What Are You Currently Thinking About? v1


New member
I want to kill myself after reading last line of new chapter!!!!

I kinda spoiled it cause I was seeing how long it was (debating if to read before bed since I just read two chapters lol) O well all I saw was last sentence....



New member
well I like Darkness Lover's reaction when I was thinking about editing the gore out, on AIM was it's ******* BRUTUL !!! I like this Ill Nino song ^^ why you wanna kill yourself cos of the last line? The last line is nothing compared to what happens in the second last paragraph...Man it's been ages since I've watched Kill Bill 1 & 2.


New member
hmm wondering how many people would debate and whos said and wondering why the lyrics i wrote sound so deep to me...


New member
Indeed, if I believed it wasn't as staged as wrestling (WWE/WWF etc) then I would back my native home team, even here on 'enemy' soil ;)

But as I am inherantly suspicious by nature I say *shrugs* I care not.

I am thinking of... nothing in particular, everything in general.

Oh and happy I got a pressie from Sarah! *does happy dance* Australia Post redeemed (temporarily) :D



New member
I'm thinking I wanna see Rav's happy dance. Australia Post is shithouse.
Provide enough alcohol and its possible you just might ;)

I am thinking 'omgomgomgomgI hope I dont stuff up tomorrowomgomgomg' or somthing along those lines.



New member
still thinking about the game. how one NSWer kicked the ball straight into a QLDer's head, we were on the floor laughing and cringing at the same time.... thinking about how much we booed at the tv when QLD got those undeserving penalty shots for various bullshit "fouls" >.< and booed even at our team when this guy failed to get the goal for NSW. still thinking about the 45 deg grapple tackle that QLDer did to our NSWer guy. ouch, head first into the ground, it was funny watching the replay everyone was booing at the QLDers and swearing their faces off at the ref.
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