Hybrid Soldier
New member
ore, have a spot that says "male" or "female," which would be even easier to understand
I once again agree with the suggestion of something like this.. Alot of people assume that I am a male' date=' and I'm not.. We just need something to make it clear to people everyone's gender.[/quote']
*gasp* you're a she?!!!
yea we need that thing...
and one that says *****.
Instead of small symbols though, why not just use the similar system we already have in place for rep? Say have a pink (bleh!) box for female and a blue one for male, that way even they can't be misconstrued as anything else (for people having a hard time differentiating between the symbols)
Just a thought.
I know Ref. brought this up a little while ago' date=' but I really think we need something or other in our profile or sumin that says if we're female or male or... something of the sort... Things are getting way confuzing. I'm sick of being asumed to be a guy. o.0 and I think a lot of people are tired of being asumed to be a chick or aguy when they're not.... >_<[/quote']
i agree cause i'm gettin tired of being assumed to be a guy when i'm not....
Actually, now that I think about it I don't have to, since I have my name in my sig (how many guys are called Alison?) and I also have the word, "girl" in there.*stares at alison*
Use zeh symboollll
*points at siggy*
Welcome to the ever growing male/female signs club *throws Alison a badge*Actually, now that I think about it I don't have to, since I have my name in my sig (how many guys are called Alison?) and I also have the word, "girl" in there.
What the **** I'll do it anyway.