What Are You Currently Thinking About? v1


New member
Thinking I want food but thinking I dont want anything in my kitchen and in my lazy state think the next room is like too far away... am thinking Rammstein sounds funny when you're only half heartedly paying attention (and constituting words with english sounding ones, like hirer term mesh - haha wow, this'd be fun to play backwards...)

Thinking of a lot of dumb things right about now... sleep deprivation has left its indelible mark upon my psyche... yet again.



New member
yep on repeat now :)

You’re so fine

I want you mine

You’re so delicious

I think about ya all the time

You’re so addictive

Don’t you know what I could do to make you feel alright?

Don’t pretend I think you know I’m **** precious

And **** Yeah

I’m the ************* princess

I can tell you like me too and you know I’m right



New member
Thinkin I have a headache, and this music prolly aint helpin, nor the nail polish fumes, nor the empty stomach, or financial woes, or eye strain without glasses on, but really, can't be all that bad or I'd shut up complaining and actually do something about it... so yeah... way to waste another few minutes from my life... woo...

See that kinda thinkin is a headache all unto itself! :mad:



New member
Thinking about maybe putting SPN on again. Padackles sandwich sounds about right. But aside from that thinking... might have to start thinkin about gettin something organised for tea. I mean for real, not just my eyes ;) hahaha


New member
Thinking that the Mario pic on LPF homepage is distracting. It dominates page, and unless you didn't know how you got there (to the forums main page) or didn't somehow see the LP header above you'd think this was a games forum.




New member
Thinking about how I wish I didn't have to go to work later, it's a good day to sit around and do nothing really. Am thinking a bit despondent. I feel old, I mean not physically, just am not getting enjoyment from the things I once used to. I was so looking forward to going out last night, got really hyped, got out, mingled, and for the most part it was okay, but really... it's just *shrugs* It was just there. I could have quite easily stayed home and watched TV reruns for less and had as much enjoyment (and saved a few braincells in the process, depends what was on tv I suppose ;) )

Just... feeling my age now. Lisa's still out having fun as we speak... I wish I was like that, but am too introverted and let's face it, too cerebral to just throw caution to the wind like that... much.

I feel like I need a change. Am stuck in a rut. Not upset just really... flat. Just *shrugs* I dunno... maybe I'm thinking too much about that too... sounds like me...



New member
Am thinking I need new friends, or to meet more people my age or sth. Am getting progressively annoyed by the level of immaturity around me thesedays... yup, I'm in mother-mode :eek:


New member
I am thinking that this text editor thingie is screwed up right now.

Oh, never mind, it fixed itself for this post. Strange...



New member
I'm thinking people sure get ridiculous when they're arguing- oh sorry, I mean debating...riiiiiight. Less fighting, more reading, for christ's sake...


New member
I'm thinking StarWars Battlefront makes too much noise, it sucks to be female, it's taking obscenely long to get the page I want on writingforums, StarWars Battlefront make WAY too much noise now I think about it, and I wonder if I shouldn't double post?

Ah, do it anyway.



New member
Generally you shouldn't double post, but the only exceptions to the rules are in your journal (you can) and here in the games threads (you can), everywhere else it's expected you edit your previous post, that's what it (the edit button) is there for, or so I have been told. There ya go.

Me, I am thinking of many things at once. As usual. I have stories running through my head. A few of my own, this notion of little brother's (Pete) writing collection, thinking about work tomorrow (first time ever on my own opening the business, I have shut down enough but it's me now trying to teach the boss's son how to function - and that's a scary prospect, scary, high pressure, yet sorta exciting), thinking that these Olympic comentators dribble so much **** I pity the poor buggers who have to clean up after them (or live with and procreate with them) my ***, how annyoying! Thinking my heart has been acting up again last 24 hours, hoping I do't have to go back to the docs, and thinking... I think way too much... lost track again...

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