people. It may be that he's missing a few
>>>>>chunks of flesh or has gone whited haired and gibbering and is not ...
>>>>>good photogenic propaganda material any more.
>>>>There is indeed that too. And since he is/was dependant on
>>>That's a rumor, not a fact.

>>According to Abdel Bari Atwan, an Arab journalist who spent some time
>>with Bin Laden in about 1996 in the Afghan mountains, there was no way
>>Bin Laden had any kidney problem or needed dialysis. He said that Bin
>>Laden couldn't have lived in such primitive or isolated surroundings
>>if he needed dialysis. He also said that Bin Laden always seemed fit
>>and healthy, e.g. used to ride up to 40km on his horse everyday.

> So whats Abdel say about bin Laden these days?

"Osama Bin Laden is hiding somewhere" - Abdel Bari Atwan, January 2006.
Gunner wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 22:10:28 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Gunner wrote:
>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:23:46 -0700, "stuart.grey@comcast.net"
>>><stuart.grey@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:34:12 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>He's alive and well in NW Pakistan. He was never the target of the
>>>>>>American invasion.
>>>>>So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
>>>>>since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.
>>>>>American invasion of what country? Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
>>>>>invasion. Who claimed he was?
>>>>He may be alive, but people who've been the target of B-52 carpet
>>>>bombing tend to be changed people. It may be that he's missing a few
>>>>chunks of flesh or has gone whited haired and gibbering and is not ...
>>>>good photogenic propaganda material any more.
>>>There is indeed that too. And since he is/was dependant on

>>That's a rumor, not a fact.

> Not when its testified to by his driver, his body guards and his second
> in commands

Even if it's testified to by his driver, his bodyguards, and his second
in command (which it wasn't), it's rumor, not fact.
Too_Many_Tools wrote:

> On Mar 25, 12:27 pm, Vandar <vanda...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Gunner wrote:
>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:34:12 GMT, Vandar <vanda...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>>>>He's alive and well in NW Pakistan. He was never the target of the
>>>>American invasion.

>>>So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
>>>since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.

>>He's made numerous appearnaces since Tora Bora.
>>Here's but one:http://english.aljazeera.net/English/archive/archive?ArchiveId=7403
>>>American invasion of what country?

>>>Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
>>>invasion. Who claimed he was?

>>Nearly everyone.

>>>Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
>>>invasion. Who claimed he was?

>>Nearly everyone.

> Try President Bush....do all Republicans suffer from amnesia?

Try "nearly everyone". Do you always suffer from partisan blindness?
On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 18:38:13 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Gunner wrote:
>> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 23:16:36 +0100, EFill4Zaggin
>> <EFill4Zaggin@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 22:10:28 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:23:46 -0700, "stuart.grey@comcast.net"
>>>>><stuart.grey@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>>Gunner wrote:
>>>>>>>On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 05:34:12 GMT, Vandar <vandar69@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>He's alive and well in NW Pakistan. He was never the target of the
>>>>>>>>American invasion.
>>>>>>>So where is his videos and whatnot? He seems to be rather camera shy
>>>>>>>since we bombed the **** out of Tora Bora.
>>>>>>>American invasion of what country? Of course he wasnt the target of ANY
>>>>>>>invasion. Who claimed he was?
>>>>>>He may be alive, but people who've been the target of B-52 carpet
>>>>>>bombing tend to be changed people. It may be that he's missing a few
>>>>>>chunks of flesh or has gone whited haired and gibbering and is not ...
>>>>>>good photogenic propaganda material any more.
>>>>>There is indeed that too. And since he is/was dependant on
>>>>That's a rumor, not a fact.
>>>According to Abdel Bari Atwan, an Arab journalist who spent some time
>>>with Bin Laden in about 1996 in the Afghan mountains, there was no way
>>>Bin Laden had any kidney problem or needed dialysis. He said that Bin
>>>Laden couldn't have lived in such primitive or isolated surroundings
>>>if he needed dialysis. He also said that Bin Laden always seemed fit
>>>and healthy, e.g. used to ride up to 40km on his horse everyday.

>> So whats Abdel say about bin Laden these days?

>"Osama Bin Laden is hiding somewhere" - Abdel Bari Atwan, January 2006.

Cool. So why is he keeping such a low profile?


The aim of untold millions is to be free to do exactly as they choose
and for someone else to pay when things go wrong.

In the past few decades, a peculiar and distinctive psychology
has emerged in England. Gone are the civility, sturdy independence,
and admirable stoicism that carried the English through the war years
.. It has been replaced by a constant whine of excuses, complaints,
and special pleading. The collapse of the British character has been
as swift and complete as the collapse of British power.

Theodore Dalrymple,