

New member
I once again agree with the suggestion of something like this.. Alot of people assume that I am a male' date=' and I'm not.. We just need something to make it clear to people everyone's gender.[/quote']
*gasp* you're a she?!!!


yea we need that thing...

and one that says *****.

Suicide King

New member
I like it. Let's use cute little .gifs next to our names.





Just a suggestion.



Active Members
We should put it on, but we should make it an option to display. My thought is simpyl that since it is kind of personal information, some people would not be happy with it.


New member
Instead of small symbols though, why not just use the similar system we already have in place for rep? Say have a pink (bleh!) box for female and a blue one for male, that way even they can't be misconstrued as anything else (for people having a hard time differentiating between the symbols) ;)

Just a thought.

Please don't stereotype our gender with that colour. It would be a disgrace to me as a female.

I think it's a good idea, so noobs don't mistake me for a guy (OMG we are going back to the days when I was a noob and Azem kept on calling me a guy!).



New member

Why don't you copy 1 of those thingzies Franka posted and puttem in your sig or something? :p (or use Suicide King's)

at least untill there is a more permanent solution.

edit; look @ my siggy. scroll up to find them =)



Active Members
^thats a good idea, for now.. but eventually, I wouln't change my sig and not have enought room for that.. So its a good temporary fix.


New member
well I even think my siggy looks sexier with that symbol in it - but yea, it's hard to keep to the forum guidelines when you have a big sig ánd need to add the symbol..


New member
I know Ref. brought this up a little while ago' date=' but I really think we need something or other in our profile or sumin that says if we're female or male or... something of the sort... Things are getting way confuzing. I'm sick of being asumed to be a guy. o.0 and I think a lot of people are tired of being asumed to be a chick or aguy when they're not.... >_<[/quote']
i agree cause i'm gettin tired of being assumed to be a guy when i'm not....


crazy robster

New member
We could simply have a male/female option which will appear under our avatars along with the rest of the info such as location etc...I believe it's the simplest end easiest solution... And yeah...I've had personal experience of this confusion when I referred to Fribbs as "she" and I just felt so embarrassed when I found out he's a guy! Really felt awful about it!!! Sorry again Fribby boy!!!:thumbsup:

Shadowed Heart

New member
I love Sui's little symbols. :D Great idea! :thumbsup:

But I don't like the idea of the sig thing. It takes up 2-3 characters and even I think some of us need that space. I'm waiting for a siggy from Josh and in the meantime my sig is made of words only... I need all the space I can get. o.0



New member
Images don't take up that much room... I've only once exeded the limit and it was super long.

I think it's a great idea... I've been mistake for a guy (In the early days... not anymore XD)




New member
*stares at alison*
Use zeh symboollll :eek:

*points at siggy*
Actually, now that I think about it I don't have to, since I have my name in my sig (how many guys are called Alison?) and I also have the word, "girl" in there.

What the **** I'll do it anyway.



New member
Actually, now that I think about it I don't have to, since I have my name in my sig (how many guys are called Alison?) and I also have the word, "girl" in there.
What the **** I'll do it anyway.
Welcome to the ever growing male/female signs club *throws Alison a badge* :p

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