War of the Roses


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2005
On one of the local radio stations they do this weekly thing entitled "War of the Roses."
(other stations across the country prolly do this too, but I dunno)

Anyway, here is how it works:

Someone calls in that wants to "test" the fidelity of their partner. Most of the time it's women doing the calling. They call in, give their sob story about how think their hubby/boyfirend/life partner is cheating on them, and then the radion station takes over.

They call the hubby/boyfirend/life partner and tell them that they just won a free dozen roses to be sent to anyone that they want to anywhere in the country (meanwhile the one testing is listening in.) The test comes when they decide to whom they are going to send the roses to. Do they send them to their wife/girfriend/life partner? Or do the free roses go to someoone else? Today's dude failed. He picked to send them to someone his wife didn't know. She was pissed.

Well, one of the guys at work was listening to this as I was, and he got really pissed that the radio station would interfere in this guys life the way they did. I told him that if the dide was on the up and up, he wouldn't have had anything to gripe about.

What do you think? Is this "game" that the radio station is playing worth it?
Eddo said:
What do you think? Is this "game" that the radio station is playing worth it?
Its all fun-N-games until someone shows up at the radio station with a .45 caliber bone to pick.

All humans seem to get off on the suffering of others. The agony of defeat is the most enthralling aspect of sports. Just like watching or listening to others experience **** that we don't want to happen to us, is attractive to the masses.
Ah, this is a tough one. I think that anyone in their right mind would want to know if their partner is cheating. But finding out along with thousand of other listeners? It just seems a bit too intrusive. I don't think its a route I personally would take. Although, I wouldn't mind listening to others participate..

Well I guess the need for private detectives will soon dissipate.

Especially if this service is provided for free.
One time worked out really well for the guy. They told him he had won the free roses, and he asked if he could have two dozens. You could hear the wife fuming, and when they asked who he wanted to send them to, he said:

My mother, and my wife.

Bet he got some that night, lol.
If you want to be an attention whore, and have your cheating spouse exposed on the radio, go ahead. But what's the point? It's the same idea as these people who go onto Dr. Phil or whatever to confront somebody.
Personally, I'd rather handle my problems privately, but that's probably because I'm aware that no one actually cares.
However I, like many of you, love watching people suffer on national televison.
I hate radio. I hate morning shows. I hate shock jocks. I hate listening to music on the radio, because of all the talk and commercials in between.

I listen to the news on the way into work, because I feel the urge to know what the **** is going on around me. Throughout the day I listen to the company's dispatch band. On my way home, I enjoy the silence.

I listen to music at home, on my big ass stereo. The way God intended.
RoyalOrleans said:
I hate radio. I hate morning shows. I hate shock jocks. I hate listening to music on the radio, because of all the talk and commercials in between.

I listen to the news on the way into work, because I feel the urge to know what the **** is going on around me. Throughout the day I listen to the company's dispatch band. On my way home, I enjoy the silence.

I listen to music at home, on my big ass stereo. The way God intended.

Michael Savage, the only thing interesting on radio.
RoyalOrleans said:
I try to listen to the Savage Nation once in a while.

The Savage Nation, and a 24 oz. Bud, keeps me from insanity when facing rush hour traffic on the way home.
Somebody would have to be pretty damn stupid to have them send the flowers to a fling. From a radio staion? Like they don't think just by chance their old ladies listing? They would deserve to get busted!
First of all, it isn't like they are exposing their relationship to the community just by being on the radio. Television is different because faces are much easier to recognize than voices. I doubt the radio station is giving first and last names, so really it is a semi private way to find out if the person is cheating even if thousands of people are listening in.
I don't see a problem with it. I say if you want to play that kind of game, you should be prepared to face the consequences of being caught.
I wonder why your work buddy got so upset by this? Hmm
snafu said:
Somebody would have to be pretty damn stupid to have them send the flowers to a fling. From a radio staion? Like they don't think just by chance their old ladies listing? They would deserve to get busted!

When the person is called, they don't know it is a radio station giving away the flowers. They are told that it is a flower shop giving out free flowers to build up some Word-of-mouth advertising.
Thay have no idea they are on the radio.

ToriAllen said:
I wonder why your work buddy got so upset by this? Hmm
Ya know, I was pretty curious boaut that too, but didn't want to flat out ask. He got way bent outta shape than any normal innocent person should have.
eddo said:
On one of the local radio stations they do this weekly thing entitled "War of the Roses."
(other stations across the country prolly do this too, but I dunno)

Anyway, here is how it works:

Someone calls in that wants to "test" the fidelity of their partner. Most of the time it's women doing the calling. They call in, give their sob story about how think their hubby/boyfirend/life partner is cheating on them, and then the radion station takes over.

They call the hubby/boyfirend/life partner and tell them that they just won a free dozen roses to be sent to anyone that they want to anywhere in the country (meanwhile the one testing is listening in.) The test comes when they decide to whom they are going to send the roses to. Do they send them to their wife/girfriend/life partner? Or do the free roses go to someoone else? Today's dude failed. He picked to send them to someone his wife didn't know. She was pissed.

Well, one of the guys at work was listening to this as I was, and he got really pissed that the radio station would interfere in this guys life the way they did. I told him that if the dide was on the up and up, he wouldn't have had anything to gripe about.

What do you think? Is this "game" that the radio station is playing worth it?

Yep, B96 here in chi occasionally does the same thing. A lot of guys don't fall for it because they know what is going on since the station has been doing this for years now and thus instead say the "right" thing. I hardly listen to that station anymore.

This post reminded me of the hilarious link Kethy posted over at TJ not too long ago-


It STILL cracks me up!:D
As a female, I can't say that it's a bad idea, but as a person in a relationship, it's ****ing nosey and retarded.

I would be pissed off if I was a guy and my girlfriend called - even if I sent her the roses and "passed." It's bullshit....Why can't people just get rid of their partner if they don't trust them any more than that?

If someone I was with was so paranoid they tested me on a ****ing public radio station, I'd dump them.