On Apr 18, 3:30 am, Tommy Joe <j...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

> At the end of the all-day exam when they asked everyone in a
> questionaire if we were homosexual, I answered, "Not sure."

What about now?

Bill O'Really
Bill O'Really wrote:
Tommy Joe wrote:

> At the end of the all-day exam when they asked everyone in a questionaire if we were homosexual, I answered, "Not sure."

> What about now?
> Bill O'Really

Now I'm sure. Can I suck your balls after you've jammed them up
Ollie's asshole? Please.

Tommy Joe
Bozo wrote:
Tommy Joe wrote:
> I know it was probably the catch-all homo ploy that got me out.
> > But I'd like to think my impromptu nazi schtick had something to do
> > with it. �My point in telling you this story, Tankfixer, is to agree
> > with your assessment that I had problems before I took the tests, but
> > I had the honesty to recognize them and not force them on other
> > people. �I didn't want in, and the smart guy with all the stripes knew
> > it. �Too bad there probably aren't more like him in the service.

> Gay and a Nazi? I never took you for anything else.
> -Bozo-

I had a chance to be both when I was younger, but I didn't swing
that way. Suppose they came to you today demanding that you join the
service, what sort of excuse would you use? Or would you just go
along with the program? Really Bozo, suppose they extended the age
limit to 70 for mandatory service, but there were several ways out,
such as claiming to have sucked a dick after it's been up someone's
asshole, or belonging to a cult like the one they just raided down in
Texas. Well, actually, now that I think of it, you already belong to
a cult. You're jewish, aren't you? I wonder what's the percentage of
jews who died as soldiers in Vietnam and Iraq. Probably pretty low.
Not high like in show business, lawyering, or doctoring.

Tommy Joe
On Apr 18, 5:48 pm, Tommy Joe <j...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Bozo wrote:

> I had a chance to be both when I was younger, but I didn't swing
> that way. Suppose they came to you today demanding that you join the
> service, what sort of excuse would you use? Or would you just go
> along with the program?

Perhaps you should've just cut the **** and went in, you would've been
sent more than likely to vietnam, where you would've got drunk, smoked
and shot up dope, and ****ed vietmanese women while collecting a
check. Then when you came back home you could've tapped the
Government for all sort of benefits such as a G.I. Bill and V.A. Loans
and preferential civil service hiring. You could've joined the VFW
and the American Legion, not a bad group to be affiliated with when in
need. Had you sucked it up and decided to serve you more than likely
would've gotten your SSI because you could claim Post Traumatic Stress
Syndrome from the war and you would to this day enjoy access to full
fledged health care coverage courtesy of the Veterans Administration,
nice to have when in your 60's. I suppose when its all said and done,
it was easier to play a gay nazi.

Bill O'Really
We all choose are path in life
In article <531795fb-a334-4894-b66a-8b2cf21c5924@
8g2000hse.googlegroups.com>, joss@bellsouth.net says...
> tankfixer wrote:
> >
> >
> > Wow, what a man.
> > So it was the problems that kept you out.

> I shouldn't waste my time telling you stories you may not
> appreciate, but here we go.
> At the end of the all-day exam when they asked everyone in a
> questionaire if we were homosexual, I answered, "Not sure." This
> caused them to keep me after everyone else had been excused. They
> gave me a pass to the cafeteria, another pass to a nearby hotel room,
> and a note to see a psychiatrist the following morning at 9am.
> But my proudest moment came earlier in the day when a bunch of us
> were asked to check "yes" or "no" to a bunch of groups that were
> considered unAmerican. What I did was totally impromptu. That's what
> I'm proud of.
> When I got to the "American Nazi Party", I raised my hand.
> Finally I got the attention of the soldier giving the test. He came
> to my desk asking what's the problem. I said, "I don't know how to
> answer this one", pointing to the Nazi Party. "I don't know if I
> should say yes or no."
> "What do you mean, you don't know?", he said. "A simple yes or
> no will do it."
> "But you don't understand", I said. My voice got quiet and I
> beckoned for him to come closer. "You see, I'm thining about joining
> the Nazi party, but I am not presently a member. If I put down "yes"
> and later don't join, I could be accused of lying. If I put down
> "no", then join later, again I might be accused of lying."
> He got frustrated and said, "Just put down "no".
> I said I couldn't do that with a good conscious. So he sent me
> down the hall to a guy who wore a lot of stripes. He asked me to sit
> down. He took his time looking at a few things, then looked me in the
> eye and said, "You don't want to be in the army, do you Mr. Joseph?"
> I said, "No, I do not." To which he replied, "And we don't want
> you."
> I got all excited when he said that. "You mean I'm out?" And
> he laughed and said no, it's not that easy. But he'll pass it along
> for evaluation.
> I know it was probably the catch-all homo ploy that got me out.
> But I'd like to think my impromptu nazi schtick had something to do
> with it. My point in telling you this story, Tankfixer, is to agree
> with your assessment that I had problems before I took the tests, but
> I had the honesty to recognize them and not force them on other
> people. I didn't want in, and the smart guy with all the stripes knew
> it. Too bad there probably aren't more like him in the service.

Did you ever get help for those problems you claim you recognised so
long ago ?


"Oh Norman, listen! The loons are calling!"
- Katherine Hepburn, "On Golden Pond"
Bill O'Really wrote:
> On Apr 18, 5:48 pm, Tommy Joe <j...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> > Bozo wrote:

> >
> > I had a chance to be both when I was younger, but I didn't swing
> > that way. Suppose they came to you today demanding that you join the
> > service, what sort of excuse would you use? Or would you just go
> > along with the program?

> Perhaps you should've just cut the **** and went in, you would've been
> sent more than likely to vietnam, where you would've got drunk, smoked
> and shot up dope, and ****ed vietmanese women while collecting a
> check. Then when you came back home you could've tapped the
> Government for all sort of benefits such as a G.I. Bill and V.A. Loans
> and preferential civil service hiring. You could've joined the VFW
> and the American Legion, not a bad group to be affiliated with when in
> need. Had you sucked it up and decided to serve you more than likely
> would've gotten your SSI because you could claim Post Traumatic Stress
> Syndrome from the war and you would to this day enjoy access to full
> fledged health care coverage courtesy of the Veterans Administration,
> nice to have when in your 60's. I suppose when its all said and done,
> it was easier to play a gay nazi.
> Bill O'Really
> We all choose are path in life

Let me tell you something, O'Really. What I did may well have
been the "easy way out". I can't thing of a better reason for
choosing one route over another. But let me make one thing clear, not
that it's going to make a difference. I did not plan on getting out
of the service to avoid Vietnam. I had it planned from the time I was
12 or 13, before I ever heard of Vietnam. I spent a good portion of
my early life in institutions which in their own way were every bit as
rough or rougher than the army. But I had had my fill of people
telliing me when to get up and what to wear and when to speak and so
on. So my intent from an early age was not allow that to happen to me
when it came time for me to hit the age of 18. I have never regretted
my decision. In fact, I don't think I regret any decision I've ever
made in life, period. I don't think that way.

Tommy Joe (Onward, March!)
tankfixer wrote:
> Did you ever get help for those problems you claim you recognised so
> long ago ?

Nope. I kind of grew accustomed to them and even learned to like
them. I like my own problems. My problems are cool. Unlike other
people's problems, which annoy and bore me.

Tommy Joe ("Got a problem with that?")
"Tommy Joe" <joss@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
: Bill O'Really wrote:
: Tommy Joe wrote:
: > At the end of the all-day exam when they asked everyone in a
questionaire if we were homosexual, I answered, "Not sure."
: > What about now?
: >
: > Bill O'Really
: Now I'm sure. Can I suck your balls after you've jammed them up
: Ollie's asshole? Please.

About a year ago?,
"You was saying that you could do it for money!!!,....,
now you're saying you'd do it, without putting a price
tag on it?!?!?! (justa'fecal matter shell)..."

For the love of Pete? (Tommy),
"Dont suck **** off of anyone?!?!?!,...., fer'nuttin'!!!..."

Turn your hobby? (yer'hob knobbin'),
"Into an Vocation!!! (cheap *******)..."

And dont furget?,
"To wipe'dat'shitz off'yer'liptz!!!..."

: Tommy Joe
Colonel Jake wrote:
> "Tommy Joe" <joss@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> news:35ab0caa-b429-4895-ac7a-99cc95a1080c@p25g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
> :
> :
> : Bill O'Really wrote:
> : Tommy Joe wrote:
> :
> : > At the end of the all-day exam when they asked everyone in a
> questionaire if we were homosexual, I answered, "Not sure."
> :
> :
> :
> : > What about now?
> : >
> : > Bill O'Really
> :
> :
> :
> : Now I'm sure. Can I suck your balls after you've jammed them up
> : Ollie's asshole? Please.
> :
> About a year ago?,
> "You was saying that you could do it for money!!!,....,
> now you're saying you'd do it, without putting a price
> tag on it?!?!?! (justa'fecal matter shell)..."
> For the love of Pete? (Tommy),
> "Dont suck **** off of anyone?!?!?!,...., fer'nuttin'!!!..."
> Turn your hobby? (yer'hob knobbin'),
> "Into an Vocation!!! (cheap *******)..."
> And dont furget?,
> "To wipe'dat'shitz off'yer'liptz!!!..."
> (das'smirk'ja'smearin')

yeah, I could do it for money. when I was young I did in fact
suck ****s for money. but I'm older now and no longer in demand. i'm
not gay, colonel, but it's really tiresome and uncreative when people
resort to calling other people gay as some kind of put down. i mean,
who the **** cares if someone is gay or not? it's not the putdown I
mind, it's the uncreative aspect of it.
