What Are You Currently Thinking About? v1


New member
Am iritated how people seem to be ignoring the rules as of late - and getting away with it;

Aside from the flaming wars, namely the Sig Size enforcement rule, for starters;

> http://www.linkinparkforums.com/showpost.php?p=246675&postcount=1 <

(No I am not refering to the big white or red letters of the latest trend - read link above ;) )

I have seen a few people doing it and am a little surprised they don't know better - or maybe don't care? The noobs have some sort of excuse (albeit, may need reminding, stickies only work if you actually read them) or am I wrong in assuming the rules have changed again and the old sig rules no longer apply? Where are the moderators to weigh in on this, please?

(Signed; she who needs order in a world of chaos, gone mad :mad: )

aka Rav (The joykill, tattler and off-her-meds LPF Grandma) haha


crazy robster

New member
I was thinking the same thing about the sigs sis!! If the rules have changed then lemme use my 1000x1000 Rob poster as my sig pleaaase! Most droolworthy thing EVER! Haha:D


New member
still thinking about starting a journal...also thinking that human beings are strange things...animals are so much easier to understand...


New member
Thinking how I have 2 more days at work then finally a day off - thinking about my story / screenplay and how it may need a major revision - thinking how I should get ready for work but don't want to, it's too cold - thinking I shouldn't have had that second bowl of weetbix crunch things... now my belly feels weird...


New member
on the manner of boyfriends, I <3 him too, am wearing his jeans and his top which is daggy on me, but i've managed to split the jeans in several places, and I shouldn't rely on him to set up my printer, so i might do it now.
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