Hah! So if humans are just parsites, what're we?
We? Are 'we' another subculture of existence altogether? *thinks about it*
See in philosophy I remembered studying to Descartes, the 'I think therefore I am' theorist. I argued that if a person in a coma is technically braindead but machines keep them alive, how can they physically exist? (I think he was refering to the soul, not flesh and blood, but no matter).
And I also thought, if *** created man in His image, does that not mean *** too is a man? Are we not then all gods? And if we are all alike why worship one above all others? (the Pagan perspective. I do not believe in a monotheistic ***, I believe in things, but I don't call them gods)
So using either extreme above, be it the physical or the metaphysical, what then are we if not parasites? (I think the analogy at the end of The Matrix movie, the original, said it best, better than I ever could).
And in Quantum Physics, if matter can be made manifest with the power of the mind, and anything is technically possible, does the true matter of self not lie somewhere between the two extremes, that man creates worlds with the power of his mind and that only gods can create, therefor making us gods personified, doing away with the Holy Trinity theology.
So now I am wondering about the true nature of man altogether and thinking perhaps I think too much about everything. I get told that a lot, yes, even when I'm drinking. I am a think tank of sorts. I think therefore I create...
Does that then, not make writers, gods?
Wow, this is getting deep...